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Jalan Jaksa (abbreviated as Jl. Jaksa) is a short street approximately 400 meter s long in Central Jakarta, Indonesia.

It is located about 1 km south of the nati onal museum, Monas and due west of the Gondangdia main line train station. The origin of the street name dates back to the Dutch era, when students of the Rechts Hogeschool Batavia (Jakarta Law Academy) stayed in the area while studyin g.[citation needed] Because of this the street officially became known as Jaksa, the Indonesian word for Prosecutor. History In the late 1960s Jl. Jaksa started to become internationally known among backpa ckers though the International Youth Hostel Federation (IYHF). In 1968, Nathanae l Lawalata the secretary general of the Association of Indonesian Youth Hostels, converted his house into a hotel to establish the Wisma Delima. This was not on ly the first hotel in Jl Jaksa but also the only hotel in Jakarta that was inter nationally listed by the IYHF. The street lar travel d become a ermined as subsequently developed more hostels and became mentioned in many popu guide books and publications including the Lonely Planet. Jl Jaksa ha transit point to explore the rest of Indonesia and was officially det a tourism area by the Jakarta city council.[citation needed]

In 1993, the Jakarta Tourism Office stated 57,201 foreign tourists had visited h otels and hostels in the street and the surrounding area, including 29,676 Europ eans, 9,309 Australians, 4,215 Americans and 649 Africans.[who?] The average len gth of stay of foreign tourists at Jalan Jaksa was three days. On 5 7 August 1994, the first annual Jaksa street festival was held.[1] The street festival aimed to increase the popularity of street and simultaneously celebrat e the culture of indigenous Jakarta residents, known as the Betawi people. The 1998 monetary crisis, the 2002 Bali bombings, the 2004 Jakarta embassy bombi ng and the decision in 2005 to reduce the standard tourist visa from 60 to 30 da ys have reduced the number of budget tourist numbers at Jalan Jaksa. Many backpa ckers decided to stay directly in the other parts of Indonesia instead of spendi ng 10% of their 30 day visa in Jakarta.[2][3] The street has also been the site of locals intimidating tourists during sweeps in the early 2000s .[4][5][6] As of 2007 Jl Jaksa is still the main budget accommodation and low budget entert ainment street in Jakarta. It still remains popular among locals, expat English teachers and backpackers. While it is nowhere near as touristy, modern or develo ped as its counterparts in Kuta, Bali or the Khaosan Road in Bangkok, the street still manages to offer a selection of services helpful to the average budget to urist including travel agencies, a bookstore, money changers, laundries, pubs, e tc.{ [7] References ^ Susianty, Lenah. The Jakarta Post, 2 August (1994) ^ "Jalan Jaksa Fair less spirited than usual", Asia Africa Intelligence Wire (Financial Times Ltd), 2005-08-27, retrieved 14 April 2012 ^ "Jaksa Festival Draws Locals But Few Foreigners", Indonesia Government New s (Athena Information Solutions Pvt. Ltd), 2010-08-01, retrieved 14 April 2012 ^ "POLICE ARREST 10 FOR SWEEPING FOREIGNERS", Asia Africa Intelligence Wire (Financial Times Ltd), 2003-03-24, retrieved 14 April 2012 ^ "Indonesian police arrest 10 Muslims for attempted "sweeping" of foreigner s", Asia Africa Intelligence Wire (Financial Times Ltd), 2003-03-24, retrieved 1 4 April 2012 ^ "10 MOSLEM YOUTHS SUSPECTED OF LAUNCHING ILLEGAL SWEEP OF FOREIGNERS", Asi

a Africa Intelligence Wire (Financial Times Ltd), 2003-03-25, retrieved 14 April 2012 ^ Baskoro, Bra (2010), Wisata kota Jalan Jaksa : sebuah kajian sosiologi par iwisata (Cet. 1 ed.), Penerbit Koekoesan, ISBN 978-979-1442-31-2

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