No 206-Newslettr Daily E 16-8-2013

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Syrian Arab Republic

Ministry of Information
The Directorate of Electronic Information

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )206(


Page NO .1

Unit of the Syrian Arab army found a tunnel in Almeliha in the countryside of Damascus and it contained explosive devices its weighing 100 kg for each one, weapons and ammunition .Other units eliminated terrorists who are affiliated to Jabhit AlNusra and it destroyed their weapons and ammunition in Alziabiah,Alhuseiniah, Hujera Harasta and Erbeen .In Domaa, units of the army killed the leader of terrorist group and killed and wounded many of its members in the surroundings of the industrial city, and it clashed with ter-

A Tunnel is in Almilaha and Alkria Alshamiya village is peaceful

rorist gunmen in the southeast of Tishreen hospital in Barzzah district, and it killed a sniper in Dara the town.Also, a military source said that the

army regained Alkaria AlShamiya (Al-Shamiya village) in the eastern Gouta and it killed many terrorists and it destroyed their weapons.

A Factory for weapons in the countryside of Aleppo

In Aleppo and its countryside, military sources talked about destroying four cars with weapons and ammunition by the armed forces in Alemam village in Aleppos rural. Other armed forces killed and wounded many terrorists, some of them are affiliated to Jabhit Al-Nusra, and it destroyed a factory for manufacturing making explosive devices in Khan Alassal,Bani Zaid ,the western Koeras and Aljaloum. Informational sources talked that the Legal bodyof Jabhit alNusra issued a resolution for closing the Bustan Alkassar way in Aleppo, which is considered the main entrance for the vegetables and the food to the western districts.

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )206(


Page NO .2

The Army Goes ahead in the countryside of Lattakia

The Syrian army continued its operations in the countryside of lattakia Where it announced Alkilaa village, which is followed to Sulinfah in the northern countryside, as a peaceful region and it dismantled 63 explosive devices .The units of the army targeted the gatherings of gunmen in Salma and Kinsabaa towns ande it killed many of its members ,some of the killed terrorists are from Arab nationalities. It destroyed weapons heavy machine guns were putted on vehicles in Alkabeer and Alshakohi village.

Brigades and battalions in the countryside of Destroying the hideouts of Terrorists in Idleb Al-Hasakah and Hama The Syrian army continued its town and Almazloma in the
operations in Al-Hasaka and its countryside ,where it eliminated hideouts and dens of the terrorist groups which are affiliated to Ahrar Al-Sham brigade,Ansar Alshariaa ,Ahrar Altabka in Altwina countryside of Qamishili and it killed its members including foreign nationalities. The army thwarted an attempt for bombing an explosive device was planted on Aldarbasia-Amoda way in the countryside of Al-Hasakah. Armed forces targeted terrorist gunmen at the range of Abou Aldohour airport and it destroyed their hideouts in Aldiri, Eein Gazal and Aljanodiah in the countryside of Jesser Alshoughour .The forces destroyed weapons and ammunition in Alarbaeen mountain, the central prison and Marat Alnuman and at the surroundings of Alkarmeed camp.In the countryside of Salamiah in Hama,an official source stated that units of the army killed many terrorists in Abou Hanaya and Abou Hubillat villages and it arrested 4 terrorists in Alhardana village.

The terrorists of Unifying Brigade in Homs

Units of the army faced terrorists attacked a military checkpoint near Shansi mosque in Alkosour district,and the army faced an attempt for infiltration from Alsaan village to Kafar Abed village in the countryside of Homs .Another unit destroyed many boats were carried with weapons and ammunition in Alrastan lake ,and it destroyed the hideouts of terrorists in Alrastan,Talbisah and Talkalah.a military source mentioned that units of the army killed terrorists and it destructed their weapons and ammunition in Bab Houd,Qarabess and Jorat Alsheiah.

Brigades and battalions in the countryside of Al-Hasakah

The Syrian army continued its operations in Al-Hasaka and its countryside ,where it eliminated hideouts and dens of the terrorist groups which are affiliated to Ahrar Al-Sham brigade,Ansar Alshariaa ,Ahrar Altabka in Altwina town and Almazloma in the countryside of Qamishili and it killed its members including foreign nationalities. The army thwarted an attempt for bombing an explosive device was planted on Aldarbasia-Amoda way in the countryside of Al-Hasakah.

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )206(


Page NO .3

RussiaWashington turns the facts

The Russian foreign ministry accused America of turning the facts upside down by saying that Syria is not ready for participation in the Geneva2 conference.

Closing A Currency exchange office in Damascus

The authorities closed AlShaar office for exchange in Damascus and it arrested many of its staff because of its manipulation of exchange rate.The accountant at AlShaar office ,Tareq Qasem Al-Zoubi admitted that the Offices owner Nader al-Shaar used to use his relatives IDs to give them amounts of money in Dollar without taking their equivalent value in the Syrian pound in return in order to sell those amounts on the black market.He pointed out that alShaar Office had been committing these violations ever since the CBS started intervening by selling dollars to the exchange companies to help to control the exchange rate.For her part, the secretary at Al-Shaar office, Muna Saqar admitted that her boss al-Shaar also violated the rules of the CBS which stipulate to sell limited amounts of Dollars per person once every month .She added that the office used to receive and send remittances from and to the Arab countries, although, we

do not have a license for doing that because our office is for currency exchange not for remittances.

The barley is for the trade and grain processing institutions

The engineer Abed Almaan Alqadmani, the manager of the vegetable producing department in the ministry of Agriculture and agrarian reforming, said that the amount of the marketing grains to the general institutions for trading and grains processing is 1015433 tons and the barley amount is 121574 tons so far.

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