Stress InStress Intensity Factors For Threaded Connectionstensity

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Engineering Fracture Mechanics Vol. 50, No. 4. pp. 545-567, 1995 Copyright 1995 Elsevier Science Ltd 0013-7944(94)00171-5 Printed in Great Britain. All rights reserved 0013-7944/95 $9.50 +0.00


F. P. B R E N N A N and W. D. DOVER N D E Centre, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University College London, Torrington Place, London W C I E 7JE, U.K. Abstract--A generic stress intensity factor (SIF) solution for threaded connections is presented in this paper. This is based on multiple reference state weight function theory, making it applicable to any mode I crack emanating from a thread root. The reference SIFs required for the solution are a combination of published results representing geometrical features encountered in threaded components. These constitutive components of the reference solutions can easily be replaced in the event of more comprehensive or appropriate solutions becoming available. For this reason it is considered prudent to present the structure of the solution rather than a rigid set of parametric expressions so that specific solutions can be fashioned for particular applications. The new solution is rigorously examined, comparing it with published SIF solutions for threaded and related components.


d D



K, Kos
gRod Ko~

Crack depth Crack half length Minor diameter of thread Diameter of a rod Weight function over a loading system "m" Normalised SIF Step or tooth height Mode I stress intensity factor (SIF) SIF for an edge crack emanating from an angular corner " 0 " in a finite thickness strip SIF for a surface crack in a rod SIF for a surface crack emanating from an angular corner " 0 " in a rod SIF for an edge crack emanating from an angular corner " 0 " in a semi-finite strip

K, M NA r ri t x Y 0 p ~rB ro

Theoretical stress concentration factor Bending moment Neutral axis Average tube radius Internal tube radius Tube wall thickness Distance from notch tip in " x " direction Geometric stress intensity correction factor Thread flank angle Notch/thread root radius Bending stress Nominal stress Stress distribution in uncracked plane.

INTRODUCTION DESPITE the wide use of threaded fasteners in the assembly of structural and machine components, surprisingly little of the published material that exists addresses fatigue crack growth in screw threads. This is partly due to the complexity of the internal stress distribution in threads, and the enormous variation of connection types, materials, quality of manufacture and maintenance. Observation of fatigue crack growth is also difficult as the crack is often hidden within the connection until it emerges as a through crack. Fatigue cracks initiate most frequently in a thread root. The similarity between this situation and that of cracks in circumferentially notched bars has led to the use of the Harris [1] solution for external circumferential cracks in a tube under uniform axial tensile stress or torsion. This is a useful solution, however it is not directly relevant to threaded connections. Solutions do exist for related geometrical shapes and some SIF solutions have been published for specific threaded connections [2, 3, 4]. James and Mills [5] produced probably the most useful, review and innovative synthesis of possible solutions for bolts. This is mainly an assessment of SIF solutions in rods and includes interesting observations on how these cracks grow in reality. However, no conclusive solution is formed, and the variations such as thread form, hollow tube and indeed internal cracks are not even considered. For these reasons the development of a generic solution for fatigue crack growth from a thread root valid under any symmetrical stress system, is attempted in this paper. The solution excludes


F . P . B R E N N A N and W. D. D O V E R

Fig. 1. Edge crack in a thread root.

a calculation for the load distribution within the entire connection such as those by Sopwith, Patterson and Kenny, or Bluhm and Flanagan [6-8]. Geometric features remote from the threads (such as Stress Relief Groove Pin and Bore Back Box in drill tools) have become commonplace as stress relief mechanisms in highly critical fatigue areas within connections. For this reason it is considered that the load distribution is best analysed separately using finite element or photoelastic methods, and that once known the SIF solution proposed in this paper can be implemented. Weight function solutions provide relatively simple stress intensity factor solutions for arbitrary symmetric loading systems. Finite element methods are invariably computationally inefficient, especially where a number of growth scenarios are to be considered. These are, however when used with full scale test results useful validation techniques. The weight function method is mathematically exact, errors in a final solution can be solely attributed to inaccurate mechanical interpretation or simplification of the problem being addressed. The proposed solution uses a recent development in weight function theory [9] which eliminates differentiations in the calculation, making the routine far more stable and computationally efficient. The solution is a combination of published solutions each of which themselves weigh the influence of several geometrical features. The solution is structured modularly so that it can evolve easily with the advent of more comprehensive sub-solutions. The background, development and details of the SIF solution are described in the following sections.




Fig. 2. Applied loads contributing to thread root stress.

SIFs for threaded connections



Fig. 3. External surface crack in a tube. WEIGHT FUNCTION FOR THREADED CONNECTIONS
2D solution

The geometry and notation of a loaded thread tooth-root is shown in Fig. 1. Traditionally weight function SIF solutions required a reference stress intensity factor under any mode I loading system, the corresponding stress field and the appropriate crack opening displacement profile to be known. In this case instead of using an assumed crack profile, two reference stress systems are used, i.e. uniaxial tension and pure bending. By virtue of the definition of the weight function being a unique property of geometry, the influences it represents can be isolated and combined. This was effectively achieved by Niu and Glinka [10] and by Mattheck et al. [11] after Impellizzeri and Rich [12] used what they called Geometry Correction Factors for the influence of geometric anomalies on the stress intensity factor. The loading on a tooth is unique in that unlike many solutions dealing with a "notch-type" geometry, only one face of the "notch" relays a tensile or crack opening stress " P I " , see Fig. 2. This is why the solution can be isolated into the simplified form of Fig. 1. This ignores any effect of the compressive tooth bending stresses due to load on the preceding tooth. The stress intensity factor solution also ignores the effect of the root radius " p " , since any fracture mechanics solution requires that a crack is already present, and outside the effect of " p " on the magnitude and position of the maximum root stress has little effect on crack propagation. The analytical conformal mapping solutions of Hasebe et al. [13], and Hasebe and Ueda [14] can be used to develop a relationship for the stress intensity factor for a two-dimensional crack growing from a thread root with respect to flank angle, shank (or tube wall) thickness and tooth height. These solutions are for strips with angular steps. Solutions are available for "U-notch" and "V-notch" geometries which may resemble a thread geometry in appearance but as explained above only one face is loaded making the step or shoulder situation more appropriate. Hasebe's solution


Fig. 4. Internal surface crack in a tube.



for a crack originating from an angular corner of a semi-infinite plate with a step [14] was analysed as a plane elastic problem, uniform tension being the boundary condition. Stress intensity factors were given in terms of

rsv = F, haoW/'-~.
To normalise this into a more standard form, "F~h" was simply multiplied by ~ / - ~ . The finite strip SIF solutions of ref. [13] (strip with a step 0 = 0) were normalised as,


F:h(t -- a) 1"5 KI


KsDividing by


gives the standard Y factor for tension and

t2 for bending.





". +x
0.5 0 0







M20 UNC (Weight function solution)



Edge Crack

Daoud, Cartwright & Carny (Compliance) [19] Daoud, Cartwright & Carey (FE) [19]

Blackburn [20] Bush [21] Fig. 5. Edge crack in a round bar under tension.

SIFs for threaded connections


Hasebe noted that for short cracks the stress intensity factor was more affected by the decreasing value of the flank angle. However, with increasing crack depth the influence of " 0 " lessens but the existence of the step considerably affects the stress intensity factor to the last. Assuming that the effect of geometrical features on the stress intensity factors can be weighted or separated
K~sr KO r K~s KO s


=~K~s = K e s r K s



Hasebe's tabulated solutions were curve fitted giving the following relations for uniaxial tension Ksr

1.325(~ )(-0.,867+0.0223,o~(~))_ F
a a 2

F = e(no+ n,'~(~) + n2'o~(~) ) H0 = - 0 . 1 3 8 x 10 6 0 3 + 0 . 0 0 6 4 x 1 0 - 6 0 4 - 0 . 0 0 0 1 x 10-60 5

H 1 = 0.3603 x 10-50 2 - 0.0275 x 10-50 3 + 0.0005 x 10-50 * /-/2 = 0.1735 x 10-50 2 -- 0.0056 x 10-50 3
3.5 3 2.5



2 1.5
q 0 0

0.5 0 0
i I I I







M20 UNC (Weight function solution)

am _ 2a

Edge Crack

Bush [22]

Fig. 6. Edge crack in a round bar under bending.

EFM 50/4--1


F.P. BRENNAN and W. D. DOVER 1.4_ 2 . 4 ( t ) + 10.1 ( t ) 2 + 37.6(7

crKrx/~ = 1.325 ( o'B = ao(1 6M ~/~-~ = 46.118


(8) (9)

h )(-'1867+'223Ioge(~) 2).

The bending solutions are assumed the same as the axial for KF and Kr, since in an infinitely thick plate

x ) ,~ ao




lo~(t) +,46.82411o~(t)+27.99931Oge(t)+ 11.08331og(7)

+ 2"8668 lge(a)6+ 0"4646 I~(t)7 + 0'04271g (t)8 + 0'0017 lge(t )9). (11)


Substituting the above solutions into eq. (6) gives a reference stress intensity factor for a 2D crack growing from a "thread-like" notch.
3 2.5





i 01

' 0.2

' 0.3

i 04


M20 UNC (Weightfunctionsolution)

Circular Crack [23]

o + *

Daoud & Cartwright [24] Wilhem [25] Forman & Shivakumar[23]

Fig. 7. Circular-arc surface crack in a round bar under tension.

SlFs for threaded connections


The two solutions are ideal for use as reference states in Ojdrovic Rasko and Petroski's weight function solution [9] given below.

f,,,(a, x) = 2tr (x)x//- ~ C f l - x K(a) j=o \ a

where Cj = q-L w~


wij =


1-- a


O" o~ / ~

Both axial and bending solutions for

Ks substituted into

eq. (12) yield an accurate simple weight

function for t h a t g e o m e t r y , k n o w i n g the stress d i s t r i b u t i o n in the u n c r a c k e d plane.








M20 UNC (Weight function solution)

Circular Crack [23]

o +

Daoud & Cartwright [24] Forman & Shivakumar [23]

Fig. 8. Circular-arc surface crack in a round bar under bending.



3D solution
Most threads are thick flat, angular or tubular bodies, where plain strain conditions prevail. However, once the influence of the tooth is known in a 2D sense it is common practice to superimpose this influence on to any 3D body [11, 15]. Components of threaded connections are tubular by nature, the male sections can be solid rods or hollow externally threaded pipes. Female sections are almost always internally threaded pipes. Instead of using the 2D solutions from the previous section and ignoring the thread helix angle, only the influence of the projection (tooth) is required. As before the following must hold

KOsF K~,,d


Ks/= KRo
~KOod_ KseKRoa
1.12or x / ~ " (14) The significance of normalising to the value of an edge crack in an infinite strip is not only convenient but is essential to maintain the universality o f the expression under any load system. The resulting weight function will only be valid for one stress system if a component o f the reference stress intensity factor is specific to that stress system. The stress intensity factor for an edge crack in an infinite strip is the only situation where Kt is identical for any opening mode stress system.
a c










M20 UNC (Weightfunctionsolution) o - 0.78, a<~ Erjian Si [26]

Fig. 9. Semi-ellipticalsurface crack in a round bar under tension.

SIFs for threaded connections


Knowing the stress intensity factor for a semi-elliptical crack in a rod, the stress intensity factor for a crack in a bolt can be evaluated. Figures 3 and 4 show the notation for an external and internal surface crack in a tube, respectively. Published solutions for cracks in rods, external and internal tubes under tension and bending were curve fitted and used as reference SlFs for weight functions. The external stress intensity factors for circumferential surface cracks presented were evaluated by Raju and Newman [16] using singularity finite elements along the crack front and linear-strain elements elsewhere. The nodal-force method was employed in the derivation of the stress intensity factors. The part-through internal circumferential crack solutions evaluated by Delale and Erdogan [17] used a line-spring model. The results compare favourably with finite element results from various studies. In all cases only the stress intensity factor at the deepest point of the crack was considered. Within the validity limits of the constitutive reference SIFs, cracks in any threaded connection under any symmetrical load system can be evaluated for K~.

The preceding sections detailed the formulation of stress intensity factors for threaded connections. Remembering that these solutions are only reference cases intended for weight function calculations, the analysis is not yet complete. In order that " C / ' is found for eq. (12), it is necessary to know "a (x)", i.e. the corresponding stress distribution along the potential crack plane to the reference stress intensity factor distribution. These were calculated from Hasebe's original analyses. Having the weight function, the stress distribution from a thread root is required


0.64 0.78

0 o ~0.78,





M20 UNC (Weight function solution) Erjian Si [26] a<~D

Fig. 10. Semi-elliptical surface crack in a round bar under bending.



for the calculation of the stress intensity factor. Kujawski's [18] stress distribution due to a notch was used in this analysis. This is defined as tr(x)=---~1 +--p--

q- 1 h'--~



t a n ( 2 ~ r ) ( x- - 0.2) for 0 x.2 >~ 2.8 p p f = 1.0 for -x P

< 0.2.



The nominal stress is taken as the stress at a cross-section equal to the section from the minor diameter of the thread, i.e. the tooth height is not included. In bending, the nominal stress is the maximum bending stress at the minor diameter so the stress distribution must be modified by multiplying by I1 - -d 2x ] (18)

4 3.5 3



0 o o

1 0.5 0 0







M20 UNC (Weightfunctionsolution)

a 2a

Benthem & Koiter [28]

Fig. 11. Circumferentialcrack in a round bar under tension.

SIFs for threaded connections


for rods and external cracks in pipes, and, (19) for internal cracks in pipes. The SCF should be determined separately using FE analysis. DISCUSSION Very few stress intensity factor solutions for threaded connections have been published. Of these most are difficult to use for comparative purposes because of obscure features of analysis or presentation. Others use unconventional geometrical notation, such as the projection of coordinates on the cylinder surface onto a plane, making the reprojection and subsequent interpretation difficult. The main uncertainty with using published results often lies with the definition of crack aspect ratio. Despite these limitations, the following discussion compares the new generic weight function solution with published SIF solutions for rods, tubes and threaded connections. Figure 5 shows the new solution for a threaded M20 UNC bolt plotted against various edge crack solutions in round bars under tension. From geometrical considerations the expression for


o +

o ,I,






ISO M8 x 1.0 (Weight function solution) Upper Bound Circular Crack [23]

c T.(20 ]

Lower Bound Circular Crack [23]

* o

Tofibio Toribio

~ = 1.0 [29] i = 0.2 [29]


James & Mills [5]

Fig. 12. Crack in an ISO M8 x 1.0 bolt under tension,



crack aspect ratio was calculated in terms of the notation given earlier for an external crack (see Appendix). Daoud et al.'s [19] 2D finite element and compliance results agree excellently with each other. Blackburn's [20] 3D finite element results only extend for very small values of aiD but are in keeping with the others. Finally Bush [21] calculated dimensionless stress intensity factors for edge cracks in solid bars from experimental compliance (inverse slope of load-displacement curve). The latter are in excellent agreement with the new solution after the effect of the thread has abated. The new solution is slightly on the conservative side of all the results until the crack depth approaches half the diameter of the bar. Again it should be noted that the new solution is modelling a semi-elliptical crack having the same crack depth and half length of an equivalent edge crack. This model becomes increasingly impractical as the crack approaches half thickness of the bar. The same crack aspect ratio model was used in Fig. 6 where the bending solution is compared to the compliance results of Bush [22]. Again the influence of the thread is abnormally high due to the crack aspect ratio. The new solution is once again conservative until the half thickness point is approached. Figure 7 shows the variation of the stress intensity calibration factor (Y) with non-dimensional crack depth (a/D) for a circular-arc surface crack growing in the circumference of a solid rod in tension. The crack aspect ratio for the new solution is defined by Forman and Shivakumar's upper bound relationship for a circular crack [23]. Their stress intensity factor solution is however, not based on experimental results but is basically Tada's rectangular bar solutions multiplied by an arbitrary correction factor thought appropriate. These are clearly over conservative. More


0"5I 0 0 i 0.1 i 0.2


i 0.3

i 0.4


ISO M8 x 1.0 (Weight function solution)

Upper Bound Circular Crack [23]


Lower Bound Circular Crack [23]

James & Mills [5]

Fig. 13. Crack in an ISO M8 1.0 bolt under bending.

SIFs for threaded connections


substance is given to their crack shape relationships. The finite element results of Daoud and Cartwright [24] and the experimental findings of Wilhem et al. [25] compare favourably with the predicted behaviour of the M20 bolt away from the influence of the thread. A similar comparison for bending (Fig. 8) shows that Daoud and Cartwright's [24] results correlate excellently with the new solution, Forman and Shivakumar once more overestimating the event. Si [26] reviewed many surface crack solutions in round bars. A solution was published averaging the results found during the review, but was presented as a function of vaguely defined crack aspect ratio. These are shown in Fig. 9, and are for a semi-elliptical crack with the stated shape characteristics. In addition the new solution is given as the solid lines for two crack aspect ratios. The two constant aspect ratio curves show good agreement with the review results. Perhaps even more revealing to how Si's shape expression evolves can be seen when comparing his results with the new solution for bending (Fig. 10). Maybe a/c = 0.64 at some point approaching D/2, but the indication is that a/c = 0.5 at the point D/2. In the companion paper[27], graphical representation is made of what the stress intensity factors for threaded bars should look like. This, despite no rigorous experimental or analytical analysis of any particular thread type shows a behaviour similar to the results of the new solution, i.e. the rapidly dipping stress intensity factor due to the thread and more gradual elevating as the crack grows through the bar. The behaviour of the new solution has also been examined beyond its validity limits. Figure 11 shows the predicted Y factors where the crack half length is equal to half the circumference of the bar. Compared with the analytical circumferential solution of Benthem and Koiter [28], it overestimates the stress intensity factor by at most 25%. It is not suggested that the solution be

0 0

0i 2

0.4 '

0i 6

0.8 '


ISO M8 x 1.0 (Weightfunctionsolution)

-= 1.0 t


Wilkowski& Eiber (Edge) [30] Harris (Circumferential)[1] Bush (Edge) [21] Fig. 14. External tube crack under tension.



used in such circumstances, but it is encouraging to know that the weight function solution is conservative if used outside its validity limits. A Threaded ISO M8 x 1.0 bolt was analysed by Toribio and Sanchez-Gfilvez [2] and Toribio et al. [29]. Unfortunately the crack length was defined in terms of a dimension projected onto the horizontal. Instead of trying to modify this to the more conventional notation, it was decided to compare them to the new solution ignoring the slight difference introduced by the different notation. Figure 12 shows the tension solutions for the ISO M8 x 1.0 (1.0 mm pitch) using Forman and Shivakumar's upper and lower bound crack shape relations. Also plotted are the Toribio et al. solutions for two extreme crack aspect ratios. James and Mills' [5] hypothetical "threaded" bar is also shown. Again, the upper and lower bounds give good agreement with the other data. Regrettably, Toribio's finite element results do not cover the all important thread influence region. Only one point of James and Mills' SIF distribution is shown. Under bending, both limits are again plotted in comparison to the James and Mills solution for a circular crack in a round bar, Fig. 13. The new solution appears reasonable for both tension and bending. Published stress intensity factor solutions for solid bars are rare, even more scarce are stress intensity factors for internal and external circumference cracks in tubes. Figure 14 plots the new solution for a small crack aspect ratio against three solutions, two for edge cracks, the other for a circumferential crack in tension, this time for cracks in tubes. Wilkowski and Eiber's [30] experimentally derived stress intensity factor solutions for edge cracks have been used in fatigue analysis of threaded connections by Chen [31]. Here they are










ISO M8 x 1.0 (Weight function solution)

~=9.5 Rajah (Circumferential) [32]

Fig. 15. Internal circumferential tube crack under tension.

SIFs for threaded connections


plotted along with the Harris solution for circumferential cracks in hollow tubes [1] and Bush's [21] edge crack compliance results under tension loading. The Wilkowski and Eiber edge crack results agree better with the Harris circumferential crack than with Bush's edge crack. The exponential behaviour of ref. [30] is only explicable if r/t is extremely small, whereas the results given by Bush seem more realistic for larger values of r/t. The comparison with the new solution is inconclusive because of the low aspect ratio approximation, but the behaviour looks to be reasonable. Figure 15 shows the new solution with a very low crack aspect ratio for an internal pipe crack compared with the theoretical internal circumferential pipe solution of Rajab [32]. Further results are shown in Fig. 16 for semi-elliptical internal tube cracks under tension loading. Poette and Albaladejo's finite element results [33] compare favourably with the new solution. The results of Chen [34] for a crack emanating from the first engaged thread root of a box (female threaded section) in a large diameter threaded connection also agree for values of a/t < 0.6. Chen noted that the solution was valid for a part-through-thickness crack but did not state the validity range. The finite element results would seem from this comparison to be limited to values of a/t < 0.6. Again no influence of the thread is represented. Figures 17-22 show the new solutions for a threaded (unified thread form) rod, and for externally and internally threaded tubes under tension and bending and include various crack aspect ratios. Figures 23-26 show the effect of the radius to thickness ratio on the externally and internally threaded tube cracks under tension and bending, respectively. These show little effect of the radius to thickness ratio at the thread root but favourable reduction in the stress intensity factor for larger cracks with increased values of r/t. This is less marked in bending.



o {=0.4
~=9.5 t +





ISO M8 x 1.0 (Weightfunctionsolution)

Poctte & Albaladejo[33] ~=9.5 Chen [34] Fig. 16. Internal semi-ellipticaltube crack under tension.

a c

5 0.2

4 0.4

2 0.8 1.0


0.2 0.4

0.6 0.8 1.0


Z >. Z

! !

0 1

0 !














-! = 2 . 0 0 h t p 30" 1.353 mm 20 mm 0.2 mm


1.353 mm

20 mm

0.2 mm




Fig. 18. Semi-elliptical external crack in a threaded tube under tension.

Fig. 17. Semi-elliptical crack in a threaded bar under tension.

2.5 0.2 2 0.2 1.5 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1 0.5 0.6 0.8 1.0 a 0
I I l I











_,m o


~=9.5 0 h D p 30" 1.353 mm 20 mm 0.2 mm


1.353 mm

20 mm

0.2 mm




4.5 Fig. 20. Semi-elliptical crack in a threaded bar under bending.


Fig. 19. Semi-elliptical internal crack in a threaded tube under tension.


a --


4 2 0.2

0.4 0.2 1 0.6 0.8 1.0

~u Z > l
1= :::1

0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0


0 0.6 0.8





0i 4



0 <

~ = 2 0" t


i=9.5 0 h t p

30 1.353 m m 20 m m 0.2 m m

1.353 m m

20 m m

0.2 m m




4.5 Fig. 22. Semi-elliptical internal crack in a threaded tube under bending.

Fig. 21. Semi-elliptical external crack in a threaded tube under bending.


-' t

2"5t 2
6.0 8.0 10.0 1. 2.0 5.0 15.0 25.0


0 0 08 0.8 0



, 0.2
~=0.5 0 h t p 30"

,. 04

: 06


1.353 mm 20 mm 0.2 mm

B. 8 :=




1.353 mm

20 mm

0.2 mm




Fig. 24. Semi-elliptical internal crack in a threaded tube under tension.

Fig. 23. Semi-elliptical external crack in a threaded tube under tension.

r i D


1.5 2

! ,5

5.0 15.0 25.0

.m o~ Z Z >, Z
! ! !


i 0.8 0

~=0.5 0 h t p 30" 1.353 mm 20 mm 0.2 mm

O 0

! O.2


I 0.6






< t-n



1.353 mm

20 mm

0.2 mm




Fig. 26. Semi-elliptical internal crack in a threaded tube under bending.

Fig. 25. Semi-elliptical external crack in a threaded tube under bending.

SIFs for threaded connections


CONCLUSIONS The new solutions have been shown to be versatile and applicable over a wide range of situations. Only tension and bending cases have been shown here but remembering that the solution is in the form of a weight function, any subsequent loading condition can be solved in terms of the opening mode stress intensity factor. Care must be exercised as with any stress intensity factor solution. Factors such as size effects [35] must be considered when dealing with abnormally large or small components. However, the greatest size effect frequently associated with threaded connections is due to the lack of geometric scaling for standard threads. This solution allows input of any thread form on any size rod or tube (within relevant limits). The curves generated are output from a Fortran program using a numerical integration algorithm [36]. Numerical accuracy is adequate as the stability of the solution as a whole is excellent. Future development of this solution can take the form of addition of new stress intensity factor modes, e.g. [37], or even replacement of any of the constitutive equations with the advent of more extensive sub-solutions.

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EFM 50/4-~J


F.P. B R E N N A N

and W. D. D O V E R

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(Received 21 August 1993)



D/2 - a


Fig. A1. Edge crack in a circular rod.

0 =cos -~


SIFs for threaded connections




"I /

Fig. A2. Circular crack in a circular rod.

0 = COS- I


c = ~ c o s -I


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