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Physics Challenge for Teachers and Students

w A Double Triple
Two small particles have electric charges of equal magnitude and opposite signs. The masses of the particles are m and 2m. Initially, the distance between the particles is d, and the velocities of the particles have equal magnitude v. However, the velocity of particle 2m is directed away from particle m, whereas the velocity of particle m is directed perpendicular to the line connecting the particles. In the subsequent motion of the particles, they are found to be at a distance 3d from each othertwice! Find the possible values of the charge of each particle.

Boris Korsunsky, Column Editor

Weston High School, Weston, MA 02493

Solution to February 2013 Challenge

Notice that the velocity of the larger mass is precisely half the velocity of the smaller mass and pointed in the opposite direction. In this frame of reference the total momentum is zero. Because the electrostatic interaction is an internal force, the two objects will continue to move in opposite directions, with the larger mass having half the speed of the smaller mass. Given that the separation of the two particles reaches a value of 3d twice, it must be true that the two objects move in bound orbits about one another in the centerof-mass reference frame. If the charge amount is too great, then the two objects will have relatively small orbits and never reach a separation of 3d; if the charge amount is too little the two objects will move apart and never return (having only once reached a separation of 3d). Conservation of energy, linear momentum, and angular momentum can be used to analyze these two extremes. The initial energy of the system is given by:
2 (q)(q) 1 2 2 1 E = K1 + K 2 + U = m v + 2 m v +k ( ) 2 3 2 3 d 2 q2 E = mv 2 k . 3 d
2 2

(Adapted from Kvant; the original problem authored by A. Zilberman) Solution: For convenience, let us assume that the particle with mass m, charge +q, is located at the origin and has initial speed v in the positive x-direction and that the particle with mass 2m, charge q, is located at position d above the origin and has initial speed v in the positive y-direction. These values are taken to be relative to an arbitrary inertial frame of reference, but the system is easier to analyze in the center of mass frame of reference. The initial position, rCM, and velocity of the center of mass, vCM, are given by:


2d j = = 3 m + 2m

(2m) dj

The initial angular momentum of the system is given by:

2d v 2v d (m) + = r1 p1 + r2 p2 = (2m) 3 3 3 3 2dmv . 3

mv i + (2m) vj v 2v = i+ j . vCM = m + 2m 3 3
The velocity of each object relative to the center of mass is found by subtracting the velocity of the center of mass from the given initial velocities. This yields the following velocities and speeds for the smaller and larger masses in the CM frame: Velocity and speed of mass m:

In order to have bound orbits, the energy of the system must be a negative quantity. Therefore we can set up an inequality to determine the minimum charge:

2 q2 0 > mv 2 k . 3 d
Solving for q yields:

v 2v 2v 2v v1 = v i = 3 i 3 j 3 i + 3 j

2 2 v1 = v. 3


Velocity and speed of mass 2m: v v 2v

v v2 = v j i+ j = i+ j 3 3 3 3

2 v2 = v. 3

In order to determine the maximum charge, we can imagine the two particles following elliptical paths (in the CM frame) until they reach a maximum

2dmv 2 . 3k

The Physics Teacher Vol. 51, 2013

separation of 3d, at which point the particles are moving in opposite directions perpendicular to a line connecting them. At that point, let us assume the particle of mass 2m has speed v and then the speed of particle m must have speed 2vso that the linear momentum of the system remains zero (in the CM frame). Also, the center of mass must still be located one-third the distance from the larger to the smaller mass. The angular momentum of the system at this point would then be given by:

= (2d )(m)(2v ) + (d )(2m)(v ) = 6dmv .

Use conservation of angular momentum to solve for v in terms of v: =

We would also like to recognize the following successful contributors: Phil Cahill (The SI Organization, Inc., Rosemont, PA) Fernando Ferreira (Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilh, Portugal) Jos Costa Leme (High School Lanheses, Viana do Castelo, Portugal) Ramiro Moro (Cameron University, Lawton, OK) Thomas Olsen (Society of Physics Students, AIP, College Park, MD) Guidelines for contributors: We ask that all solutions, preferably in Word format, be submitted to the dedicated email address Each message will receive an automatic acknowledgment. The subject line of each message should be the same as the name of the solution file (see the instructions below). The deadline for submitting the solutions is the last day of the corresponding month. We can no longer guarantee that well publish every successful solvers name; each month, a representative selection of names will be published, both in print and on the web. If your name isfor instanceJoseph Ratzinger, please name the file May13Ratzinger (do not include your first initial) when submitting the May solution. If you have a message for the Column Editor, you may contact him at; however, please do not send your solutions to this address. As always, we look forward to your contributions and hope that they will include not only solutions but also your own Challenges that you wish to submit for the column. Many thanks to all contributors and we hope to hear from many more of you in the future!

6dmv = v v = . 9

2dmv 3

The energy of the system at maximum-separation distance is given by:

2 2 (q)(q) 1 1 + U = m (2v ) + (2m)(v ) + k E = K1 + K 2 2 2 3d 2 q E = 3mv 2 k . 3d

Finally, we can use conservation of energy and substitute for v to solve for q: E = E

3mv 2 k

q2 3 q2 = mv 2 k d 3d 2

2 2 v k q = 3 mv 2 k q 3m 9 3d 2 d


17dmv 2 . 18k

Now, having the minimum and maximum amounts of charge, we conclude:

2dmv 2 17dmv 2 < q . 3k 18k

(Contributed by Matthew W. Milligan, Farragut High School, Knoxville, TN)


The Physics Teacher Vol. 51, 2013

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