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Sufism its meaning

Draught layout of (Sufism explained with Diagrams,Tables, text,Video & Audio files) Samples from first unique Multimedia CD on Sufism to launch

Table of the Levels of Seven Nafs/Souls and Attributes

1 An-Nafs al-Ammara 2 Nafs al Law w amah 3 Nafs al Mulhimah 4 Nafs al Mutmainnah 5 Nafs ar Radiyyah 6 Nafs al Mardiyyah 7 Nafs al-Kamila

Inciting to evil self Soul: Ruh Madeni Mineral soul

Reproachful self Soul: Ruh Nabati Vegetable soul

Inspired Self Soul: Ruh Hayw ani Animal soul

Tranquil Self Soul: Ruh Nafsani Personal Soul

Content Self Soul: Ruh Insani Human Soul

Pleasing Self Soul: Ruh Sirr Secret Soul

The Pure /Perfect Self Soul: Sirr Al AsarThe Secret of Secrets

Light/Colour /Aura : Blue Located: Human skeletal system.

Light/Colour /Aura : Yellow Located: Liver and related to the digestive system. Al- Qalb The heart

Light/Colour /Aura : Red Location: Heart & Circulatory system Ar-Ruh -The Spirit

Light/Colour /Aura : W hite Location: Brain and nervous system.

Light/Colour /Aura : Green Location: Inner or Spiritual heart.

Light/Colour /Aura : Black Location: Innermost Spiritual Heart.

Light/Colour /Aura : Colourless Location: Innermost Spiritual Heart of Hearts Al-Khafa Secrecy

As-sadr The Breast/Chest Mediation- Dhikr to repeat: La-ilaha ill-lil-lah no Gods, but The God. Quran Ref: Behold! The commanding nafs encourages evil, except w hen my Lord bestow s mercy. (Qur'an 12:53)

As-sir The Innermost being

As-sara'ir The Consciences

Al-Akhfa The Hidden

Mediation- Dhikr to repeat Ya Allah O The God Quran Ref: And I sw ear by the reproachful soul! (75:1-2)

Mediation- Dhikr to repeat Ya Hu! O He Quran Ref:

Mediation- Dhikr to repeat

Mediation- Dhikr to repeat:

Mediation- Dhikr to repeat

Mediation- Dhikr to repeat:

Ya Haqq O Truth Quran Ref:

Ya Hayy O Everlasting Quran Ref: Return to your Lord, content (Qur'an 89:28)

Ya Qayyum O Eternal Quran Ref: for His being pleased w ith you! (Qur'an 89:28)

Ya Qahhar O Omnipotent Quran Ref: This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favor to you, and have chosen for you as your religion Islam. (Qur'an 5:3)

And a nafs and Him w ho O the righteous soul w ill be gave order to it and said, "O, you nafs in inspired it w ith a sense complete peace and of w hat is w rong for it satisfaction!" (Qur'an 89:27) and w hat is right for it. (Qur'an 91:8)



Traits: generosity, gratitude, modesty, empathy, ardent desire. Habits: liberality lacking discrimination, mystical inflation, tendency tow ard spiritual greed.

Traits: dignity, sincerity, courage, compassion, complete loyalty. Habits: Attachment to spiritual ambition.

Traits: endurance, resignation, constancy.

Traits: know ledge of Allah, sincerity, unbounded faith and hope in existential communion. Habits: mystical intoxication, lack of sobriety and balance

Traits: freedom from duality, acceptance of Allah's w ill, joy of union, freedom from expectation, contentment. Habits: None remaining

narcissistic, mechanical, conscience, capacity for conditioned, nonreflective, impulsive. Habits: pride, enmity, cruelty, lust, stinginess self-observation

Habits: backbiting, trickery, conceitedness, hypocrisy, selfconsciousness, guilt, fearfulness, w ishful thinking, intense desire to please others.

Habits: personal identification w ith affliction.


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