Personality Development A Worthy Need

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IJEAR Vol. 2, Issue 1, Jan.

- June 2012

ISSN : 2249-4944 (Print)

Personality Development: A Worthy Need

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Dept. of ECE, I.E.T. Bhaddal Technical Campus, Ropar, Punjab, India College of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing, China
the world, the ego begins to develop. It is true that super ego results in a high level of guilt. Besides all these factors, personality development is an improvement in all spheres of our lives. Be it with friends, in the office, or any other kind of environment. Personality development is the developing a personality cult so as to create a STRONG & POSITIVE impression about self [2]. And the most important aspect of such personality is to maintain it and prove it in a long run. An individuals personality is the sum total of decisions they have made throughout their life and the memory of experiences to which these decisions led. There are natural, genetic and some environmental factors that contribute a lot for the development of our personality. Personality is the only thing that colors our values, beliefs and expectations. There are some most important points which may lead to the ultimate personality of ones individual: Appearance Intelligence Smartness Trustworthy, High integrity and Responsible Knowledge, in depth Management Efficiency Economic independence Morality / Character Being advantageous Fig. 2, showing the Personality Development Model

Nishu Dhiman, 1Tanvir Singh, 2Amit Kumar

Abstract Personality development is how to develop your personality. Personality in practical sense is an amalgamation of your behavior, attitude and communication skills. It may help you to develop your personality, but, do you know what your personality is? In this paper, we have discussed the concept of personality development along with some suggestions. Keywords Personality Development, Communication Skills, Soft Skills, Attitude I. Introduction Personality is the totality of a persons quality, both desirable and undesirable. Our personality is the total impact we make on other people in our first meet. Personality can be determined by many factors as: The level of our intelligent Our physical limitations Extent of our education Strength of our basic emotions as well as our anxiety

Fig. 1: Question Mark to Personality [1] II. Three parts of Personality According to Bradshaw, An individuals personality is an aggregate conglomeration of decisions weve made throughout our lives. There are natural, genetic and environmental factors that contribute to the development of our personality. Personality colors our values, beliefs, and expectations. Hereditary factors that contribute to personality development do so as a result of interactions with the particular social environment in which we live. Personality development is a psychodynamic approach. Freud believed that personality had three parts: The id Ego Super-ego The id allows us to get our basic needs met. Freud believed that the id is based on the pleasure principle which means that it want immediate satisfaction, with no consideration for the reality of the situation. As we interact more with the world, ego begins to develop. And finally the super ego develops as a result of moral constraints placed on us by our parents. Personality is the personal characteristics of a person. The id, ego and superego play an important role in ones personality. As a child interacts more with

Fig. 2: Personality Development Model [3] By adopting all these aspects we can lead to a developed personality of ones individual. Different aspects influence our personality. Physical personality depends on our pleasing personality supported by health and strength. Social personality is developed by social values, attitude, communication skills and the most importantly economic independence. Psychological personality is in tune with personal values, approach, thinking pattern, emotional management and influenced by knowledge, intelligence and smartness. Philosophical personality is on account of maturity of values [3].


International Journal of Education and Applied Research

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ISSN : 2249-4944 (Print)

IJEAR Vol. 2, Issue 1, Jan. - June 2012

III. Self-Development Along with all these aspects the one basic aspect is selfdevelopment, which leads to an ultimate developed personality to every individual. Self-development is basically an approach that emphasizes the importance of lifelong learning cycle. Personality development is our personal development which can be done in numerous ways. We all have unique personalities. So we have to decide what we have to improve in our self and how it can be improved? We should keep in mind that we are improving our negative phase of personality too along with the strengths. By taking care of some aspects we lead to a very effective developed personality. If we really want to progress in life then we should honestly analyze the traits of our character. There is a great way to develop our personality by listening everyone politely. We have to keep our moral high in case of defeat. Always be careful about the words we use for others. Just by taking care of these simple aspects well be able to develop an ultimate personality. We all know that as per the modern worlds concept, personality is the brand image of an individual. If we think that personality is anything to do with height, complexion, good looks or physique of a person then we should rethink. Any physical shortcomings can hardly influence ones personality traits. Personality development is actually the improvement of our behavioral traits such as communication skills, interpersonal relationships, and attitude towards life and most importantly by storing our ethics. Behavior is just a showcase of the inner side of a person which is our character. If personality is developed on the solid basis then it will last for long. Whereas fake smile and mannerism is short termed and dont improves our personality. Fig. 3, showing stepwise Success.

Our personality, our thoughts, our ideas, our capabilities all are important in determining our character. There are some essential components of personality development: Be polite and speak sweetly Keep away from lies and fraud Believe ion healthy competition The importance of positive attitude Anger and irritation are our the biggest enemies Spare time for social services Develop your creative power Know the value of time Smile [5] Every moment of our life is the golden moment. The door of progress and development remain open for those who know to utilize and make best use of these moments. He not pushes away all the failures and gets victory but also becomes popular. Fig. 4, shows the different aspects.

Fig. 4: Different Aspects of Personality [6] If you really want to develop our personality, just ask some questions from yourself: Do you behave with your family members in the same manner as you behave with your master or your boss? Would you like to joke even in such a situation when you know that it would hurt the sentiments of other? Do you take care of this that no one is hurt by you? Do you take care of the feelings of those who are younger than you? Fig. 3: Steps Towards Success [4] Different people have different opinions that what makes a mans personality good. The person who really wants to improve the personality has to have desire and determination. It is simply made up of three factors: Character Behavioral traits Attitude IV. Components of Personality The key to success is hidden in us. We must understand and recognize it. The wealth we earn is not that much important but what is important is the means we have adopted foe\r that wealth.
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V. Conclusion The real beauty of man lies not in his physical appearance but in his work and good qualities. That is why it is important that we improve mental outlook to develop our personality. Every individual should develop the ability to adjust with others, because basically man is a social animal, so one cannot survive by living alone [7]. References [1] Michael Berry,Change Your Personality Change Your Life, [Online] Available: http://personality.prosperyourmind. com [2] Saurabh Yadav,Power of Love, [Online] Available:
International Journal of Education and Applied Research


IJEAR Vol. 2, Issue 1, Jan. - June 2012

ISSN : 2249-4944 (Print)

[3] Yasir Imran,Just 4 Ways to Improve your Communication Skills, [Online] Available: http://yasirimran.files.wordpress. com [4] Master Mind Foundation, [Online] Available: [5] Life and Experiences,Personality Development Tips: How to Brighten it up, [Online] Available: http://www. [6] Socyberty, [Online] Available: [7] Him Articles,Personality Development Tips and articles, [Online] Available: Nishu Dhiman is pursuing her bachelors degree in Electronics and Communication from I.E.T. Bhaddal Technical Campus, Ropar (Punjab Technical University), Punjab, INDIA. Her Interest includes Development of Personality and soft skills.

Tanvir Singh is pursuing his bachelors degree in Electronics and Communication from I.E.T., Bhaddal, Ropar (Punjab Technical University), Punjab, INDIA. He is working as a budding researcher in field of research on topics Green Computing and Sustainability with a dream to create a Technical Advanced and eco- friendly world. He has published many papers in International Journals and conference proceedings. Amit Kumar received his bachelors degree in Mathematics from the Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla, India, in 2002 and Masters degree in Computer Application from Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, India, in 2006. He completed his M.Phil. in Computer Science from Annamalai University, Annamalai nagar, Tamilnadu, India, in 2010. He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. in Computer Science. He is working as a Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science, College of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing, China. He has many publications in National/International Conference proceedings and International Journals. He is a reviewer for many international Journals. His current interest includes Techno-Economic Analysis of Broadband Wireless Networks viz. WiMAX-m, HSPA+ and LTE-Advanced. His future focus is to explore the Green Wireless Technologies and their Sustainable development.


International Journal of Education and Applied Research

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