Working Toward A Multipurpose Marine Cadastre A Spatial Data Framework For The Outer Continental Shelf and State Waters

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Working Towards a Multipurpose Marine Cadastre

International Submerged Lands Management Conference October 27, 2008

Multipurpose Marine Cadastre

Presentation Outline Project History Data and Viewers Partnerships Case Studies Demonstration

Multipurpose Marine Cadastre

Energy Policy Act of 2005 Section 388 Alternative Energy Related Uses on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Develop an OCS mapping initiative Marine Boundary Working Group developed an implementation plan called the multipurpose marine cadastre Multi-year, interagency plan which focuses on . . . Data compilation Data access, standardization, and viewing Case studies Partnership development Capacity building

The Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EpAct)

Amended the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA) by granting the Department of the Interior (DOI) new authority to regulate Federal offshore renewable energy and alternate uses of the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Authorizes the DOI to act as lead agency for certain renewable and alternate energy-related uses on the OCS DOI designated the authority to MMS (as co-chair of Marine Boundary Working Group) Directed the Secretary of the Interior, in cooperation with the Secretary of Commerce, the Commandant of the Coast Guard, and the Secretary of Defense to establish an OCS Mapping Initiative to assist in decision making related to alternative energy uses on the OCS.

FGDCs Marine Boundary Working Group (MBWG)

Provides a venue for communicating and coordinating on marine boundary activities Fosters integrated approaches to legal and geospatial descriptions of marine boundaries. Maximizes use of public resources to avoid duplication of effort Develops marine boundary dissemination mechanisms Develops data content standards and standardized methodologies to produce more complete, accurate, and usable marine boundary data

What is the MBWG Doing to Respond to the EpAct?

As part of its 2009 work plan, the MBWG will facilitate this effort by:
Developing a comprehensive list of marine boundary data, restrictions and encumbrances, agencies of responsibility, and associated legislation and regulations Continuing to make data and information accessible through the MBWG Web site and the E-Gov Geospatial One-Stop Portal Coordinating with the Marine Protected Areas (MPA) Initiative to ensure that marine boundary source data are accessible through their inventory Develop minimum requirements and data policy for accessible data Continuing to develop the Multipurpose Marine Cadastre

What Is the Multipurpose Marine Cadastre?

A marine information system for the outer continental shelf and state waters that provides a data framework to support decision making.

Multipurpose Marine Cadastre

Land-Based Cadastre Example

What is a Marine Cadastre?

A marine cadastre is a system to enable the boundaries of maritime rights and interests to be recorded, spatially managed and physically defined in relationship to the boundaries of other neighboring or underlying rights and interests . (Robertson et al, 1999)

Multipurpose Marine Cadastre

Core Marine Cadastre

Multipurpose Marine Cadastre

Supporting Data

Alternative Energy Ocean Planning Habitat Conservation

Human Use/Recreation MPA Siting Aquaculture

So, things like:

Offshore Wind Farms

Alternative forms of wave energy

Multipurpose Marine Cadastre

Why is this Project Important? There are many individual places one can go to see these data layers. BUT: There is no one portal that brings all the data layers together in a seamless fashion that enables one clear, concise view of the rights and ownership on the OCS.

Its this one big picture that will enable decision-makers to make better, more informed, and timely decisions to better manage the ocean environment.

Its providing a venue to resolve and modernize offshore boundaries and issues.

Its relevant to state ocean planning issues; e.g. jurisdictional boundaries; ocean management plans; energy development

MMC - Data Themes

Core Cadastral Data:
Limit of 8(g) Zone Submerged Lands Act Contiguous Zone Territorial Sea Exclusive Economic Zone Shoreline National Estuarine Research Reserves National Marine Sanctuaries National Forests National Park Service Indian Lands National Wildlife Refuge MMS Protraction Diagrams Outer Continental Lease Blocks

Supporting Data:
Coastline/Shoreline Sand Borrow Sites Pipelines Fiber Optic Cables Artificial Reef Sites Shipping Fairways Anchorage Areas Military Restricted Areas Platform Locations Bathymetry Wind, Wave, and Tidal Energy Sites Archeological Sites Aquaculture Sites MMS Leases Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) Sites Benthic Data

MMC - Data Management Vision

Data needed to support ocean planning and management is available from the authoritative source in an easily accessible format so that end users can visualize and access for their specific needs

MMC - Data Access and Management

Data is managed and maintained by the authoritative source CSC harvests on a periodic basis to keep the viewers up to date Access is provided via MBWG data portal Capacity building is critical to achieve a distributed system MMC team provides the core marine cadastre data set in a variety of formats

Version 1 Configuration

MMC - Data Standards and Specs

Data Content for the core marine cadastre Standardized data model for core marine cadastre Based on the FGDC Cadastral Data Content Standard Completed by the end of FY 2009

Data Formats Open Geospatial Consortium, Web Map Service (WMS) KML ESRI Shapefile Geodatabase

MMC - Viewers
Web-based and client-side
ArcIMS ArcReader Google Earth

Provides access to data Map-making functionality Used for decision support Driven by partner needs

MMC Partners and Providers

Current Partnerships Minerals Management Service (lead) NOAA Coastal Services Center (technical lead) NOAA Office of Coast Survey NOAA National Marine Sanctuaries NOAA Marine Protected Areas NOAA Fisheries U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Park Service The Nature Conservancy California Coastal Conservancy Potential Partnership Opportunities FERC (future) Department of Energy (future) Massachusetts CZM (future) Rhode Island CRMC (future) South Carolina OCRM (future) NROC (future) Other States (future)

Case Studies - Engagement and Coordination

Criteria: Meets customer needs Meets objectives of MSP Builds collective capacity Available resources How we engage depends on level of partner capacity Case-by-case basis
NOAA Fisheries temporary data hosting TNC data integration MA CZM Web map service development

Case Studies/Use Cases

MMS app. development and transfer

Case Studies
Partners: Minerals Management Service and NOAA CSC Issue: Alternative Energy Development on the OCS Task: Develop mapping applications to support energy planning and regulations Status: Ongoing effort

Case Studies
Partner: NMFS Habitat Conservation Division Issues: Map hydrokinetic projects and critical habitat data; system to support permit review Status: Ongoing; figuring out best way to collaborate

Other Uses
TNC experimenting with MMS lease block system as a standardized mapping unit for ecoregional assessment data California Coastal Conservancy using data and maps for wave energy studies Requests for data as web map services for use in existing applications

Scenario: Permit review or site selection for energy projects

Location: State and Federal Waters off of Massachusetts Users: Minerals Management Service , State Permitting Offices, private sector

In Summary
MMC is issue driven Gaining momentum through case studies and partnerships Scalable and transferrable Products and support include:

Authoritative marine boundary and supporting data Stand-alone and customizable data viewers Templates for developing map viewers Support on a case-by-case basis

Contact Information
Steve Kopach Minerals Management Service Jim Fulmer Minerals Management Service David Stein NOAA Coastal Services Center

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