No 245-Newslettr Daily E 24-9-2013

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Syrian Arab Republic

Ministry of Information
The Directorate of Electronic Information

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )245(


Leaders of Daash are killed in Aleppo

Syrian army killed a number of leaders of the Islamic State in Iraq and Levant Daash at the surroundings of Aleppo central prison, Al-Kendi hospital, Khan Al-Asal and Al-Sfiera, it also killed 13 insurgents near Sarbyan swimming pool in Aleppo, and destroyed weapons warehouse and cars in AlNairab camp and Banan AlHusien, it also destroyed rocket launchers and mortar cannons in Qweries, al-Jdiedah and Rasem Al-Abboud, the army also thwarted an attempt to infiltrate into the markets of Old Aleppo city.The Islamic State in Iraq and Levant Daash announced in a statement on Internet, expulsion the storm of the north brigade affiliated to the Free army from Azaz in Aleppo countryside, because they welcomed the American Senator John Makin, and

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calls for democracy, Daash added that it arrested many spies deals with U.S Intelligence, Daash also announced withdrawal from Northwest Idleb after fierce clashes with the Free army.The free army announced the start of Nahrawan Aleppo battle against the Islamic State in Iraq and

Levant, while the battles between the two parties reached the northern countryside of Aleppo, so an armed group of Daash entered some neighborhoods in Al-Bab where there are insurgents of the Free army, insurgents of Al-Nusra front attacked Qatma town in Aleppo countryside.

An explosive device in Al-Hasaka

In Al-Hasaka countryside, insurgents of Daash controlled on a headquarter of al-Nusra front in Al-Shadadi in Al-Hasaka countryside, a citizen and his wife were killed and their daughter injured due to the explosion of an explosive device in their car near the eastern entrance of the city, the army also destroyed a headquarter of insurgents at the international driving school in Abyad area in Al-Hasaka countryside.

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )245(


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Clashes and dead at Damascus countryside

The army controls on Jobar in Homs

Syrian army targeted headquarters of armed groups affiliated to al-Nusra front in Adra in Damascus countryside, and destroyed cars loaded with weapons, it also killed a sniper man in Yabroud, it also continued advancing to Bludan, and killed insurgents at the farms surrounding AlDarkhabya town in Al-Qeswa. In Daraya, the army found two tunnels the length of each of them is twenty-five meters,

clashes continue between the Syrian army and insurgents in Jobar, Harasta, Douma, Zamalka and Arbien, the army also destroyed a car loaded with weapons in Al-Mliaha at the Eastern Ghota.In Qudsaya, clashes occurred between two armed groups one of them is affiliated to Al-Nusra and the other is affiliated to the Free army, resulted in the death of 5 insurgents includinf a leader of the Free army.

Syrian army forces controlled on Jobar neighborhood in Homs after fierce clashes with insurgents, it also targeted headquarters of insurgents affiliated to Al-Nusra front at Al-Shandakhya and Oum Rajiem villages, and destroyed cars equipped with heavy machineguns in Palmyra countryside, and eliminated on an armed group were at a boat loaded with weapons in AlRastan Lake, the battles between the Syrian army and insurgents of al-Nusra front continue in Wadi Al-Saieh, Joriet Al-Shayah, Bab hood, Al-Qarabies and Al-Qosour.

Descendants of the Prophet Brigade in Idleb

In Idleb countryside, the army targeted headquarter of insurgents affiliated to descendants of the Prophet Brigade in Kansafra in Al-Zaweah mountain, and killed many insurgents at Maaratmasrien, Bennesh, Sarmien, and surroundings of Al-Arbaaien mountain.13 insurgents of clashes with battalions of the Daash including a Libyan Free army, Ahrar Al-Zaweah Emir were killed because of battalion

Libyans and Jordanian in Daraa

Syrian army forces targeted headquarters of armed groups affiliated to Al-Nusra front, and all weapons inside including a rocket launcher in Kafar Shams, Mziereb, Tafas, and Sieda, in Daraa countryside, and killed many insurgents including a Libyan and Jordanian.

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )245(


The European support for the insurUnited Nations: Insurgents looted gent is a moral mistake equipment of UNDOF
Head of the French national front Mary Lubain considered the European support for insurgents a moral, political and historical mistake committed by the European leaders, it would affect the Security of France, noting that the terrorism will not end until supporting it is continuous

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Syria confirmed by the support of all countries that believe in real Human Rights that it prosecute the Israeli occupation in the Human Rights Council and other international forums until putting an end to the violations of the occupation in the Syrian occupied Golan and force it to implement the resolutions of the Council, in addition to end the Israeli occupation of Palestine and the Syrian Golan, rejecting in a statement by Syrias permanent representative to the United Nations Office in Geneva, Dr. Faisal al-Hamwi occupation authorities ignore its obligations to the UN Human Rights Council and its refusal to attend its meetings and disregard in submit its Periodic review in this regard.

Syria demands an end to Israeli violations in the occupied Golan

United Nations announced that insurgents looted equipment of the UNDOF forces in the occupied Golan, the spokesman of the U.N Secretary General Martin Nserki added that clashes happens every day at the separation area between the Syrian Arab army and insurgents, which is considered a clear violation of the separation of forces agreement signed in 1974.

Collective Security Treaty rejects military intervention in Syria

the Collective Security Treaty Organization announced in a statement, at Sochi summit, rejection of any military intervention in Syria, stressing the need to resolve the political crisis peacefully.

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Foreign offers to buy supplies for the electricity sector

Media allocations increase

The General Establishment for Electricity Transmission considers and evaluates twelve offers submitted by foreign companies to buy equipment and supplies for the electricity sector, for value of fifty million Euros. Prime Minister Dr. Wael AlHalqi demanded to Increase allocation of the Ministry of Information in order to expand the launch of several channels and the production of cinematic and dramatic works talks about reality and confront the intellectual and cultural invasion and to support electronic media, this came during a meeting of the Supreme Council for economic and Social Planning to study and discuss current plans and investment for a number of ministries in the context of the adoption of the state budget for the coming year 2014.

A representative of the World Food Program in Memorandum of Understanding between water reSyria sources and Global health
The Ministry of Water Resources signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the World Health Organization to build a system of quality control of drinking water, and to improve emergency plan for response to incidents

of water pollution, and for coordination to raise the capabilities of workers in the field of monitoring the quality of drinking water through equipping laboratories of quality control, and evaluation of the needs of the treatment plants.

Dr. Faisal Miqdad Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants received the credentials of Matthew Holingorth as a representative of the World Food Program of the United Nations in Damascus.

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