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Syrian Arab Republic

Ministry of Information
The Directorate of Electronic Information

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )196(


An ambush against army in Adra .. And dismantling a bombs in countryside of Damascus..

checkpoint and Army-issued weapons, including rifles and Israeli-made machine guns and PKC machine guns and RPG launchers. In Jaramana 18 civilians were martyrs including children and 56 others were injured by a car bomb in addition to burning a building and a bus and financial damage in place. In countryside of Damascus, the Syrian Arab Army killed the terrorist groups which belonging to the Habhit Al-nousra and caused to them a heavy losses in equipment and lives. The Syrian army took over of the area between mills of Ghazlanah and Turkmen town.

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Syrian Arab Army is killing about 63 armed fighters, including Chechens, Jordanian and Tunisians, by armed ambush in countryside of Damascus, these armed groups are trying to sneak into east Gouta to attack an military

Rocket launchers and mortars in Aleppo and its countryside.

In Aleppo and its countryside, a unites of army are destroyed the headquarters of terrorists and heavy machine guns and rocket launchers and mortars.

Defeat the smuggling of oil tanks to Turkey.

longing to Jabhit Al-nousra in the villages, and at a bridge political, and they tightened its control over the buildings an east of the national hospital in neighIn Deir Al-zor the army units are de- borhood Al-rachedia. feated an attempt to smuggle 3 tanks of While in Al-Hasakah and crude oil to Turkey, also faced the at- its countryside the army has tempt of attack on the village of Mahi- destroyed the weapons and midh in countryside of Deir ez-Zor, and ammunition of terrorists other units are targeted the terrorists be- and killed many of them.

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )196(


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The safety is return to countryside of Lattakia..

Syrian Arab Army is return a safety and stability to the villages Aramo and Sterah in the northern countryside of Latakia after it eliminated the terrorists of foreign nationals belonging to the Jabhit Al-nousra.

Foiling attempts to infiltrate into Homs and its countryside..

Terrorists from foreign nationals in countryside of Hama

The armed forces are continuing its operations in Hama and its countryside where elimination of dens terrorists from foreign nationals belonging to Jabhit Al-nousra, in the same context the Syrian Arab Army make a heavy losses in the ranks of terrorists in each of Mount Al-arbeen, Zabor, and Punch.

Armed forces continued advancing at bab hood in Homs and foiled an attempts to infiltrate, they also targeted terrorists gatherings and destroyed their weapons and a base to fire rockets in Homs countryside, army forces also confronted terrorists attempt to attack residents of Eien Al-Dnaner village and hospital of Teldo town at Al-Hola area, and they also foiled an attempt by other group to infiltrate into Baroha village and Telkalakh City.

Dead at Daraa and its countryside

At Daraa and its countryside, army killed terrorists and wounded others during targeting their hideouts and destroying their weapons.

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )196(


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A message from President al-Assad to the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei,

President Bashar Al-Assad sent a message to the Supreme Leader of the Iranian Islamic Revolution, Sayyed Ali Khamenei, handed by

Prime Minister, Dr. Wael alHalqi, on Tuesday, the president stressed that the prospects for relations between Syria and Iran is growing

steadily thanks to the presence of the common desire and will to activate and face all the Western U.S. plans for the region.

Al-Jaafari.. the Arab League must be a part of the political solution in SyriaDialogue is the only way to achieve a political solution to the crisis
international peace and security, he called on the Arab League to be part of the peaceful political solution not to be part of the regions problems to foreign agendas harm the Arab peoples interests and promote the so-called phenomenon of Arab Spring and return to resort to the mind and the international law and respect its charter and rules, pointing out that the integration efforts of the United Nations and regional organizations in the common issues in the forefront keeping international peace and security ensure achieving added value to their work.

Rohani the solution of crisis in Syria is a political not a military

Syrias Permanent Representative to the UN, Bashar al-Jaafari in his statement on Cooperation between the United Nations and regional organizations and sub-regional organizations to save

Iranian President, Hassan Rohani asserted during a press conference that the Syrians are the only who have the right to decide their destiny through a political solution not a military and with the participation of opposition and government without terrorist parties.

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )196(


Tunisian .. We done not come for Jehad but we come to suicide in Syria..
The terrorists Tunisians returning from Syria to their home countries after they fought in the ranks of terrorist groups has admitted that what they did is not jihad, but suicide and trading lives because of crimes committed by groups had nothing to do with religion, so they decided to return to Tunisia. On the other hand; Tunisian Interior Minister Lotfi Ben Jeddo confirmed yesterday that the Tunisian security forces had prevented a 5 Thousands jihadi terrorists Tunisian to travel to Syria and detained the dozens of those which involved to send the jihadists Tunisians to syria.

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Al Maliki .failure of sedition

Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki warned in a statement yesterday from the risk of terrorist groups in Syria, calling to failure the project of sedition in the region.

New bills

Al Maliki .failure The cabinet approved in its weekly session bills which provide to make an independent body which calls national body to combat of sedition
Syrian Government allocated 112 billion and 131 million SYP to support oil in the first half of current year to meet needs in local market.

corruption, in addition to approving a bill on the law for combating unlawful gains and a bill on establishing a supervision and inspection directorate.

medical aid arrive Syria of America

Industry .. 123 Syria mother a group of expaof the Syrian community workshops and indus- triates in America offered medical aid trial companies to the Syrian people, parliament
The directorate of industrial investment in the ministry of industry made 123 workshops also it authorized for 114 industrial companies according to the rule of industrial authorization. handed to the military medical services administration in appreciating of the Syrian Arab Army championships and sacrifices in defense of the homeland and its security and stability.

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