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Contact: Jake Wagner, Chairman (716) 536-8190 jpwNH118@gmail.

com September 27, 2013 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

New Hampshire College Republicans Unanimously Endorse Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA)
MANCHESTER, NH On Thursday, September 26, the Executive Board and chapter chairs of the New Hampshire Federation of College Republicans (NHCR) gathered to conduct their first meeting of the 2013-2014 term. In addition to discussing various campus developments, student recruitment, and an upcoming deployment to help Gov. Chris Christies re-election campaign in New Jersey, the NHCR leadership discussed the ongoing debate in Congress regarding the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). The proposed law, expected to face a vote in the United States Senate soon, is aimed at preventing discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender Americans in the workplace. While supported by GOP leaders across the country, Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-NH) has not yet declared her intentions. As such, the New Hampshire Federation of College Republicans unanimously approved a resolution on Thursday to express their support of ENDA, and to encourage Senator Ayotte to vote in favor of the bill as well. NHCR Chairman Jake Wagner, who successfully proposed the ENDA resolution, emphasized the importance of millennial Republicans taking an active role in positively impacting the GOPs future. College Republicans have long looked to Senator Ayotte as someone who could represent the future of the Republican Party. It is imperative that she and others in the GOP care about the views and interests of the younger generation; especially at a time when their brothers, sisters, friends, and classmates will be personally impacted by the passage of ENDA. Wagner went on to praise Ayotte for her willingness to carefully weigh both sides of the debate, pointing out that she has been very receptive to constituent input on recent issues like immigration reform and military involvement in Syria.

In recent months, the College Republicans have been at the forefront of efforts to modernize the party, particularly with regards to younger voters who overwhelmingly favor LGBT rights and protections. This point was made clear within findings published in Grand Old Party for a Brand New Generation, a report by the College Republican National Committee that outlined why younger voters have been increasingly reluctant to support the Republican Party. Evidence strongly suggested that LGBT-related policies were gateway issues for millennial voters, emphasizing the need for the Republican Party to focus on acceptance for gay Americans. In the next week, Chairman Wagner will be joining business leaders and various officials to represent the College Republicans during a national day of advocacy and action for ENDA in Washington, D.C. He hopes the NHCR resolution will help ignite a positive Republican-led effort to persuade Senator Ayotte and others to support workplace protections for LGBT Americans. The full text of the NHCR resolution is provided below.

NHCR RESOLUTION on the EMPLOYMENT NON-DISCRIMINATION ACT WHEREAS, citizens of the Granite State strongly believe in individual freedom, civil liberties, and equal justice under law; and WHEREAS, New Hampshire has embraced these fundamental values when enacting laws that protect all citizens from workplace discrimination regardless of ethnicity, gender, religion, creed, or sexual orientation; and WHEREAS, No federal law currently exists to protect lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Americans in thirty-four states; and WHEREAS, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) enjoys bi-partisan support in the United States Senate, leading to an imminent vote in the coming weeks; and WHERAS, 80% of Americans support ENDA, including 70% of Republicans; and WHEREAS, our deeply respected representative, SENATOR KELLY AYOTTE, along with other Republican leaders, have not declared their intention to support or oppose ENDA; THEREFORE, let it be RESOLVED that as the executive leaders and chapter chairs of the NEW HAMPSHIRE FEDERATION of COLLEGE REPUBLICANS; (1.) That we recognize the value and dignity of our LGBT colleagues, friends, and family members; and (2.) That we believe LGBT Americans deserve the right to work hard, earn a living,

provide for their families, and pursue every aspect of the American dream; and (3.) That we affirm their equal rights in the workplace and support the passage of ENDA legislation; and (4.) That we stand in solidarity with business owners, classmates, and countless fellow Republicans to respectfully and passionately urge our friend, SENATOR KELLY AYOTTE, to SUPPORT this legislation in the United States Senate, thereby guaranteeing workplace protections for LGBT Americans. Unanimously consented and agreed to by the NHCR Executive Board on this 26th day of the month of September 2013. Jake Wagner Chairman Elliot Gault District 1 Vice-Chair Allie Bedell District 2 Vice-Chair & Keene State College Chapter Chair Dan Cheever Treasurer & Plymouth State University Chapter Chair Amanda Biundo Secretary & New England College Chapter Chair Tara Sennick Executive Director & St. Anselm College Chapter Chair Phil Boynton UNH Chapter Chair


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