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Ways to start a composition To captivate the reader right from the start! 1 Dialogue Pete! Where are you?

? My mothers cries penetrated the fire that surrounded me. Shewas the person I loved most, yet showed it least to. As the reality that I might lose herslowly sank in, memories of the events that led to this flashed through my mind 2 A Proverb Blood is thicker than water. There are so many acts of kindness that we so often take forgranted and willfully let pass by, but there are few that can surpass the love of a family member 3 A Question Have you ever been in a brush with dangerous so perilous you could have lost your life? 4 A startling fact My reckless actions nearly caused the death of my best friend. I remember it like it wasyesterday 5 A description The alley was dark and silent, but it was not dank like I would have expected. Anunusual warmth permeated the place, like as if t h e r e w e r e a s o u r c e o f s o m e t h i n g hopeful and expectant. 6 A sound Beep, beep, beep The repetitive beeping resounded in my head. I wondered if it wasthe alarm clock that I so dreaded imprinting itself subconsciously in my head. Still, Iignored the distant signal and carried on with the errand my mother had tasked me. 7 Complication + Flashback Fear and trepidation seized the crowd. There were hushed whispers and stifled sobs asthey dreaded the worst in things to come. It did not help that the victim was in completehysteria, which fuelled the robbers arm to tighten around her neck. The knife he wieldedgot dangerously close to piercing her skin. Thoughts raced through my mind. Oh, how Iwish I had not ignored that instinct to inform the police before all this even started 8 Outcome + Flashback Paramedics rushed to my side and gingerly lifted me onto the stretcher. It was nowheren e a r t h e i n s t a n t r e l i e f I h a d e x p e c t e d . I n s t e a d , t h e v e r y fact that I was about to betransported away from the proximity of m y p a r e n t s , w h o s e w h e r e a b o u t s w e r e s t i l l unknown, worried me further. It all started like this 9 Conclusion + Flashback Even on the most weary of days, I make it a point to spend time talking to my mother. Asshe sits on a wheelchair silently and stares ahead of her, something in her eyes tells me

How do you describe a person who is angry? He turned red with fury. Her face was contorted with rage and fury. Jimmy was so angry that his blood boiled. Laras voice crackled with anger. An angry frown creased her forehead. A wave of futile rage swept over him. Venom spewed from his lips as he cursed belligerently. She was like a bull in a china shop. Seething with anger, she approached Ben menacingly. Her eyes flashed with anger and resentment. His anger turned into violence. How do you describe a person who is sad? Tears welled up in his eyes and began rolling down her cheeks like rivulets. No one could express his agony. She was on the brink of tears. He felt the whole world collapsing upon him. Dark clouds seemed to constantly loom over her head. She felt as if her heart had been ripped from her body. He cried his heart out on hearing the tragic news. She fell to her knees, clutching her head in despair. He felt the whole weight of the world upon her shoulders. His eyes were puffy and red after all the crying.

How do you describe a person who is shock/frightened? Panic started to engulf Timmy. The cold black night pierced his very bones. Terror seized us all. Paralyzed with fear, he could not command his legs to run. The shock robbed him of speech. The blood drained from his face when he heard the tragic news. A chill ran down his spine. His hair stood on ends as a cry rang high into the night. She screamed her head off when she saw the corpse. Overcome with fright, she lost her balance and fell down in a swoon. She stood rooted to the ground. A haze of fear surrounded her. He stood motionless with horror. Frightening thoughts race through her mind. She felt a wave of fear rush through her. He stood stunned and speechless by his sudden rebuke. She was at loss for words. They huddled together and stared apprehensively into the darkness. How do you describe a person who is happy? He was over the moon when he heard the good news. She was floating on air when her teacher praised her. She could hardly contain her joy. Her eyes glittered with tears of joy. It seemed as if a smile was plastered on her face. They were saturated with happiness. She felt as if the whole world was on her side. He nearly fell over in elation after learning that he had won the prize. Her bright smile was infectious, lighting up the room. Tears of joy streamed down my cheeks.

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