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Glossary of Terms English to Arabic Version 1.

July 2011

Abu Dhabi Award for Excellence in Government Performance Office 2010-2011

Glossary of Terms


# ............................................................................................................................ 3 A ............................................................................................................................ 3 B ............................................................................................................................ 7 C ............................................................................................................................ 8 D .......................................................................................................................... 11 E .......................................................................................................................... 12 F........................................................................................................................... 13 G .......................................................................................................................... 14 H .......................................................................................................................... 15 I ........................................................................................................................... 15 J ........................................................................................................................... 16 K .......................................................................................................................... 16 L ........................................................................................................................... 18 M ......................................................................................................................... 18 N .......................................................................................................................... 19 O .......................................................................................................................... 20 P .......................................................................................................................... 20 Q .......................................................................................................................... 22 R .......................................................................................................................... 22 S .......................................................................................................................... 23 T .......................................................................................................................... 25 U .......................................................................................................................... 26 V .......................................................................................................................... 26

Abu Dhabi Award for Excellence in Government Performance. Copyright 2011

Glossary of Terms

W ......................................................................................................................... 27 X .......................................................................................................................... 27 Y .......................................................................................................................... 27 Z .......................................................................................................................... 27

Abu Dhabi Award for Excellence in Government Performance. Copyright 2011

Glossary of Terms

# 2030 plan:Plan Abu Dhabi 2030 aims to achieve effective economic transformation of the Emirate of Abu Dhabis economic base and bring about global integration and enduring benefits to all It draws up the framework and contents for the process of the development envisaged for the next two decades, and thus represents a roadmap for economic development of the Emirate 800555-Abu Dhabi Government Contact Centre




A Abstract Abu Dhabi Accountability Authority (ADAA) Abu Dhabi Airports Company (ADAC) Abu Dhabi Authority for Culture & Heritage (ADACH) Abu Dhabi Award for Excellence in Government Performance (ADAEP) Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce & Industry (ADCCI) Abu Dhabi Council for Economic Development (ADCED) Abu Dhabi Customs Administration (ADCA)

Abu Dhabi Award for Excellence in Government Performance. Copyright 2011

Glossary of Terms

Abu Dhabi Distribution Company (ADDC) Abu Dhabi Education Council (ADEC) Abu Dhabi Educational Zone (ADEZ) Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority (ADFCA) Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD) Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (MASDAR) Abu Dhabi General Services (Musanada) Abu Dhabi Health Services (SEHA) Abu Dhabi Heritage and Culture Authority (ADACH) Abu Dhabi Investment Council (The Council) Abu Dhabi Judicial Department (ADJD) Abu Dhabi Media Company (ADMC) Abu Dhabi Motors Club (ADMC) Abu Dhabi Municipality (ADM) Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company (ADNEC) Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) Abu Dhabi Police Abu Dhabi Ports Company (ADPC)

Abu Dhabi Award for Excellence in Government Performance. Copyright 2011

Glossary of Terms

Abu Dhabi Retirement Pensions and Benefits Fund (ADRPBF) Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange (ADX) Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC) Abu Dhabi Sports Council (ADSC) Abu Dhabi Systems and Information Council (ADSIC) Abu Dhabi Tawteen Council (ADTC) Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority (ADTA) Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council (UPC) Abu Dhabi Water & Electricity Authority (ADWEA) Action Plan: specific method or process to achieve the results called for by one or more objectives. May be simpler version of project plan Adequacy Administrative Field Advanced Technology Investment Company (ATIC) AED: is the official currency code for the United Arab Emirates dirham Agreement: Actions taken between two or more parties, usually documented in writing

Abu Dhabi Award for Excellence in Government Performance. Copyright 2011

Glossary of Terms

Al Ain Distribution Company (AADC) Al-Ain Municipality (AM) Allocations :Technique for partitioning the inputs and outputs of a system among various products Analysis :Examination of facts and data that provides the basis to identify gaps between actual and desired organizational performance. Analysis often involves the determination of cause-and-effect relationship Analytical Approach: An approach to problem solving using proven facts and data based on leaning and evaluation of past experiences to improve future activities Analytical thinking: Breaking down a problem or situation into discrete parts to understand how each part contributes to the whole Applicant Approach :Overall method by which project objectives will be realized, including the methodologies life cycles, responsibilities, strategies, practices, and procedures taken Assessment Process Assessment: Systematic process of collecting and analyzing data to

Abu Dhabi Award for Excellence in Government Performance. Copyright 2011

Glossary of Terms

determine the current historical, or projected status of an organization, process or project Assessor Automated Award Award Office Awareness

B Benchmark: A measured achievement for comparison and target setting purposes Benchmarking: A systematic comparison of approaches with other relevant organizations that gains insights to help the organization to take action to improve its performance Best Entity with Customer Service Best Entity with Excellent Leadership Best Entity with Institutional Capacity Best Entity with People Development Best Impactor Entity Best Implementer Entity

Abu Dhabi Award for Excellence in Government Performance. Copyright 2011

Glossary of Terms

Best Initiator Entity Best Integrator Entity Best Project in Emirate of Abu Dhabi Board Business Model: The elements of the business that create and deliver value, these elements usually include the value proposition, the profit formula, key resources and key processes Business process reengineering

C CAGR: Compound annual growth rate (CAGR) is defined as the smoothed annualized gain of an investment over a given time period Category CEED(Work Contribution, Work Ethics, Work Excellence, Work Discipline): the Jury will utilize the CEED framework to identify Award Winners Central Bank of the UAE (CBUAE) Change Management: The approach during which the changers of an organization or systems are implemented in a controlled manner by

Abu Dhabi Award for Excellence in Government Performance. Copyright 2011

Glossary of Terms

following a pre-determined framework or processes to support the achievement of the strategic goals Change management enables the transition from a current state into a desired future state Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Chief Executive Officer(CFO) Chief Operating Officer (COO) Client Code of Conduct is A set of rules outlining the responsibilities of or proper practices for an individual or organization Competencies Confidentiality Confidentiality agreement: Agreement prevents the employee from revealing confidential information or property of the Organization Consensus Review Continuous Improvement: The ongoing improvement of processes that lead to achievement of higher levels of performance through incremental change Contributors

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Glossary of Terms

Core Competence: A well performed internal activity or capability that is central to the organizations competitiveness, profitability or effectiveness Corporate governance: A framework of authority and control within an organization used to help it fulfil its legal, financial and ethical obligations Creativity: The generation of ideas for new or improved products, services processes, systems or social interactions Criteria Critical National Infrastructure Agency (CNIA) Critical success factors (CSF) Crown Prince His Highness General Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the UAE Armed Forces CSR Award Culture : The specific collection of values and norms that are shared by people and groups in an organization that control the way that they interact with each other and with stakeholders outside of the organization


Abu Dhabi Award for Excellence in Government Performance. Copyright 2011

Glossary of Terms

Customer results Customers: The recipient or beneficiaries of the products or services provided by the organization

D Delegation of Authority: an approved document developed to provide uniformity and clarity in the application of policies and principles to the various levels of authorization which must be followed while conducting various business operations Department of Economic Development (DED) Department of Finance (DOF) Department of Municipal Affairs (DMA) Department of Transport (DOT) Departments Deploy Deployment Develop Drive (Develop, Rationale, Initiation, Value, Elevation) Driver


Abu Dhabi Award for Excellence in Government Performance. Copyright 2011

Glossary of Terms

Drivers of Excellence Awards

E Effectiveness Efficiency is Performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort e-Government Excellence Award Elevation Eligibility Emirates Authority for Standardization & Metrology (ESMA) Emirates Centre for Strategic Studies and Research (ECSSR) Emirates Driving Company (EDC) Emirates Foundation (EF) Emirates Identity Authority (EIDA) Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company (du) Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC) Emirates Telecommunications Corporation (Etisalat) Empowerment: The process by which individuals or teams are able to take decision making responsibilities and operate with a degree of autonomy in


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Glossary of Terms

the actions Enables Enquiries Entity Entity Awards Entity Prizes Entity Profile Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi (EAD) Ethical Protocols Etihad Airways Excellence: Outstanding practice in organizations to achieve and sustain superior levels of performance in order to meet or exceed the expectations of all their stakeholders Executive Affairs Authority (EAA) Executive Summary Executives External contributors

F Family Development Foundation (FDF) Feedback


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Glossary of Terms

Feedback report Framework

G GEMS( Gains, Execution, Management, Strategy): The Jury will utilize the GEMS framework to identify Award Winners General Authority of Islamic Affairs & Endowment (GEA) General Authority of Youth and Sports Welfare (YSW) General Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) General Directorate of Abu Dhabi Police (ADP) General Directorate of Residence and Foreigners Affairs - Abu Dhabi (GDRFA) General Information Authority (GIA) General Secretariat of the Executive Council Good/Best Practice: Superior approaches, policies, processes or methods that lead to exceptional achievement Ways to find good/best/practice outside of the organization can include benchmarking and external learning


Abu Dhabi Award for Excellence in Government Performance. Copyright 2011

Glossary of Terms

Governance structure

H Head of Department (HOD) Health Authority Abu Dhabi (HAAD) Higher Corporation for Specialized Economic Zones (ZonesCorp) His Excellency (HE) His/Her Highness Human Resource(HR)

I INSPIRE (inspirational, Natural, Sincere, passionate, Innovative, Responsible, Exceptional) the jury will use INSPIRE Methodology to identify Award Winners Impactors of Excellence Implementers of Excellence Improvement Individual Assessment Individuals Awards


Abu Dhabi Award for Excellence in Government Performance. Copyright 2011

Glossary of Terms

Infrastructure is an underlying base or foundation especially for an organization or system Initiation Initiators of Excellence Innovation & Creativity Award Innovation: The practical translation of ideas into new services, products, processes, systems or social interactions Inspiration Instructor Integrators of Excellence Integrity Interview Interviewee IT Enabled

J Jury

K Key Performance Indicator (KPI): measure the quantifiable performance


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Glossary of Terms

of an activity that is critical to the success of an organization in meeting its strategic and operational goals Key Facts Key Goal Indicator (KGI) is Representing the process goal, is a measure of "what" has to be accomplished. It is a measurable indicator of the process achieving its goals, often defined as a target to achieve Key management meetings Key Processes Key resources Key Results Key Success Factor (KSF) Key Suppliers Khalifa Fund for enterprise development Knowledge: The expertise and skills acquired by a person through experience and education involving the theoretical and/or practical understanding of a subject While data are raw facts and information is data with context and perspective, knowledge is information with guidance/ability for action


Abu Dhabi Award for Excellence in Government Performance. Copyright 2011

Glossary of Terms

L Leaders of Excellence Leaders: The people who coordinate and balance the interests and activities of all who have a stake in the organization including executives, all other managers and those in team leadership positions or with a people or subject leadership role Leadership Leading Edge Projects Learning: The acquiring and understanding of information which may lead to improvement or change Organizational learning activities include, benchmarking, audits, assessments, best practice studies Individual learning activities includes training and professional qualifications Logistics procedures

M Management commitment


Abu Dhabi Award for Excellence in Government Performance. Copyright 2011

Glossary of Terms

Management Structure Management System: The framework of processes and procedures related to performance/result indicators and process management and improvement systems used to ensure that the organization can fulfil its vision and mission Market Media Zone


Member Mission: A statement that describes the purpose or reason for being of an organization, confirmed by its stakeholders Model

N National Media Council (NMC) Non-governmental organization (NGO) Non-profit organization / company


Abu Dhabi Award for Excellence in Government Performance. Copyright 2011

Glossary of Terms

O Observational Evidence Organizational Agility: The ability to respond and adapt in a timely way to an emerging threat or opportunity Organize

P Partner Learning: The acquiring and understanding of information which may lead to improvement or change Organizational learning activities include, benchmarking, audits, assessments, best practice studies Individual learning activities includes training and professional qualifications Partnerships: A durable working relationship between the organization and partners creating and sharing added value for both parties Partnerships can be formed with, for example, suppliers, distributors, educational bodies or customers Strategic partnerships support the strategic objectives of the organization in a particular way PDCA (the Deming Cycle) Plan, Do, Check, Act


Abu Dhabi Award for Excellence in Government Performance. Copyright 2011

Glossary of Terms

People results People: All the individuals employed by the Entity, including full-time, parttime, contract& temporary employees as well as volunteers This includes leaders at all levels

Perception: The opinion stakeholders have of the organization Performance management Performance: A measure of attainment achieved by and individual, team, organization or process Plan Practice Presidential Flight Process Operational Personnel Process Owners Process: A set of activities that interact with one another because the output from one activity becomes the input for another activity Processes add value by transforming inputs into outputs, using resources Products: Commercially distributed goods as a result of a production process


Abu Dhabi Award for Excellence in Government Performance. Copyright 2011

Glossary of Terms

Program is a series of projects that are managed in a coordinated manner in order to obtain benefits not available through the management of both the end Project is Making a temporary effort to create a unique product or service unique Project Portfolio is a process designed to help an organization acquire and view information about all of its projects, then sort and prioritize each project according to certain criteria, such as strategic value, impact on resources, cost, and so on

Q Quality Questionnaire is a form containing a set of questions, especially one addressed to a statistically significant number of subjects as a way of gathering information for a survey

R RADAR is a rigorous measurement tool to quantify through numerical scores


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Glossary of Terms

the extent and thoroughness of the practice of excellence within an entity

Recognition Recruitment Regulation & Supervision Bureau Reports Request For Proposal (RFP):is an invitation for providers of a product or service, through a bidding process, to submit a proposal on a specific product or service The RFP process brings structure to the procurement decision and allows the risks and benefits to be identified clearly upfront Resources Results RUBY: (Rationale, Undertaking, Betterment, Yield) The Submission should be structured using the RUBY methodology

S Scope of excellence Scope of excellence Senior Management Senior Management


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Glossary of Terms

Senior Managers Services Site Visit Site Visit Agenda Social Care & Minors Affairs Foundation Social Results Society: The social infrastructure outside of the organization that can be affected by the organization and/or its operations Specialists & Technical Experts Stakeholder map Stakeholder: A person, group or organization that has a direct or indirect stake or interest in the organization because it can either affect the organization or be affected by it

STAR: ( Situation, Task, Action Taken, Results) The Submission should be structured using the STAR methodology STARS: The Submission should be structured using the STARS


Abu Dhabi Award for Excellence in Government Performance. Copyright 2011

Glossary of Terms

methodology for category 3 individual awards Statistics Center - Abu Dhabi (SCAD) Strategy Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT)is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of an organisation Sub category Subject Mater Expert (SME) is an individual who understands a business process or area well enough to answer questions from people in other groups who are trying to help Submission Suitability

T Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) The Centre of Waste Management (CWM) The Centre for Regulation of Transport by Hire Cars (TransAD) The National Rehabilitation Centre (NRC)


Abu Dhabi Award for Excellence in Government Performance. Copyright 2011

Glossary of Terms

Track Record Transparency

U User Manual

V Verbal Evidence Visit Values: Operating philosophies or principles that guide an organization internal; conduct as well as its relationships with the outside world; the understanding and expectations that describe how the organizations people behave and upon which all business relationships are based Vision :Description of what the organization is attempting to achieve in the long term It is intended to serve as a clear guide for choosing current and future courses of action and, along with the mission, it is the basis for strategies and policies


Abu Dhabi Award for Excellence in Government Performance. Copyright 2011

Glossary of Terms

W Western Region Development Council Western Region Municipality (WRM) Written Evidence

X Y Z Zayed Higher Organization for Humanitarian care and Special Needs (ZHO) Zayed House for Islamic Culture (ZHIC)


Abu Dhabi Award for Excellence in Government Performance. Copyright 2011

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