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Certified Mail # 9999 9999 0000 9999 9999

Jane Smith General Delivery Anytown, Texas September 8, 2008 Munster Judgeson, Pct. # 4 111 Grove St. Anytown, TX 79999 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE REFUSED FOR CAUSE, WITHOUT DISHONOR To Whom It May Concern: I, Jane Paige Jones Smith, do hereby make this NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE REFUSED FOR CAUSE, WITHOUT DISHONOR OF the Citation No. A9987699, timely and in good faith. CAUSE being: My retroactively to of the COUNTY OF manner affecting Release of Powers of Appointment, effective [my birth date], terminated any and all rights ANYTOWN or the STATE OF TEXAS to act in any me. (Please see copy attached.)

CAUSE being: I am NOT a citizen or subject of GREAT BRITAIN, ENGLAND, the BRITISH CROWN, the UNITED STATES, or the STATE OF TEXAS or any other corporate body politic. CAUSE being: I am NOT a party to the Constitution for the united States of America; therefore I am not one of the citizens under the terms of the fourteenth amendment to the Constitution for the united States of America who may not question the public debt. CAUSE being: I am NOT a party to nor in SUBJECTION to the private COPYRIGHTED LAWS, statutes, ordinances, rules, regulations, codes, or rules of court used by GREAT BRITAIN, ENGLAND, the BRITISH CROWN, the UNITED STATES, or the STATE OF TEXAS or any other corporate body politic. CAUSE being: I have no contract with the TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY for any compelled performance on my part.


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Certified Mail # 9999 9999 0000 9999 9999

CAUSE being: I am a woman and a living soul, created by God Almighty, and having been born on the soil of Texas, not in the District of Columbia or any of its territories. By having professed with my mouth and believed in my heart that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of the Living God, who laid down His life as an atonement for my sins, and having paid the price to redeem me, rose to Life again on the third day, I have become a believer and a fellow citizen of the saints in the Kingdom of God. [Ephesians 2:19] I hereby confess and proclaim that God Almighty is my Sovereign and the Kingdom of God is within me. [Luke 17:21] I am NOT a legally created PERSON, legal entity, corporation, trust or artificial entity of any kind. I am NOT a SURETY for the fiction JANE SMITH or any fictitious derivation of all capital letters or abbreviations. I am NOT the RES of any constructive public trust created by any corporate body politic or governmental entity. I hereby DENY CONSENT by assent for the use of the all capital letter name or the shortening of the first or middle name by any administrators, officers, agents, or fiduciaries. CAUSE being: The Texas Penal Code, in its entirety is in want of the authentication mandated by the Constitution of the State of Texas and is inoperative, a nullity, and void on its face. CAUSE being: Officer COPSON # 78966 alleged that a crime had taken place but provided no sworn statement, in the form of affidavit, under penalty of perjury that would qualify as a valid complaint. CAUSE being: I am not one liable to the collection of revenues for the payment of the debt of the bankrupt corporate UNITED STATES. CAUSE being: Officer COPSON # 78966 produced no "damaged party" that would make me subject to a civil action at law. CAUSE being: Officer COPSON # 78966 produced no material evidence to show that a civil statute can be converted to a crime. CAUSE being: I hereby revoke any signature ab initio which might have been obtained by Officer COPSON # 78966 by fraud, threat, duress or coercion and which might be used to claim a contractual interest or lienable interest to damage me or my property.


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Certified Mail # 9999 9999 0000 9999 9999

CAUSE being: The instrument presented to me by Officer COPSON # 78966 and returned herewith is fatally flawed as to form and substance. For each of the foregoing CAUSES, jointly and severally, I do hereby make this ACCEPTANCE REFUSED FOR CAUSE, WITHOUT DISHONOR OF Citation No. A9987699, herewith returned. This notice is NOT intended as an attack upon law abiding public officials, nor a rebellious act against law abiding governmental agencies, nor a form of oppression, nor a form of threat, nor a form of intimidation, nor a protest, nor a form of interfering with the lawful duties of a public official, whether in their official or personal capacities. I reserve the right to amend, revise or extend any and all remarks made in this notice, at times and places of my own choosing, according as new facts and revelations are made available to me at various future times and places as yet unknown, and as yet to be determined, in order that the truth may be ascertained. May the will of the Father be done on earth as it is in heaven. I, Jane Paige Jones Smith, do hereby declare that the facts stated in the foregoing NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE REFUSED FOR CAUSE, WITHOUT DISHONOR are true and correct to the best of my current knowledge and belief. Sincerely, All Rights Reserved _________________________________ Jane Paige Jones Smith


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