Unit 1 Review Sheet and Practice Test

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1 Unit Test #1 Review Sheet Enlightenment and Revolution For the test this week, try to review and

d be familiar with the following people, terms, vocabulary, concepts, or themes. Any questions about anything below, see me today at lunch, after school today, or tomorrow morning between before 8:30. The Unit Test will consist of multiple-choice questions. Later this week, you will be writing an Essay on the French Revolution. My advice to you is to use the space provided, and write a sentence or two defining or identifying the term, person, or question. Up to 10 POINTS can be earned in extra credit for filling out this study guide. Central Government -

Absolutism -

Monarch -

Phillip II, Louis XIV, Akbar the Great, Peter the Great -

What are some characteristics of absolute rulers?

Divine Right -

Enlightenment -

John Locke -

Thomas Hobbes -

How did Locke and Hobbess views differ on government?

Voltaire -

Jean Jacques Rousseau

Montesquieu -

Social Contract -

Natural Rights -

Revolution -

Nicolaus Copernicus -

Galileo -

Issac Newton -

Why is the science revolution called a revolution? How did the scientific revolution cause problems with the church?

First estate / second estate / third estate -

What problems did the 3rd estate have to deal with in France?

Why did the 3rd estate form the National Assembly?

Why did the Third Estate head to the Bastille? Were they successful?

Great Fear -

Tennis Court Oath -

Guillotine / Louis XVI -

Robespierre -

Reign of Terror -

Napoleon -

Did life improve after Louis death in France?

Did life improve for the French people with Napoleon?

Why couldnt Napoleon invade Russia?

Congress of Vienna -

Balance of power -

Simon Bolivar -

Jose De San Martin -

5 Toussaint LOuverture What was the social hierarchy in Latin America? What was it based on?

How did the French and American Revolution influence Latin American Revolutions?

Magna Carta

How were the Latin and Haitian Revolutions different and similar to the French Revolution?

Unit 1 Practice Test 1) The primary goal of most of Europes absolute monarchs was to A) support political freedom for the new middle classes B) prevent contact with areas beyond Europes boarders C) centralize their political control over their nations D) maintain peaceful relations with neighboring nations 2) One similarity between the European concept of divine right and the Chinese concept of Mandate of heaven is the idea that a leaders power A) can be challenged by his subjects B) should be limited C) is an inherited act that can not be taken away D) comes from a higher power than the ruler himself

3) What is meant by Machiavellis belief that the end justifies the means? A) Leaders may use any method to achieve what is best for the state B) Pleasing all of the people at any given time is possible C) Leaders must always act for the common good D) The general public always acts in its own best interest. 4) Which document limited the power of the English monarchy during the Middle Ages? A) Magna Carta B) Twelve Tables C) Rig Veda D) Justinian Code 5) What was a direct result of the Scientific Revolution in Europe? A) The rise of the manorial system B) An increase in the use of divine right theory of government C) The Application of reason and experimentation to political thinking D) A gradual decline in the growth of cities 6) Simon Bolivar, Jose de San Martin, and Toussaint LOverture are important in Latin American history because they were A) winners of the Noble Peace Prize B) members of the Organization of American States (OAS) C) leaders of liberation movements D) 20th century caudillos 7) Which social class controlled most of the political, economic, and social power in colonial Latin America? A) Mestizos B) Creoles C) Native People D) Peninsulares 8) Which factors helped cause the defeat of Napoleon during his invasions in Russia? A) The severe winters and large size of Russia B) The coalition between the Russian czar and the democratic leaders C) The well-trained and well-supplied Russian army D) The many rivers and mountains of Russia

9) The French people supported Napoleon Bonaparte because they hoped he would A) provide stability for the nation B) end British control C) restore King Louis XVI to power D) adapt the ideas of the Protestant Reformation 10) A primary cause of the French Revolution in France was the A) Increasing dissatisfaction of the Third Estate B) actions of Prince Metternich C) execution of Louis XVI D) rise to power of Napoleon Bonaparte 11) During the age of absolutism, European monarchs tried to A) increase individual rights for their citizens B) centralize political power within their nations C) encourage the growth of collective farms D) develop stronger relations with absolute rulers 12) In the 17th and 18th centuries, the theory of divine right was most often used to justify the A) involvement of the peasants in making political decisions B) supreme power of the Catholic Church C) establishment of an absolute monarchy D) introduction of free trade policies 13) Niccolo Machiavelli in The Prince and Thomas Hobbes in Leviathan both advocated that a ruler should A) employ absolute power to maintain order in the areas under their rule B) apply Christian teachings to all decisions C) place the needs of subjects first D) obtain power from a social contract with the governed 14) The Twelve Tables, Justinian Code, and the Magna Carta are similar in that each addresses the issue of A) the importance of religion B) the individual and the state C) economic development D) social mobility

15) One way in which the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment were similar is that they A) rejected Renaissance individualism B) led to the Protestant Reformation C) strengthened traditional institutions D) encouraged the spread of new ideas 16) In the 19th century, the independence movements in Latin America were greatly influenced by the A) Hundred Years War B) Glorious Revolution C) French Revolution D) Boer War 17) Which sequence of events is listed in the correct chronological order? A) Enlightenment Crusades French Revolution B) French Revolution - Crusades Enlightenment C) Crusades Enlightenment French Revolution D) Enlightenment French Revolution Crusades 18) Before the French Revolution, the people of France were divided into three estates based on their A) educational level B) geographic region C) social class D) religious beliefs 19) Which change was introduced by Peter the Great to Russia in the 17th century? A) Spread of the philosophies of the enlightenment to the peasant class B) Introduction of Western technology to the military and industry C) Selling of indulgences to raise money D) development of representative government in the provinces 20) What was a major cause of the French revolution? A) Inequalities in the tax structure B) Economic success of mercantilism C) Failure of the Congress of Vienna

9 D) Continental System in Europe 21) How did the French Revolution affect the Latin American independence movements? A) It encouraged the British to meet the demands of the people B) It was a model for peaceful solutions to political conflicts C) It provided ideas for making political changes D) It promoted regional cooperation to solve economic problems 22) The Magna Carta can be describes as A) journal about English feudal society B) list of feudal rights that limited the power of the monarchy C) statement of grievances of the middle class in England D) census of all tax-paying nobility in feudal England 23) The writings of Jean Jacques Rousseau, Montesquieu, Voltaire, and John Locke were similar in tat each supported the principles of A) a military dictatorship B) a theocratic society C) a democratic republic D) a theocratic society 24) One similarity between the rule of Peter the Great of Russia and that of Akbar the Great of India was the both leaders A) implemented strict religious codes of conduct within their nations B) introduced democratic ideas into their political systems C) relied on peaceful solutions of conflicts with neighboring peoples D) modernized and expanded their empires using ideas from other cultures 25) The ideas of Rousseau, Voltaire, and Montesquieu most influenced A) movement for political reform B) the rise of industrial capitalism C) improvements in the working conditions of factory workers D) the growing power of priests in the Roman Catholic Church 26) What was a belief of many writers of the enlightenment? A) Ideas can be proven by reason B) Kings are responsible only to God C) People are basically evil

10 D) The wealthy class should govern society 27) The primary purpose of the Magna Carta was to A) Limit the power of King John B) install Oliver Cromwell as dictator C) justify the Glorious Revolution D) charter the British East India Company 28) One way in which the contributions of Copernicus, Galileo, and Newton are similar is that each A) challenged the heliocentric theory of the universe B) based his work on enlightenment principles and social contract C) supported the work of the inquisition D) practiced observation and experimentation 29) One way in which Toussaint LOuverture and Simon Bolivar have in common is that each leader A) embraced the principles of civil disobedience B) fought to free his country from European control C) established the first democratic government in his country D) opposed the role of the Roman Catholic Church 30) Which factor aided Russian troops in defeating Napoleons armies and Soviets forces defeating Hitlers armies? A) United Nation Peace keepers B) Superior air forces C) Severe winters D) Mountain passes 31) In the Prince, Niccolo Machiavelli was most concerned with A) the use of political power B) equality and justice for all C) government regulation of the economy D) the expansion of church authority 32) Which idea is central to John Lockes Two treatises of Government? A) The have-nots will rise up and overthrow the government B) Famine, disease, and conflict are natural checks on population growth C) Predestination will determine who will go to heaven

11 D A governments power comes from the consent of the people 33) The Andres Mountains and the Amazon River affected Simon Bolivars efforts to bring A) technological improvements B) religious solidarity C) political unification D) economic imperialism 34) Belief in the ideas of the Enlightenment and discontent within the Third Estate were the causes of the A) Spanish Reconquista B) French Revolution C) Counter Reformation D) Industrial Revolution 35) One similarity between the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights is that both documents A) set up a two-party system B) guaranteed equal rights for all citizens C) placed limits on the monarch D) established the right to inherit the throne 36) View the following headlines: 1) Ideas from the American Revolution spread 2) Enslaved persons burned sugar fields and rebelled against French slave owners 3)) Toussaint LOuverture organized rebels A title for all these headings would be A) Causes of Bismarcks rise to power B) Situations contributing to Zionist movements C) Results of the Munich Pact D) Factors of the Haitian Revolution

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