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7. Management structure. a. The Organizational structure. Chart 1: The Organizational structure.

Our shops Human resource includes general manager, managers, accountant (cashier), odd job man, servers, bartender, security guards and librarians. General Manager is a person who manages all activities of our shop in generally to shopthemostefficientoperation. Manager is a person who has management level in the same field. Manager replaces director to operate all activities of shop when direct absent. The task of manager is training and guide staff and manager consider the general operation of the shop. Cashier has the high schoollevel and honest and active. Cashier know using internet. She is the direct collection money. And report money every day, every week, every month, and every year Bartender has skill and experience in the preparation and dispensing of beverage.

Server has six people. This is people who serve and introduce the product to customer and take care of customer and service according to standards of shop. Odd job worker is from 30 to 50 years old. Odd job worker has good health to clean campus anddepartment Security guard has 1 people. They are men. The age is from 18 to 35 years old. They are good health to protect asset and vehicles. There are 4 librarians. They have knowledge and understanding for book to respond to questions and lookup needs of our customers.

b. Recruiting and training. + Recruiting: Our shop has fifteen people. With coffee and book, outside, Service personal, Preparation staff, kitchen staffShop needs staff to service reference book. General management will conduct recruitment and select employees through interviews. We have some main requirements in recruiting: Requirements of our shop have good health, active, enthusiastic and experienced. Reference book Staffs have knowledge and understanding for book to respond to questions and lookup needs of our customers. This is light work and we need dynamic people. So we recruit student to decrease expense. Because student work part time, so we recruit 4 people and 4 people work in shift. Our shop is new, so they reduce the costs as low as possible. After a period of time operation, bases on actual operation requirement of our shop, we would hire more staff. + Training: General management guide new staff to become familiar with the job. Specially, general management guide personal staff service and conduct. Outside, general management needs to study knowledge of professional to service well.

Pricing Strategies. We consider book that it is factor to develop business together in the cafe. The main source of income is cafe,food,service. We increase the value of cafe, food, and service (hiring location) appropriateasmallamountofmoneyiftheclientcanaccept. And we have many kind of products appropriate customer that they have from medium to high and from student to business.

This is table of price: Coffee iced coffee Price of Water coffee(VND) nutrients 20.000 Price of (VND) Tea Lipton Price of tea(VND) 12.000

Pure water 10.000

black coffee


lemon salt


Lipton milk tea


instant coffee


orange Juice


peach tea


coffee with milk




strawberry tea


filter coffee 25.000



Lemon tea


Coffee 30.000 cappuccino

Coca cola


yogurt ice


Iced cacao


7 up


Tea squash 12.000

hot cocoa


green Tea


ginger tea




iced tea


Fruit juice

Price of Foods fruit juice(VND) 35.000 snack

Price of food(VND) 6.000

Vitamins butter

coconut 30.000





sweet cake




melon seed


25.000 carrots strawberry Juiceapple 40.000 30.000

grapes oranges

40.000 35.000

Promotion Strategies. The first promotion, we will advertise by leaflets auditorium, secondary school, university and advertise the company near shop.we anticipate 900leaflets in the first month and after consider whether add or not next month. We advertise thought poster before shop We will advertise on internet thoughmuachung and hotdeal

In thefirstweekoflaunch,on the first day, we decrease 30% and the next day the customer will be decrease 10% for all products. On specialoccasions, we issue discount voucher 50% in certain time to encourage customer Distribution strategies. Our shop located Gia Lam in which it focuses on many company and many university. It is easy to introduction shop. Products will be sold in the shop. We will accept orders location though phone, mail, facebook Product strategies: The main product of shop is coffee and book. However, the combination of delicious coffee and good book will attract customer. Outside, we add tea, frappe and food to customer have many choices. If the shop focuses on coffee and books, the shop doesnt much profit. So we combine with rent location to organize event such as: English club, music club, business club To have good book, we select and find out source book to meet the need of customer and increase value of shop. To decrease investment cost for book, we mobilizebookcasefromour friends and our books. Outside we always update new book, newspaper and magazine 8.Future Development 8.1.Long term goals - Attracting approximately 50 clients per day in the first year - Achieving at least 100 friendly customers - Expanding business scale and increasing the profit in the next 5 years - Achieving profit approximately 400 million in the first year

8.2.future milestones. - Recovering capital and gaining the profit in the first year - Creating the psychological relaxation and comfort for customers - A place where people can relax and cultivate knowledge in every aspect - Achieving prestige with the related parties such as: customers, suppliers - Building stores brand name in area

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