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Peterborough & District Deaf Children's Society

Charity Registration Number 1053815

Saturday 7th December 2013 11.30 2.30pm At Jack Hunt Secondary School, Ledbury Road, Peterborough, PE3 9PN
Hello Everyone Its that time of year again when we all have an opportunity to get together and see how the children have grown!! Last year the children thoroughly enjoyed the entertainment, food and fun!! The real Father Christmas turned up and has promised to do so again this year. This party is for any child aged 0-11 years old with a hearing loss and their brothers and sisters also aged 0-11 years old. The deaf child is 2 and there will be a charge of 5 each for any brothers and sisters. (The fee includes lunch and a good quality present from Father Christmas) A parent/carer needs to stay with the children and enjoy the fun and the free lunch. If you can bring anything along such as cakes or party food, it will only add to what is going to be an excellent party! Please fill in the slip below and return it along with your cheque to me, Amy Casselden, 41 Caithness Road, Stamford, Lincs PE9 2TF. Any questions contact me on 07816911744. Reply by 25

Christmas Party 2013


If I do not receive a slip I wont be able to tell Father Christmas who is coming to the party.
I look forward to seeing you all on Saturday 7th December. Name of child Deaf or Age Chicken Nuggets & Chips hearing
Fish Fingers & chips Sausage & chips

How many adults will be coming and their names?_________________________________ ________________________ Telephone Number _____________________ I enclose a cheque made payable to Peterborough and District Deaf Childrens Society.

Cheque to the value of ___________ enclosed (2 per deaf child. 5 per hearing brother/sister).
PDDCS Under 11s Christmas party 7th December 2013

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