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Ancient stories originally composed and told for all age groups that have been passed down orally from generation to generation to explain the natural and spiritual worlds, as well as to entertain and to indoctrinate their members. Folktales express relationships among human beings and their fears and desires, reflecting the values and cultural patterns of the particular group from which they come. Folktales, also known as folklore, encompass fables, myth, legend, tall tales and fairy tales.

Definition Purposes Characteristics Comprehending Composing Booklists Access to the Documents

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To tell an entertaining story To reveal human nature To kindle imagination To understand universal qualities of humankind (how humans are alike) To convey morals and values To instill cultural beliefs, values and practices

Short, predictable narratives Express deep, universal emotions such as joy, grief, fear, jealousy, and awe Intrigue developed through repetition of phrases Repetitive language and events often occur with additional or changed details Identical themes found in tales across cultures Multiple forms: Cumulative, pourquoi, beast, noodlehead, numbskull, wonder, and trickster tales Fables, fairytales, tall tales Ghost stories, ballads, myths, legends, and epics Themes: Reflective of the cultural values from which the tale originated Good (e.g., industrious, kind, patient, clever) triumphs over evil (e.g., selfish, greedy, lazy) Wishes come true after tests or struggles Values of humility, kindness, patience, sympathy, hard work, and courage are rewarded Justice themes Motifs: wishes, magical powers, transformations, magical objects, trickery, magical numbers (e.g., 3, 7, 12, etc.) Characters: Underdeveloped Magical characters (e.g., fairies, elves, ogres, giants) and events Underdog triumphs Main character changes at conclusion Tricksters make up for physical weakness through cleverness or stupidity Incorporates colloquial and/or daily speech Stereotypical: entirely good, evil, obedient, lazy, and so on Duality that represents extremes in characters traits and appearance May be physically attractive with unattractive character traits and vice versa Setting: Patterned beginnings and endings



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Setting in the distant past Setting may be make-believe, incorporating amazing places and things Often emphasizes a culture or country Plot: Cumulative or linear plot structures Problem tests the main character (e.g., endurance, cleverness, survival) May include irony (e.g., the youngest is successful, the trickster is tricked) Characters, setting and problem revealed early Characters often engaged in outwitting one another Simple, direct, strong, linear plot Problem-solution pattern (including trickery and deception) Quick, magical transformation at resolution point Satisfying, definite conclusion Authors craft: Short or split into episodes Patterned beginnings Replication of simple sentence structure and concrete expressions Brisk, action-filled beginnings Humor Predictable ending Rhyme Using repetitions based upon magical numbers: characters / chants / verses / main episodes / attempts to solve problems Effective dialogue (expressing joy, grief, fear, jealousy, awe) High action throughout the narrative Instructive tone Evidence of reflection/insight regarding the cultural values

Grade Level Instructional Scope for COMPREHENDING the Genre and Text of Folktales:
Grade 1 Opportunities to Teach: How cultures and heritage are represented Form Purpose Problem-solution Prediction Sequence of plot events Sense of story How illustrations are used to support the story elements How transitional words are used to indicate sequence of events Comprehension skills and strategies Personal response Grade 3 Opportunities to Teach: Basic elements Purpose Characterization: thoughts, motivations, actions, traits How characters express attitudes about one another Comparison of character relationships, events and key ideas Perspectives Setting Story-level themes Themes of good and evil Main idea Questioning Personification Lesson/moral Authors use of prediction Point of view Interpretation Comprehension skills/strategies (reread, question, summarize and infer) Visualize Personal response Grade 6 Opportunities to Teach: Structure Elements Style Analysis of purpose Characterization/dialogues role Differentiation of major/minor characters How dialogue builds climax How characters form opinions that are fair or unfair Imagery Mood Understatement Point of view Plot Global theme/universal truth Comprehension skills/strategies (question, infer, conclude, synthesize, interpret, summarize) Connections to self, other texts, and world Visualize Personal response

Grade Level Instructional Scope for COMPOSING the Genre and Text of Folktales:
Grade 3 Opportunities to Teach: Grade 6 Opportunities to Teach:


Writing process Narrative structure Use of repetition Personification Setting

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Writing process Genre conventions Character development Characterization of major and minor characters Internal and external conflict Plot structure and elements Theme Imagery Use of rubrics (expert and peer standards) Audience awareness

Plot development Characterization (thoughts/actions) Use of rubrics Audience awareness

Grade 1 Grade 3 Grade 6

Access to the Documents:

Complete K-8 Genre Project From the Michigan Department of Education Complete K-8 Genre Booklist From Kent Intermediate School District




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Page last modified on September 10, 2010, at 03:14 PM










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