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Fizik Kertas 1 OGOS 2013 1 Jam 30 minit


FIZIK KERTAS 1 1 Jam 30 minit

JANGAN BUKA KERTAS SOALAN INI SEHINGGA DIBERITAHU. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 50 soalan. Jawab semua soalan. Jawab dengan menghitamkan ruangan yang betul pada kertas jawapan. Gambar rajah yang mengiringi soalan tidak dilukiskan mengikut skala kecuali dinyatakan. Anda dibenarkan menggunakan kalkulator saintifik yang tidak boleh diprogram. Satu senarai rumus disediakan di halaman 2.

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 21 halaman bercetak

1. a =

v u t

2. v2 = u2 + 2as 1 2 at 2

3. s = ut +

4. Momentum = mv 5. F = ma 6. g = 10 m s-2 7. Kinetic Energy = 1 mv2 2 8. Potential energy = mgh

9. Elastic Potential Energy = 1 Fx 2 10. Power, P = energy time 11. Impuls = Ft

1. Which physical quantity has the correct S.I unit? Physical quantity A B C D Mass Length Time Temperature S.I Unit Newton Kilometer second Celcius

2. Which of the following quantities below is a base quantity? A B C D Momentum Length Velocity Force

3. Which of the following arrangements of the prefixes is in descending order ? A B C D Milli, centi, micro, deci Deci , centi, milli, micro, Centi, deci, milli, micro Micro, milli, centi, deci

4. Which measurement is the shortest? A B C D 1.2 x 104 km 1.2 x 108 dm 1.2 x 1010 cm 1.2 x 106 mm

5. Diagram shows a weighing scale.

What is the sensitivity of the weighing scale? A 1. 00 kg B 0. 2 kg C 0. 1 kg D 0. 01 kg


6. Which instruments are most suitable for the accurate measurement of the thickness of a wire and the external diameter of a beaker ? Thickness of a wire A B C D Vernier callipers Micrometer screw gauge Micrometer screw gauge Vernier callipers External diameter of a beaker Metre rule Vernier callipers Metre rule Micrometer screw gauge

7. The graph in Diagram 1 below shows the relationship between v and t .

The relationship between v and t is represented by the equation A C
p t +p q p t +p v =q

v =


p t +q q p t +q v =q

v =

8. Ali competed in a 400 m race. Diagram 2(a) shows the reading at the start of the race. Diagram 2(b) shows the result at the end of the race.




How long did he take to complete the race? A 45.7 s B 46.0 s C 46.5 s D 47.0 s

9. Density of lead is 11.4 g cm-3. What is the density of lead in kg m-3? A B C D 1.14 x 10-6 1.14 x 10-4 1.14 x 103 1.14 x 104

10 . Diagram 3 (a) shows the reading on a pair of vernier callipers when its jaws are closed with nothing in between them. Diagram 3(b) shows the reading when it is used tomeasure the thickness of a piece of wood. 0 cm 1 2 1 4 5 6






What is the actual thicknesss of the wood? A 4.28 cm B 4.31 cm C 4.48 cm D 4.51 cm 11. Figure shows the scale of a micrometer screw gauge.

What is the reading of the micrometer? A 8.31 mm B 8.81 mm C 8.81 cm D 8.31 cm 12. An experiment is carried out to find the relationship between mass and acceleration of a trolley on a wooden runway. The experiment is repeated by adding the number of trolleys. The responding variable in this experiment is A the length of the wooden runway. B acceleration C mass D time

13. The ability of an instrument to detect a small change in the quantity to be measured is called A accuracy B precision C sensitivity D error 14. Diagram 4 shows a target board used to represent consistency and accuracy. The centre of the board represents the real value of a physical quantity and the dots represent measured values.

Which of the following best describe the measurement ? A. Consistent and accurate B. Consistent but not accurate C. Not consistent but accurate D. Not consistent and not accurate 15. A car moving at 20 ms-1 starts to slow down at 4 ms-2 when it comes to a junction .as shown on Diagram 5. The distance the car will travel before it comes to a stop will be

A B C D 2.5 m 25 m 50 m 100 m

16. Diagram 8 shows a velocity time graph. Velocity / m s-1

Time / s

The gradient of the graph represents A work done B energy C displacement D acceleration

Diagram 7 shows a man releases a stone into a well. If the distance between the top of the well and the water surface is 30 m, what is the time required for the stone to reach the surface of the water?

Diagram 7

30 m 30 m

A B 3.65 s C 4.27 s D 2.45 s

6.12 s

18 Table 1 gives the information about three cars. Car Mass/kg Velocity/ms-1 K 1000 8 L 1600 7 M 2000 5 Table 1 Which of the following statement is true? A K has the largest inertia B L has the largest momentum C M has the largest kinetic energy 19 Diagram 8.1 shows a frog of mass 0.1 kg stands on a stationary leaf of mass

0.01 kg.
leaf frog

2 ms-1

water Diagram 8.1 Diagram 8.2

When it jumps out of the leaf at a velocity of 2 ms-1, calculate the velocity of the leaf as the frog jumps.
A B C D E 1 ms-1 2 ms-1 10 ms-1 20 ms-1 25 ms-1

20. The graph represents the relationship between the displacement , s and the time ,t of an object .

Displacement, s / m

DIAGRAM 9 Time, t / s
What is the displacement of the object at t = 5 s? A 2.5 m B 10.0 m C 10.5 m D 12.5 m

21.The acceleration-time graph below shows the movement of an object.





Which velocity-time graph represents the movement of the object? A.









Time Time

22. A stone is dropped vertically. Which of the following graphs shows the correct

relationship between gravitational potential energy , E and the height, h of the stone? A. C.




Figure 11 shows two identical trolleys joined together on a smooth horizontal surface. When the pin is hammered in, the trolleys move in opposite directions. Which of the following quantities are the same for both trolleys? A B C D Velocity Acceleration Momentum Kinetic energy

24. An object at rest tends to remain at rest . An object in motion tends to remain in motion. The above statements are explained by the concept of A vectors B force C inertia D density 25.

Diagram 12 shows a coconut falling from a tree. What is the physical quantity that is constant when the coconut falls? A Velocity B Momentum C Acceleration D Kinetic Energy 26. Diagrams below show the same blocks of wood on a smooth table. Four different pairs of forces are acting on the block. Which pair of the forces will give the greatest acceleration towards the block ? A

70 N

80 N

30 N

90 N

50 N

90 N

80 N

30 N

27. The following materials can reduce the impulsive force except A B C D air bag of a car polystyrene packing mattress for a high jumper pestle and mortar

28 A 500 g football is moving at a velocity of 10 ms-1. A player dashes forward and kicks the ball so that

it moves in the opposite direction at a velocity of 20 ms -1. What is the impulse experienced by the ball?

A B C D 5 Ns 10 Ns 15 Ns 5000 Ns


Diagram 14 The front and back parts of a car are designed to crumple easily during a crash so that A B C the collision time will be longer the impulsive force will increase prevent the passengers from being thrown forwards

30 A student is pulling a trolley with an iron chain which makes an angle of 60 with the


FIGURE 15 If the tension of the spring is 4 000 N , what is the horizontal force? A. 1 000 N B. 2 000 N C. 2 500 N D. 4 000 N

Force x Displacement
31. The expression above is the definition of A momentum B work C power D distance

32. Diagram 16 shows the path of a golf ball after being hit at P.

The kinetic of the ball is maximum at A P B Q C R D S


Diagram 17 33. Diagram 17 shows a car moving along a straight road. The total energy input from the petrol is 80 kJ. During the journey the car has wasted about 50 000J of energy. What is the efficiency of the car? A B C D 25.0% 37.5% 45.0% 62.5%

34. A rock on the Moon is brought to the Earth where the gravitational field is stronger. On the Earth, the rock will have the same A B C D inertia and weight mass and weight weight and acceleration inertia and mass

35 Diagram 18 shows a load hanging on a spring balance in a stationary lift. The reading of the spring balance is 40 N.

3 ms-2

What is the reading of the spring balance when the lift moves up with an acceleration of 3 ms -2?


28 N 36 N 48 N 52 N

36 Figure 19 shows a cradle with spring x.

FIGURE 19 Spring x can hold a maximum load of 5 kg. Which of the following ways is used so that the cradle can hold a baby of 7 kg ? A. Change with a spring of greater diameter B. Increase the length of the spring C. Add one spring and arrange in series. D Add one spring and arrange in parallel 37 Diagram 20 shows the applied force, F against extension of a spring, x.

What is the work done in stretching the spring with the extension of 4.0cm? A B C D 1.0 J 2.0 J 100.0 J 200.0 J

38 Figure 21 shows a 6 N load attached to a system made up of two identical springs. The original length of each spring is 10.0 cm.

11.5 cm


What is the force constant of each spring? A B C D 1.5 N cm-1 2.0 N cm-1 3.0 N cm-1 4.0 N cm-1

39 A student carry out an experiment to determine the relationship between the weight of the load and the extension of the spring. The graph is as shown in Diagram 22.

Which part of the graph obeys Hookes Law? A OP B PQ C QR


40 Diagram 22 shows three spring systems P, Q and R made up of identical springs.


Which two systems have the same total extension? A P and Q B Q and R C P and R
41 An object is placed on a table top.

Which of the following graphs shows the correct relationship between pressure and the area of contact?



Which diagram shows the child exerting least pressure on the ground? A B


Diagram 23 shows a pin is squeezed between finger and thumb.

Diagram 23 Which statement is correct? A The force of the pin is larger on the finger than on the thumb. B The force of the pin is larger on the thumb than on the finger. C The pressure of the pin is larger on the finger than on the thumb. D The pressure of the pin is larger on the thumb than on the finger



FIGURE 24 The cuboids shown in the Figure 24 above has a mass of 1.5 kg. What is the maximum pressure exerted by the cuboid when placed on a table? A B C D 0.1 10 100 1000
2 Nm 2 Nm 2 Nm 2 Nm


Diagram shows two different liquids X and Y. At the same depth, liquid X spurts out further than liquid Y.

hole Liquid X
Liquid Y


Which statement is true? A B C D Density of liquid Y is lower than liquid X. Density of liquid Y is greater than liquid X. Pressure of liquid Y is higher than liquid X. Pressure of liquid Y is equal to pressure of liquid X.



Diagram shows a dam retaining water in a reservoir. Water


The wall of the dam is thicker at the base because the pressure in the water is A B C D 47 the same at all water levels. directly proportional to the area. directly proportional to the depth of the water. inversely proportional to the denser of the water.

Which does not affect the pressure of liquid? A B C D Density of the liquid Surface area of the liquid Depth of the liquid Strength of the gravitational field


Diagram shows a cylinder containing water.

2.0 m

Water P h

If the pressure at point P is 12 000 N m-2, the height of h is [the density of the water = 1000 kg m-3] A B C D 0.8 m 1.0 m 1.2 m 2.0 m


Diagrams 25 shows two divers swimming in the sea and two divers swimming in fresh water. Sea water is denser than fresh water. On which diver is there the greatest pressure?

Diagram 25

50 In the Figure 26 above , the pressure exerted by water P 1 , P 2 and P 3 are compared. Which of the following comparisons correct?


P1 = P 2 = P 3 P1 < P 2 < P 3 P1 > P 2 > P 3 P 2 < P1 < P 3



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