Answer Keys: Book Key

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Answer keys


PENGUIN READERS Teacher Support Programme

Book key
1 Open answers 2 a tractor b raft c altar d biology e volcano f paradise 3 4 Open answers 5 a 5 b 4 c 2 d 1 e 7 f 6 g 3 6 a WT b LF c LF d WT e WT f WT g LF 710 Open answers 11 a cautiously b atmosphere c creating; changing d speech; message e wishes 12 a 3 b 4 c 6 d 2 e 5 f 1 13 a Charles Brinkley b Joe Shuttleshaw c Jennifer Felling d Walter Tirrie e James McIngoe 14 17 Open answers 18 a Pacific b hills c none d one e Walter Tirrie f biologist 19 a C b A c A d C e C f C 2023 Open answers 24 a 3 b 3 c 7 d 3 e 3 f 7 25 a Arnold/the writer b Jennifer Deeds c David d Camilla 26 Open answers 27 They are working together as a group. 2829 Open answers 30 a a blanket b dead spiders c insecticide d a gun e his sons body 31 a radio b speed c crab d fish
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32 Open answers 33 The spiders are building a bridge. 34 Open answers 35 a die b logically c prisoners d gun 36 carrying knives dark shining chatty threatening 3739 Open answers 40 a Arnold to Camilla b Naeta to Arnold & Camilla c Camilla to Naeta d Camilla to Naeta e Camilla to Arnold 41 43 Open answers 44 a a week b rubber c five days d Walter Tirrie e the army f poisoned g occasionally 45 He is given his money back. 46 The volcano erupts. 47 Peru. 4858 Open answers

Discussion activities key

1 Open answers 2 Suggested answers: The Web in the title refers to a spider web. Something is broken next to it. So these spiders bring destruction. 3 Suggested answer: The spider web, dead fish 4 Suggested answer: He tried many jobs, including farming and advertising, before he turned to writing. He probably worked in an office. He may have been a clerk in a bank. 56 Open answers 7 Suggested answer: These people were not happy with life, they had lost hope, they did not believe in a better world, they wanted fun but not work. 8 Open answers

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Answer keys


PENGUIN READERS Teacher Support Programme

9 Suggested answer: The group is strange because they dont seem to have anything in common but the fact that most of them found it difficult to fit into the society they wanted to leave. 10 Open answers 11 Suggested answer: Camilla Cogent-Biologist Walter Tirrie-Architect and Journalist Charles Brinkley-farmer Joe Shuttleshaw-carpenter James McIngoe-engineer Jennifer Felling-nurse + Open answers 1217 Open answers 18 Suggested answer: Because there is little food on the island. Because there are dangerous animals. 19 Suggested answer: Here we are on the island. We have arrived safely after a smooth voyage. The natives we took on in Uijanji helped us unload the ship. The island looks wonderful. We must get a lot of things done now but we feel cheerful and confident. Charles has chosen a place for the settlement and we will begin to work soon. Please tell our families and everybody back there that this is fantastic and we are very well. 2022 Open answers 23 Suggested answer: What will happen to us now? Hes dead and the spiders will kill us. How are we going to tell the rest? We cant stay, this is too dangerous. Maybe we should go back. There must be millions of spiders in the sand. 24 Open answers 25 Suggested answer: Joe: My son is in that group and I want to go and fetch him right now. Another person: But Joe, it is getting dark now. They have probably got lost. They will surely come back. Joe: I want to go. My son is out there! Another person: Look, it might be dangerous for you to go now. Tomorrow morning it will be easier to find them. Joe: OK. If they dont come back tomorrow morning, I will go to fetch them myself. 26 Suggested answer: My son went up the mountain with an exploratory group but he never came back. On their way to the mountain millions of spiders climbed over his body and killed him. His injuries made him almost unrecognizable! 27 Suggested answer: What is really amazing is the way the spiders changed not their appearance, as most animals do when they develop, but their way of behaving. 28 Suggested answer: To protect themselves from the attack of the spiders the people put on long-sleeved jackets and gloves, wear their trousers inside high boots, put on wide hats on their heads and over the hats some nets and they pour some insecticide over their clothes. 29 a They dont behave like that. They dont do anything as a group. b It would be dangerous to set off in the dark. c To put on long-sleeved jackets and gloves, to wear their trousers inside high boots, to put on wide hats on their heads and over the hats some nets. To pour some insecticide over their clothes and with this protection to go and find the exploratory group. d She found them dead and millions of spiders were climbing all over them. e When some of the people inform Walter they will leave the Project and that they want him to send a message to the ship he is forced to tell them about the damage to the radio. f To know when they are likely to attack the group. g When the crab stops they stop too. They are confused when it stops moving. 30 Open answers 31 Suggested answer: Camilla: I couldnt believe my eyes! The spiders are so intelligent! Arnold: Yes, this is something nobody told us. We saw it ourselves: the spiders were forming a bridge to cross a stream. Walter: I cant believe what you are saying! Charles: Sure! They cant be so smart! Camilla: They are! And much smarter than what any of us can think! And with the string of a web carried by the air!!! Arnold: Right and when the other spiders followed the first spider that crossed the stream with the help of the string of web, the string grew thicker and soon became a bridge!
Web - Answer keys  of 4

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Answer keys


PENGUIN READERS Teacher Support Programme

32 Suggested answer: Camilla thinks that spiders have group intelligence and that they have developed and learnt to cooperate with one another. 33 Suggested answer: Why was the black mens skin shining? Why did they look at the gun with satisfaction? Why did they leave the fourth bag at the side of the path? Why was there an area on the hillside free from spiders? Why did the guard not take his eyes off the bottom of the volcano? Why did the black man with grey hair have a spider painted on his chest? etc. 34 Arnold is optimistic: The spiders will disappear when there is no more food on the island. Camilla is pessimistic: The spiders will be threatening all over the world. 3536 Open answers 37 Suggested answer: When Naeta said that they were helping the Little Sisters, he meant that he and his men helped the spiders reach their food. 38 Open answers 39 Suggested answer: They could swim to the boat to stop them from getting on shore. 40 Suggested answer: Man 1: What is that brown patch coming towards us? Man 2: Maybe it is a kind of sea animal Man 1: Let me look a bit more closer. Ah!!!! Man 2: Hey whats the matter! Im coming to help you. Ah!!!!! 41 Open answers 42 Suggested answer: Spiders can learn how to work cooperatively, find new uses for their webs, decide when and how to attack their prey, etc. 4345 Open answers 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 a Deborah Brinkley b Charles Brinkley c Marylin Slaight d Joe Shuttleshaw e Camilla Cogent a 2 b 5 c 1 d 4 e 3 a They knew very little about it. b He was worried that they had not thought about this. c Camilla was a specialist in the study of birds. d She heard stories of a curse on the island especially worse for those who dont believe in it. e The islanders did not obey Walter at all times. a he gave a confident speech / he took decisions and explained things confidently b they could not tell Lord Foxfield that they had arrived c they could rest d it doesnt move e The brown patch attacked David a F The others heard about it before Walter got to know. b T c T d F They didnt know who did that. e T a 5 b 8 c 3 d 7 e 2 f 1 g 6 h 4 a Because they dont want them to be protected from the spiders. b The spiders. c As the true owners of the island. d Because the British government wanted to test an atomic bomb. e To leave and remain strong, ready to come back another day. f To stay and fight. g Six. h Some evil on the island. i He puts a terrible curse on the island and forbids his people to live there. j Gave them land on another island. k Probably because it is a very religious island and he wants to get rid of the white people. l The white people.

Activity worksheets key

1 a rich and powerful man b architect and journalist c free, politically independent d the two principles of e and not to the past f political or social
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Answer keys


PENGUIN READERS Teacher Support Programme

9 a arrives five days b carrying four people c the leader of the original group d who came in the plane e that the spiders kill f have murdered g Arnolds hat and gloves h patches of spiders i attack j knock them off k more and more l into the sea 10 a Arnold and Camilla b the army officer who was attacked by the spiders c a naturalist d the man from the Foreign Office e Lord Foxfield f Lord Foxfield and the families of the people who died g Mount Tanakuatua h Peru

Progress test key

1 a 5 b 3 c 1 d 2 e 4 2 a 2 b 5 c 3 d 1 e 4 3 a Charles b Camilla c Alicia Hardy d David Kamp e Walter 4 a 3 b 1 c 2 d 2 e 3 5 a F b T c F d T e T

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