HowCompaniesRespond ByBarneaCIMsept.08

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How Companies Respond to

Competitors: Lessons from a
Competitive Intelligence Prism
Avner Barnea, A.B. Projects
When a competitor strikes – • Companies most frequently respond said that they have found about pricing
introducing an innovative new product with whatever counteraction is change one or two reporting cycles after
or slashing prices – management most obvious at the moment. For it have been in the marketplace.
theory suggests that companies should example, answering a price cut with When asked how long it took them
immediately move into analyzing a cut of their own, which often to respond to the competitor’s move,
their possible counteractions across didn’t hit the market until at least around 60 percent of the respondents
the competitive landscape and assess one or two sales cycles after the said it was either after the change
the value of each of these potential competitor’s move. occurred in the market or after the
responses. • The responses to competitive change was in place long enough to affect
A recent survey published in The moves are generally straightforward their business results. Only 5 percent of
McKinsey Quarterly, “How companies and relatively slow – companies the respondents had learned about the
respond to competitors,” enlightens the and decision makers are unlikely to competitor’s move before the competitive
problem of facing serious competitive change in this respect. change happened. Only 10 percent knew
threats by the senior management. • Executives are pleased with the about it when the move hit the market.
Conducted in April 2008, the survey business results they obtain.
asked executives how their companies
responded to a specific competitive Tracking needed
situation, either a significant price information
change or introducing a significant Executives were then asked how
they track the information they need.
innovation. (The survey received
1,825 responses from a worldwide
A significant number of They said their sources of information
representative sample of business executives (30 percent) are news reports (70 percent), industry
executives. 914 responded to questions groups and conferences (65 percent),
about major innovations by a relied on their intuition annual reports (63 percent), market
competitor and 911 to questions about to determine their share data (63 percent), and pricing
pricing changes.) data (63 percent).
The survey highlighted the company’s response. 54percent use analysts’ reports as an
following results: information source. About a quarter (23
percent) mentioned that they received
• Most responding companies did Learn about a information from reverse engineering
not receive in advance alerts on competitor’s move and mystery shopping. They did not
their competitors’ moves. The first question was: mention taking proactive steps to
• As each company determines how receive focused information on business
to respond to a competitor’s moves, Relative to when this major threats created by the competitors
they generally assess fewer than competitive move hit the market,
four options and don’t look forward when did you learn about it?
more than two years. About half Response to threats
don’t examine more than one The majority of executives said It is very interesting to find out
round of countermoves by any that their companies found out how executives responded to new
competitor. about the competitors move too late threats by their competitors. In the
• A significant number of executives to respond before it hit the market. survey, half the respondents said they
(30 percent) relied on their They discovered it either when it was would take the obvious counteractions,
intuition to determine their announced or when it actually took such as matching the price change or
company’s response. place. About a quarter of the responded offering an imitative product.

Volume 11 • Number 5 • September-October 2008 43

guest column

Another common response was results and do not favor a more active goals. Management has a great need
repeating what the company did the approach. Fighting back strongly by to receive timely alerts regarding the
last time it faced a similar competitive using effective initiative steps almost intentions of the competitors and their
move. About a quarter said they would did not exist. potential moves.
seek advice from the board or external When executives found themselves The survey’s responses indicated
experts. in a delay which affected their business that executives had only limited access
Not only were these executives not results we expect that they will look to to powerful analytical information
worried by the long response times, but change the situation and to place their prepared for them by any function
they also did not consider changing the companies in a stronger competitive in the company. They relied more
situation or drawing lessons from the position. According to this survey, this on coincidental information than on
previous failures/situations. Around 40 did not happen. systematic intelligence. The survey
percent of all respondents and almost analysis pointed out clearly that those
50 percent of the C level executives said executives lacked a sense of urgency
that if they faced the same situation Competitive Intelligence and a low appreciation for the potential
again, they would conduct their analysis overview dangerous effects these competitor
the same way. I would expect that when moves had on their business results.
Although the survey stated executives find themselves surprised and Executives relied heavily on their
that “management theory says the affected badly by a lack of intelligence personal capabilities or on coincidence
first concern of companies facing a concerning their competitors’ rather than on a strong analytical
significant competitive move is to intentions, they would act firmly capability that would support them
protect their position or to try turning to improve their intelligence and to with the needed options concerning
enable a longer alert that would help business threats.
them to plan better response moves. Unfortunately we cannot learn
Competitors that Nevertheless, as we see from this survey, from this survey how many executives
this was not the direction most of them actually initiated inquiries about the
introduced successful pursued. current and potential moves of their
These survey findings suggest that competitors. My impression is that
competitive moves had companies were not conducting an there were few executive initiatives in
significant advantage, effective, ongoing, sophisticated analysis this area, although the probability of
of their competitors’ potential actions. being surprised was increasingly high.
more than could be They also did not take proactive steps The price a company paid for being too
expected to monitor systematically their markets confident and not looking proactively at
and their competitors. the business environment is significant.
Although there was no direct Executives did not seek original
reference to the contribution of a moves and relied mostly on obvious and
the situation to their advantage”, only a competitive intelligence function in the common information to develop their
quarter of executives said they intended responding companies, the results have counteractions. The lack of good and
their response to deny their competitors an interesting insight into the question timely intelligence on the competitor’s
any benefit. how intelligence might support firms to intentions plays a significant role in
gain competitive advantage. creating fewer response options and
Executives received alerts that potentially wrong decisions. It is not
Looking forward were not timely nor high quality, and surprising that while these executives
Additional information in this they did not have the time to take lacked strategic vision, they did not
survey described that since companies reasonable decisions and to respond feel the need to create a CI capability
focus on earnings and market share, to competitors’ actions effectively. to assist them in preparing results
more than half of the executives Competitors that introduced successful for longer time frames in advance of
limited the timeframe of the forecasted competitive moves had significant competitive actions.
potential impact of their competitive advantage, more than could be
counteraction to less than two years. expected. A lack of CI input in these
From this McKinsey survey we situations may lead us to assume that Conclusion
find that, contrary to what many either CI functions did not exist in Recent McKinsey surveys have
people in the business environment many of the responding firms, or that provided important input to CI
believe, managers are satisfied with low these functions were not fulfilling their practitioners and consultants. They

44 Competitive Intelligence Magazine

guest column

suggest the challenges executives face competitive moves, supported by their of Jerusalem and graduated from the
and how they can use or create better CI arm, give themselves a competitive Top Executive Program in Marketing
intelligence functions. advantage as they fulfill their business Management from the Tel Aviv
The results of this survey from CI plans. University Graduate School of Business
prism shows that executive awareness to Administration. He is a strategic
CI’s potential value is still low and that consultant in the field of competitive
companies still face major difficulties in References intelligence and business strategy in
applying CI discipline for their benefit. “How companies respond to Israel and abroad. He is a guest lecturer
Executives are the key to better CI competitors: A McKinsey Global on competitive intelligence at the
implementation. survey,” May 2008), at http:// Hebrew University of Jerusalem Business
I suggest using this survey’s results School, at the Management School of
as a starting point to inquire how your Strategy/Strategic_Thinking/ the University of Haifa and in various
executives would respond if they had How_companies_respond_to_ business executives training programs.
a powerful CI to supply them with competitors_2146_abstract Avner has an intensive experience in the
timely intelligence about competitors’ integration of competitive intelligence
intentions and their moves. CI systems into Israeli corporations. Avner
capability supported by a strong can be reached at avnerpro@netvision.
analytical focus clearly creates many
potential positive effects on business Avner Barnea is a former senior member
performance. This may also change the of the Israeli Intelligence Community,
view of executives as presented in this holds a MA from the Hebrew University
survey. Companies that react strongly to

Volume 11 • Number 5 • September-October 2008 45

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