The World Champion

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The World Champion's Deck: Dragonstorm

First thing's first, the 2006 World Champion:

Makahito Mihara

Main Deck 60 cards 1 1 8 4 4 4

Calciform Pools Dreadship Reef Island Mountain Shivan Reef Steam Vents

22 lands

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Dragonstorm Gigadrowse Lotus Bloom Remand Rite of Flame Seething Song Sleight of Hand Telling Time

4 2

Bogardan Hellkite Hunted Dragon

32 other spells

6 creatures

1 2 3 3 4 1 1

Calciform Pools Dreadship Reef Ignorant Bliss Pyroclasm Repeal Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir Trickbind

15 sideboard cards

The incentive for Dragonstorm is to hit nine mana on about turn four for one of the fastest clocks in Standard. The method in this deck is by incremental short-term mana acceleration (Lotus Bloom, Rite of Flame, and Seething Song). That nine mana is used to play the namesake card,Dragonstorm. Conveniently, a Lotus Bloom suspended on the first turn will end up played on turn four. Along with a Seething Song, a Rite of Flame, and some land drops, you should be able to play four Dragons If they are Bogardan Hellkites, that is 20 to the head! Hunted Dragon is present in this deck for two reasons: One: At higher storm count, you want to be able to deal more damage (here haste to deal 6 instead of comes into play to deal 5), and two: Sometimes you draw a Hellkite.

The Decks to Beat: Boros and U/W Tron

Dragonstorm may have won the main event, but from where I sit, the two big decks of the tournament that you need to prepare for or even copy are Boros Deck Wins and U/W Tron. Boros was among the most played decks of the World Championships (it was the second most popular deck last year , too), and clearly the top performer, statistically. Of the five undefeated decks on Day One, four of them were Boros Deck Wins variants.

Willy Edel, 6-0

Main Deck 60 cards 4 3 3 2

Battlefield Forge Boros Garrison Flagstones of Trokair Gemstone Mine

4 4 4 4

Char Lightning Helix Rift Bolt Volcanic Hammer

4 2 3

Sacred Foundry Snow-Covered Mountain Snow-Covered Plains

16 other spells

21 lands

4 4 4 4 3 4

Giant Solifuge Icatian Javelineers Knight of the Holy Nimbus Savannah Lions Scorched Rusalka Soltari Priest

4 3 2 4 2

Cryoclasm Honorable Passage Paladin en-Vec Ronom Unicorn Worship

15 sideboard cards

23 creatures

Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa

Main Deck 60 cards 4 3 3 2

Battlefield Forge Boros Garrison Flagstones of Trokair Gemstone Mine

4 4 4 4

Char Lightning Helix Rift Bolt Volcanic Hammer

2 3 4

Mountain Plains Sacred Foundry

16 other spells

21 lands

4 4 4 4 3 4

Giant Solifuge Icatian Javelineers Knight of the Holy Nimbus Savannah Lions Scorched Rusalka Soltari Priest

4 3 2 4 2

Cryoclasm Honorable Passage Paladin en-Vec Ronom Unicorn Worship

15 sideboard cards

23 creatures

Raaala Pumba teammates from the Pro Tour Charleston Finals Willy Edel and Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa backed up their Constructed reputations with outstanding 6-0 finishes on Day One. Their versions of Boros are identical, save Edel's tricking it up with Snow-Covered basic lands. Like all Boros Deck Wins versions, these attack early with white beaters to pull the opponent into burn range and then finish with one of 16 red direct damage spells. In Boros, your creatures are essentially burn spells that help knock down the opponent's life total, not to be treated expressly as creatures, as with most other decks. If you can get in four with a first-turnSavannah Lions with Boros, you should be pretty ecstatic. The unique elements of this version are red creatures Scorched Rusalka and Giant Solifuge. The Rusalka pushes the whole my creatures are faux burn spells to its furthest logical conclusion ofactually burning the opponent down with them, and Giant Solifuge is just a mislabeled burn spell anyway. Together these two cards are some of the best tools Boros has against the hated Faith's Fetters (see below).

Tsuyoshi Fujita, 6-0

Main Deck 60 cards 4 4 4 1 3 4 4

Battlefield Forge Flagstones of Trokair Gemstone Mine Godless Shrine Mountain Plains Sacred Foundry

4 3 4 4 4 4

Char Demonfire Lightning Helix Rift Bolt Seal of Fire Volcanic Hammer

23 other spells

24 lands

4 1 4 4

Icatian Javelineers Knight of the Holy Nimbus Savannah Lions Soltari Priest

4 3 2 4 2

Cloudchaser Kestrel Giant Solifuge Honorable Passage Paladin en-Vec Rain of Gore

13 creatures

15 sideboard cards

This article features decks from three of my favorite deck designers. Of those three, Tsuyoshi is probably my overall favorite due to his flashes of awesomeness with beatdown. Anyone can work and

work on control (and sometimes combination) decks, which have all kinds of margin like card drawing and deck manipulation feeding their elegance, or more room to explore fun ideas, but it takes a true master to whittle the beatdown into its most efficient possible shape. As Tsuyoshi's take is so different but still effective, I can forgive the personal insult of no Boros Garrisons in this deck (the other three lists featured in this article all played 3 Garrisons among 21 lands); Fujita instead elected to jump up to 24 lands. To realize what a maverick move that is (you might not realize it because most decks play 24 lands), this is the guy who basically invented 20-21 lands inRavnica Block-enabled Boros and Zoo decks, as well as the 20/20/20 split!

Tsuyoshi's version packs a mere thirteen creatures (I mean, he had to get those extra lands from somewhere) but 23 burn spells, including the second best card in Standard,Demonfire. A subtle twist lurks in Fujita's sideboard: two copies of Rain of Gore that he can run on his one Godless Shrine (fetched with double Flagstones of Trokair) and fourGemstone Mines; Rain of Gore is a more blunt and more broad look at the Rusalka and Solifuge, and clearly more powerful against Loxodon Hierarch (the best card that no one plays any more) and Firemane Angel. I also think Tsuyoshi has the strongest sideboard of the group overall as he has four Cloudchaser Kestrels, which both destroyCircle of Protection: Red (and other annoying enchantments, but mostly Circle of Protection: Red) and offer an evasive white source of damage. All these Boros decks had the same Standard record, so you can't really gauge one being better than the other based on, say, Paulo making Top 8 versus Tsuyoshi finishing 10th. However if there is one with any additional edge, you have to give it to Welsh National Team member Nicholas Lovett, who not only ran the 6-0 start but got a win in the Top 8, over then-reigning World Champion and Japanese National Champion Katsuhiro Mori, no less! We often talk about the mythical best version of the best deck being the version of the (almost as mythical) best deck that can beat itself. If Boros is the best deck and it looks like it might be then Nicholas Lovett's version, which got the seventh win (tied for highest in the tournament), is perhaps the zenith of present day development.

Nicholas Lovett

Main Deck

60 cards 4 3 4 2 4 4
Battlefield Forge Boros Garrison Flagstones of Trokair Mountain Plains Sacred Foundry

4 4 4 4

Char Lightning Helix Rift Bolt Volcanic Hammer

16 other spells

21 lands

4 4 1 2 4 4 4

Icatian Javelineers Knight of the Holy Nimbus Magus of the Scroll Ronom Unicorn Savannah Lions Soltari Priest Wildfire Emissary

2 3 3 2 1 4

Cryoclasm Honorable Passage Pacifism Paladin en-Vec Ronom Unicorn Stone Rain

15 sideboard cards

23 creatures

What makes this deck strategically any better than any other? I mean, Tsuyoshi threw in an extra 7 copies of Seal of Fire and Demonfire, but everyone else had the exact same 16 burn spells. The secret weapons, I think, are Nicholas's unusual Wildfire Emissaries. This was a card that was It! Girl! of Pro Tour Dallas way back when Swords to Plowshares and Lightning Bolt were the standard for Standard elimination spells If the default beatdown deck is all white creatures,Wildfire Emissary may be even better now than it was in 1996.

Given the small amount of testing I've done so far, my belief is that Lovett's deck doesn't have any problems hitting four mana. Unlike the other undefeated Boros builds, he doesn't eat his own lands with Gemstone Mine. The Emissaries run past other White creatures, and are pretty hard to kill. You can take one out with a Char, but not a Condemn or Temporal Isolation, meaning that you will usually get your mana's worth if you pump the Emissary to the max on offense. If another Boros deck wants to burn the big 2/4 down, he'll need Volcanic Hammer andRift Bolt because, subtly, Lightning Helix doesn't quite do the job, or even help. The other macro archetype that will have the biggest impact on Standard will definitely be U/W Tron. Itaru Ishida rounded out the undefeated Day One players with a Teferi and Triskelavusversion similar to the one played by quarterfinalist Katsu Mori (who got five wins himself).

Itaru Ishida, 6-0

Main Deck 60 cards 1 4 4 1 1 4 4 4

Academy Ruins Adarkar Wastes Hallowed Fountain Island Urza's Factory Urza's Mine Urza's Power Plant Urza's Tower

23 lands

1 2 2

Draining Whelk Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir Triskelavus

4 1 1 4 3 3 2 1 4 2 2 2 3

Azorius Signet Careful Consideration Commandeer Compulsive Research Dimir Signet Faith's Fetters Mana Leak Mystical Teachings Remand Spell Burst Spell Snare Tidings Wrath of God

Sideboard 3 Annex 1 Bottle Gnomes 2 Circle of Protection: Red 3 Jester's Scepter 1 Return to Dust 2 Serrated Arrows 1 Spell Snare 1 Trickbind 1 Wrath of God
15 sideboard cards

5 creatures

32 other spells

Katsuhiro Mori

Main Deck 60 cards 1 4 4 1 1 4 4 4

Academy Ruins Adarkar Wastes Hallowed Fountain Island Urza's Factory Urza's Mine Urza's Power Plant Urza's Tower

23 lands

2 2

Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir Triskelavus

4 creatures

4 1 1 4 3 2 2 1 4 2 2 2 2 3

Azorius Signet Careful Consideration Commandeer Compulsive Research Dimir Signet Faith's Fetters Mana Leak Mystical Teachings Remand Spell Burst Spell Snare Think Twice Tidings Wrath of God

Sideboard 3 Annex 2 Circle of Protection: Red 1 Draining Whelk 1 Faith's Fetters 3 Jester's Scepter 1 Remove Soul 1 Return to Dust 1 Spell Snare 1 Trickbind 1 Wrath of God
15 sideboard cards

33 other spells

This deck is powerful and versatile. Any deck with the Tron is probably not optimally consistent in the abstract but makes up for that fact by being able to muscle the opponent into the ground with a massive mana advantage once out of the early game. As with the Tron decks we've seen in the past, the Japanese TriscuitTron stalls early with Signets into Remand then moves in for the power cards late game.

Once the tron is online, TriscuitTron can lock the game completely out with Spell Burst. It has early plays with Spell Snare and can snap the table in two with Wrath of God. Some of those singletons hurt as well. You may have read in the Worlds blog that my protg Josh Ravitz sculpted the (allegedly inexorable) hellbent Demonfire, only to lose to Shuuhei Nakamura's maindeck Commandeer. Ouch. On the subject of singletons, the Dimir Signets actually make sense in this deck (off-color Signets make sense in about one in four Tron decks) They can pay the flashback on the loneMystical Teachings. The endgame for TriscuitTron is mostly Triskelavus. This creature is what passes for a bomb monolith in post-Kamigawa Block Standard. It isn't Keiga, and it costs quite a bit of mana, but once

online, Triskelavus does a passable job of controlling the board, due to its ability to split off into many skydivers. This probably isn't incentive enough, though But when Triskelavus dies in TriscuitTron, as an artifact creature, it can loop over and over with the one Academy Ruins, littering the game with Mogg Fanatics. U/W Tron is everything that Boros isn't. Where Boros is straightforward aggression, U/W Tron is methodical. Where Boros is redundant, Tron is tricky. Some of them are really tricky, in fact.

Gabriel Nassif

Main Deck 60 cards 4 2 4 1 1 4 4 4

Adarkar Wastes Flagstones of Trokair Hallowed Fountain Plains Urza's Factory Urza's Mine Urza's Power Plant Urza's Tower

24 lands

4 4 3 1 1 4 4 2 4

Azorius Signet Compulsive Research Condemn Dizzy Spell Muse Vessel Proclamation of Rebirth Remand Spell Burst Wrath of God

27 other spells

2 4 3

Chronosavant Martyr of Sands Weathered Wayfarer


9 creatures

3 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 1

Circle of Protection: Red Disenchant Evangelize Faith's Fetters Mimeofacture Muse Vessel Vesuva Weathered Wayfarer Whispers of the Muse

15 sideboard cards

Gab is one of my other favorite deck designers, and was my call for 2006 World Champion. His deck is one of the finest solutions to a metagame in recent memory, and painful excruciating to play against. The key to this version of U/W Tron is that it skews white instead of blue. Instead of triple -blue Teferi, Gab splices the Snow White Proclamation of Rebirth engine onto his Tron engine. MartyrTron is a strong hybrid because it adds an additional powerful (in-format) theme (Martyr) onto an actually busted mana configuration. MartyrTron essentially graduates the already viable Martyr of Sands /Proclamation of Rebirth decks to great. We already know how the Tron side works. Once you have a massive mana engine, it isn't hard to do something absurd with it. If you missed past episodes of Swimming with Sharks, this is how the Proclamation side works: Martyr of Sands is a real problem for beatdown decks,Dragonstorm, and many threat-poor control decks. With eight mana, Proclamation of Rebirth allows Nassif to forecast up the Martyr and sacrifice it once per turn. Once Nassif is gaining 9+ life per loop, the opponent has to commit a lot of resources to do any damage at all. Then Gab springs the Wrath of God to start again. Weathered Wayfarer, Proclamation of Rebirth, and Martyr of Sands are all inexorable sources of utility, and in some cases, card advantage. Blue decks can't really stop them with permission but they don't win the game. That's where Chronosavant comes in. This card is a fine solution to Smallpox in the short term, and a 5/5 beater when he needs to be. However there are many potential end game creatures. The unique element of Chronosavant in a deck as glacial as this one is actually activating it multiple times without passing priority to skip multiple turns so that the opponent decks himself!

Another Format, Another U/W Tron Deck

One player I was watching throughout the Worlds competition was Shaheen Soorani, whom I've mentioned in this column more than once (and who is the third of three of my favorite deck designers

mentioned here). Shaheen was the odd man out, missing Top 8 on tiebreakers but that's so The Week That Was. From the Swimming With Sharks perspective, Soorani posted a solid 4 -2 record in Standard and an awesome 5-0-1 in Extended. If Boros is to be the biggest and best known deck in Standard, you might want to give Shaheen's Blink Riders V2.0 at your next Friday Night Magic or Magic Online 8-man queue.

Blink Riders V2.0

Main Deck 60 cards 2 4 3 2 2 4 2 4

Adarkar Wastes Hallowed Fountain Island Mountain Plains Sacred Foundry Shivan Reef Steam Vents

4 2 4 4 4 4

Ancestral Vision Demonfire Lightning Helix Momentary Blink Remand Stone Rain

22 other spells

23 lands

4 4 4 3

Avalanche Riders Court Hussar Lightning Angel Riftwing Cloudskate

4 4 4 3

Cryoclasm Disenchant Faith's Fetters Rift Bolt

15 sideboard cards

15 creatures

This deck is all 187 and haste creatures and Momentary Blink. Shaheen could win on tempo with Stone Rain andAvalanche Riders, or on relentless card advantage. The best cards in this deck are Lightning Angel and believe it or not Riftwing Cloudskate. I only played three because I didn't know how amazing it was, Shaheen told me But three is a good number. There ar e all kinds of cute tricks you can play to cheat in this deck. Echo might be on the stack and you conveniently Blink Avalanche Riders. You credit card the echo for a turn, still have a man who can attack, and nuke a second land. According to Soorani, this deck has no legitimate bad matchups in the metagame. He beat two Boros decks, regular Glare, and the Norwegian B/W deck, losing to a terrible U/R LD / burn deck with Sulfurous Blast,Demonfire, and Browbeat, and a Glare deck with fourDemonfires. A natural question with a deck like this one is, when, if ever, you Blink a Court Hussar. I Blinked him at least once per match. You can cantrip a dead Blink or search for the Demonfire.

Overall, Blink Riders V2.0 is a blowout deck against Boros and about 55/45 against Tron (It's favorable if you go first.) The Tron matchup gets better after boards when you add Disenchantand Cryoclasm for more mana denial But if Dragonstorm picks up after Mihara's victory, that isn't good for this deck. You can only really win by beating them down, or maybe manascrewing them... Keep getting those haste creatures in there! The real story of Shaheen's deck choices has got to be his U/W Extended deck.

Shaheen Soorani, 5-0-1

Main Deck 60 cards 1 1 4 3 2 4 4 4

Academy Ruins Adarkar Wastes Hallowed Fountain Island Plains Urza's Mine Urza's Power Plant Urza's Tower

23 lands

4 4 3 4 3 4 2 3 1 3

Azorius Signet Condescend Decree of Justice Fact or Fiction Mindslaver Remand Renewed Faith Repeal Talisman of Progress Wrath of God

2 2 2

Eternal Dragon Exalted Angel Solemn Simulacrum

31 other spells

6 creatures

4 3 3 3 2

Meddling Mage Sphere of Law Sun Droplet Tormod's Crypt Trickbind

15 sideboard cards

Swimming With Sharks started covering Shaheen's adventures with U/W decks more than two years ago. He qualifies seemingly every season with the same deck, and last year, when he won a Honolulu PTQ at Grand Prix Philadelphia, even picked up the brilliant Chris Manning (who was himself coming off a US Nationals Top 8) as an adherent. I finally got to play the deck in a tournament other than a PTQ! Shaheen rode the deck, which he thinks is tops in the format, to 5-0 but chose to draw against eventual champ Mihara in the final round. This drew Shaheen out of Top 8, and put Mihara into the spot that he took to become the eventual World Champion. I got a bad scout. Very bad. My friend told me he was Boros. Boros is a true 50/50 matchup, and I didn't want to walk away with only $2,000, and I was Top 8 if Nassif lost, or if Willy Edel won So I drew. Mihara, though, was not playing Boros, but The CAL, his innovative deck from the last Extended season. That matchup is so easy it's hard to explain why. They cycle some lands, Therapy some, maybe resolve a Dark Confidant. You play the tron, search, Fact or Fiction, then cycle Decree or Mindslaver them. Confinement doesn't matter you have Remand, Repeal, and Condescend. Then after board, four Meddling Mages! It sucked to miss Top 8 with the best deck, but this is obviously my best finish ever.

What about the friend who gave you the bad scout? Are you going to disown him? I asked. Already done.

Ben Stark - Esper Control

Pro Tour Gatecrash Montreal 2013

Main Deck 60 cards

4 4 2 4 2 4 4 1 2
Drowned Catacomb Glacial Fortress Godless Shrine Hallowed Fountain Island Isolated Chapel Nephalia Drownyard Plains Watery Grave

4 2 2 1 2 4 4 4 1

Azorius Charm Devour Flesh Dissipate Dramatic Rescue Planar Cleansing Sphinx's Revelation Supreme Verdict Think Twice Ultimate Price

27 lands 4 Augur of Bolas 3 Restoration Angel 2 Snapcaster Mage

24 other spells

9 creatures

2 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 2

Angel of Serenity Dispel Duress Gloom Surgeon Jace, Memory Adept Negate Psychic Spiral Rest in Peace Witchbane Orb

15 sideboard cards

Owen Turtenwald - Jund

Pro Tour Gatecrash Montreal 2013

Main Deck 60 cards

4 3 3 2 4 1 4 4
Blood Crypt Dragonskull Summit Forest Kessig Wolf Run Overgrown Tomb Rootbound Crag Stomping Ground Woodland Cemetery

2 4 1 4 1 2 2 1

Abrupt Decay Bonfire of the Damned Dreadbore Farseek Murder Pillar of Flame Rakdos's Return Ultimate Price

25 lands 3 4 2 4
Arbor Elf Huntmaster of the Fells Olivia Voldaren Thragtusk

17 other spells 2 Garruk, Primal Hunter 3 Liliana of the Veil

5 planeswalkers 13 creatures

2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2

Duress Grafdigger's Cage Murder Olivia Voldaren Pillar of Flame Rakdos's Return Staff of Nin Strangleroot Geist Tragic Slip Underworld Connections

15 sideboard cards

Joel Larsson - Blue-White-Red

Pro Tour Gatecrash Montreal 2013

Main Deck 60 cards

2 4 2 2 1 1 4 4 4
Cavern of Souls Clifftop Retreat Glacial Fortress Hallowed Fountain Island Plains Sacred Foundry Steam Vents Sulfur Falls

4 2 4 2 1 2 3 3 1

Azorius Charm Blasphemous Act Boros Charm Izzet Charm Moment of Heroism Pillar of Flame Searing Spear Sphinx's Revelation Unsummon

24 lands 4 4 3 3
Augur of Bolas Boros Reckoner Restoration Angel Snapcaster Mage

22 other spells

14 creatures

4 1 2 1 1 2 2 2

Geist of Saint Traft Jace, Memory Adept Negate Pillar of Flame Psychic Spiral Supreme Verdict Thundermaw Hellkite Tormod's Crypt

15 sideboard cards

Tom Martell - The Aristocrats

Pro Tour Gatecrash Montreal 2013

Main Deck 60 cards

4 3 1 4 4 3 4 1
Blood Crypt Cavern of Souls Clifftop Retreat Godless Shrine Isolated Chapel Plains Sacred Foundry Vault of the Archangel

2 Lingering Souls 4 Orzhov Charm

6 other spells

24 lands

2 2 1 2

Blasphemous Act Lingering Souls Mentor of the Meek Obzedat, Ghost Council

4 4 4 4 4 3 1 2 2 2

Boros Reckoner Cartel Aristocrat Champion of the Parish Doomed Traveler Falkenrath Aristocrat Knight of Infamy Restoration Angel Silverblade Paladin Skirsdag High Priest Zealous Conscripts

2 1 2 3

Rest in Peace Skirsdag High Priest Sorin, Lord of Innistrad Tragic Slip

15 sideboard cards

30 creatures

Gerry Thompson - Blue-White-Red

Pro Tour Gatecrash Montreal 2013

Main Deck 60 cards

3 4 4 1 2 1 2 4 4
Clifftop Retreat Glacial Fortress Hallowed Fountain Island Mountain Plains Sacred Foundry Steam Vents Sulfur Falls

4 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 1 4

Azorius Charm Counterflux Harvest Pyre Mizzium Mortars Rewind Searing Spear Sphinx's Revelation Supreme Verdict Think Twice Thought Scour

25 lands 21 other spells 4 4 3 3

Augur of Bolas Boros Reckoner Restoration Angel Snapcaster Mage Sideboard

14 creatures

2 2 2 3 2 2 1 1

Dispel Essence Scatter Grafdigger's Cage Jace, Memory Adept Negate Oblivion Ring Planar Cleansing Rhox Faithmender

15 sideboard cards

Stephen Mann - Jund Midrange

Pro Tour Gatecrash Montreal 2013

Main Deck 60 cards

4 4 1 2 4 4 1 1 4
Blood Crypt Dragonskull Summit Forest Kessig Wolf Run Overgrown Tomb Rootbound Crag Stomping Ground Swamp Woodland Cemetery

2 2 2 4 3 2 2

Abrupt Decay Dead Weight Dreadbore Farseek Mizzium Mortars Rakdos's Return Victim of Night

17 other spells

25 lands 4 3 4 2
Huntmaster of the Fells Olivia Voldaren Thragtusk Vampire Nighthawk

2 Garruk, Primal Hunter 3 Liliana of the Veil

5 planeswalkers

13 creatures

2 2 3 2 1 1 2 2

Barter in Blood Dead Weight Deathrite Shaman Duress Garruk, Primal Hunter Grafdigger's Cage Slaughter Games Underworld Connections

15 sideboard cards

Melissa DeTora - Bant Control

Pro Tour Gatecrash Montreal 2013

Main Deck 60 cards

4 3 4 4 2 1 1 1 2 3
Breeding Pool Glacial Fortress Hallowed Fountain Hinterland Harbor Kessig Wolf Run Sacred Foundry Steam Vents Stomping Ground Sunpetal Grove Temple Garden

4 1 2 4 4 3 1 2

Azorius Charm Detention Sphere Dissipate Farseek Sphinx's Revelation Supreme Verdict Syncopate Think Twice

21 other spells 25 lands 3 3 4 4

Augur of Bolas Centaur Healer Restoration Angel Thragtusk Sideboard

14 creatures

1 1 2 1 2 2 3 1 2

Centaur Healer Detention Sphere Garruk Relentless Gisela, Blade of Goldnight Negate Rest in Peace Rhox Faithmender Supreme Verdict Witchbane Orb

15 sideboard cards

Eric Froehlich
Pro Tour Gatecrash Montreal 2013

Main Deck 60 cards

3 2 4 4 4 3 4
Clifftop Retreat Mountain Rootbound Crag Sacred Foundry Stomping Ground Sunpetal Grove Temple Garden

4 Mizzium Mortars

4 other spells 4 Domri Rade

24 lands

4 planeswalkers

4 4 4 4 4 4 1 3

Boros Reckoner Burning-Tree Emissary Flinthoof Boar Gyre Sage Hellrider Loxodon Smiter Thragtusk Thundermaw Hellkite

1 3 2 2 2 2 1 2

Aurelia, the Warleader Boros Charm Garruk Relentless Nearheath Pilgrim Pacifism Rest in Peace Thragtusk Triumph of Ferocity

28 creatures

15 sideboard cards

2005 World Championship Decks

November 30 to December 4 in Yokohama, Japan Katsuhiro Mori, World Champion

Ghazi Glare

Artifacts 3 Pithing Needle 3 Umezawa's Jitte Creatures 3 Arashi, the Sky Asunder 1 Birds of Paradise 3 Kodama of the North Tree 3 Llanowar Elves 4 Loxodon Hierarch 4 Selesnya Guildmage 4 Wood Elves 2 Yosei, the Morning Star Enchantments 3 Glare of Subdual

Instant 2 Congregation at Dawn 2 Seed Spark Lands 4 Brushland 5 Forest 1 Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers 1 Plains 4 Selesnya Sanctuary 4 Temple Garden 4 Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree

Sideboard 2 Carven Caryatid 2 Greater Good 3 Hokori, Dust Drinker 1 Kodama of the North Tree 1 Kodama's Reach 2 Naturalize 1 Seedborn Muse 1 Wrath of God 2 Yosei, the Morning Star

Frank Karsten, Finalist


Artifacts 3 Sensei's Divining Top Creatures 1 Kagemaro, First to Suffer 2 Kokusho, the Evening Star 4 Sakura-Tribe Elder 4 Yosei, the Morning Star Enchantments 3 Greater Good Instants 3 Gifts Ungiven 3 Goryo's Vengeance 1 Last Gasp 1 Putrefy 1 Reclaim Lands 2 Brushland 4 Forest 1 Island 1 Miren, the Moaning Well 1 Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers 2 Overgrown Tomb 3 Plains 1 Shizo, Death's Storehouse 3 Swamp 2 Temple Garden 2 Tendo Ice Bridge 1 Watery Grave

Sorceries 2 Farseek 4 Kodama's Reach 1 Recollect 4 Wrath of God

Sideboard 1 Cranial Extraction 1 Death Denied 4 Defense Grid 1 Dosan the Falling Leaf 1 Hana Kami 1 Hideous Laughter 1 Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni 1 Last Gasp 1 Loxodon Hierarch 1 Meloku the Clouded Mirror 1 Rending Vines 1 Soulless Revival

Tomohiro Kaji, Semifinalist


Artifacts 3 Pithing Needle 4 Umezawa's Jitte Creatures 2 Arashi, the Sky Asunder 3 Kodama of the North Tree 4 Llanowar Elves 4 Loxodon Hierarch 4 Selesnya Guildmage 4 Wood Elves 2 Yosei, the Morning Star Enchantments 3 Glare of Subdual

Instants 2 Congregation at Dawn 2 Seed Spark Lands 4 Brushland 6 Forest 1 Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers 4 Selesnya Sanctuary 4 Temple Garden 4 Vitu-Ghazi, the City-Tree

Sideboard 2 Arashi, the Sky Asunder 4 Carven Caryatid 3 Greater Good 1 Hokori, Dust Drinker 2 Naturalize 1 Seedborn Muse 2 Yosei, the Morning Star

Akira Asahara, Semifinalist


Artifacts 4 Boros Signet 4 Fellwar Stone Enchantments 3 Confiscate 4 Faith's Fetters 3 Form of the Dragon 1 Ivory Mask 1 Zur's Weirding Instant 4 Telling Time Lands 4 Adarkar Wastes

Sorceries 1 Compulsive Research 4 Enduring Ideal 4 Sleight of Hand 4 Wrath of God

Sideboard 4 Defense Grid 1 Genju of the Realm 1 Ivory Mask 4 Mana Leak 1 Privileged Position 4 Pyroclasm

1 Boseiju, Who Shelters All 7 Island 3 Plains 4 Sacred Foundry 4 Tendo Ice Bridge

2004 World Championship Decks

The 2004 World Championship took place August 2004 in San Francisco, United States of America. Julien Nuijten, World Champion


Creatures 4 Viridian Shaman 4 Eternal Witness 4 Eternal Dragon Enchantments 4 Astral Slide Instants 4 Renewed Faith 2 Wing Shards Sorceries 2 Akroma's Vengeance 2 Decree of Justice 1 Plow Under 4 Rampant Growth 4 Wrath of God

Lands 7 Forest 6 Plains 4 Secluded Steppe 4 Tranquil Thicket 4 Windswept Heath

Sideboard 4 Oxidize 2 Rude Awakening 3 Scrabbling Claws 3 Circle of Protection: Red 3 Plow Under

Aeo Paquette, Finalist


Artifacts 4 Arcbound Ravager 4 Arcbound Worker 4 Chrome Mox 4 Cranial Plating 4 Frogmite 4 Ornithopter 4 Welding Jar Creatures 4 Disciple of the Vault 2 Somber Hoverguard

Instants 4 Shrapnel Blast Sorceries 4 Thoughtcast Lands 3 Blinkmoth Nexus 4 Great Furnace 3 Glimmervoid 4 Seat of the Synod 4 Vault of Whispers

Sideboard 4 Furnace Dragon 4 Seething Song 3 Serum Visions 4 Annul

Manuel Bevand, Semifinalist


Artifacts 4 Chrome Mox 1 Goblin Charbelcher 4 Krark-Clan Ironworks 4 Myr Incubator 4 Pentad Prism 3 Talisman of Dominance 3 Talisman of Progress Instants 4 Condescend 3 Thirst for Knowledge Sorceries 3 Fabricate 1 Fireball 3 Serum Visions 4 Thoughtcast

Lands 2 Ancient Den 4 Darksteel Citadel 4 Great Furnace 4 Seat of the Synod 3 Tree of Tales 2 Vault of Whispers

Sideboard 4 Mana Leak 4 Furnace Dragon 4 Seething Song 3 Pyroclasm

Gabriel Nassif, Quarterfinalist


Artifacts 3 Wayfarer's Bauble Creatures 2 Eternal Dragon 3 Exalted Angel Instants 3 Annul 3 Condescend 4 Mana Leak 3 Rewind 4 Thirst for Knowledge Sorceries 2 Akroma's Vengeance 4 Decree of Justice 4 Wrath of God

Lands 4 Cloudpost 4 Flooded Strand 7 Island 7 Plains 3 Temple of the False God

Sideboard 4 Purge 3 Pacifism 2 Relic Barrier 3 Scrabbling Claws 3 Stifle

2003 World Championship Decks

The 2003 World Championship took place August 2003 in Berlin, Germany. Daniel Zink, World Champion


Artifacts 1 Mirari Enchantments 3 Compulsion 3 Mirari's Wake Instants 1 Circular Logic

Lands 2 Elfhame Palace 2 Flooded Strand 4 Forest 7 Island 4 Krosan Verge 4 Plains 4 Skycloud Expanse

Sideboard 3 Anurid Brushhopper 1 Circular Logic 2 Exalted Angel 1 Hunting Pack 1 Ray of Distortion 3 Ray of Revelation 1 Renewed Faith 1 Vengeful Dreams

3 Cunning Wish 4 Mana Leak 3 Moment's Peace 3 Renewed Faith 2 Vengeful Dreams Sorceries 2 Decree of Justice 4 Deep Analysis 4 Wrath of God

1 Wing Shards

Dave Humpherys, Semi-Finalist


Creatures 4 Aquamoeba 3 Arrogant Wurm 4 Basking Rootwalla 4 Wild Mongrel 3 Wonder Instants 4 Circular Logic 1 Krosan Reclamation 1 Ray of Revelation 3 Unsummon

Sorceries 4 Careful Study 2 Deep Analysis 2 Quiet Speculation 3 Roar of the Wurm Lands 1 Centaur Garden 2 City of Brass 8 Forest 11 Island

Sideboard 1 Deep Analysis 2 Envelop 1 Krosan Reclamation 2 Mana Leak 2 Nantuko Vigilante 2 Phantom Centaur 1 Ray of Revelation 2 Stupefying Touch 1 Unsummon 1 Wonder

Wolfgang Eder, Quarterfinalist

Goblin Bidding

Creatures 3 Gempalm Incinerator 1 Goblin Grappler 4 Goblin Piledriver

Instants 3 Smother Sorceries

Sideboard 2 Cabal Therapy 2 Dark Banishing 2 Flaring Pain

2 Goblin Sharpshooter 4 Goblin Sledder 3 Goblin Taskmaster 4 Goblin Warchief 4 Siege-Gang Commander 3 Skirk Prospector 4 Sparksmith

3 Patriarch's Bidding Lands 4 Bloodstained Mire 1 City of Brass 10 Mountain 3 Shadowblood Ridge 4 Swamp

1 Smother 4 Starstorm 4 Sulfuric Vortex

Peer Krger, Quarterfinalist


Creatures 1 Anger 1 Arcanis the Omnipotent 4 Doomed Necromancer 1 Phantom Nishoba 1 Symbiotic Wurm 1 Undead Gladiator 1 Visara the Dreadful Instants 3 Entomb 2 Smother Sorceries 3 Buried Alive 4 Burning Wish 1 Cabal Therapy 1 Chainer's Edict 3 Innocent Blood 1 Recoup 3 Stitch Together 4 Zombify

Lands 4 Barren Moor 4 Bloodstained Mire 6 Mountain 2 Shadowblood Ridge 9 Swamp

Sideboard 1 Buried Alive 3 Cabal Therapy 1 Decompose 1 Demolish 1 Guiltfeeder 1 Haunting Echoes 1 Last Rites 1 Patriarch's Bidding 1 Pyroclasm 1 Recoup 1 Sickening Dreams 1 Soul Feast 1 Stitch Together

2002 World Championship Decks

The 2002 World Championship took place August 2002 in Sydney, Australia.

Carlos Romao, World Champion


Creatures 4 Nightscape Familiar 4 Psychatog Instants 3 Circular Logic 4 Counterspell 3 Cunning Wish 3 Fact or Fiction 3 Memory Lapse 4 Repulse Sorceries 3 Chainer's Edict 3 Deep Analysis 2 Upheaval

Lands 10 Island 2 Cephalid Coliseum 1 Darkwater Catacombs 4 Salt Marsh 3 Swamp 4 Underground River

Sideboard 1 Coffin Purge 4 Duress 1 Fact or Fiction 1 Gainsay 3 Ghastly Demise 1 Hibernation 1 Mana Short 1 Recoil 1 Slay 1 Teferi's Response

Sim Han How, Quarterfinalist

Squirrel Opposition

Creatures 4 Birds of Paradise 3 Flametongue Kavu 3 Llanowar Elves 4 Merfolk Looter 3 Phantom Centaur 4 Wild Mongrel Enchantments 4 Opposition 3 Squirrel Nest Instants

Sorceries 3 Deep Analysis Lands 8 Forest 5 Island 3 Karplusan Forest 2 Shivan Reef 4 Yavimaya Coast

Sideboard 1 Flametongue Kavu 3 Gainsay 3 Quiet Speculation 2 Ray of Revelation 4 Roar of the Wurm 2 Simoon

4 Circular Logic 3 Fire/Ice

Brian Kibler, 11th Place

Red Zone 2K2

Creatures 4 Anurid Brushhopper 4 Birds of Paradise 4 Flametongue Kavu 3 Glory 3 Llanowar Elves 4 Phantom Centaur 4 Wild Mongrel Instants 4 Call of the Herd 3 Fire/Ice 2 Wax/Wane

Sorceries 3 Living Wish Lands 7 Forest 4 Brushland 2 City of Brass 4 Karplusan Forest 2 Mountain 3 Plains

Sideboard 1 City of Brass 1 Genesis 2 Global Ruin 1 Glory 1 Intrepid Hero 1 Phantom Nishoba 3 Reprisal 2 Simoon 1 Sylvan Safekeeper 1 Thornscape Battlemage 1 Thunderscape Battlemage

Raphael Levy, 16th Place

Le Wonder Goose

Creatures 2 Genesis 4 Nimble Mongoose 3 Setons Scout 4 Werebear 4 Wild Mongrel 4 Wonder Instants 4 Mental Note

Sorceries 4 Breakthrough 4 Careful Study 4 Roar of the Wurm Lands 8 Forest 10 Island 4 Yavimaya Coast

Sideboard 4 Compost 3 Disrupt 3 Phantom Centaur 2 Ray of Revelation 2 Repulse 1 Rushing River

1 Rushing River

2001 World Championship Decks

The 2001 World Championship took place August 2001 in Toronto, Canada. Tom van de Logt, World Champion

Machine Head

Creatures 4 Plague Spitter 3 Phyrexian Scuta 3 Skizzik 2 Flametongue Kavu 2 Crypt Angel 4 Blazing Specter Sorceries 4 Duress Instants 4 Dark Ritual 4 Terminate 3 Vendetta 3 Urza's Rage

Lands 6 Swamp 6 Mountain 4 Rishadan Port 4 Urborg Volcano 4 Sulfurous Springs

Sideboard 4 Scoria Cat 3 Addle 2 Persecute 1 Pyroclasm 3 Phyrexian Arena 1 Flametongue Kavu 1 Crypt Angel

Alex Borteh, Finalist

Merfolk Opposition

Artifacts 4 Static Orb Creatures 2 Darting Merfolk 4 Lord of Atlantis

Enchantments 4 Opposition Instants 4 Counterspell 4 Gush

Sideboard 3 Hibernation 3 Mana Maze 2 Misdirection 2 Prodigal Sorcerer 1 Rushing River

4 Merfolk Looter 4 Merfolk of the Pearl Trident 4 Vodalian Merchant 2 Waterfront Bouncer

4 Thwart Lands 20 Island

2 Teferi's Response 2 Wash Out

Antoine Ruel, Semifinalist

U/B/R Nether-Go

Artifacts 2 Tsabo's Web Creatures 3 Nether Spirit Instants 4 Accumulated Knowledge 4 Counterspell 2 Crosis's Charm 3 Fact or Fiction 4 Fire/Ice 3 Opt 2 Spite/Malice 2 Tsabo's Decree 4 Undermine 2 Urza's Rage

Sorceries 2 Duress Lands 8 Island 4 Salt Marsh 3 Shivan Reef 1 Sulfurous Springs 4 Underground River 3 Urborg Volcano

Sideboard 2 Duress 2 Engineered Plague 2 Lobotomy 3 Meekstone 2 Pyroclasm 1 Teferi's Response 3 Tsabo's Assassin

Jan Tomcani, Quarterfinalist

Dark Fires

Creatures 4 Llanowar Elves 4 Birds of Paradise 4 Blastoderm 4 Thornscape Battlemage

Lands 8 Forest 3 Mountain 2 City of Brass 2 Llanowar Wastes

Sideboard 2 Kavu Chameleon 2 Obliterate 3 Thunderscape Battlemage 3 Blood Oath

2 Spiritmonger 2 Flametongue Kavu 2 Kavu Chameleon Enchantments 4 Fires of Yavimaya 4 Saproling Burst Instants 4 Fire/Ice 2 Urza's Rage

2 Sulfurous Springs 3 Karplusan Forest 4 Rishadan Port

3 Boil 2 Tangle

2000 World Championship Decks

The 2000 World Championship took place August 2000 in Brussels, Belgium. Jon Finkel, World Champion


Creatures 4 Masticore 4 Metalworker 1 Phyrexian Colossus Artifacts 1 Crumbling Sanctuary 4 Grim Monolith 1 Mishra's Helix 4 Phyrexian Processor 4 Tangle Wire 4 Thran Dynamo 4 Voltaic Key

Sorceries 4 Tinker Instants 4 Brainstorm Lands 4 Crystal Vein 9 Island 4 Rishadan Port 4 Saprazzan Skerry

Sideboard 4 Annul 4 Chill 4 Miscalculation 1 Mishra's Helix 2 Rising Waters

Janosch Khn, Quaterfinalist

Angry Non-Hermit

Creatures 4 Avalanche Riders 4 Birds of Paradise 4 Blastoderm 4 Llanowar Elves 2 Masticore 2 Priest of Titania Sorceries 4 Arc Lightning 1 Creeping Mold 4 Plow Under 4 Stone Rain

Enchantments 2 Saproling Burst Artifact 1 Phyrexian Processor Lands 2 Dust Bowl 10 Forest 4 Karplusan Forest 4 Mountain 4 Rishadan Port

Sideboard 4 Boil 1 Creeping Mold 2 Flameshot 1 Masticore 1 Phyrexian Processor 2 Rack and Ruin 1 Splinter 3 Uktabi Orangutan

Tom Van de Logt, Quarterfinalist


Enchantments 4 Attunement 1 Energy Field 4 Opalescence 3 Parallax Tide 4 Parallax Wave 1 Seal of Cleansing 1 Seal of Removal Instants 3 Counterspell 3 Enlightened Tutor 4 Frantic Search 1 Mystical Tutor

Sorceries 4 Replenish 1 Wrath of God Artifact 1 Sky Diamond Lands 9 Island 8 Plains 4 Rishadan Port 4 Adarkar Wastes

Sideboard 1 Chill 1 Circle of Protection: Black 1 Cursed Totem 2 Daze 3 Erase 2 Lilting Refrain 1 Seal of Cleansing 2 Submerge 2 Wrath of God

Nicolas Labarre, Quarterfinalist


Creatures 4 Academy Rector 4 Birds of Paradise 4 Llanowar Elves 4 Priest of Titania 1 Serra Avatar Artifacts 4 Ashnod's Altar 1 Snake Basket 1 Whetstone Instants 4 Enlightened Tutor Enchantments 1 Confiscate 4 Fecundity 1 Pattern of Rebirth 4 Saproling Cluster 1 Yawgmoth's Bargain

Sorceries 1 Yawgmoth's Will Lands 4 Brushland 3 City of Brass 8 Forest 2 High Market 2 Phyrexian Tower 2 Thran Quarry

Sideboard 1 Absolute Law 3 Armageddon 1 Aura Fracture 1 Blaze 1 Defense Grid 1 Energy Flux 1 Heart of Ramos 1 Light of Day 1 Meekstone 1 Parallax Wave 1 Phyrexian Processor 1 Seal of Cleansing 1 Worship

1999 World Championship Decks

The 1999 World Championship took place August 1999 in Yokohama, Japan. Each of these decks were released September 27, 1999. Kai Budde, World Champion


Creatures 4 Covetous Dragon 1 Karn, Silver Golem 3 Masticore Artifacts 4 Cursed Scroll 4 Fire Diamond 4 Grim Monolith

Sorceries 4 Wildfire Lands 3 Ancient Tomb 4 City of Traitors 13 Mountain

Sideboard 2 Boil 3 Earthquake 1 Mishra's Helix 1 Phyrexian Processor 2 Rack and Ruin 2 Shattering Pulse 4 Spellshock

2 Mishra's Helix 4 Temporal Aperture 4 Thran Dynamo 4 Voltaic Key 2 Worn Powerstone

Mark Le Pine, Finalist

Sped Red

Creatures 4 Avalanche Riders 3 Fireslinger 4 Jackal Pup 4 Mogg Fanatic Artifacts 4 Cursed Scroll Instants 4 Shock Sorceries 4 Arc Lightning 3 Hammer of Bogardan 4 Pillage 4 Stone Rain

Lands 2 Ancient Tomb 2 Ghitu Encampment 16 Mountain 4 Wasteland

Sideboard 1 Arc Lightning 1 Fireslinger 1 Flowstone Flood 2 Masticore 4 Scald 2 Shattering Pulse 4 Thran Foundry

Matt Linde, Semifinalist


Creatures 4 Albino Troll 4 Elvish Lyrist 4 Llanowar Elves

Artifacts 4 Cursed Scroll Enchantments

Sideboard 3 Choke 2 Constant Mists 1 Hurricane

4 Pouncing Jaguar 4 River Boa 2 Uktabi Orangutan 4 Wild Dogs

4 Rancor Instants 4 Giant Growth Lands 14 Forest 4 Gaea's Cradle 4 Treetop Village

2 Overrun 3 Thran Foundry 2 Uktabi Orangutan 2 Weatherseed Treefolk

Jakub lemr, Quarterfinalist


Creatures 1 Bottle Gnomes 1 Phyrexian Negator 3 Phyrexian Plaguelord 3 Ravenous Rats 2 Ticking Gnomes Artifacts 3 Cursed Scroll 4 Powder Keg Instants 2 Corpse Dance 4 Dark Ritual 4 Diabolic Edict 1 Rapid Decay 1 Vampiric Tutor

Sorceries 4 Duress 2 Stupor 3 Yawgmoth's Will Lands 2 Spawning Pool 15 Swamp 1 Volrath's Stronghold 4 Wasteland

Sideboard 1 Botttle Gnomes 2 Carrion Beetles 1 Evincar's Justice 1 Hatred 2 Perish 1 Persecute 2 Phyrexian Negator 3 Rapid Decay 1 Sphere of Resistance 1 Stromgald Cabal

1998 World Championship Decks

Brian Selden, World Champion

Cali Nightmare

Creatures 4 Birds of Paradise 1 Cloudchaser Eagle 1 Man-o'-War 2 Nekrataal 1 Orcish Settlers 2 Spike Feeder 1 Spike Weaver 1 Spirit of the Night 1 Thrull Surgeon 1 Tradewind Rider 2 Uktabi Orangutan 1 Verdant Force 4 Wall of Blossoms 2 Wall of Roots Sorceries 2 Firestorm 2 Lobotomy

Enchantments 4 Recurring Nightmare 4 Survival of the Fittest Artifacts 2 Scroll Rack Lands 3 City of Brass 8 Forest 1 Gemstone Mine 2 Karplusan Forest 2 Reflecting Pool 1 Swamp 2 Underground River 2 Undiscovered Paradise 1 Volrath's Stronghold

Sideboard 4 Boil 2 Dread of Night 3 Emerald Charm 1 Hall of Gemstone 2 Phyrexian Furnace 2 Pyroblast 1 Staunch Defenders

Ben Rubin, Finalist


Creatures 4 Ball Lightning 2 Goblin Vandal 4 Ironclaw Orcs 4 Jackal Pup 4 Mogg Fanatic 2 Mogg Flunkies 1 Viashino Sandstalker Instants 4 Fireblast 2 Hammer of Bogardan 4 Incinerate 4 Shock

Artifacts 4 Cursed Scroll Lands 17 Mountain 4 Wasteland

Sideboard 3 Bottle Gnomes 2 Dwarven Miner 2 Dwarven Thaumaturgist 1 Final Fortune 1 Firestorm 4 Pyroblast 2 Shattering Pulse

Brian Hacker, Quarterfinalist


Creatures 3 Nomads en-Kor 3 Paladin en-Vec 4 Soltari Monk 4 Soltari Priest 1 Soltari Visionary 4 Soul Warden 4 Warrior en-Kor 4 White Knight

Enchantments 1 Aura of Silence 4 Empyrial Armor Sorceries 4 Cataclysm Instants 3 Disenchant 4 Tithe Lands 17 Plains

Sideboard 3 Abeyance 2 Armageddon 3 Aura of Silence 3 Cursed Scroll 1 Disenchant 3 Spirit Link

Randy Buehler, 12th Place

CMU Blue

Creatures 1 Rainbow Efreet Instants 4 Counterspell 4 Dismiss 2 Dissipate 3 Forbid 4 Force Spike 4 Impulse 3 Mana Leak 1 Memory Lapse 4 Whispers of the Muse

Artifacts 4 Nevinyrral's Disk Lands 18 Island 4 Quicksand 4 Stalking Stones

Sideboard 2 Capsize 1 Grindstone 4 Hydroblast 4 Sea Sprite 4 Wasteland

Randy's last name is misspelled on his deck box as Buelher, as is "twelveth" place.


1997 World Championship Decks

Jakub Slemr, World Champion


Creatures 4 Black Knight 4 Fallen Askari 4 Knight of Stromgald 4 Man-o'-War 1 Necratog 4 Nekrataal 2 Shadow Guildmage 2 Uktabi Orangutan Instants 4 Contagion 4 Incinerate

Sorceries 4 Choking Sands 2 Earthquake Lands 3 City of Brass 3 Gemstone Mine 2 Sulfurous Springs 10 Swamp 1 Underground River 3 Undiscovered Paradise

Sideboard 2 Disenchant 2 Dystopia 2 Ebony Charm 1 Exile 2 Forsaken Wastes 1 Honorable Passage 2 Hydroblast 3 Pyroblast

Janosch Kuehn, Finalist


Creatures 4 Frenetic Efreet 4 Wildfire Emissary Instants 3 Abeyance 4 Counterspell 2 Disenchant 4 Force of Will 4 Impulse 4 Incinerate 4 Swords to Plowshares Sorceries

Lands 1 City of Brass 6 Island 6 Mountain 4 Plain 4 Thawing Glaciers 1 Undiscovered Paradise

Sideboard 2 Circle of Protection: Black 3 Circle of Protection: Red 2 Disenchant 2 Earthquake 1 Kjeldoran Outpost 2 Political Trickery 3 Pyroblast

2 Disintegrate 2 Hammer of Bogardan 1 Pillage

Svend Geertsen, Semi-finalist


Creatures 4 Fyndhorn Elves 4 Ghazban Ogre 4 Rogue Elephant 4 Quirion Ranger 3 Harvest Wurm 4 Spectral Bears 2 Whirling Dervish 2 Uktabi Orangutan 2 Jolrael's Centaur 3 Lhurgoyf

Instants 4 Giant Growth 2 Bounty of the Hunt Artifacts 4 Winter Orb Lands 16 Forest 2 Heart of Yavimaya

Sideboard 2 River Boa 2 Whirling Dervish 1 Uktabi Orangutan 2 Crumble 4 Emerald Charm 3 City of Solitude 1 Bounty of the Hunt

Paul McCabe, Semi-finalist


Creatures 4 Cloud Elemental 4 Man-o'-War 4 Ophidian 3 Suq'ata Lancer 1 Wildfire Emisary 2 Frenetic Efreet Enchantments 2 Abduction Instants

Sorceries 1 Disintegrate Arifacts 3 Mindstone Lands 10 Island 6 Mountain 2 City of Brass 2 Undiscovered Paradise

Sideboard 1 Phrexian Furnace 1 Nevinyrral's Disk 1 Serrated Arrows 4 Knight of the Mists 1 Hydroblast 1 Dissipate 2 Pyroblast 3 Pillage 1 Pyrokinesis

2 Disrupt 4 Counterspell 4 Force of Will 4 Incenerate 2 Pyrokinesis

Pro Tour 1996

Loconto, World Champion


Creatures 2 Blinking Spirit Enchantments 2 Control Magic 2 Hallowed Ground 2 Land Tax Instants 4 Swords to Plowshares 4 Disenchant 4 Counterspell 1 Deflection Sorceries 1 Balance 1 Recall 4 Wrath of God Artifacts 2 Fountain of Youth 1 Zuran Orb 1 Feldon's Cane 1 Ivory Tower 3 Millstone 2 Icy Manipulator 1 Jayemdae Tome

Lands 4 Adarkar Wastes 4 Island 4 Mishra's Factory 7 Plains 1 Ruins of Trokair 1 Strip Mine 2 Svylunite Temple 1 Wizards' School

Sideboard 2 Circle of Protection Red 1 Divine Offering 2 Hydroblast 2 Sea Sprite 2 Aeoliplie 1 Jester's Cap 2 Serrated Arrows 1 Control Magic 2 Steal Artifact

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