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Faith & Destiny

Faith is a belief in something that can't be proven. It could be faith in a masculine God. As far as I see, the term faith is usually used in a positive manner, i.e. in a hopeful way. Whether faith can change destiny or not is another question. It depends on personal mindsets and beliefs. For some one it may be true, for another, it may be some times true, some times not, being dependent on certain circumstances that render to its "trueness" or "falseness" in some way. For answering the second part, we need to define destiny. Destiny is the course of events in your life that are predetermined in certain way before you lead through them. Now, if faith changes destiny becomes a question in the new light. People who discard destiny as anything existent in reality will answer the question in a default neutral tone. Since they don't believe in destiny, they don't really care if faith or anything else changes it. Yet others, who believe in destiny have two choices: to believe faith changes it or to believe that faith doesn't change it. People who believe faith changes it are further divided, some believe faith changes it 100% while some believe faith does change it but not completely, for them it lies on the scale of 0 to >100. For people who believe that faith has powers, following a religion, or being righteous and having faith that they'd be paid back with good newer destined events is the common psychology. In a way, it is good because they try to live the good life and whatever ill happens, they don't give up. Finally , those who do not believe that faith changes destiny are those who take life's mishaps as it's lessons or their "karma" and look at all of it as "destined" or "unchangeable".

I define destiny as an end-result arrived at due to choices made with a free & conscious will or destiny to me is simply the outcome of your actions. I do not believe in God as defined by any religion, although I am familiar with the concepts of Pre-destiny -- I do have to say this is ridiculous to me (not because any religion suggested it, but because it has no basis on reality & it is self-incriminating to almost all religions.) you and the conversations you have with yourself are making the decisions that impact your life, not a predetermined destiny. and it's not just your choices that impact you, it's other people's choices as well... so don't think it's as simple as what you choose to do today, you need to include the bigger picture here. Sometimes I do believe that your destiny is predetermined, although it is reached through your own thoughts and actions. I think that we are all here for a reason or a purpose, and individually we are destined for something. It can be something specific,

or something in general as a human race. And we develop towards that destiny as we grow . And we grow through our thoughts and our actions. If we make the wrong choices we may never reach our destiny.

I also believe that god is in each of us. People joined together as one make up the entity we know as God., therefore we can not live or have free will, or reach our destiny with out Him as all roads lead to him and since he is the creator anything that happens has to happen with his concurrence. For some people Destiny is: 1. The inevitable or necessary fate to which a particular person or thing is destined 2. The predetermined or inevitable course of events considered as something beyond the power or control of man.

Freedom of the will and destiny can coexist. The laws of physics are a form of destiny, in that they limit complex and simple causes to particular outcomes. This can be exploited by highly organized living beings to attain a measure of freedom of behavior. This freedom of behavior allows us to act in the world in such a way that gets lawbound physical events rolling, and once rolling, these proceed in "predestined" manner. The dynamics are a lot more complicated when two free-willed beings go head to head, though. I have read that desire and destiny are the same thing and that you cannot have a true desire that does not manifest. So in other words what you desire right now only has to unfold and hence be your destiny. I don't know if it's what I believe, but it certainly is a lovely idea. I guess it doesn't help (in my case) that I keep changing my mind about what I want. I guess though that TRUE desire really comes from the heart and not the mind.

So you see, all these ramblings finally come down to You. What do you feel? What do you believe? Practice it and see where it takes you. If that's not the path you want to walk on, practice another one and see how it goes. After all, life is sort of an experiment for us souls, and you got to be doing what makes you satisfied in the meantime.

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