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IEEE-Interational Conference On Advances In Engineering, Science And Management (ICAESM -2012) March 30, 31, 2012 661


Iprabakaran.R, 2Famila.S, 3Gowri.s, 4Arvind.R
1&2 Asst.Prof, 3p.G Student, 4U.G.student,
1&3 Anna University Trichy, 2&4Dr.Paul's Engineering college.
Abstract - The design of adder
subsystem is the most focused area in VLSI
design of processing units. So far there are a
variety of such adders like RCA, CSA, CLA
and ETA. ETA is the Error Tolerant Adder and
is the latest of the adders which has better
performance when compared with the other
adders in terms of power consumption, delay
etc. Whereas the designs so far is by font end
tools that performs simulations with ideal
parameters instead of real time conditions. So,
here in this paper, the design is approached
through backend tool under real time
simulation conditions. The results showed that
the adder performance in terms of accuracy,
delay, size and with 70% lesser power
consumption than that of the conventional c
MOS adders.
Key terms: Back end, adder, cadence, ETA,
Front end.
Arithmetic operations are widely used in most
microelectronic systems. Addition is a
fundamental arithmetic operation and is the
base of many other commonly used arithmetic
operations. Also, the other operations such as
the subtraction, multiplication and division can
be derived fom addition and hence adders are
ofen seen as the most signifcant parts of the
arithmetic unit. Designing low-power VLSI
systems has become an important performance
goal because of the fast growing technology in
mobile computation and communication. The
world accepts analog computation," which
generates good enough" results rather than
totally accurate results [4][3][1]. Also in digital
VLSI systems, we do not get accurate results
as in the case of communication systems the
analog signals are sampled, digitized and
transmitted over a noisy channel. Error may
occur anywhere in this process. With the
explosive growth the demand and popularity of
portable electronics is driving designers to
strive for smaller silicon area, higher speeds,
longer battery life, and more reliability. Power
is one of the premium resources a designer tries
to save when designing a system. The aim to
increase battery life of portable electronic
devices is to decrease the energy expended per
arithmetic operation, however lower power
consumption does not necessarily bring about
lower energy dissipation and higher
performance. To perform arithmetic operations,
a device can use up very low power by
functioning at very low frequency but it may
spend a very long time to fnish the operation.
Therefore, we measure the energy dissipation
and evaluate the performance of the system by
calculating the
Power-Delay Product (PDP), which is the
product of average power consumption and
worst case delay.
Also the performance of the processors
in several application specifc processors in
terms of its speed is another important factor
that relies totally on the adder's performance.
The Error Tolerant truncation low power adder
[ref. IEEE tran, Zhu[3]] the ETA is the basic
ISBN: 978-81-909042-2-3 2012 IEEE
IEEE-Interational Conference On Advances In Engineering, Science And Management (ICAESM -2012) March 30, 31, 2012 662
concept of this paper, Before going into the
explanation, let us have a look at the
defnitions of some commonly used
terminologies shown in this paper are given as
follow. Error (E): E = Oca - Oela, where Oca is
the result obtained by the adder, and Oela
denotes the correct result (all the results are
represented as decimal numbers).
Accuracy (A): In the error-tolerant
design, the accuracy of an adder is used to
indicate how "correct" the output of an adder is
for a particular input [3]. It is defned as:
A= (l-(E/0
x 100%
Its value ranges from 0% to 100%.
Minimum acceptance accuracy [1] (MAA):
Although some errors are allowed to exist at
the output of an ETA, the accuracy of an
acceptable output should be "high enough"
(higher than a threshold value) to meet the
requirement of the whole system. Minimum
acceptable accuracy is just that threshold value.
The result obtained whose accuracy is
higher than the minimum acceptable accuracy
is called acceptable result. Acceptance
probability (AP): Acceptance probability is the
probability that the accuracy of an adder is
higher than the minimum acceptable accuracy.
It can be expressed as AP = P (ACC > MAA),
with its value ranging from 0 to 1.
Increasingly huge data sets and the need for
instant response require the adder to be large
and fast. The traditional ripple-carry adder
(RCA) is therefore no longer suitable for large
adders because of its low speed performance.
Many different types of fast adder, such as the
carry-skip adder (CSK), carry select adder
(CLA) have been developed.
Also, there are many low power adder
design techniques that have been proposed.
However, there are always trade-offs between
speed and power. The error-tolerant design can
be a potential solution to this problem. By
sacrifcing on accuracy, the ETA can attain
great improvement in both the power
consumption and speed performance.
In the conventional adder circuit, the
delay is mainly attributed to the carry
propagation chain along the critical path, from
the least signifcant bit (LSB) to the most
signifcant bit (MSB). Also glitches in the carry
propagation chain dissipate a signifcant
proportion of dynamic power dissipation.
Therefore, if the carry propagation can be
eliminated or curtailed, a great improvement in
speed performance and power consumption
(Zhu et aI. , 2010) can be achieved.
Oerational direction

Oerational direction
talti n& point
Accurate pa IccWate pa

l11i Q 11

Io1i : i' l
: I


: !

Al bilS &!U bC1 O 1

Fig.1 Addition arithmetic of ETA

Here, we discuss about the addition arithmetic
proposed in (Zhu et aI. , 2010) where the input
operand is split into two parts: with higher
order bits grouped into accurate part and
remaining lower order bits into inaccurate part.
The length of each part need not necessary be
equal. The addition process starts from the
demarcation line toward the two opposite
directions simultaneously. In the example of
Fig. 2, the two 8-bit input operands, A=
"10110111" (183) and B= "10111101" (189),
are divided equally into 4 bits each for the
accurate and inaccurate parts. The addition of
the higher order bits ( accurate part) of the input
operands is performed from right to lef (LSB
to MSB) starting from the demarcation line
with normal addition method applied. This is to
preserve its correctness since the higher order
bits play a more important role than the lower
order bits. The lower order bits of input
operands (inaccurate part) are added using
ISBN: 978-81-909042-2-3 2012 IEEE
IEEE-Interational Conference On Advances In Engineering, Science And Management (ICAESM -2012) March 30, 31, 2012 663
error tolerant addition mechanism. No carry
signal will be generated or taken in at any bit
position to eliminate the carry propagation
path. To minimize the overall error due to the
elimination of the carry chain, a special
strategy is adapted (Zhu et aI. , 2010), and can
be described as follows: (1) check every bit
position from lef to right (MSB - LSB) starting
from right of demarcation line; (2) if both input
bits are "0" or different, normal one-bit
addition is performed and the operation
proceeds to next bit position; (3) the checking
process is stopped when both input bits are
encountered as high i. e. , 1, and from this bit
onwards, all sum bits to the right (LSB) are set
to "1. " This is how this adder saves carry
propagation delay and enhances the overall
The design of this error tolerant adder consists
of the design of two main parts namely the
normal addition and the carry free controlled
addition part. The normal addition block
consists of the conventional CMOS adder part
(accurate part) which concentrates on the MSB
of the inputs. While the LSB addition, which is
the carry free addition and is carried out by the
controlled addition block (inaccurate part) [ref.
[4] [6] [11]. Both the blocks were designed
through the front-end tools till simulation.
The designed adder's performance
comparison was then done and compared with
the previous conventional adders. All the
design and logic were implemented only in the
front-end; the proved outputs such as the power
consumption, area and delay can be more
effectively derived through back-end design
In the proposed work, the ETA is designed
using the back-end (cadence) tool and the
improved performances in delay, power
consumption and area required by the ETA
adder are explained.
Proposed error tolerant adder: The block
diagram of the Error Tolerant adder that adapts
to our proposed addition arithmetic is shown in
Fig.l. This most straightforward structure
consists of two parts: an accurate part and an
inaccurate part. The accurate part is
constructed using conventional adder, ere the
RCA( 28T used usually) is replaced by a lOT
full-adder. The carry-in of this accurate part
adder is connected to ground. The inaccurate
part constitutes two blocks: a carry-free
addition block and a control block as shown in
Fig. 2 ETA Architecture. (ref. Zhu et [3])
The control block is used to generate the
control signals to determine the working mode
of the carry-free addition block. In addition, the
Least Signifcant Bit(LSB) of the multiplier(bit
B(O)) is used as control bit P for both accurate
part and inaccurate part of the proposed adder.
For B(O) is one, the adder cells performs
normal addition operation. For B(O) equals to
zero, the adder Cells are brought into OFF state
with NMOS and PMOS transistor driven by P
brought into open state and the line from
supply to ground is cut off, thus minimizing
leakage power dissipation. Based on the
proposed methodology, an 8-bit Error tolerant
adder is designed by considering 4 bits II
accurate part and 4 bits in inaccurate part.
Design of the accurate part: In the proposed
8-bit ETA, the inaccurate and accurate parts
consist of 4 bits each. Ripple carry addition is
the most power saving conventional addition
ISBN: 978-81-909042-2-3 2012 IEEE
IEEE-Interational Conference On Advances In Engineering, Science And Management (ICAESM -2012) March 30, 31, 2012 664
technique[ll] [13] [7]; with the lOT replacing
the usual ripple carry adder, the performance
can be further improved. It has been chosen for
the design of accurate part of the adder circuit.
Design of the inaccurate part: The inaccurate
part is the most critical section in the proposed
ETA as it determines the accuracy, speed
performance, and power consumption of the
The inaccurate part consists of two
blocks: the carry free addition block and the
control block. The carry-free addition block is
designed using 4 modifed XOR gates to
generate a sum bit individually for LSBs. The
block diagram of the carry free addition block
and the schematic implementation of the
modifed XOR gate are shown in Fig.3.
Inaccurate part consists of the CTL
input fed with the carry out of the individual
addition of LSB bits. This CTL input controls
the output of the carry fee addition block of
the inaccurate part.
Fig. 3. CMOS adder schematic
When both or either of the bits in the LSB of
the inputs are 0, then CTL remains 0, and it
goes to logic '1' whenever both the inputs are
'1' making one of the input of the OR gate in
the adder to go high thereby making the output
, l' for any input that comes afer the bits that
produced' 1 '. The blocks of the modifed XOR
and control block are shown in fgure. 4. l and
fgure 4. 2 respectively.
Fig. 4. J Modified XOR
ISBN: 978-81-909042-2-3 2012 IEEE
IEEE-Interational Conference On Advances In Engineering, Science And Management (ICAESM -2012) March 30, 31, 2012 665
The entire block diagram explaining the carry fee addition of the ETA is shown in the fgure below:

L --
Fig.5. ETA- inaccurate part. a) Carr free addition block. b) Modiied XOR with Control. (ref Zhu et [3J)
The above logic is implemented in the
backend and the overall ETA for adding two
8bit inputs are designed and its performance
is calculated and evaluated. The schematic
of the ETA is shown in fgure.6 below:
Fig. 6 Schematic of ETA
The above logic is for 2-bits addition and
then it is implemented for 8bit addition as
well and its layout is extracted for
calculation of area and power delay product
and power dissipation at various points of
this adder.
ISBN: 978-81-909042-2-3 2012 IEEE
IEEE-Interational Conference On Advances In Engineering, Science And Management (ICAESM -2012) March 30, 31, 2012 666
Fig. 7 Schematic C)8bit ETA
Fig. 9. Output graph C)1 bit ETA adder
iM05|8M Rospons,
r--i '-l

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; ...... -... . " ........ , ...... " .... , t. ---

, \

t t
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ISBN: 978-81-909042-2-3 2012 IEEE

IEEE-Interational Conference On Advances In Engineering, Science And Management (ICAESM -2012) March 30, 31, 2012 667
The layouts are designed and the
power consumption values and area required
by the circuit are calculated and the parasitic
capacitance and resistances are exposed for
calculating the delay and power product in
the adder circuit in detail.
The comparison between the
existing and the proposed adder designed by
backend design for their various important
parameters such as the delay, power
consumed are tabled. The area is as low as
457. 25Jm2.
Type of
a) Fig. 10 Performance of previous work
Power Delay PDP PDP laving Tran i tor
(pJ) (%)
0.22 4.0 0.89 6.29 896
0.46 2.90 1.33 7.4 1728
0.60 3.06 1.84 8170 2176
0.51 2.37 1.21 75.21 2208
0.13 2.29 0.30 N,A. 10
b) Fig. 11 Performance of proposed work
The designed circuits are simulated
using the cadence tool(IC 6.1. 4. 500.8) and
the waveforms of different outputs are
a) Fig. 12 Outut of adder (accurate part)

b ) Fig. 13 Output of XOR gate
So far from the various types of
adders we have known, this logic proves to
be more promising and optimal in the feld
of application specifc processing units.
With the results obtained from improved
design and extensive simulation, these
adders are effective to be implemented
In future we are going to implement
this logic in multipliers and work on its
performance improvement with different
techniques in multiplication.
ISBN: 978-81-909042-2-3 2012 IEEE
IEEE-Interational Conference On Advances In Engineering, Science And Management (ICAESM -2012) March 30, 31, 2012 668
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ISBN: 978-81-909042-2-3 2012 IEEE

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