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llNlN0 w/1CH C/N/0/

5".#0(3"/%& (0-% "/% 4*-7&3.*/&
lanHattan l|nera|s
wHen lanHattan l|nera|s proposed an open p|t o|d m|ne |n tHe town
ol 1amborande, |oca| res|dents came toetHer and stopped tHe
project. 1He 3an lorenzo va||ey |s a |usH oas|s |n leru's barren desert
coast. 1He area was translormed |nto an |mportant ar|cu|tura| centre
w|tH tHe |nsta||at|on ol a wor|d Bankhnanced |rr|at|on system. /rea
res|dents were concerned tHat tHe env|ronmenta| r|sks assoc|ated
w|tH o|d m|n|n wou|d tHreaten tHe|r tHr|v|n ar|cu|tura| economy.
1He mun|c|pa||ty He|d a popu|ar relerendum on tHe proposed project -
tHe hrst relerendum ol |ts k|nd |n tHe wor|d. 1He vote, wH|cH was
mon|tored by |nternat|ona| observers, re|stered v|rtua||y unan|mous
oppos|t|on to tHe m|ne. 1He 1amborande relerendum, wH|cH p|ayed
a v|ta| part |n Ha|t|n tHe project, Has s|nce been rep||cated by otHer
commun|t|es tHreatened by m|n|n projects.
"%" 5&1& (0-% .*/&
0undee lrec|ous leta|s
LFF. 511 million
0undee lrec|ous leta|s Hopes to construct tHe /da 1epe o|d
m|ne |n tHe Last bHodop| mounta|ns, near tHe town ol
brumovrad. / substant|a| major|ty ol |oca| res|dents,
concerned about tHe m|ne's |mpact on ar|cu|ture, tour|smand
H|stor|c monuments, oppose tHe project. ln ZCCb, tHe
lun|c|pa| Counc|| ol brumovrad passed a reso|ut|on reject|n
tHe project on env|ronmenta| rounds. Near|y C,CCC peop|e,
represent|n c|ose to 9C" ol e|||b|e voters, endorsed tHe
reso|ut|on by s|n|n tHe document. ln Ju|y ZCCb, Bu|ar|a's
3upreme /dm|n|strat|ve Court b|ocked a comp|a|nt brouHt by
tHe company aa|nst tHe Lnv|ronment l|n|stry lor |ts la||ure to
|ssue a dec|s|on reard|n tHe company's env|ronmenta|
|mpact assessment.
%*,6-64)* $011&3"/% 4*-7&3.*/&
%&.0$3"5*$ 3&16#-*$ 0' $0/(0
/nv|| l|n|n ltd.
MlUA. US513.3 million poli!ical risk insurance
LFF. 54 million
Bruta| conN|ct, lue||ed by tHe country's extraord|nary m|nera|
wea|tH, olhc|a||y ended |n ZCC3 w|tH tHe estab||sHment ol a
trans|t|ona| overnment. wH||e a lra||e peace Has He|d s|nce
tHen, tens|ons rema|n H|H and tHe overnment |acks contro|
over |are tracts ol tHe country. 1He 0|ku|usH| m|ne bean
product|on |n ZCCZ. 1wo years |ater, /nv|| prov|ded |o|st|ca|
support to tHe /rmed lorces ol tHe 0emocrat|c bepub||c ol
Cono |l/b0C to suppress a rebe| upr|s|n. 1He company
supp||ed tHe l/b0C w|tH p|anes, veH|c|es, personne| and lood.
/ccord|n to a 0N m|ss|on, tHe l/b0C ut|||zed tHese resources
to carry out a number ol Human r|Hts abuses, |nc|ud|n
a||eed summary execut|ons.
6,5"- #"69*5& .*/& "/% "-6.*/" 3&'*/&3:
/|can lnc.
LFF. 52b6 million
1Housands ol tr|ba| and |owcaste peop|e ||v|n |n
basH|pur, lnd|a preler to d|e ratHer tHan abandon tHe|r
|ands to make way lor /|can's proposed m|ne and
rehnery. loca| res|dents Have oran|zed mass|ve
mob|||zat|ons aa|nst tHe project. 0pponents descr|be
a c||mate ol lear and Host|||ty, and c|a|m tHat tHey
rout|ne|y meet w|tH po||ce repress|on. ln ZCCC, tHree
protesters were k|||ed and severa| otHers |njured. /|can
suspended operat|ons alter tHe |nc|dent unt|| |t was
sat|shed tHat |oca| autHor|t|es wou|d respons|b|y
enlorce tHe |aw and keep order. 1He v|||aers Have
lound an |mportant a||y |n Canada. /|can workers |n
Br|t|sH Co|umb|a, represented by tHe Canad|an /uto
workers un|on, Have vowed tHat tHey w||| not sme|t any
a|um|na or||nat|n lrom basH|pur.
15*/$0/*$,&- .*/& "/% 4.&-5&3
lnco ltd.
L0L. loans o 560 and 5200 million
LFF. 5130 million
lor tH|rty years lnco enjoyed a cozy re|at|onsH|p w|tH tHe
repress|ve and corrupt 3uHarto re|me. lembers ol tHe
barons|'e 0on| and 3orowako |nd|enous commun|t|es |ost
tHe|r most product|ve ar|cu|tura| |and wHen tHe l1 lnco m|ne
was bu||t, and tHey rece|ved pa|try compensat|on |n return.
l|n|n act|v|ty Has deraded |and and water resources, and
|n|t|a| mon|tor|n suests tHat sme|ter em|ss|ons allect a|r
qua||ty |n ne|Hbour|n commun|t|es. 0esp|te apparent ellorts
by lnco to reso|ve commun|ty c|a|ms |n recent years,
protest|n res|dents report be|n tHreatened and |nt|m|dated
by tHe lndones|an m|||tary and po||ce.
Canad|an m|n|n compan|es rece|ve numerous lorms ol pub||c support. ln add|t|on to tHe domest|c and mu|t||atera| |nst|tut|ons ||sted be|ow, tHe Canada lnvestment lund lor /lr|ca |Cll/ prov|des equ|ty hnanc|n lor
pr|vate sector |n|t|at|ves, |nc|ud|n |nvestments |n tHe m|nera| sector. 3ome compan|es a|so rece|ve po||t|ca| and/or hnanc|a| support lrom Canad|an embass|es, tHrouH d|p|omat|c |ntervent|ons and v|a 1eam Canada
trade m|ss|ons. 1He Canad|an overnment Has prov|ded tecHn|ca| ass|stance to some deve|op|n countr|es to ass|st |n ||bera||z|n tHe|r reu|atory lrameworks. liures are in Lanadian dollars unless o!herwise indica!ed.
1He /0B |s a pub||c |nternat|ona| hnanc|a| |nst|tut|on tHat
prov|des |oans and tecHn|ca| ass|stance lor a broad rane
ol deve|opment act|v|t|es. Canada Ho|ds a seat on tHe
Bank's Board ol 0|rectors and current|y contr|butes Sb.b
m||||on annua||y. 1He /0B prov|des |oans lor pr|vate sector
projects as we|| as tecHn|ca| ass|stance to overnments to
relorm tHe|r m|n|n |aws and m|n|n tax re|mes.
1He C/0 |s an |ndependent olhce tHat reports d|rect|y to tHe
lres|dent ol tHe wor|d Bank 0roup |wB0 reard|n llC and
ll0/ projects. 1He wB0 |s tHe wor|d's |arest roup|n ol
pub||c, mu|t||atera| |nst|tut|ons tHat prov|de |nternat|ona|
deve|opment hnanc|n to deve|op|n countr|es and emer
|n econom|es. 1He C/0 assesses and makes recommen
dat|ons reard|n comp|a|nts tHat |t rece|ves lrom persons
wHo are allected |or ||ke|y to be allected by projects tHat
are supported by llC or ll0/. /s part ol tH|s process, tHe
C/0 eva|uates wHetHer or not llC and ll0/ Have comp||ed
w|tH tHe|r env|ronmenta| and soc|a| po||c|es and procedures.

- & ( & / %
!he ollowin members o
!he Haliax lni!ia!ive Loali!ion
con!ribu!ed !o !he
developmen! o !his map.
Cl0/ |s Canada's |ead overnment aency lor deve|opment
ass|stance. 1HrouH tHe Cl0/ Canada lund, Canad|an
embass|es support sma||, |ncountry |n|t|at|ves. ln tHe
lH|||pp|nes, Canada lund resources were ut|||zed by m|n|n
company, 1Vl lac|hc lnc., to lund projects w|tH |oca| commu

1He Cll |s a pub||c ret|rement |ncome proramadm|n|stered
by tHe ledera| overnment. 1He Cll lnvestment Board
|nvests surp|us pens|on contr|but|ons |n an |nvestment lund.
/t S9C b||||on, tHe lund |s one ol tHe |arest |n tHe country.
lore tHan Ha|l ol lund assets are He|d |n pub||c|ytraded
corporate stocks, |nc|ud|n sHares |n m|n|n compan|es.
/mounts quoted on tH|s map lor tHe Cll reler to
|nvestments |n m|n|n compan|es and not spec|hc m|n|n
projects. Va|ues are accurate as ol larcH 3, ZCCb.
lo||ow|n tHe co||apse ol commun|sm, tHe LBb0 was
estab||sHed to lac|||tate pr|vate sector deve|opment |n
centra| Lurope and /s|a. 1He Bank |s tHe s|n|e |arest
|nvestor |n tHe re|on. Canada Ho|ds a seat on tHe Bank's
Board ol 0|rectors and contr|butes to tHe LBb0 tHrouH a
number ol tecHn|ca| ass|stance lunds. 1He LBb0 prov|des
hnanc|a| support lor o|| and as lac|||t|es, p|pe||nes and meta|
m|n|n projects.
L0C |s a ledera| crown corporat|on mandated to promote
Canad|an trade abroad. L0C |s tHe pr|mary source ol pub||c
hnanc|n lor Canad|an exports and overseas pr|vate sector
|nvestment. l|ke otHer export cred|t aenc|es |LC/s, L0C
prov|des overnmentbacked |oans, uarantees and
|nsurance to domest|c corporat|ons lor overseas projects.
ln ZCCb, L0C prov|ded Canad|an corporat|ons w|tH over Sb/
b||||on |n hnance and r|skmanaement serv|ces. L0C
back|n olten He|ps corporat|ons |everae add|t|ona| pr|vate
sector cap|ta| lor tHe|r projects. /mon otHer sectors, L0C
supports Canad|an overseas m|n|n projects.
1He llC |s tHe pr|vate sector |end|n arm ol tHe wor|d Bank 0roup
|wB0. 1He wB0 |s tHe wor|d's |arest roup|n ol pub||c, mu|t||at
era| |nst|tut|ons tHat prov|de |nternat|ona| deve|opment hnanc|n to
deve|op|n countr|es and emer|n econom|es. 1He llC was
estab||sHed to promote pr|vate sector |nvestment |n tHese
countr|es. 1He Corporat|on |ends money to compan|es,
purcHases equ|ty |n tHe|r projects and prov|des pr|vate sector
actors w|tH tecHn|ca| expert|se. Canada |s represented on tHe
llC's Board ol 0|rectors, and |t |ves S3.Z/ m||||on every hsca|
year to tHe wB0 or C" ol Canada's tota| a|d budet. l|n|n, o||
and as |nvestments rece|ve s|n|hcant support lrom tHe llC.
ll0/ |s tHe |nsurance arm ol tHe wor|d Bank 0roup |wB0. 1He
wB0 |s tHe wor|d's |arest roup|n ol pub||c, mu|t||atera|
|nst|tut|ons tHat prov|de |nternat|ona| deve|opment hnanc|n to
deve|op|n countr|es and emer|n econom|es. ll0/ |nsu|ates
lore|n corporat|ons and pr|vate banks lrom many ol tHe r|sks
assoc|ated w|tH mak|n |nvestments |n deve|op|n countr|es.
1Hese r|sks |nc|ude breacH ol contract, overnment expropr|at|on
and currency |nconvert|b|||ty. Canada |s represented on ll0/'s
Board ol 0|rectors, and |t |ves S3.Z/ m||||on every hsca| year
to tHe wB0 or C" ol Canada's tota| a|d budet. l|n|n, o|| and
as |nvestments rece|ve s|n|hcant support lrom ll0/.

.0/:8" $011&3.*/&
Burma lvanHoe l|nes ltd.
LFF. 532 million
Burma |s ru|ed by a repress|ve m|||tary junta. 1He overnment,
wH|cH |s accused ol comm|tt|n ere|ous Human r|Hts
v|o|at|ons, |s tHe subject ol |nternat|ona| sanct|ons. ln 99C,
oppos|t|on |eader /un 3an 3uu by| Hand||y won Burma's hrst
mu|t|party e|ect|ons |n 3C years. 1He junta relused to
re||nqu|sH contro| and Has deta|ned /un 3an 3uu by| lor
years. ln 99 sHe was awarded tHe Nobe| leace lr|ze.
3|nce 99b, lvanHoe Has |nvested over S9C m||||on |n a bCbC
jo|nt venture w|tH tHe ru||n junta to deve|op tHe lonywa m|ne.
1He company reports tHat |t consu|ted w|tH tHe Canad|an
overnment belore |n|t|at|n bus|ness w|tH tHe m|||tary re|me.
1"4$6" -"." (0-% .*/&
Barr|ck 0o|d Corp.
LFF. 53b1 million
1He lascua lama o|d depos|t |s |ocated H|H |n tHe /ndes, |n
an area r|cH w|tH |ac|ers. 0|ac|a| runoll |rr|ates tHe
product|ve Huasco va||ey, an ar|cu|tura| centre just soutH ol
tHe /tacama desert. Barr|ck's or||na| p|an to re|ocate
port|ons ol severa| |ac|ers was met w|tH pub||c outcry and
was rejected by tHe CH||ean overnment. Barr|ck now c|a|ms
tHat |t can extract tHe o|d w|tHout dama|n tHe |ac|ers or
s|n|hcant|y |mpact|n water resources |n tHe va||ey. However,
a overnment report revea|s tHat exp|orat|on act|v|ty may
a|ready Have caused s|n|hcant damae to severa| |ac|ers.
1He lnd|enous 0|au|ta commun|ty ol Huasco/|t|no c|a|ms
tHat tHe concess|on |nc|udes part ol |ts ancestra| terr|tory and
|s su|n to recover tHe |and.
4*.*5* (0-% .*/&
Conqu|stador l|nes ltd.
1He town ol 3|m|t|, |n nortHern Co|omb|a, |s tHe s|te ol a o|d
m|ne wHose ownersH|p |s a matter ol d|spute. 1He m|ne |s
c|a|med by botH tHe H|uerala|ac|os lam||y and tHe 3b,CCC
poor m|ners wHo Have worked tHe depos|t lor 3C years. ln
99/, at rouH|y tHe same t|me tHat Conqu|stador, tHrouH |ts
subs|d|ary Corona 0o|dhe|ds, expressed |nterest |n tHe 3|m|t|
m|ne, param|||tar|es bean to appear |n tHe area. 1Hey k|||ed
at |east 9 peop|e |n towns around 3|m|t|, beHeaded one
m|ner, and tortured and k|||ed tHe V|celres|dent ol a |oca|
m|ners assoc|at|on. lear|n lor tHe|r ||ves, tHousands ol
peop|e Ned tHe area. /ccord|n to lranc|sco bam|rez,
lres|dent ol tHe Co|omb|an l|ne workers 0n|on, tHe deatH
squads' purpose was to d|sp|ace sma||sca|e m|ners |n order to
make way lor lore|n cap|ta|. Conqu|stador Has s|nce
abandoned tHe project.
."3-*/ (0-% "/% 4*-7&3.*/&
0|am|s 0o|d ltd.
llL. US54b million loan
LFF. 563 million
lar||n, wH|cH became operat|ona| |n ZCCb, |s tHe hrst major
m|n|n |nvestment |n 0uatema|a |n ZC years and |s an
|mportant test case. ln January ZCCb, tHe breakup ol a
4Cday protest by tHe army resu|ted |n one deatH. later tHat
year, |nd|enous 3|pacapan commun|t|es allected by tHe m|ne
overwHe|m|n|y rejected m|nera| deve|opment |n a popu|ar
relerendum. ln response to a commun|ty comp|a|nt, tHe wor|d
Bank's Comp||ance /dv|sor 0mbudsman |C/0 |nvest|ated
tHe project. wH||e tHe C/0 lound tHat some commun|ty
concerns, part|cu|ar|y tHose |nvo|v|n |mpacts to |oca| water
supp||es, were unwarranted, tHe C/0 |dent|hed some ser|ous
sHortcom|ns w|tH project assessment and manaement. lor
examp|e, tHe C/0 descr|bed tHe |ack ol a c|ear po||cy on
Human r|Hts as a "s|n|hcant overs|Ht' on tHe part ol botH
0|am|s and tHe llC.
0."* (0-% .*/&
Camb|or lnc. and 0o|den 3tar besources ltd.
L0L. 5163 million poli!ical risk insurance
MlUA. reinsured 5bb million
LFF. 521 million (Lambior)
514 million (Uolden S!ar)
1He now |nlamous, mass|ve ta|||ns dam la||ure at tHe 0ma|
m|ne occurred |n /uust 99b. l||||ons ol cub|c metres ol
Heavy meta| |aden m|ne waste sp|||ed |nto tHe Lssequ|bo b|ver,
tHe country's ma|n waterway. lare hsH k|||s were reported and
tHe overnment dec|ared tHe area a d|saster zone. /mer|nd|an
|nd|enous peop|e ||v|n a|on tHe banks ol tHe Lssequ|bo
c|a|med major hsH |osses, contam|nat|on ol lresHwater supp||es
and adverse Hea|tH ellects, as a resu|t ol tHe sp|||. / c|ass
act|on |awsu|t on beHa|l ol allected 0uyanese was tHrown out by
a uebec court, wH|cH den|ed tHe 0uyanese p|a|nt|lls stand|n.
Cameco Corp.
L0L. US5b0 million poli!ical risk insurance
LR0. US540 million loan
llL. US540 million loan
MlUA. US54b million poli!ical risk insurance
LFF. 53b million
ln lay 99, a company truck sp||t a |oad ol sod|um cyan|de, a
cHem|ca| used to extract o|d, |nto tHe Barskoun b|ver, ra|s|n
tHe cyan|de concentrat|on |n tHe water to bC,CCC t|mes tHe
perm|ss|b|e |eve|. ln tHe days lo||ow|n tHe sp|||, Hundreds,
poss|b|y tHousands ol |oca| res|dents souHt med|ca| attent|on
and severa| deatHs were reported. 1Housands were evacuated
lrom tHe sp||| area. / study pub||sHed by Natura| besources
Canada conc|uded tHat lew, |l any, s|n|hcant env|ronmenta|
|mpacts were enerated by tHe sp||| conc|us|ons tHat were
quest|oned by an |ndependent Hydroeo|o|st.
4"%*0-" (0-% .*/&
l/l00l0 Corp.
llL. owns 6 o !he opera!in company
LFF. 538 million
1wo v|||aes were d|sp|aced |n order to make way lor tHe
3ad|o|a m|ne. 1He vast major|ty ol re|ocated ar|cu|tura||sts
and pastora||sts wHo d|d not possess t|t|e to tHe|r |ands Have
seen tHe|r ||ve||Hoods d|m|n|sH. bep|acement |ands are |ess
lert||e and some are |ocated lar lrom v|||aes. water
resources are scarce. Natura| areas used by |oca|s Have been
deraded tHrouH delorestat|on caused by tHe m|ne. l|ne
workers ||ve |n poor cond|t|ons and |oca|s report a r|se |n
prost|tut|on, a|coHo||sm, dru use and tHe spread ol HlV//l03
s|nce tHe arr|va| ol o|d m|n|n.
$&3304"/ 1&%30(0-% "/% 4*-7&3.*/&
leta|||ca besources lnc.
wHen leta|||ca arr|ved |n Cerro de 3an ledro |n 99b to bu||d
an open p|t m|ne, |oca| res|dents, Human r|Hts oran|zat|ons
and env|ronmenta| roups lormed tHe Broad 0ppos|t|on lront
|l/0 to Ha|t tHe operat|on tHat tHey say wou|d destroy tHe|r
4CCyear o|d town. 1He company's own env|ronmenta| |mpact
assessment revea|s tHat |l bu||t, tHe m|ne wou|d requ|re tHe
re|ocat|on ol tHe commun|ty and wou|d cause "s|n|hcant
adverse' |mpact to tHe area's on|y aqu|ler. 1He |atter |s ol
part|cu|ar concern. water |s extreme|y scarce |n tHe 3tate ol
3an lu|s lotos| and tHe Nat|ona| water Comm|ss|on ol lex|co
reports tHat |t |s a|ready be|n exp|o|ted at an unsusta|nab|e
rate. loca| res|dents, wHose property Has been adverse|y
allected by leta|||ca's exp|orat|on act|v|t|es, Have sued tHe
0overnment ol lex|co over |ts dec|s|on to |ssue tHe company
a perm|t.
(030 /*$,&- .*/&
,"/",:/&8 $"-&%0/*"
lnco ltd.
LFF. 5130 million
Home to tHe wor|d's reatest barr|er reel system, |arest
|aoon, and un|que p|ant and an|ma| spec|es, banakyNew
Ca|edon|a |s a b|od|vers|ty Hotspot. 1H|s b|o|o|ca| treasure
trove may be |rrevocab|y damaed |l m|n|n |ant lnco moves
aHead w|tH p|ans lor a mass|ve open p|t m|ne. /ru|n tHat
tHey were not consu|ted, nat|ve banaks oppose lurtHer
construct|on c|t|n tHe project's potent|a| soc|a| and
env|ronmenta| |mpacts. 1He banaks' concerns are cred|b|e |n
ZCCb, eros|on contro|s emp|oyed by tHe company la||ed,
contam|nat|n an |mportant mar|ne protected area. ln June
ZCCb, an adm|n|strat|ve tr|buna| responded to a comp|a|nt by
tHe banak oran|zat|on, bHeebu Nuu, by cance||n 0oro's
m|n|n ||cense, aru|n tHat tHe project's potent|a| env|ronmen
ta| |mpacts Had not been adequate|y stud|ed. 1He company |s
appea||n tHe dec|s|on, but Has proceeded w|tH m|ne deve|op
ment, re|y|n on a separate construct|on perm|t.
5)& 1)*-*11*/&4
l|acer 0ome lnc. |l|acer 0ome was acqu|red by Barr|ck 0o|d Corp. |n ZCCb
L0L. US51.36 million loan
A0. US540 million loan
LFF. 53b1 million (arrick)

1He larcopper m|nes are env|ronmenta| d|sasters. l|acer 0ome's partnersH|p w|tH repress|ve
d|ctator lerd|nand larcos enab|ed tHe company to m|ne w|tH|n a protected area and to use
Ca|ancan Bay, tHe source ol ||ve||Hood lor Z hsH|n v|||aes, as a tox|c dump|n round lor b
years. BotH tHe lopo and Boac b|vers Have been ||tera||y overrun w|tH tox|c waste. 1wo
cH||dren d|ed wHen tHey were bur|ed |n tHe lopo m|ne waste sp|||. 3tud|es conducted by tHe
0n|ted Nat|ons, overnment aenc|es and academ|cs sHow tHat commun|t|es, wHo cont|nue to
re|y on tHese r|vers and on Ca|ancan Bay, are exposed to unsale |eve|s ol env|ronmenta| tox|ns.
l|acer 0ome den|es respons|b|||ty lor tHese env|ronmenta| d|sasters and so|d |ts stake |n tHe
project |n 99/. 1He lrov|nce ol lar|nduque |s current|y su|n l|acer 0ome and Barr|ck |n tHe
03, seek|n damaes lor tHe env|ronmenta| Harm caused by tHe larcopper m|nes.
$"/"56"/ 10-:.&5"--*$ .*/&
5)& 1)*-*11*/&4
1Vl lac|hc lnc.
Ll0A. Lanada lund (approx. 531,000)
0ppos|t|on to tHe Canatuan project |s w|despread. 1Vl c|a|ms tHat |oca|
res|dents support tHe project, but tHe ancestra| |eadersH|p ol tHe
|nd|enous 3ubanon peop|e, wHo c|a|m ancestra| doma|n over tHe
concess|on |and, d|spute Hav|n |ven tHe|r lree, pr|or and |nlormed
consent lor tHe m|ne. loca|s report a c||mate ol aress|on and |nt|m|da
t|on around tHe project. 1He company H|red a pr|vate secur|ty lorce made
ava||ab|e by tHe lH|||pp|ne m|||tary and Has |ssued ev|ct|on not|ces to c|ear
tHe m|ne s|te ol sett|ers. /rmed secur|ty uards and bu||dozers were
|nvo|ved |n tHe most recent lorced ev|ct|on ol a lam||y ||v|n |n tHe
concess|on area. l|ne opponents report Hav|n laced deatH tHreats and
sHoot|ns. ln larcH ZCC4, lour peop|e were |njured alter secur|ty uards
hred on protesters.
%0/ ."3*0(0-% .*/&
0rvana l|nera|s Corp.
llL. issued loans !o and held equi!y in LUMSUR, a olivian
company !ha! was an Urvana shareholder un!il 200b
1He 0on lar|o m|ne |s |ocated |n tHe Heart ol tHe CH|qu|tano
0ry lorest. 1H|s rare, |oba||y s|n|hcant ecosystem supports
tHe Headwaters ol tHe lantana| wet|ands and |s Home to
numerous endem|c spec|es. 1He lantana| |s one ol tHe wor|d's
|arest lresHwater ecosystems, recon|zed by 0NL3C0 and
tHe bamsar Convent|on. 1He area |s a|so ol reat cu|tura|,
econom|c and soc|a| |mportance to tHe CH|qu|tano |nd|enous
peop|e. ln a comp|a|nt h|ed w|tH tHe wor|d Bank's Comp||ance
/dv|sor 0mbudsman, an |nd|enous oran|zat|on arued tHat
tHe m|ne v|o|ates tHe r|Hts ol over /CCC |nd|enous commun|
t|es. /mon otHer sHortcom|ns, tHe ombudsman lound tHat
|nd|enous peop|e were not adequate|y consu|ted by tHe
project proponents.
304*" .0/5"/" (0-% "/% 4*-7&3.*/&
0abr|e| besources ltd.
LFF. 58 million
1He proposed bos|a lontana m|ne Has enerated oppos|t|on
across Lurope. 0ver ,CCC scHo|ars Have vo|ced tHe|r
object|on to tHe m|ne, due to tHe area's reat arcHeo|o|ca|
s|n|hcance. 1He s|te |nc|udes H|stor|c boman temp|es. 1He
l|n|ster ol tHe Lnv|ronment |n ne|Hbour|n Hunary Has
ca||ed tHe project a ser|ous tHreat and advocates lor |t to be
abandoned. l|ne deve|opment wou|d requ|re tHe re|ocat|on ol
Z,CCC peop|e, at |east Ha|l ol wHom reluse to move. Lnv|ron
menta| concerns |nc|ude tHe c|ear cutt|n ol lorests and tHe
contam|nat|on ol tHe water tab|e.
-04 '3"*-&4 -&"% "/% ;*/$ .*/&
Bo||den ltd.
1He 99 la||ure ol tHe ta|||ns dam at tHe los lra||es m|ne
wreaked w|despread env|ronmenta| Havoc. 1He tox|c m|ne
wastes tHat were re|eased caused a mass|ve hsH k|||, damaed
tHousands ol acres ol larm|and, tHreatened a 0n|ted Nat|ons
wor|d Her|tae 3|te and e||m|nated b,CCC |oca| jobs. 1He
0overnment ol 3pa|n spent SZ/b m||||on c|ean|n up tHe waste.
1He company |s cHa||en|n a H|H court dec|s|on award|n tHe
overnment S/4 m||||on |n compensat|on and damaes.
(3044 304&#&- (0-% .*/&
Camb|or lnc.
L0L. 5100(+) million poli!ical risk insurance
LFF. 514 million
1He /ucaner |or N'djuka laroon commun|ty ol N|euw
bolhekamp |s |ocated |n tHe Heart ol tHe 0ross bosebe| m|n|n
concess|on. be|ocated |n tHe 9bCs to make way lor a
Hydroe|ectr|c dam, N|euw bolhekamp now laces a second
re|ocat|on wH|cH, accord|n to a Human r|Hts expert, "wou|d
be tantamount to ||ts} cu|tura| and soc|a| deatH.' laroon
autHor|t|es were not consu|ted about tHe project, and roups
w|tH|n tHe commun|ty voc|lerous|y oppose re|ocat|on.
3ur|name |acks |e|s|at|on tHat requ|res m|ne proponents to
undertake env|ronmenta| |mpact assessments and |s tHe on|y
country |n tHe western Hem|spHere tHat does not recon|ze
tHe r|Hts ol |nd|enous or tr|ba| popu|at|ons. Cr|t|cs arue
tHat tHe country's dralt l|n|n /ct d|scr|m|nates aa|nst tHese
popu|at|ons and a 0N Human r|Hts body Has ca||ed on tHe
0overnment ol 3ur|name to rect|ly tH|s prob|em.
#6-:"/)6-6 (0-% .*/&
3utton besources ltd. l|ne acqu|red by Barr|ck 0o|d Corp. |n
L0L. 5173 million poli!ical risk insurance
MlUA. US5172 million uaran!ees
LFF. 53b1 million
Bu|yanHu|u |s amon tHe most controvers|a| Canad|an m|n|n
operat|ons |n tHe wor|d. /rt|sana| m|ners were lorc|b|y ev|cted
lrom tHe concess|on area by 1anzan|an troops |n 99b wHen
tHe concess|on was He|d by Barr|ck's predecessor, 3utton
besources. / storm ol a||eat|ons surround tHe ev|ct|ons
|nc|ud|n one tHat as many as bZ m|ners were bur|ed |n m|ne
sHalts. Barr|ck den|es tHese a||eat|ons. / lormer 1anzan|an
/ttorney 0enera| and an |nternat|ona| team ol researcHers,
|awyers and N00s Have ca||ed lor an |ndependent |nqu|ry |nto
tHe ev|ct|ons. 1He wor|d Bank Comp||ance /dv|sor 0mbuds
man |C/0 lound tHat tHe ev|dence reard|n tHe a||eed
deatHs was unconv|nc|n and d|d not recommend an |ndepen
dent |nqu|ry, delerr|n tH|s dec|s|on to tHe 0overnment ol
1anzan|a. No |nqu|ry Has been He|d, and tHe C/0 report Has
been w|de|y cr|t|c|zed by N00s.
/s|a lac|hc besources ltd. |/s|a lac|hc was acqu|red by
3lb1 Ho|d|ns, a New Brunsw|ck company, |n ZCCb
Cr|t|cs are concerned tHat tHe 0don 1Han| m|ne w||| enerate
s|n|hcant sa|t po||ut|on, destroy|n larm|and and water
sources, allect|n tHe source ol ||ve||Hood lor ZC,CCC peop|e.
Lven tHe company's env|ronmenta| assessment, wH|cH Has
been cr|t|c|zed by 1Ha| academ|cs, po||t|c|ans and env|ronmen
ta||sts, pred|cts tHat |and |n tHe concess|on area w||| s|nk as
mucH as /C cm. 1He /s|a 1|mes reports tHat |eaders ol tHe
0don 1Han| Conservat|on 0roup, wHo quest|on tHe project,
Have rece|ved deatH tHreats lrom representat|ves ol
compan|es tHat were prom|sed contracts lor tHe m|ne by /s|a
$035&; (0-% .*/&
6/*5&% 45"5&4 0' ".&3*$"
l|acer 0ome |l|acer 0ome was acqu|red by Barr|ck 0o|d Corp. |n ZCCb
LFF. 53b1 million (arrick)
1He Cortez o|d m|ne |s |ocated |n tHe ancestra| terr|tory ol tHe western
3HosHone |nd|enous peop|e. 1He 3HosHone arue tHat tHe m|ne, wH|cH was
constructed w|tHout tHe|r lree, pr|or and |nlormed consent, v|o|ates tHe|r
treaty r|Hts. ln ZCCb, tHe 0n|ted Nat|ons ca||ed on tHe 0.3. overnment to
|mmed|ate|y cease tHe transler ol 3HosHone |and to mu|t|nat|ona| extract|ve
compan|es, a pract|ce tHat tHe 0N arued cou|d cause |rreparab|e Harm to
|nd|enous commun|t|es.
Uc!ober 1, 2006
lor reerences, see www.haliaxini!ia!ive.ormininmap
46386 Halifax Poster.indd 1 11/2/06 3:58:42 PM

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