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Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadianas

The Promised Messiah and Mahdi Founder of the Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jamaat


Tadhkiratush-Shahadatain The Two Martyrs

Islam International Publications Ltd First Urdu Edition: Qadian, 1903 English Edition: UK, 2010 Published by: Islam International Publications Ltd. 'Islamabad' Sheephatch Lane, Tilford, Surrey GU10 2AQ United Kingdom Printed in UK at: Raqeem Press 'Islamabad' Tilford, Surrey GU10 2AQ

ISBN: 978-1-84880-056-4





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About the Author
Born in 1835 in Qadian (India), Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah and Mahdias, devoted himself to the study of the Holy Quran and to a life of prayer and devotion. Finding Islam the target of foul attacks from all directions and the fortunes of Muslims at a low ebb, he, as the Imam and the voice articulate of the age, undertook the task of vindicating Islam and presenting its teachings in their pristine purity. In his vast corpus of writings, lectures, discourses, religious debates etc., he argued that Islam was the only living faith, by following which, man could establish contact with his Creator and enter into communion with Him. He announced that God had appointed him the Messiah and Mahdi, according to the prophecies of the Bible, the Holy Quran and Hadith. In 1889 he began to accept initiation into his Jamaat, which is now established in over a hundred and ninety countries. He wrote more than eighty books in Urdu, Arabic and Persian. After his demise in 1908, the Promised Messiah as was succeeded by Khulafa (Successors), who have since continued his mission. Hadrat Mirza Masroor

Ahmad, Khalifatul Masih Vat, is the present head of the Ahmadiyyah Muslim Jamaat and the fifth Successor of the Promised Messiahas.

About the Book

Tadhkiratush-Shahadatain, written by Hadrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah and Mahdias in 1903, contains a detailed account of the events pertaining to two of the most brutal and heinous murders ever committed in the history of religion. The book comprises of two parts, Urdu and Arabic. The Urdu part relates to the first two martyrs of Jamaat Ahmadiyyah, Hadrat Sahibzadah Abdul Latif Sahib and his disciple Hadrat Mia Abdur Rahman Sahib, both from Kabul. The Promised Messiahas writes at length about the revelations he received foretelling the events before they happened, how his message reached the martyrs, what were the arguments that convinced them of his truth, and the manner and circumstances of their martyrdom. Huduras also urges his followers to follow the example of these martyrs and, like them, put their faith above every worldly consideration. The Promised Messiahas has mentioned many signs and arguments in support of his claim, including the sixteen qualities that he shares with the first Messiahas. He also has this challenge for his

You cannot point out any falsehood, fraud or treachery in my earlier life which might lead you to think that I have lied in this matter also. Indeed, there is none among you who can point a finger at my character. It is sheer Divine grace that has helped me on the path of righteousness from the very beginning. In this is a great sign for those who care to reflect.

Speaking of the glorious future that awaits his Jamaat, the Promised Messiahas says,
Let all people know that the Creator of the heaven and earth has promised to spread this Jamaat in all countries and to grant it victory over all other faiths through the weapon of reason and argument. The day comes, indeed it is at hand, when this faith alone shall be honoured and esteemed.

The Arabic part consists of the following three sections: (i) Now is the Time to Pray, not to take up Arms and Fight the Enemy : In this section the Promised Messiahas says that Islam does not need the sword to convey its message and that He has declared prayer to be the sole weapon through which the Promised Messiahas would become victorious. It is a war, says he, to be fought with a steel pen, not with a sword or a spear.

The Promised Messiahas also explains how he is the Promised Messiah and a Prophet at the same time. (ii) What is Revelation and how it is Attained : This sections throws light on the reality of revelations and the means that are necessary for experiencing it. It also outlines the qualities of those who are blessed with Divine revelation. (iii) Signs of the Men of God: Continuing with the same theme, the Promised Messiahas defines, in fluent and elegant Arabic, the character and qualities of those who enjoy Gods nearness. Herein also the Promised Messiahas presents his claim of being Dhulqarnain of this age.

I am first of all indebted to Raja Ata-ul-Mannan whom Allah blessed with the opportunity to undertake this translation. I am likewise grateful to all the following who assisted in the various stages of this work: Dhulqarnain Bharwana, Mirza Usman Ahmad, Uzma Aftab Sahiba, Syed Tanwir Mujtaba, Aziz-ur-Rahman Additional Muhammad Hafizzadah and Kashif Imran. Dr. Gratitude is also due to Muniruddin Shams Sahib, Wakilut-Tasnif, Shafiq Sahib, London Naib and Wakilut-Tasnif,

Rabwah, for their help and guidance. Chaudhry Muhammad Ali


Wakilut-Tasnif Tahrik-e-Jadid Rabwah 20 September, 2010


Publishers Note
Please note that words in the text in normal brackets ( ) and in between the long dashesare the words of the Promised Messiahas. If any explanatory words or phrases are added by the translator for the purpose of clarification, they are put in square brackets [ ]. Footnotes given by the Publisher are marked [Pb.] The name of Muhammadsa, the Holy Prophet of Islam, has been followed by the symbol sa, which is an abbreviation for the salutation Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam (may peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). The names of other Prophets and Messengers are followed by the symbol as, an abbreviation for Alaihissalam (on whom be peace). The actual salutations have not generally been set out in full, but they should nevertheless, be understood as being repeated in full in each case. The symbol ra is used with the name of the companions of the Holy Prophet sa and those of the Promised Messiahas, and it stands for Radi Allahu anhu/anha/anhum (May Allah be pleased with him/with her/with them). Likewise, the symbol rh stands for Rahimahullahu Taala (may Allah have mercy on him), and at stands for Ayyadahullahu Taala (May Allah, the Mighty help him). In transliterating Arabic words we have followed

the following system adopted by the Royal Asiatic Society. at the beginning of a word, pronounced as a, i, u preceded by a very slight aspiration, like h in the English word 'honour'. th, pronounced like th in the English word 'thing'. h, a guttural aspirate, stronger than h. kh, pronounced like the Scotch ch in 'loch'. dh, pronounced like the English th in 'that'. s, strongly articulated s. d, similar to the English th in 'this'. t, strongly articulated palatal t. z, strongly articulated z. , a strong guttural, the pronunciation of which must be learnt by the ear. gh, a sound approached very nearly in the r 'grasseye' in French, and in the German r. It requires the muscles of the throat to be in the 'gargling' position whilst pronouncing it. q, a deep guttural k sound. , a sort of catch in the voice. Short vowels are represented by: a for (like u in 'bud'); i for (like i in 'bid'); u for (like oo in 'wood'); Long vowels by: a for or (like a in 'father'); i for or (like ee in 'deep');

u for Other: ai for au for

(like oo in 'root'); (like i in 'site'); (resembling ou in 'sound').

The consonants not included in the above list have the same phonetic value as in the principal languages of Europe. For quotes straight commas (straight quotes) are used to differentiate them from the curved commas used in the system of transliteration, for , for . Commas as punctuation marks are used according to the normal usage. Similarly for apostrophe normal usage is followed. The Publishers


The Two Martyrs

There is no doubt that every form of cruelty and barbarity is being perpetrated under the heavens in this age, but the tragedy I am about to relate is so heart-rending that its recollection sends a shudder through ones body and soul. Before I relate the events in their chronological order, let me state that when God Almighty saw the dire state of the world and found it filled with all kinds of depravity, sin and misguidance, He chose me to proclaim the truth and to bring about the reformation of mankind. It was at the end of the thirteenth century [of the Hijrah] and the dawn of the fourteenth when, in obedience to Divine command, I began proclaiming through written

In the name of Allah, Ever Gracious, Ever Merciful. We praise Him and invoke His blessings upon His noble Messenger. Praised be Allah and peace be on His chosen servants. [Pb.]

announcements and public lectures that he who had been destined to come from God at the turn of this century to reform the faith was none other than myself. I had been sent to revive the faith which had disappeared from the earth, to lead mankind towards reformation, piety and righteousness, and to correct its errors of creed and conduct with the help of God. Then, after the passage of a few years, Divine revelation manifestly disclosed to me that I was the Messiah who had long been promised to this ummah, and also the Mahdi of the latter days who was destined to appear when Islam would fall into decline and darkness would pervade the world. I was the same Mahdi who was to be guided directly by God in order to bring Heavenly nourishment to mankind, and the news of my coming had been given by the Holy Prophetsa thirteen hundred years ago. The revelations I received from God were so clear and unequivocal that they left no doubt in my mind and penetrated my heart like an iron nail. They also contained grand prophecies that came to be fulfilled as clear as day. These revelations were so numerous and so frequent


and so miraculous in their nature that I was forced to admit that they were indeed from the One and Peerless God Who had revealed the Holy Quran. I do not mention the Torah and the Gospels, for these have been grossly disfigured by interpolators and can no longer be considered the word of God. The revelations that descended upon me were so definite and unequivocal that I found my God through them. Every letter and word they contained was substantiated by the Holy Quran and certified by Heavenly signs which descended in their support like torrential rain. The Sun and the Moon were eclipsed during the month of Ramadan, literally fulfilling the prophecy about the coming of the Mahdi, and the plague broke out in the Punjab exactly as the Holy Quran had foretold. Past Prophets had also given news of a great epidemic that would ravage towns and villages, and this is what we are witnessing today. God informed me about this plague twenty-two years before it broke out, when there was no sign of it anywhere in this land. These revelations descended upon me like rain and some of them were repeated in different words. These


are the revelations that God addressed to me:

Allah's decree is approaching; do not be in haste. This is the good news that has always been given to Prophets. God is with those who adopt piety, who, due to their modesty and their reverence and fear of God do not tread the uncertain paths which might lead to sin and transgression, who do not take any step with impudence, and who do not say or do anything but with the fear of God in their hearts; and He is with those who are faithful to Him and kind to His servants. He is Strong and Mighty and has power over everything but most people know not. When He determines something, He says, Be! and it comes to be. Can you flee from Me? We shall exact retribution from the culprits. They say: These are the words of a man and others have helped him in this; he is either ignorant or insane. Tell them: If you love God then follow me so that God may love you too. We shall suffice you against those who mock you.

THE TWO MARTYRS I shall humiliate him who tries to humiliate you and I shall help him who desires to help you. I am the One in Whose presence the Messengers have no fear. When Gods help and victory arrive and the word of thy Lord is fulfilled, it will be said [to them]: This is what you had hastened for. When it is said to them: Create not disorder in the land, they say: We only work for peace. Beware, they are the mischief-makers. They mock thee and they ridicule thee saying: Is this the one whom Allah has raised? This is only what they say, but the fact is that We brought them the truth but they hate to accept it. The transgressors will soon know what fate awaits them. God is free from and exalted far above the calumnies they attribute to Him. They say: You have not been sent by God. Tell them: I have come with Gods testimony, will you then not believe? You have a high standing in My Presence. I have chosen you for Myself. When you are annoyed with someone, I, too, am annoyed with him; and whoever you love, I love also. God praises you from His Throne.

THE TWO MARTYRS God praises you and comes towards you. Your status in My eyes is such that the world knows nothing of it. You are to Me like My Oneness and My Uniqueness. You are of Divine water and they are of filth. All praise belongs to Allah Who made you the Messiah, son of Mary, and taught you that which you knew not. They say: How could you have attained this status? Tell them: My God is wonderful; no one can obstruct His grace. He is not called to account for that which He does but people are called to account. Thy Lord most surely does that which He wills. He created this Adam and bestowed honour upon him. In this age I decided to appoint a vicegerent on the earth, so I created this Adam. The people said: Will you make such a person your vicegerent who will create disorder in the earth, i.e., create divisions? God said to them: You know not what I know. They say: This is only an imposture. Tell them: It is from Allah; and leave them to their frivolities. We have sent him down with truth and he came when he was truly needed.

THE TWO MARTYRS We have sent you as a mercy for all mankind. My Ahmad, you are My purpose and you are with Me. Your secret is My secret. Wonderful is your status and near is your reward. I gave you the light and chose you. There will come upon you a time like the time of Moses. Do not supplicate to Me on behalf of the wrongdoers for they shall be drowned. They plan and God plans; God indeed is the Best of planners. He is the Benevolent One Who walks before you and He declares your enemy to be His enemy. Soon your Lord will give you all that shall please you. We shall inherit the earth, and We eat into it from its sides so that you might warn a people whose ancestors were not warned and the way of the wrongdoers might become manifest. Say: I am the appointed one and I am the first of believers. Say: It is revealed to me that your God is One God and that all good is to be found in the Quran; only those who have been purified can grasp its truths and verities. What else will you accept in its place?

THE TWO MARTYRS They desire and endeavour to frustrate your mission but God desires it to succeed. Allah is not such as will abandon you until the good has been distinguished from the evil. God is He Who has sent His Messenger (my humble self) with guidance and the true religion so that He may cause it to prevail over all religions; and Allah's promise was bound to be fulfilled. Allah's promise has come to pass. He put down one foot on the earth and corrected the disorder. God will safeguard you against the enemies and He will attack him who will attack you unjustly. His wrath descended upon the earth, for people were bent upon disobedience and had crossed all bounds. Disease will spread in the land and people will die from many diverse causes. This has been destined in Heaven. This is the decree of God, the Great and Powerful. God will not avert whatever befalls the people until they change the state of their own hearts. As for the village of Qadian, God shall take it under His Own protection after a short

THE TWO MARTYRS trial.2 Today there is no one who can save you except Allah. Build the ark before Our eyes and under Our revelation. Hethe Almighty Godis with you and with your people. I shall safeguard all those who dwell in your house, except those who arrogantly disobey Me and consider themselves above My command, i.e., who do not fully obey Me; and My protection shall be with you in particular. Peace is the word from the Merciful Lord. Peace be on you. You are purified. As for you guilty ones, stand aside today. I shall stand with this Messenger and I shall break the fast and shall also keep the fast. I shall despise him who despises [you]. And I shall grant you a bounty that shall endure forever.

The word awa in Arabic means the protection that is given to a person after he has undergone some tribulation and is saved from greater trials and even annihilation. For instance, God Almighty says: * In the whole of the Holy Quran, the words awa and awa have been used to describe situations where a person or a nation is granted relief after suffering some affliction. [Author] * 'Did He not find thee an orphan and give thee shelter?'Ad-Duha, 93:7 [Pb.]

THE TWO MARTYRS I shall grace you with the light of My manifestations. I shall not leave this land till the appointed time, i.e., I shall not relent in My wrath. I am the Lightning and I am the Gracious One, the Lord of grace and mercy.

An Account of the Two Martyrs

It was in those dayswhen I was receiving the abovementioned revelation, and great signs were appearing in my support, and my claim of being the Promised Messiah was being proclaimed with the aid of reason and argumentthat some of my books reached a revered man by the name of Akhundzadah Maulawi Abdul Latif, who lived in Khost, in the territory of Kabul. He read my treatises rational, scriptural and those based on signs of Divine supportand, being pure-hearted and righteous and a true scholar, was greatly moved by them and had no hesitation in accepting my claim. His pure conscience readily admitted that I had been sent by God and was true in my claims. He read my books with great love and his pure and eager spirit began to be drawn towards me. So much so,


that he could not bear to stay away from me any longer. Drawn by this powerful love and attraction, he decided to seek permission to leave Kabul and, for this purpose, decided to go for the Hajj. The Amir of Kabul, who revered him as a distinguished scholar, indeed the chief of scholars, not only granted him the required permission but also gave him some money Qadian. When I saw himand I declare this in the name of God, Who is the Possessor of my life I found him so immersed in my love, so sincere in his affirmation of my claim and so devoted to me that I thought there could be none other like him. Like a vial full of perfume I found him full of love for me, and as his countenance was radiant so did I find his heart aglow with the Divine light. But the most enviable quality this honourable man possessed was that he put his faith above everything of this world. He was among the steadfast ones who fear God and achieve the pinnacles of piety and submission and, in order to win His pleasure, are ever prepared to sacrifice their lives, their honour





obtained to






and their wealth, as these things hold little value in their eyes. So strong was his faith that I am afraid that I would not be doing justice to it if I were to compare it even to a mountain. Many people, even after they have pledged allegiance to me and have affirmed my claim, are not able to get rid of the lamentable trait of putting the world above the faith. All too often I find in them the poisonous seeds of worldliness. Their imperfect souls are tainted by a latent miserliness with regard to their lives, their honour, their wealth or their moral condition. At times I hesitate to ask some of them to undertake certain tasks for the Jamaat, lest, considering them a burden, they may want to cut their ties of allegiance to me. On the other hand, I do not have the words to express my admiration for this venerable sage whoin his devotion to megave up his wealth, his honour and even his life as though they were nothing. There are many who fail to persevere to the end and are swayed by the slightest tribulation, satanic instigation or evil influence. Hence I have no words to describe the steadfastness of this courageous man who grew in his enlightened conviction with every


passing moment. After he came to me, I asked him about the arguments that had led him to recognize me. He said, "It was the Holy Quran, above all, that guided me towards you." He also said, "I had already come to the conclusion that the majority of Muslims in this age are far removed from the true spirit of Islam. They profess faith with their tongues but their hearts do not believe and their words and deeds are steeped in innovation, idolatry and sin of every kind and description. And, at the same time, Islam is also assailed by external threats. I could also see that the hearts of most Muslims were so veiled in darkness and devoid of zeal as to be virtually dead. But for a few negligible exceptions, the true faith and piety which the Holy Prophetsa taught to his Companionsra and the sincerity and conviction that was granted to this blessed ummah have all been lost due to the heedlessness of its people. I realized that Islam was fast becoming a dead religion and it was time God sent a ReformerMujaddidfrom the unseen. I was all the more concerned for I knew that time was fast running out. Then I heard about you


a man from Qadian, in the Punjab, who claimed to be the Promised Messiahand procured your books with great difficulty. I studied them with an open mind and when I referred your claims to the Holy Quran, I found that everything you had written was in complete accord with Gods sacred word. The point that first impressed me was that while the Holy Quran says that Jesus is dead and will never return to this world, at the same time it promises that God will send Successors to sustain and strengthen the Muslim ummah in its hour of darkness and turmoil, just as He sent Successors to sustain Jesus


Mosaic the last




Successor of that dispensation and he did not come to wage wars, I concluded that a similar Successor must also appear in the final days of this ummah." I heard many more words of wisdom from this venerable sage, some of which I remember while others have escaped my memory. Having stayed with me for some months, he became so interested in my discourses that, rather than proceed to Hajj as he had originally intended, he preferred to stay on in









knowledge has precedence over deeds and he had great need of knowledge to strengthen his faith. Finding him so eager to learn, I imparted to him as much of my God-given knowledge as I could. I told him, for instance, that Allah had declared the Holy Prophetsa to be 'the like-ofMoses' in the verse:

"We sent to you a Messenger who is a witness over youi.e., a witness to your decadent conditionin the likeness of the Prophet who was sent to Pharaoh." Likewise, in a verse of Surah An-Nur,4 He declares the Successors of the Holy Prophet sa to be similar to the Successors of Moses as. Now, for there to be even minimal similarity between the two dispensations, it is necessary that, even as the Muslim ummah began with a 'like-of-Moses', it should culminate with a 'likeof-Jesus'. The ulema who oppose me readily accept that this ummah was founded by 'the
3 4

Al-Muzzammil, 73:16 [Pb.] 'He will surely make them Successors in the earth, as He made Successors from among those who were before them.'An-Nur 24:56 [Pb.]


like-of-Moses', but obdurately refuse to believe that 'the like-of-Jesus' shall come at the end of it. Thus they wilfully go against the Holy Quran which speaks not only of a similarity between the Holy Prophetsa and Mosesas, but also between their Successors. It says:

This shows that a 'like-of-Jesus' must appear in the latter days of the Islamic dispensation. In view of the importance of similarity in the beginning and end, God foretold about them in past scriptures and even described the similarities between the enemies of the two dispensations: Abu Jahl was compared to the Pharaoh, and the enemies of the Messiah of the latter days were likened to the Israelites who [opposed the first Messiah and] were cursed by God. Since the word kama in the verse also denotes similarity in terms of time, it follows that as Jesus appeared fourteen hundred years after Moses, the last Khalifah of this ummah would also appear fourteen








Prophetsa. All Jewish sects agree that Jesus as made his claim in the fourteenth century after Mosesas. Though the Protestants believe that it happened a few years into the fifteenth century, their view carries little weight against the unanimous belief of the Israelites. Nor would such a minuscule difference detract from the overall similarity. Similarity, in fact, admits a measure of disparity. The Holy Quran speaks of the similarities between the Muslim and Israelite dispensations both in terms of their good and evil characteristics. In the following verses, it uses the same words for the Israelites as for the Muslims:

i.e., We shall grant them Khilafat and Kingdom and see whether or not they stick to the right path. The fact that the same words have been used for both indicates that some Muslims would
6 7

So that He may see how you act.Al-Araf, 7:130 [Pb.] That We might see how you would act.Yunus, 10:15 [Pb.]


behave like the Israelites and their divines would commit the same errors as the Jewish divines had done in the past. This is what the words





Commentators are unanimous that this verse points to the Israelites who suffered Divine chastisement for rejecting the Messiah. Authentic Traditions also testify that the Jews incurred Divine displeasure for trying to kill Jesus on the cross. Likewise, the Holy Quran tells us that the Jews were cursed by Jesus. There can be no doubt, therefore, that the Jews who tried to kill Jesus on the cross are the ones who 'incurred Divine wrath'. When the Muslims are taught to pray that they do not become like the Jews, it clearly implies that a 'Jesus' will be born among them as well, otherwise the prayer would be without purpose. The notion that Jesusthe Israelite will himself descend from heaven to reform the Muslims who, according to the above verse, will have become much like the Jews, is contrary to reason. Firstly, the coming of a Prophet from outside the ummah would break

'Those who have not incurred Thy displeasure.'AlFatihah, 1:7 [Pb.]



the seal of the Holy Prophetssa Khatamiyyat, whereas the Holy Quran categorically declares him to be Khatamul-Anbiya. Secondly, it would be a great humiliation for this ummah which the Holy Quran calls 'the best of peoples'if it required Jesus to come from outside to reform its people. If the ulema who will become like the Jews are from this ummah, then the 'Jesus' who will come to reform them must also be from among them. Surely, it is not hard to understand that just as some people of this ummah have been called 'Jews', so will an individual among them be called 'Jesus'. In any case, it cannot be denied that both the Holy Quran and the Traditions have named certain people from within this ummah as 'Jews', as is categorically stated in the verse

. Otherwise, God would

never have taught this prayer. Further, we find that ever since God began revealing His Books, whenever He has forbidden something to a peoplefor instance, do not commit adultery, do not steal, or do not become like the Jewsthese prohibitions have always contained a hidden prophecy that



some among them would be guilty of these sins. There is not a single instance whereby God warned people against an evil and they all refrained from it; for some of them are invariably guilty of such actions. The Jews, for example, were commanded not to tamper with the Torah, but some of them did just that. On the other hand, God never gave the Muslims such a warning regarding the Holy Quran, rather He said:

i.e., Verily, We have Ourselves sent down this Exhortation, and most surely We will be its Guardian. Hence, the Holy Quran has remained free from interpolation. Such is the Divine scheme of things that whenever He forbids or enjoins an act, He knows, on the basis of His eternal knowledge, that some will disobey the injunction. So, when God commanded this ummah to pray in Surah Al-Fatihah that we may not become like those Jews who wanted to crucify Jesus and were visited by Divine wrath in this world, it must have been in His

Al-Hijr, 15:10 [Pb.]



eternal knowledge that some of them, the socalled ulema, would become like the Jews on account of their mischief and rejection of the Messiah of their time. Why else would God have taught us such a prayer? But this obviously does not mean that the ulema will physically become part of the Israelites and attempt to kill the same son of Mary who has long departed from this world, for neither those Jews nor that Messiah exist in this age. This verse clearly foretells a future event and refers to the advent of a man in the likeness of Jesus who would be reviled and persecuted by the Muslim ulema as Jesus was reviled and persecuted by the rabbis. Authentic Traditions also confirm the view that the ulema will be guilty of the same immoral deeds and innovations as the rabbis. Despite professing to be Muslims, their hearts will be perverted and they will follow in the footsteps of the Jews who had persecuted Jesus and incurred Divine wrath as a result. Would it not be a disgrace for this blessed ummah if its own people were to become like the Jews but, to reform them, the Messiah had to come from outside? Such an assumption is in plain


contradiction to the Holy Quran which not only declares Muslims to be like Jews in their positive qualities but also in the negative ones. The verse

indicates that Muslims

would be called 'Jews' because they will reject and denounce the Messenger who will come to reform them and will focus all their fury on him and even try to kill him. They will be accursed like the Jews who had rejected the Messiah and were consequently punished by a severe plague and crushed by Titus, the Roman Emperor. The verse amply clear that some form makes it of Divine

chastisement will overtake them in this world. Remember, all disbelievers will incur Divine wrath on the Day of Judgement, but this verse speaks only of those evil-doers who have to face it in this world. More particularly, it refers to the Jews who persecuted Jesus. Consequently, they were punished by the scourge of the plague and those who survived were tyrannized and driven out of their country by Titus. The words contain a grand prophecy that the Muslims

Al-Fatihah, 1:7 [Pb.]



who will be called 'Jews' will also reject a Messiah who, like the past one, will not carry out Jihad with the sword, but shall spread the faith through his holy teachings and Heavenly signs. His rejection by the people shall be followed by a plague and all that was foretold by the Prophets from the very beginning shall come to pass. The misguided notion that the same old Messiahas, son of Mary, will reappear in the latter days is contrary to the teachings of the Holy Quran. Those who study this Divine Book with the fear of God in their hearts and reflect over it with a fair mind shall behold the truth as clear as the sun and admit that God has indeed made the Muslim ummah similar to Mosaic dispensation and has invested them with good and evil qualities parallel to resemble the Prophets and there of are the the other. There are some among the Muslims who Mosaic who dispensation, others

resemble the accursed among the Jews. This point can be illustrated by the example of a fine house, consisting not only of beautifully furnished rooms befitting decent and civilised people but also toilets and drains. Now, if the


owner decides to build another house exactly like the first one, consisting of all its amenities, it would also have to consist of the furnished rooms and the drains. If the first house is the Mosaic dispensation, the second would stand for Islam. Just as the second house is not in any way dependent upon the first, so is the Holy Quran independent of the Torah and this ummah has no need of an Israelite Prophet. Every man of God who appears in this ummah is exalted through the blessings of the Holy Prophetsa and the revelation granted to him is no more than a reflection zillof the Holy Prophetssa revelation. This is a very crucial point. Unfortunately, our opponents, who wish to bring back the Messiah, do not realize that the similarity between the two dispensations is meant as a compliment to Islam and not an indignitywhich the coming of an Israelite Prophet for the reformation of Islam would certainly imply. It is absurd to lay stress on baseless doctrines [like that of Jesus bodily ascent to heaven] which have nowhere been mentioned in the


Holy Quran. On the contrary, the Quran tells us that the disbelievers asked the Holy Prophet sa to ascend to heaven before their eyes, but God rejected their demand and said:

Was Jesus not a human that he should have been raised to heaven? The fact is that, in the context of Jesus, the Holy Quran only uses the words Rafa Ilallah [being raised towards Allah], which is a spiritual state, and not Rafa Ilassama [being raised to the heavens]. The Jews objection against Jesus was that he who is killed on the cross cannot be spiritually exalted towards God in the manner of the Prophets. This was the objection that had to be refuted. So where in the Holy Quran do we find this refutation? The whole dispute was based on the Jews claim that they had killed Jesus on the cross and that, since one who is thus killed is never granted spiritual exaltation, he could not have been exalted towards God. They claimed that Jesus was not even a believer and never attained salvation. The Holy Quran, being the one that settles all disputes, ought

Say, 'Holy is my Creator, I am no more than a mortal Prophet.'Bani Israil, 17:94 [Pb.]


to have given its verdict on the matter. If not in this verse, then where is this verdict to be found? Surely, God would know better than to counter the Jews denial of Jesus spiritual exaltation with the statement that Jesus is present in the second heaven in his physical body. Salvation obviously depends on spiritual exaltation, not on bodily ascension. The only way to counter this objection was by stating in categorical terms that not only was Jesus not accursed but that he had been granted spiritual exaltationrafa. The fact that the word tawaffa [passing away] precedes the word rafa [exaltation] is a clear indication that Jesus exaltation took place after his death, as happens in the case of every believer. Anyone who tries to imply that Jesus was raised to heaven alive is as guilty of interpolation in the Holy Quran as the Jews were in the case of their Books. Everywhere in the Holy Quran and the Traditions, the word tawaffa connotes death and nowhere is it used for bodily ascension. Moreover, if this word is taken to mean physical ascension whenever it is used with reference to Jesus, we will have to conclude that the Holy Quran does not say


anything regarding Jesus death and we have no way of establishing his demise. Furthermore, if it was possible for anyone to return to this world, why did God allow Jesus to be derided by the Jews? When Jesus presented his claim before them, they rejected him citing the Book of Malachi in which it was written that Elijah must return before the coming of the true Messiah. Jesus tried to explain that Johnknown to the Muslims as Yahyawas the Elijah who was supposed to return, but this only infuriated the Jews and they denounced him as a liar and impostor. To this day they continue to deride him in their books, some of which I have in my library. They say that if God asked them on the Day of Judgment why they had rejected Jesus, they would simply produce the Book of Malachi and submit: 'Lord, You told us that the Messiah promised to the Israelites would not come before the return of Prophet Elijah. Since Elijah had not returned, there was no way we could accept this mans claim. After all, we had been told of the return of Elijah, not of someone in his likeness.' In one such book, which I possess, a Jewish


scholar proudly argues this point and asks: 'Surely, no one would believe this pretender who had only his own interpretations to support him and claimed that his own mentor [John the Baptist] was the Elijah who was supposed to return from heaven. He then proceeds to denounce Jesus in such derogatory terms as cannot be quoted here. The fact is that, had the Holy Quran not been revealed, the Jews might have been justified in their claim. There is no doubt that the Book of Malachi foretells the return of Elijah and not of 'the like-of-Elijah', and this makes it difficult to justify the Prophethood of Jesus, let alone his divinity which the Christians are so eager to prove. The truth, on the superficial level, seems to lie on the side of the Jews, but the Holy Quran has established once and for all that the Messiah was indeed a true Prophet of God. For this the Christians owe a debt of gratitude to the Holy Quran. Another question that remains to be answered is why the Jews should be held accountable for rejecting Jesus and declaring him a disbeliever, an apostate and a heretic, even though it was clearly written in Malachis prophecy that the


Messiah could not come before the return of Elijah. Could it not be a proof of their honest intentions that they acted strictly in conformity with the letter of the scripture? They would of course be considered guilty if the Book had spoken of the coming of 'the like-of-Elijah', for then it would be easy to prove that John was that person. The answer to this question is that the Jews knew perfectly well how, in the Divine scheme of things, people never return to this world and that there had never been such a precedence. The prophecy was clearly in the form of a metaphor, like countless others found in Divine scriptures, and the Jews were no strangers to such figures of speech. Truly, it would not have been difficult for a discerning nature to recognize and accept Jesus on the basis of the Divine support that attended him. But the Jews only grew in mischief. Had it not been for their prejudice, meanness and mischief, they would surely have recognized in Jesus the light that accompanies the righteous and the truthful. Remember that the above question related to the Jews who had faced this predicament for the first time. The Muslims, however, could


have avoided the same pitfall if they feared God. The Holy Quran not only says that Jesus is dead, but makes it categorically clear that he will never return to this world. In the verse

it is stated that when, on the Day of

Judgement, God asks Jesus whether it was he who had told his people to worship him and his mother as gods, he will reply, "My Lord, had I done such a thing You would surely have known it, for nothing lies outside Your knowledge. I taught them no more than what You commanded me; but once you caused me to die, You were the guardian over them and I know not what they did after me." Now, if Jesus were to return to this world before the Day of Judgement and live here for forty years, breaking the cross and fighting the Christians, how would it be possible for him, on the Day of Judgement, to say, I know not what path they followed after you had caused me to die. If he did so, there would be no greater liar, for how could he deny this knowledge in front of God when he had in fact returned to this world and seen the Christians worshipping him as god and had even fought

Al-Maidah, 5:118 [Pb.]



wars against them. If that were the case, the proper answer would be: "My Lord, I am aware that my people deviated from the right path, for I later returned to the earth and lived there for forty years, fighting the transgressors and breaking the cross. But I am not to blame for what they did, for as soon as I found out about their idolatrous beliefs I turned against them." Since it would already be in the knowledge of God that Jesus visited the world a second time, stayed there for forty years and punished those who considered him to be god, it would be meaningless for Him to ask such a question in the first place. In fact, it would be contrary to His honour and majesty. If the Book of Malachi had contained the kind of indication that God gave to the Muslims telling them clearly that Jesus was dead and would not return to the world and only 'the like-of-Jesus' would comethe Jews would not have come to such a woeful end. Whoever awaits the return of the Messiah, despite clear indications to the contrary given by God in His Holy Book, is undoubtedly worse than the Jews.



The maulawis who oppose me are trying to mislead people by asserting that it is evident from the Traditionsthough not from the Holy Quranthat Jesus will come to this world a second time. I can only wonder where they find the Traditions in which it is written that the same Israelite Prophet, whose name was Jesus and to whom the Gospel was revealed, will come back in contravention



Khatamiyyat of the Holy Prophet . One should not be misled by the name Isa or Son of Mary because, in Surah At-Tahrim, the Holy Quran has conferred both these titles on some people of the Muslim ummah. A true believer can readily comprehend that when, in this Surah, God calls certain people of this ummah 'Mary' and speaks of the spirit being breathed into them, this spirit is none other than Isa. Hence, a person from within this ummah will first become 'Mary', on account of his virtue and piety, and will then be exalted to the status of Isa. Accordingly, God first called me 'Mary' [as is recorded] in Barahin-eAhmadiyyah, then He spoke of the spirit being breathed into me, and finally He called me Isa.


It is also clear from the Traditions that, on the night of the Miraj, the Holy Prophetsa saw Jesus among the souls of the dead. Even though the Holy Prophetsa ascended to the ultimate point in Heaven, i.e., the Divine Throne, he never came across anyone with a physical body bearing the name of Jesus. He only met Jesus soul along with that of Yahya, and it is obvious that the living do not dwell in the abode of the dead. In short, God has testified to the death of Jesus with His Word and the Holy Prophetsa has verified it with his eyewitness account. If one still fails to understand, I rest his case with God. Compared to the Jews, the Muslims have greater experience of the fact that God never allows the dead to return to this world. Otherwise, we would have desired the return of the Holy Prophetsa far more than that of Jesus. And yet God has denied us this hope with the words

. And if it was possible

for people to return to this world, why did God not send the Prophet Elijah back for a few days to save millions of Jews from perdition? Jesus clear verdict, that is still to be found in the

'Surely, thou wilt die.'Az-Zumar, 39:31 [Pb.]



Gospels, was that the return to this world of a person only means the coming of someone in his likeness. It does not behove sensible people to follow the paths that have led so many to their ruin. Did the Jews gain anything from their obstinacy regarding the physical return of Elijah? No, they only grew in transgression and suffered ignominy. Why should the Muslims hope to fare any better? Why must they thrust their hand in the same hole from which a host of people have already been bitten and destroyed? Tradition






? Do they not

remember that death awaits them? Do they not ponder over these verses which they recite in their five daily prayers ? Do they not remember the time of the demise of the Holy Prophetsa when some Companionsra were expecting him to come back from the dead but Hadrat Abu Bakrra awakened them from their delusion by reciting the verse:

He said that, according to this verse, there had


'A believer does not get bitten though the same hole twice.' [Pb.]


never been a Prophet who had not met his death. Hence, it was no matter for surprise that the Holy Prophetsa also died. If the Companionsra had believed that Jesus had been alive in heaven for the last 600 years, they would have objected to Hadrat Abu Bakrs interpretation, but they did not. Even if some of them had previously believed that Jesus was alive, they must, at that moment, have abandoned this notion as baseless and absurd. I mention this only because some simple and nave people might have held such a belief under the influence of their Christian neighbours. On that day, however, they all unanimously accepted the word of Abu Bakrra and acknowledged the demise of all Prophets prior to the Holy Prophetsa. This was the first consensus arrived at by the Companions ra after his passing away. Truly, it would have been intolerable for those ardent lovers of the Holy Prophetsa to think that Jesus should have been alive in heaven for the last six hundred years while their own lord and master, the

'And Muhammad is only a Messenger. Verily all Messengers have passed away before him.'Al-e-Imran, 3:145 [Pb.]


Chief of all Prophets, could not live to his sixtyfourth year. They could never have accorded Jesus such superiority over their holy master and would have cursed any doctrine that was derogatory to him. Being lovers of the Holy Prophetsa, they would sooner have died than accept such a notion. And God, too, loved him more than any other Prophet. This is why, when the Christians rejected him and exalted Jesus to a divine status, God, in His glory and majesty, declared a servant of the servants of the Holy Prophetsa to be 'the like-of-Jesus' and caused him to be born within this ummah and bestowed upon him far greater bounties and favours than had been bestowed on Jesus, so as to teach the Christians that it is for God to exalt whosoever He pleases. The purpose of the coming of 'the like-of-Jesus' was to shatter [the myth of] Jesus divinity. The concept that man should go to heaven and reside there in his physical body is as much against the Divine law of nature, as it is for Angels to come and physically live on earth.


'Thou shalt not find any change in the law of Allah.' Al-Fath, 48:24 [Pb.]


Do these ignorant people not consider that Jesus mission was still incomplete when he was put on the cross and that there were ten tribes of Israel scattered in other lands who were yet to hear his name? What then came over him that he suddenly abandoned his mission and went to reside in heaven? And how could he have been described in Islamic literature as a great traveller if he only preached in his own native town for three and a half years and then ascended to heaven? If the Christians have managed to deify Jesus on the basis of a few myths, we can only wonder what they will do if they actually saw him descending bodily from the heavens in the company of Angels. Remember, however, that he who was to come has come at the appointed time. All that had been foretold has now come to pass and this is the time foretold in the scriptures. Even the Christians believe that the time is ripe for the Messiahs return. It was foretold in past scriptures that the Promised Messiah would come at the end of the sixth millennium after Adam; and we now stand right at the end of


that millennium. The appearance of a comet was also foretold; and it has been some time since it appeared. It was written that both the sun and the moon would be eclipsed within the same month of Ramadan; this also has come to pass exactly as foretold. There was a prophecy in the gospels about a terrible plague; we have witnessed its outbreak and it has still not abated. It was written in the Holy Quran, the Traditions and other past scriptures that in the time of the Promised Messiah a new form of transport would be introduced that would feed on fire and render camels useless this last part being mentioned in Sahih Muslim; this prophecy, too, has come true with the invention of the railway. It was written that the Promised Messiah would come at the turn of the century; we are already twenty-one years into the new century [of the Hijrah]. Whosoever rejects me after witnessing all these signs, rejects not just me but all Prophets of God. He draws sword against God Himself and it were better for him if he had never been born. Do remember that the true cause of the deteriorating state of Islamto the extent that


almost three million people became apostates and converted to Christianityis that Muslims have attached false hopes with the person of Jesus and have exaggerated his status almost as much as the Christians have done. They fly into a rage if some human shortcoming is attributed to Jesus, while they have no scruples in attributing the same to the Holy Prophetsa. For instance, we all know that the Holy Prophetsa would at times fall ill and take medicine and even resort to bloodletting. But if it is said of Jesus that he suffered from fever or something and had to be carried to a physician, they are shocked at the 'indignity'. The fact is that Jesus was only a humble human being, subject to all human frailties. He had four real brotherssome of them even opposed himand two sisters. He was not a very strong man and fainted after only two nails had been driven into the cross. Alas, if the Muslims had accepted the verdict of the Holy Quran that Jesus is dead and there is no possibility of his return, Islam would not have suffered such decline and Christianity would have long been vanquished. But thanks be to God that He has finally come to the aid of


Islam. These are some of the things I conveyed to Sahibzadah Maulawi Abdul Latif Sahib. The last point I explained to him was that Jesus as possessed the following sixteen distinctive qualities from the spiritual point of view: 1. He was a Prophet whose coming had been promised to the Israelites. This is evident from Jewish scriptures. 2. He came at a time when the Jews had lost their kingdom and no longer ruled their own country, though they might have established their rule in other lands where some of their tribes had migrated. For instance, it cannot be denied that Afghans and Kashmiris are Jews by origin and they ruled these countries after converting to Islam. But the fact remains that they no longer had sovereignty over their own land, having been made subjects of the Roman empire which had much in common with the British empire of this day. 3. When Jesus came, the Jews were divided into many sects, each a bitter enemy of the other. Most of the teachings of the Torah had become dubious because





unending disputes between the sects. With the exception of their unanimous belief in the Oneness of God, they differed about almost every other commandment. No teacher or rabbi could bring them together or settle their disputes, and they all awaited a Divinely appointed Arbiter who, with the help of fresh Divine Revelation, would come to the aid of the their rightly sects guided could ones. truly be But they had degenerated to such a degree that not one of called 'rightly guided', each having its own share of false beliefs and innovations. They all wanted Jesus to confirm their beliefs and testify to their piety and to condemn all other sects as false. But Jesusbeing a Prophet of Godcould not be guilty of such duplicity. This is why they opposed him bitterly and became thirsty for his blood. 4. Jesus, son of Mary, was not commanded to take up arms. By his time the Romans and Greeks had ceased to respect the Israelites because of their use of force, upon one pretext or another, to spread their religion. To this day books are written blaming Moses and his successor Joshua for





thousands of innocents. Wars fought by David and other Prophets also lend weight to these objections. When these cruel teachings became revolting to human nature and the objections of other religions intensified, God decided to send a Prophet who would spread the faith through peaceful means and remove the criticism levelled against the Torah. This Prophet of peace was Jesus, son of Mary. 5. In the time of Jesusas the moral condition of the rabbis had greatly deteriorated. They had ceased to practise what they preached and their prayers and fasting were only for display. Under the Romans, all their efforts were aimed at acquiring material gains for which they did not desist from dishonesty, falsehood, giving false testimony or proclaiming false edicts. Other than adorning themselves in monastic vestments and elaborate garb they did not possess a vestige of spirituality. Their greatest wish was to gain honour in the eyes of the Romans and they even succeeded, through intrigue and flattery, to attain a certain degree of power. The world was everything to them and they were oblivious of the true honour that is attained by faithfully following the


commandments of the Torah. They fell upon the world like worms and took material glory to be the source of all honour. At times they were even able to pressurize the Roman Governor, because some of their worldlyminded rabbis had undertaken long journeys to meet Caesar and had established direct links with his court. Some even received stipends from the Romans and projected themselves as their most loyal subjects. Although the empire kept a wary eye on them, they had won the confidence of the rulers with flattery and cunning, and some of their leaders were accorded respect in Roman courts. It was for the sake of such mischievous people that Jesus, son of Mary, the poor Galilean, was so cruelly treated. He was not only ridiculed and spat upon by these wicked people but was even scourged by the order of the Governor and locked up with thieves and vagrants, despite his innocence. All this was done merely to please the Jews, for it is the policy of most governments to acquiesce to the wishes of the majority. Hence no heed was paid to the poor solitary man. Such was the trial that ended with Jesus being handed over to the


rabbis who wasted no time in putting him on the cross. Such courts are cursed by Godthe Lord of heavens and earthand cursed are the governments that do not fear Him. It would seem that both Pilate, the Governor, and his wife were sympathetic to Jesus as and wanted to set him free, but when the Jewish rabbis who had cunningly gained the trust of Caesar threatened to report the matter to the Emperor, Pilate lost his nerve and wavered in his devotion, for he was a coward. But his fear was justified to a degree, because some of the eminent Jewish divines had already reported to Caesar that Jesusas was a mischief-monger and a secret enemy of the empire who was conspiring to raise an army against him. The odds were against Jesus, for he was a poor and meek person who had no links with Caesar or his officials nor any other powerful connections. While most of the Jewish divines had acquired a strong foothold within the government through cunning and obsequious flattery, Jesus placed all his trust in God. The Jews were not at heart friends of the empire, but they had managed to create an impression to the contrary and this is why the government








behest. Evildoers, however, cannot hide away from God Who looks from on high and knows what lies in the hearts. He saved Jesus from death after he had been put on the cross and accepted the heart-rending supplications he had offered in the garden. It is written that when Jesus became convinced that the Jews were after his blood and would never spare him, he went into a garden at night and fell down crying and supplicating, "Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt."18 In the Arabic New Testament, we find the words: i.e., He cried so much that as he prayed the tears rolled down his face and flowed from his cheeks like water. So heart-rending were his cries and supplications that, on account of his piety, God heard him. God, in His grace, created the means by which Jesusas was taken down from the cross alive. He later came out of the sepulchre in the guise

Mark, 14:16 [Pb.]



of a gardener and, under Divine command, migrated to another land accompanied by his mother, as is evident from the verse:

i.e., After the ordeal of the cross, We conveyed Jesus and his mother to a highland where they found streams of clear water and peace and comfort. It is written in some Traditions that Jesus lived to the ripe old age of 120 before he died and returned to his Creator. In Heaven he joined Yahyaas, for there had been a similarity in their circumstances. Jesus was undoubtedly a righteous man and a Prophet of God, but it is sheer blasphemy to call him God. Thousands of righteous people have lived before and thousands more will follow, and God never has, nor ever will, tire of exalting them. 6. Jesus was born under the rule of the Romans. 7. Although the Romans opposed Christianity, it ultimately won their hearts and, after a time, the





Al-Muminun, 23:51 [Pb.]


8. In the time of Jesus, whom the Muslims call Isaas, a comet appeared in the sky. 9. A solar eclipse occurred when Jesus as was put on the cross. 10. A plague broke out among the Jews when they persecuted the Messiah. 11. A case was made up against Jesus because of religious prejudice and it was alleged that he was an enemy of the Roman empire and was planning a rebellion. 12. When Jesus was put on the cross, a thief was crucified alongside him. 13. When Jesus was brought before Pilate and the death penalty was demanded, the latter declared that he did not find him guilty of any crime. 14. Having been born without a father, Jesus as was not an Israelite, but he was still the last Prophet who appeared among them in the fourteenth century after Mosesas. 15. The Caesar who ruled at the time of Jesus introduced convenience many of his innovations people, such for as the the

building of roads and inns, and a new system



for dispensing justice similar to the British judicial system of this day. 16. Jesus had a resemblance with Adam, for they were both born without a father. These were the sixteen qualities peculiar to Jesusas who belonged to the Mosaic dispensation. When God Almighty brought that dispensation to an end and, in keeping with past prophecies, established the dispensation of Muhammadsa in its place, the All-Wise and AllKnowing One desired to create a complete resemblance between the beginnings and ends of the two dispensations. For this purpose, He first sent the Holy Prophet sa whom, in the following verse, He declared to be 'the like-of-Moses':

Just as Moses took up the sword against the disbelievers, so was the Holy Prophet sa forced to take up arms in self-defence after he was exiled from Mecca and pursued by the enemy.

'We have sent to you a Messenger who is a witness over you, even as We sent a messenger to Pharaoh.'AlMuzzammil, 73:16 [Pb.]


And just as Pharaoh, who was Moses archenemy, was drowned in front of him, so was Abu Jahl, the sworn enemy of the Holy Prophetsa, killed before his eyes. I could mention many more similarities, but will omit them for the sake of brevity. In addition to the similarities in the beginning of the two dispensations, there also has to be a marked similarity between their last Successors, if the Word of God mentioned above is to be true. When comparing two dispensations, it is essential to examine their beginning and end, because the intermediary period is too long and obscure for scrutiny. Once that similarity is established, it can safely be concluded that similarity must exist in their intermediary period as well, though the eye of reason may not readily discern it. I have already stated that Jesusas possessed sixteen distinctive qualities and these must all be found in the last successor of the Islamic dispensation if a complete resemblance is to be established. They are as follows: 1. None of the Prophets before the Messiah were 'promised' except himself. In the same


way, none of the thousands of saints in Islam were 'promised' and only he who was to come in the name of the Messiah was called Mauud the Promised One. 2. Just as the Jews had lost their kingdom prior to the birth of the Messiah, so had the Muslims, due to their own failings, lost their dominion in India to the British prior to the birth of their Messiah. 3. The Jews were divided into many sects at the time of the first Messiah and awaited the coming of an Arbiter to settle their disputes. The Muslims, too, have become divided into many sects in the time of the Messiah of the latter days. 4. Like the first Messiah, the last Messiah has not been sent to fight wars. This is as it should be, for in this age people cannot be converted by force and civilised people no longer raise the sword in the cause of religion. Indeed, this age is a witness that the Muslim sects who are awaiting a bloodthirsty Mahdi or Messiah are utterly mistaken and their beliefs are contrary to the will of God. It stands to reason that if it had been Gods desire for Muslims to take up


arms to spread their faith, He would have made sure that they were at the forefront of modern warfare. They would be the ones to make canons and guns and would have attained excellence in every aspect of warfare, inventing airships as well as submarines that strike from below the water and leave people amazed. But this is far from the case. It is the Christians who are progressing by leaps and bounds in this field. This shows that God does not desire Islam to be spread through the use of arms. On the other hand, the Christian faith is fast losing ground in the field of reason and argument and many of its eminent scholars are renouncing the doctrine of the Trinity. Even the German Emperor is moving away from this belief. All this shows that God desires the doctrine of Trinity to be wiped off the face of the earth through the weapon of reason. As a rule, great events are heralded by certain signs. The Muslims have so far failed to distinguish themselves in the art of warfare and the Christian faith is fast eroding and might soon disappear from the face of the earth. 5. The Jews had become morally bankrupt and


their rabbis in particular were cunning and greedy and hankered after worldly honour and riches. The same is true of most Muslims and their ulema in the time of the last Messiah. This point requires no elaboration. 6. Just as the first Messiah was born under the rule of an Emperor, the last Messiah has also appeared under an Emperors rule. This Emperor, however, is far nobler than Caesar who, on being informed by the rabbis that Pilate had contrived to save Jesus from the cross and had arranged his escape, ordered Pilates arrest and put him in jail where he was eventually beheaded. Pilate thus became a martyr in his love for the Messiah. This also shows that people with power and authority often remain unblessed by the bounty of faith. That foolish Emperor placed undue trust in the Jewish rabbis and thought it in the interest of the Empire to put Jesus to death. But I feel that times have changed and our present Emperor is far wiser than that foolish and tyrannical Caesar. 7. The Romans were eventually converted to the faith of the first Messiah. The same is


going to be true of the last Messiah, for I see the people of Europe and America growing more and more interested in my claim and my arguments. My claims have been published in hundreds of newspapers and words have been written in my favour that one would least expect from a Christian. Some have said that they see no reason to deny my claim. Some are beginning to have serious doubts about the divinity of Jesus and others have described my claim of being the Promised Messiah as a very timely one which, they believe, is in itself a proof of my truth. From all this it is apparent that their hearts are being readied to accept my claim while the Christian faith in those countries is melting away like ice. 8. A comet appeared at the advent of the first Messiah. The same comet has also appeared in my time, for I am the last Messiah. British newspapers have recorded its appearance and some have taken it as a sign that the coming of the Messiah is at hand. 9. A solar eclipse occurred when the Messiah was put on the cross. Likewise, when people rejected me, there occurred not only a solar


but a lunar eclipse as well. And they both occurred twice, each time in the month of Ramadan as foretold by the Traditions. Prophecies about these eclipses are also found in the Gospels, in the Holy Quran and books of Tradition such as Dar Qutni. 10. The plague broke out among the Jews when they persecuted Jesus, and so it has happened in my time. 11. Jewish rabbis tried to condemn Jesus as a traitor. They fabricated a case against him and demanded that he be put to death. In this also Divine providence has made me similar to Jesus, for a case of conspiracy to murder was brought against me in which my opponents tried to prove that I was a traitor conspiring against the government. This is the same lawsuit in which Maulawi Muhammad Hussain Batalwi appeared as a witness for the prosecution. 12. When Jesus was put on the cross, a thief was crucified alongside him. Similarly, when I was acquitted of the charge of conspiracy to murderin keeping with the tidings which God had communicated to me through revelation


and which I had made public beforehanda thief was also produced in court. He happened to be a Christian belonging to the Salvation Army who had been charged with stealing money. He was only sentenced to three months imprisonment and was not condemned to die like Jesus companion. 13. When Jesus was brought before the Governor Pilate and the death penalty was demanded, Pilate said that he could not find any fault with him. Similarly, Captain Douglas, District Magistrate, Gurdaspur, in answer to my submission said that he did not find me guilty of any wrongdoing. I am sure that Captain Douglas was a much more courageous man than Pilate who got scared and gave in before the mischievous Jews. Captain Douglas showed no such weakness. When Maulawi Muhammad Hussain Batalwi demanded to be given a chair in the court and said that he had letters from the Lieutenant Governor, Captain Douglas refused to be moved and, even though he had given me a chair despite my being the accused, did not yield to Batalwis demand and rebuked


him. It is true that people who are honoured in Heaven have no need for worldly honours, but this 'Pilate' of our time will always be remembered by me and my Jamaat for his moral courage and his name shall always be remembered with esteem till the end of time. 14. Jesusas, having been born without a father, could not be called an Israelite, but he was still the last Prophet of the Mosaic dispensation, appearing in the fourteenth century after Mosesas. Similarly, I am not descended from the Quraish but have appeared in the fourteenth century [after the Holy Prophet sa], and am the last Successor of this ummah. 15. In the time of Jesusas, the world was undergoing a major transformation. New roads were built, means of communication were improved, the armed forces were made more efficient, new innovations were introduced to facilitate travel and the judicial system was made more transparent. Similar changes have occurred in my time and many innovations have been made towards material comfort. The invention of the railway is an example that was also foretold by the Holy Quran. The









examples. 16. Jesus had an affinity with Adam, for they were both born without a father. I, too, have an affinity with Adam, for, like him, I was born a twin. My birth took place exactly as foretold by Hadrat Mohyi-ud-Din Ibn Al-Arabi. He wrote that the last Successor would be a Mongol by origin and would be born a twin, a girl being born before him. And so it happened when I was born on a Friday morning. I do not know the source of his prophecy but it has been fulfilled word for word and can still be found in his books. These, then, are the sixteen similarities between me and the Messiahas. If this had been the work of man and not of God, such clear similarities would never have existed between us. Rejecting the Prophets of God has always been the misfortune of the disobedient, but the manner in which the maulawis of our time have rejected me is beyond all comprehension. I am the one who appeared at the appointed time; it was for me that the sun


and the moon were eclipsed in the month of Ramadan, as foretold by the Holy Quran, the Traditions and past Prophets; I am the one in whose time the plague spread in the manner foretold by the Holy Quran and Prophets of the past; I am the one in whose time people were barred from going to Hajj; the same comet that had appeared at the time of Jesus appeared in my time also; and I am the one in whose time the railway was introduced in this country and camels were rendered useless for travel. The time comes when trains will run between Mecca and Medina and camels will no longer undertake the blessed journey that they have done for centuries. Then will the following prophecy contained in Sahih Muslim be truly fulfilled: i.e., in the time of the Messiah, the camels will be abandoned and will no longer be used for travel. Yes, I am the one at whose hands thousands of signs have been shown and no one in the world can compete with me in this respect. I swear in the name of the One who is the Master of my life that more than two hundred thousand signs have appeared for me and


nearly ten thousand people have met the Holy Prophetsa in their dreams in which he has testified to the truth of my claim. Some eminent seers and saints of this land, with a following of up to three or four hundred thousand, have been informed through dreams that I am from God. One of them, an eminent saint from Ludhiana by the name of Gulab Shah, passed away some thirty years before I made my claim. He had told the late Mia Karim Bakhsh of Jamalpur that the Messiah has been born in Qadian and that he would at one time visit Ludhiana. Mia Karim Bakhsh was a pious man and well-advanced in age when he met me in Ludhiana and told me about the prophecy. He was harassed by the maulawis on this account, but he remained steadfast. Gulab Shah had told him that Jesus, son of Mary, was not alive. He had died and would never return to this world, and for this ummah God has chosen Mirza Ghulam Ahmad whom He, in His eternal wisdom, has made in the likeness of Jesus and named Isa in Heaven. He said: "Karim Bakhsh, when that Isa appears you will see how bitterly the maulawis will oppose him, but you will also see


them fail. He will come to do away with all the false commentaries that have been imposed upon the Holy Quran and reveal its true face in its pristine purity." These words also contained the prophecy that Karim Bakhsh would live long enough to see the Messiah. In spite of all these testimonies, miracles and extraordinary signs, the maulawis continue to oppose me. This was bound to happen so that the prophecy contained in the verse would be fulfilled. Their opposition stems from their nave expectation that each and every sign mentioned in their collection of Traditions must be literally fulfilled in the person who claims to be the Promised Messiah. They will not accept as the Messiah or the Mahdi anyone who does not live up to every one of those prophecies. [They seem to forget that] even in the past such expectations were never met. The signs which the Jews had inserted into their books regarding the Messiah were never fulfilled. Likewise, only a few of the signs that they had concocted about the Holy Prophetsa ever came to be realized. For instance, they believed that this last Prophet would be an Israelite, but the Holy


Prophetsa was born among the Ishmaelites. Had God so willed, He could have written in the Torah that the Prophet would be called Muhammad, his father would be Abdullah and his grandfather Abdul Muttalib, and that he would be born in Mecca and migrate to Medina. But He did not do so, for such prophecies are also meant as a trial [of peoples faith]. The fact, as it has been foretold, is that the Promised Messiahas was to come as Hakam [Arbiter] between the different sects of Islam. Since each sect has its own separate Traditions, he cannot testify in favour of them all. If he were to validate the Traditions of the Ahl-e-Hadith, for instance, the Hanafis would be angry; if he were to give his verdict in favour of the latter, the Shafiis would be offended; while the Shiites would naturally want him to confirm their beliefs. How could he possibly please them all? The word 'Arbiter' itself shows that the Promised Messiah as was to come at a time when all sects would have more or less deviated from the right path. And since it would be a mistake for any sect to judge the Promised Messiah in the light of its


own Traditions, they would all have to accept whatever signs came to be fulfilled in his time and to reject the rest as false and fabricated. This was the criterion adopted by the Jews who were fortunate enough to embrace Islam. They only accepted the Jewish Traditions that were fulfilled in the person of the Holy Prophet sa and disregarded the rest. Had they not made this distinction, they would never have been able to recognize Jesusas or the Holy Prophetsa. When they saw that some of those signs had been clearly fulfilled in the person of the Holy Prophetsa and realized that he enjoyed extraordinary Divine support, they abandoned hundreds of false signs mentioned in their Traditions. None of them would, otherwise, have become Muslims. These are the points that I explained to Maulawi Abdul Latif Sahib on various occasions and from various aspects. It pleased me that he had already pondered over many of these things and had even discovered new arguments to prove that Jesusas was dead and that the Promised Messiah must come in this age and from among this ummah. His devotion and enthusiasm reminded me of the verse:



He said that he had based most of his arguments on the Holy Quran. He lamented the ignorance of those who think that prophecies regarding the Promised Messiah are only to be found in the Traditions. He said that, compared to the Traditions, the Holy Quran provides far greater proof of Jesus death and of the appearance of the Promised Messiah from within this ummah. God had blessed him with perfect certainty and he believed in me as truly as if he had literally seen me descend from heaven in the company of Angels. It then occurred to me that although the Arabic word nuzul [descent], which is found in the Traditions with reference to the coming of the Promised Messiah, is primarily used in terms of honour and respecte.g., an army is said to have 'descended' at a certain place, or a newcomer is asked where he has 'descended' from, or the Holy Prophet sa is described







'descended' from God, or, as it is mentioned in

Translation of the full verse by Hafiz of Shiraz: Hassan from Basrah, Suhaib from Syria, Bilal from Abyssinia, And Abu Jahl from the land of Mecca; How much stranger can things be? [Pb.]


some Traditions, Jesus and Yahya are said to 'descend' from heaventhe word could also mean that so many arguments would accumulate in favour of the Promised Messiah that, in the eyes of wise and discerning people, he might as well have descended from heaven before their eyes. Such was the faith shown by the martyr Shahzadah Maulawi Abdul Latif. No sacrifice can be greater than that of ones life, but the conviction with which Maulawi Sahib offered this sacrifice shows that he had indeed 'seen' me descend from heaven. For other people, it should suffice that all aspects of my claim are as clear and unambiguous as the shining sun. In the first place, the Holy Quran has given its verdict that Jesus, son of Mary, is dead and will never return to this world. Even if there were a hundred thousand Traditions to the contrary, they would have to be rejected as false and fabrications of a deceitful mind. The truth is only to be found in the Holy Quran and only those Traditions are acceptable whose narratives do not contradict it in any way. Again, in Surah An-Nur, the Holy Quran has


decreed that all the Successors of the Islamic dispensation will be minkum, i.e., from within this ummah. They will also be similar to the Successors of the Mosaic dispensation and the last of them, 'the Promised one', will come in the likeness of Jesus, son of Mary. The others will not be 'promised', which means that there will be no specific prophecies regarding any of them. The word minkum [from among Sahih yourselves], which also appears in

Bukhari and Muslim, clearly indicates that the Promised Messiah will be born within this ummah. Anyone who honestly ponders over these three occurrences of the term minkum will be convinced that this is indeed so. As far as my claim is concerned, there are so many signs and arguments in my favour that everyone, who does not choose to be utterly shameless, will have to accept it as he has accepted the claim of the Holy Prophet sa. The signs of my coming mentioned in the Holy Quran are so clear and precise that, virtually, my very name has been mentioned. What more does anyone need? Is the name of my village not recorded in the Traditions as Kadah and is it not written that I would be


born in the thirteenth century [Hijrah] and make my appearance in the fourteenth? Sahih Bukhari gives a full description of my physical appearance as distinct from that of the first Messiah. In another tradition it is said that the Antichrist will appear in the East, which is a clear indication that the Messiah will also appear in the East, i.e., India. It is also written that the Messiah will appear to the east of Damascus; as it happens, Qadian lies [precisely] to the east of that city. Add to this the solar and lunar eclipses that occurred during the month of Ramadan at a time when opposition against me was at its peak; the outbreak of the plague; invention of the railway; discarding of camels; restrictions on the pilgrimage to Mecca; supremacy of Christian nations; appearance of thousands of signs at my hands; my coming at the turn of the century at the time foretold by the Prophets; dreams confirming my claim seen by thousands of people; the Holy Prophets sa prophecy of the Promised Messiahs birth in his ummah; signs of Divine support in my favour; pledges of allegiances made to me by more than two hundred thousand people who


have adopted the path of piety; decline of Christianity and the breaking of the spell of the Trinity; decline of the Muslim ummah and its division into numerous sects; the deluge of sin, idolatry, drunkenness, debauchery, in dishonesty, falsehood that has swept over the world; the revolutionary transformation nearly every aspect of life; testimony of every discerning person that the world is in need of a Reformer; failure of anyone to compete with me in terms of miraculous writings and the fulfilment of thousands of prophecies in my favour. All these signs and indications, taken together, leave one with no choice but to accept meif one fears God, that is. Some ignorant people object that certain prophecies of mine, for example those regarding the death of Atham and Ahmad Baigs son-in-law, did not come true. Such people should be ashamed before God. It is their misfortune that they reject thousands of prophecies that have been indisputably fulfilled and many more that are being fulfilled every day, just because they have failed to comprehend a couple of them. If you are justified in denying me on this basis, then


show me a Prophet none of whose prophecies was ever challenged. Was Malachis prophecy fulfilled in its literal sense and did Elijah, who was anxiously awaited by the Jews, descend from heaven before the Messiah? Was Jesus prophecy that many of his generation would still be alive when he returned to them, fulfilled? Was Peter given the keys to heaven? Was the throne of David re-established? Did the twelve disciples sit on twelve thrones in paradise? Did Judas Iscariot not desert Jesus and was he not thrown into hell, and is it not true that Jesus knew nothing of the 'disciple' who is portrayed as having been given the twelfth throne in his place? It is mentioned in a Tradition in Durr-i-Manthur that the Prophet Jonahas made an unconditional prophecy that Divine chastisement would befall the people of Nineveh and destroy them within forty days, but nothing of the kind happened and he had to flee his city in embarrassment. This prophecy is also mentioned in the biblical Book of Jonah which Christians believe to be from God. Despite all this, Muslims continue to believe in the truth of these Prophets and pay no heed to such criticism.


As for the prophecies regarding Atham and Ahmad Baigs son in law, I have said it time and again that the first prophecy has been fulfilled beyond any shadow of doubt. If you do not believe it, then tell me where is Atham now? Is he living or is he dead? The essence of the prophecy was that the liar would die before the other, and so Atham has been dead for a long time. The prophecy said that Atham would die within fifteen months unless he reverted to the truth. When I told him that this prophecy was a result of his calling the Holy Prophetsa the Antichrist, he immediately retracted his blasphemous remarks. He turned pale, stuck out his tongue and touched his ears as an expression of remorse and said that he had not said any such thing about the Holy Prophetsa. He said this in the presence of more than sixty Muslims and Christians. Is this not proof enough that he was sorry for his blasphemous remarks? Thereafter, for more than fifteen months, he kept his quiet and spent his time in prayer and supplication and was greatly transformed. Any honest and right thinking person can understand that Atham tried to make amends during those fifteen


months. It was because of his fear of God that he adopted humility and retracted his blasphemous remarks, and even left his old companions in Amritsar and went to live in Ferozepur. This is why he earned some respite, though he did not escape the essence of the prophecy and died before me. As opposed to him, Lekh Ram showed no remorse during the time stipulated in the prophecy. He became even more audacious and went about towns and villages blaspheming against Islam. So, he was apprehended within the stipulated time. The very sharpness of his tongue with which he hurled abuse and blasphemy became the dagger that cut short his life. As for the second prophecy, everyone knows that there were two parts to it, one relating to Ahmad Baig himself and the other to his sonin-law. The first was fulfilled when Ahmad Baig died within the specified period. But objection is levelled at the second part, and I regret to say that it is not done with any degree of honesty. Not once have I heard someone admit that the first part of the prophecy has come true and only the second awaits fulfilment. In this respect they are much like


the Jews who used to conceal prophecies that had been fulfilled and criticise others that awaited fulfilment. Such behaviour, however, does not behoove those who lay claim to faith, decency and piety. Regardless of such deceitful assertions, the fact remains that this prophecy, like the one regarding Atham, was conditional and would only be fulfilled if the two showed no fear or remorse within the specified time. Although Ahmad Baig did not show any remorse and rejected the prophecy outright, his death inspired fear into the hearts of his son-in-law and other relatives. Naturally, even the most hardened of men are shaken by such an experience. This is why God granted respite to the son-in-law. It is now clear that these objections are rooted in ignorance and prejudice and not in any honest desire to find the truth. If some nave and obtuse person has failed to understand a couple of my prophecies, it is hardly fair to conclude that thousands of other prophecies, that have been so unmistakably fulfilled, are also false. I make a solemn pledge that I will give one


thousand rupees in cash to anyone, be he a Christian or a self-professed Muslim, who can prove that the prophecies made by Jesus whom they expect to descend from heaven were fulfilled with greater clarity and certainty than those made by me. And it will not be enough to prove from the Holy Quran that Jesusas was a Prophet; for, in that case, I too can cite the Holy Quran in support of my claim. For instance, one might go through the whole of the Quran and fail to find a single verse wherein Jesus has been named [as the person who would return in the latter days], rather the Quran points to me using the word minkum [he will appear from among yourselves]. I could cite many more examples, but this is not my purpose here. What I am positing is that, leaving aside the arguments from the Holy Quran, one should take up my prophecies and those of Jesus and examine them in a fair and rational manner and decide which of them or the greater part of them have been unmistakably fulfilled. This should be done in such a way that even those who do not believe in the Holy Quran are able to discern the truth.


The lamentable thing is that our opponents call themselves Muslims but are unaware of the fundamentals of the faith. It is an established principle in Islam that warning prophecies are not irrevocable. God can delay or avert the fulfilment of prophecies that foretell calamities, just as Jonahs prophecy was averted even though it was supposed to be fulfilled within forty days. On the other hand, prophecies that bear glad-tidings are never averted. While God says

, He never says . The long and short of it is that warning prophecies can be averted through penitence, prayer and almsgiving. All Prophets have believed that, on account of these acts of piety, God can avert the calamities that are about to befall a person. A prophecy is when God informs a Prophet or a Saint of an impending calamity and he in turn informs other people about it. Since all such calamities can be averted, it follows that the fulfilment of prophecies which foretell such calamities can also be delayed.


'Surely, Allah breaks not His promise.' Al-e-Imran, 3:10 [Pb.] 23 'Surely, Allah never goes back on His warning.' [Pb.]


Returning to the main discussion, let me add that, having spent a few months with me in Qadian, during which he also accompanied me to Jehlum, Maulawi Sahibzadah Abdul Latif Sahib not only became well versed in the arguments that support my claim, but also witnessed numerous Heavenly signs in my favour. Through these arguments and signs he gained extraordinary conviction and a Heavenly force seemed to carry him on to higher and higher levels of faith and certainty. On one occasion he was very pleased when I explained to him the answer to the following objection: If the Holy Prophetsa was 'the like-ofMoses' and his successors are 'the likes of the Israelite Prophets', then why has the Promised Messiah alone been called a Prophet and why have all the successors of the Holy Prophetsa not been given this title? I told him that the Holy Prophetsa could not have been succeeded by a Prophet, nor could all his successors be Prophets, for he was the Seal of Prophets. But, on the other hand, if none of his successors was a Prophet, he would lose this similarity with Moses, whose successors were all Prophets. This is why God, in His infinite


wisdom, decided that He would first send Successors who would not be called Prophets, in deference to the 'Seal of Prophethood', and the title of 'Prophet' would be reserved for the last Successor, i.e., the Promised Messiah, so that a resemblance may be established between the two dispensations. Moreover, as I have said time and again, the Prophethood of the Promised Messiah is only by way of zill [reflection]. He merits the title of 'Prophet' solely by virtue of being the perfect buruz [shadow] of the Prophet. It was in this connection that God said to me: O Ahmad, you have been made a Messenger. This means that just as you earned the title of 'Ahmad' by way of buruz, while, in fact, your name is Ghulam Ahmad, in the same way you merit the title of Prophet by way of buruz, because Ahmadsa is a Prophet and he cannot be separated from his Prophethood. During our discourses we also discussed the Hadith in which it is said that the Promised Messiah would descend from heaven clad in two yellow sheets, covering the upper and lower parts of his body. I told Maulawi Sahib that since yellow cloth seen in a dream is


interpreted as disease or illness, the prophecy means that the Promised Messiah would suffer from two ailments. And thus it is that I suffer from when, migraine on as well of as the diuresis and diarrhoea. Maulawi Sahib was still with me account extraordinary transformation he had undergone, he started experiencing Divine revelations and visions. He was informed by God about my truthfulness in clear words and this is what eventually led him to accept the martyrdom that I will now describe. The manner in which he surrendered his life and thus confirmed the truth of my claim is unparalleled in the 1300year history of Islam, with the exception of the Companionsra of the Holy Prophetsa. The manner in which he laid down his life is indeed a mighty sign in my support, but it can only benefit people of understanding. Surely no one sacrifices his life and brings disaster upon his wife and children if he has the least bit of doubt. Nor was he an ordinary person, for he owned a large estate both in Kabul and in the British territory and he was a scholar of such standing that the state had declared him the chief of the ulema. He was considered peerless


in his knowledge of the Holy Quran, Hadith and Fiqh. He also officiated at the crowning ceremony of a new Amir and led the funeral prayer when an Amir died. I have learned all this through reliable sources. He himself told me that he had more than fifty thousand followers in the state of Kabul, some of them in high official positions. He was greatly renowned and had no equal in respect of his knowledge, piety, status and family prestige. Apart from 'Maulawi', he was also known by the titles of 'Sahibzadah', 'Akhundzadah' and 'Shahzadah'. In his library he had a large library of books on Tafsir, Fiqh and history and he was always eager to add to his collection. He was constantly engaged in teaching and learning, and thousands were proud to have attained the title of 'Maulawi' under his tutelage. At the same time, he was meek and humble to a degree that is only possible for one completely lost in God. Most people become arrogant even with a little knowledge or fame and this becomes a barrier in their quest for the truth. But this venerable sage, who possessed every form of excellence, was so selfless that neither




superiority, nor his piety, nor social stature could stop him from accepting the truth for which he ultimately laid down his life. He set a lasting example which God desires our Jamaat to follow. I will now proceed to relate the events connected to his martyrdom and the vicious and inhumane manner in which he was put to death. Without the power of perfect faith it is impossible for anyone in this transitory existence to show such steadfastness in the path of the truth. Let me also add that all this was destined to happen. I had been informed by God of the martyrdom of Maulawi Sahib and one of his followers twenty-three years ago, and I recorded this prophecy in my book Barahin-e-Ahmadiyyah. became a sign Sahibzadah his Sahib perfect through

steadfastness and because through him this prophecy, made so long ago, was fulfilled. I shall, God willing, speak about this prophecy towards the end of this book. The prophecy recorded in Barahin-eAhmadiyyah speaks of the martyrdom of two people. The first was Mia Abdur Rahman, a


follower of Maulawi Sahib, who was martyred in the reign of Amir Abdur Rahman, father of the present Amir. Keeping to the chronological order, I will first relate the events relating to his martyrdom.


Martyrdom of Mia Abdur Rahman, a Disciple of Maulawi Sahibzadah Abdul Latif Sahib, Nobleman of Khost, Afghanistan
About two years prior to the martyrdom of Sahibzadah Maulawi Abdul Latif Sahib, his devoted follower Mia Abdur Rahman made two or three visits to Qadian at Maulawi Sahibs behest and stayed here for several months. Having learnt of my teachings and arguments, his faith was greatly strengthened and he became a living witness to my truth. When he went back to Kabul for the last time, he had acquired full knowledge of my teachings. Incidentally, during his stay here, some of my books were published in which I had written that Jihad [taking up of arms in the name of religion] was forbidden in this age. Later, when he reached Peshawar, he met one of my followers Khawajah Kamaluddin, Pleader, who had also published a booklet on the subject. The concept, therefore, became deeply rooted in his heart and, upon reaching Kabul, he started preaching that it was not


permissible to wage Jihad against the British who afforded protection to a large Muslim population and under whose reign millions were living in peace and harmony. Gradually, the news reached the ears of Amir Abdur Rahman and some of his mischievous Punjabi courtiers informed him that Maulawi Abdur Rahman was a disciple of a Punjabi who called himself the Promised Messiahas and preached that it was unlawful to wage war against the British and that this kind of Jihad was prohibited in this age. This greatly infuriated the Amir and he ordered Maulawi Sahib to be arrested and interrogated. When it was proven that he was indeed a disciple of the Messiah of Qadian and was against the waging of Jihad, he was martyred after being strangled with a cloth. It is said that heavenly signs also appeared at the time of his martyrdom. I will now proceed to describe the tragic martyrdom of Maulawi Sahibzadah Abdul Latif and I urge my followers to pray that they too may attain the same level of faith and conviction. In Heaven a person is not considered a believer if his loyalty is divided between God and the world.

An Account of the Tragic Martyrdom of Maulawi Sahibzadah Abdul Latif, Chief of Khost, in the State of Kabul (may Allah have mercy on him)
As I have already mentioned, Maulawi Sahib came to Qadian from Khost in the State of Kabul and stayed with me for some months. Then, when it was finally ordained in Heaven that he would attain the station of martyrdom, it so transpired that Maulawi Sahib asked my permission to return to his country. According to the accounts that have reached me from eyewitnesses and other reliable sources, destiny unfolded itself in the following manner. When Maulawi Sahib reached the border of the State of Kabul and was still within the British territory, he wrote Hussain, a letter Kotwal, to one Brigadier of his Muhammad

followers, and asked him to seek the Amirs permission to enter his territory and pay homage to him. The reason why he did not proceed without permission was that, due to his extended stay in Qadian, he had not been able to go for Hajj, which had been the








recognized me as the Promised Messiah, he felt that it was more important for him to spend time in my company and, in keeping with the Divine injunction


deferred the pilgrimage for some other time. It goes without saying that, in keeping with the injunctions of the Holy Quran and the Traditions, if a person were to go out with the purpose of performing the Hajj and, on his way, happened to meet and recognize the Promised Messiahwho has been awaited by the Muslims for the last 1300 yearshe could not proceed further without his permission, though he may perform the pilgrimage some other time with his consent. Since this 'Chief of Martyrs' had been unable to perform the Hajj as he had intended and had spent all that time in Qadian, he thought that it would be expedient to inform the Amir beforehand of his reasons for failing to perform the holy pilgrimage. Hence he had written to Brigadier Muhammad Hussain so that he might, at some opportune moment and in appropriate words,

'Obey Allah, and obey His Messenger.' An-Nisa, 4:60 [Pb.]



put the matter before the Amir. In his letter he wrote: "Though I had set out with the purpose of performing the Hajj, I was fortunate enough to meet and recognize the Promised Messiah on my way. And since both God and His Prophetsa have enjoined us to accept and obey the Promised Messiah, I had no choice but to stay on in Qadian. I did not do this of my own will but considered myself bound by the Holy Quran and the Traditions." When this letter reached Brigadier Muhammad Hussein Kotwal, he kept it to himself and chose not to inform the Amir at once. But it somehow came to the knowledge of his assistant, a mischievous man, who got hold of it and took it to the Amir. When the Amir summoned the Brigadier and asked him if the letter had been addressed to him, the latter, seeing the fury of the Amir, denied all knowledge of it. In the meantime, Maulawi Sahib, who had been anxiously awaiting a reply, sent a second letter also addressed to the Brigadier. This letter was confiscated by the Post Master and conveyed directly to the Amir. Since Maulawi Sahibs martyrdom had been ordained in Heaven, the Amir made a


cunning plan to bring Maulawi Sahib back to Kabul. He wrote to him asking him to proceed to Kabul without fear and promising that if he found this man [the Promised Messiah] to be true in his claim, he too would follow him. Those who have informed me of these events are not sure whether the letter was delivered by hand or by post, but upon receiving it Maulawi Sahib at once set off towards Kabul and the events that had been decreed by Heaven began to unfold. According to eyewitnesses, when Maulawi Sahib entered Kabul he was on horseback and was followed by eight of the Amirs horsemen. It was already being whispered among the people that the Amir had tricked Akhundzadah Sahib into coming to Kabul. Eyewitnesses report that as he passed through the streets of the city people started following him and soon formed a large crowd. It was also said that the eight horsemen had accompanied Maulawi Sahib all the way from Khost where the ruler had already received orders for his arrest. Thus Maulawi Sahib was brought before the Amir, whose mind had already been poisoned by his opponents and his tone was hostile. He


ordered Maulawi Sahib to stand back from him for he smelled of evil. He then ordered him to be imprisoned in the palace where he had his own residence and to be bound in ghraghrab a chain weighing about 130 pounds, covering the body from neck to waist, including handcuffs. He also ordered his feet to be bound in fetters weighing 17 pounds. For four months Maulawi Sahib was held in captivity and during that time the Amir repeatedly offered him freedom upon the condition that he renounce his belief in this man from Qadian who claimed to be the Promised Messiah. To every such offer, Maulawi Sahib would reply, "God has given me knowledge and has granted me the ability to distinguish truth from falsehood. I have discovered after thorough search and scrutiny that this man is indeed the Promised Messiah. I know only too well that by adopting this course I endanger my life and bring ruin upon my wife and children, but I value my faith over and above everything of this world." While in confinement, Maulawi Sahib gave this answer not once but many times. Nor was this confinement like imprisonment under the British where some


allowance is made for human needs. It was a terrible confinement to which one would prefer death and this is why people were so amazed at his steadfastness. It was a wonder indeed that a man who owned large estates, and was considered a spiritual leader on account of his knowledge and piety, and had spent about fifty years of his life in ease and comfort surrounded by a large family, should be put into such severe confinement as seemed worse than death and the very mention of which sends shivers through ones body, and yet he should remain steadfast and be willing to give up his life rather than his faith! It becomes even more amazing when we consider that the Amir of Kabul repeatedly offered him an honourable release if he would recant his belief in this Messiah from Qadian. But so unshakable was his faith that he paid no heed to any such offer. Each time he would reply, "Do you expect me to put the world above my faith? Is it possible that for fear of death I should reject the one whom I have recognized beyond all doubt? I have found the truth and will never turn my back on it for the sake of this temporary existence. I am willing


to lay down my life and that is my final decision. I shall not abandon the truth to my last breath." Never will the land of Kabul forget these repeated affirmations and never have the people of Kabul seen such an example of loyalty and steadfastness in all their lives. Here it should also be noted that the Amirs of Kabul were not known to make such offers of clemency. Maulawi Abdul Latif Sahib was a special case because he was considered a pillar of the state with a following of thousands. The Amir esteemed him as the best of scholars, a sun among stars. It is possible that the Amir himself was sorry to see such a pious man put to death by the consensus of the ulema. Everyone knows that these days the ulema hold the reigns of power in Kabul and, once they have decided upon a matter, the Amir dare not go against them. So, fearing the ulema on the one hand and seeing the innocence of Maulawi Sahib on the other, he tried to convince the latter to recant his faith in the Messiah so that he could let him go free. It is also possible that Amir confined him in the same palace where he lived so that he would have ample occasion





persuade him. Another point worth mentioning, which was, in fact, the true reason behind the tragedy, is that ever since Abdur Rahmans martyrdom, the ulema and rulers of Kabul had known that the man from Qadian who claimed to be the Messiah was strongly opposed to waging holy wars and had written books declaring Jihad with the sword to be impermissible in this age. Amir Abdur Rahman, the father of the current Amir, had published a book advocating this kind of Jihad and had been informed by some mischievous Punjabis, who called themselves Muwahhidun or Ahl-e-Hadith, that I presented the contrary opinion in my books. Most probably, Mia Abdur Rahman was killed by the Amir just because he was thought to belong to a sect that considered Jihad to be unlawful. The wheels of destiny turned in such a way that Maulawi Abdul Latif made the same 'error' during his confinement and declared that this was not the age for waging holy wars. He said that, according to the Promised Messiah, the faith has to be spread through reason and argument and not through the sword. A seed sown by force will never


flourish and will soon wither away. He said this because he did not fear anything, not even death, in proclaiming the truth. Another strange incident reported by his disciples is that, on his way back to his country, he kept saying that the land of Kabul needed his blood for its reformation. He couldnt have said a truer word. Even if a million leaflets were distributed in Kabul in support of my claim, they would not have had the same effect as the blood of this martyr. His blood fell on the land of Kabul like a seed that will grow into a full tree within a short time and thousands of birds shall seek shelter in its branches. Let me now come to the final part of the tragedy. After Sahibzadah Sahib had been four months in confinement, the Amir summoned him in an open court and again asked him to retract his beliefs. He was promised that if he rejected would the be man from Qadian and To his this teachings, his life would be spared and he honourably acquitted. Sahibzadah Sahib replied, "It is not possible for me to forsake the truth. Whatever torture and suffering worldly rulers may inflict on me will end with my death, but my fear is of Him


Whose chastisement will never end. But since I believe myself to be on the right path, I am prepared to debate the matter with the maulawis who disagree with me. If I turn out to be false on the basis of reason and argument, then you may do with me as you please." Those who have related these events were present on the occasion. They say that the idea appealed to the Amir and he appointed Khan Mulla Khan and eight other Muftis to hold the debate in the Royal Mosque. He also appointed as arbiter a doctor who, being a Punjabi, was strongly opposed to me. The debate was witnessed by a throng of people, but since it was held in writing the audience did not know what was going on. It went on from seven in the morning to three in the afternoon. Finally, when it was nearing the time of Asr prayer, an edict of heresy was proclaimed. Towards the end, Maulawi Sahib was asked, "If this man from Qadian is indeed the Promised Messiah, then what is your opinion about the second coming of the Jesusas?" He replied in categorical terms that Jesusas was dead, he would never return to this world, and that both





substantiated by the Holy Quran. Thereupon the maulawis started cursing Sahibzadah Sahib in the manner of the Pharisees who had torn their clothes in rage upon hearing Jesus words. They said there could no longer be any doubt that this man was a heretic. Thus fuming and frothing they wrote down the edict. Akhundzadah Sahib was then sent back to prison in chains. I should also mention that as Sahibzadah Sahib sat debating with the wretched maulawis, eight soldiers stood behind him with swords drawn. In the evening the edict was sent to the Amir, but the record of the debate was deliberately and mischievously withheld, nor were the contents ever made known to the public. This in itself is clear proof that the maulawis counter the arguments Sahibzadah Sahib. Regrettably, the Amir passed his judgement on the basis of the edict of heresy without demanding the actual record of the debate. If he had any fear of God, to Whom he must return leaving behind his wealth and kingdom, he would have made every effort to be present on the occasion, particularly when the life of

had failed to by



an innocent man hung in the balance. Nor should he have permitted the martyr to suffer such a long confinement, or kept him in chains and handcuffs without first proving his guilt, or allowed him to be intimidated by eight swordsmen during the debate and hindered him from presenting his arguments. Failing all this, he should at least have demanded to be shown the written debate and tried to reach a just decision. Not only should he have studied it himself, but should have had it published so that the public and might know to how give the any condemned man had been defeated by the maulawis had failed convincing arguments regarding the truth of the Messiah of Qadian, the prohibition of Jihad or the death of Jesus. Shame upon the Amir that before his eyes this innocent man was slaughtered like a lamb. He was lacerated with stones even though he was innocent and truthful and had given adequate proofs in support of his beliefs and had demonstrated the kind of perseverance as only friends of God can do. His wife and children were also ignobly and cruelly arrested from Khost and sent away into confinement. O foolish Amir! Is


this how Islam teaches us to punish those of a different faith and creed? There can be no justification whatsoever for this murder. People of diverse faiths and creeds live under the British, who, in the sight of this Amir and these maulawis, are infidels, but has anyone ever heard of a Muslim or Hindu being hanged because he differed from the Christians? The heavens could not have witnessed a greater injustice than the inhumane murder, merely on the basis of religious difference, of this innocent, who had truthful and righteousness after man whose piety was testified by thousands. Pilate, arrested Jesus receiving information against him and whose story is to be found in the Gospels, was a thousand times better than this Amir, for when the Pharisees gave a verdict of heresy against Jesus and asked Pilate to sentence him to death, he said he could not find any fault with the man. Alas, this Amir did not even ask the maulawis what kind of heresy it was for which they had sentenced him to lapidation, and how such differences could be deemed as heresy. Why did he not remind them of the differences among their own sects and ask them whether


it would be right to put all of them to death with the exception of one? I wonder how he will account for his actions before the Almighty. After the edict of heresy was announced, the martyr was sent back to prison. On the following morning, which was a Tuesday, he was summoned to the court where a large crowd had gathered to await the verdict. The Amir, as he emerged from the palace, saw Sahibzadah Sahib and asked him about the outcome, but Sahibzadah Sahib made no reply, for he knew that they were already bent upon injustice. But one of the guards told the Amir that Maulawi Sahib had been condemned, meaning that the edict of heresy had been issued. As soon as the Amir sat down in his court, he summoned the prisoner and told him that the edict had been passed against him; would he now repent or face punishment. Maulawi Sahib forthwith replied, "I will never turn my back on the truth. Do you expect me to accept falsehood for fear of death? I will never do that." The Amir again urged him to repent and reiterated his promise of freedom, but the martyr rejected every such


offer and asked how they could expect him to reject the truth. All this has reached us not from hearsay but from people who witnessed the proceedings firsthand. They say that Maulawi Sahib rejected these overtures out of hand, for he had already decided to lay down his life for this cause. He also said that he would live again after six days. I personally believe that he may have said this on the basis of some revelation he received at that time, for he was already among the munqatiin those who are cut off from the worldand Angels were already welcoming him. He must have said this on the basis of what the Angels told him. What he actually meant was that after six days he would be granted the life that is bestowed upon the friends of God and the fortunate ones who lay down their lives for His sake, and that before the seventh day, which is the day of God, he would be raised, as Allah says:

i.e., Think not that those who have been killed in the way of Allah are dead, nay, they are living.

Al-e-Imran, 3:170 [Pb.]



I also had a vision in which I saw a person holding a long, beautiful branch of a cypress tree that had been cut from my garden, and then I heard someone saying that it would grow again if it was planted by the jujube tree that had been uprooted from near my house. At the same time I also received the revelation, "Cut from Kabul and brought to us." I took this to mean that this martyrs blood had fallen upon the earth like a seed and that it would grow and cause our Jamaat to flourish. Since this dream coincided with the martyrs own words that he would be raised after six days, I believe they both had the same meaning. In his death, the martyr left for my Jamaat an enviable example of which it stood in great need. There are still people in my Jamaat who, having performed the smallest of tasks, think that they have done a great service and have somehow done me a favour; while, in fact, they should be grateful to God for having given them the opportunity to serve. Some of them do not tread this path with the required zeal and sincerity and do not live up to their claims of sincerity and devotion to the end. They lose their faith because of


their love for the world and are unable to withstand the smallest trial. Their love for the world does not show any sign of cooling down even after they have entered the Jamaat of godly people. But I am infinitely grateful to Allah for bringing to me many others who are sincere in their belief, who have come to this path with the utmost conviction and are ready to bear every hardship for its sake. But the degree of steadfastness shown by this valiant man is yet to be demonstrated by the rest of my Jamaat. May God grant all of them the same degree of faith and steadfastness that was shown by the martyr. In this worldly existence, one is continually exposed to Satanic instigations which are a barrier to perfection. Many will enter this Jamaat but, alas, few will show such courage. Let me once again return to the narrative. When the Amir lost all hope of persuading the martyr to recant his faith, he wrote a long note in which he quoted the edict of the maulawis and ruled that lapidation was the punishment for such an apostate. The verdict was hung around the martyrs neck and the Amir ordered his nose to be pierced and a rope


passed through it with which he would be led to the place of execution. These orders of the tyrant were duly carried out. A rope was passed through his nose causing him great suffering and he was led to the execution ground amidst a jeering and taunting crowd. This heart-rending scene was witnessed by the Amir, the Qadis, the Muftis and other state officials as the procession moved towards the place of execution. A great throng gathered to witness the event. Upon arrival at the place of execution, Shahzadah Sahib was buried in the ground up to the waist. Then, for the last time, the Amir came up to him and said, I can still save you if you reject the man of Qadian who claims to be the Promised Messiah. This is your last chance. Have mercy on yourself and your children. The martyr replied, How can I reject the truth? Of what avail to me is my life and my family that for their sake I should forsake my faith? I prefer to die for the truth. Hearing this, the judges and jurists started shouting, He is an infidel, an apostate, stone him at once. At the time, the Amir, his brother Nasrullah Khan, the Qadi and Abdul Ahad, the Chief Constable, were on horseback


while the rest of the crowd was standing. When the condemned man remained resolute that he would give preference to his faith over his life, the Amir ordered the Qadi to throw the first stone, for it was he who had issued the edict of heresy. But the Qadi said, "You are the King. You have the right to throw first." The Amir insisted, "You are the king of the Shariah and the edict is yours, I have nothing to do with it." The Qadi then got down from his horse and threw the first stone which fatally wounded the victim and his head dropped upon his chest. Thereafter the wretched Amir also threw a stone and it was followed by a whole barrage of stones. There was hardly anyone in the crowd who did not take part in the stoning and soon the martyr was buried under a huge pile. Before returning, the Amir ordered the place to be guarded for six days because the martyr had said he would rise again within that time. This stoning is reported to have occurred on 14 July and much of this narrative comes from people who are opposed to our Jamaat and have admitted being among the stone throwers. Some of it comes from secret


disciples of the martyr. It seems to me that this episode was much more tragic than has been conveyed to us, for most people have not revealed the full extent of the Amirs barbarity. I have related only briefly what I have learnt from numerous letters. Normally, such narratives are wont to be full of exaggerations, but in this case people have not revealed the full extent of the atrocity for fear of the Amir and have held back many details. Thus came to pass the martyrdom that had been destined for Shahzadah Abdul Latif. What remains is the divine retribution for this outrage.

This Amir, who did not fear God, has come under the decree of the verse:

The righteous man he killed was peerless in the whole land of Kabul. People who sacrifice their lives for the faith and the truth and do

'Verily, he who comes to his Lord a sinnerfor him is Hell; he shall neither die therein nor live.' Ta Ha, 20:75 [Pb.] 27 'And whoso kills a believer intentionally, his reward shall be Hell wherein he shall abide.' An-Nisa, 4:94 [Pb.]


not care for their wives and children are like the elixir of life for mankind. O Abdul Latif! May God bestow His infinite grace upon you, for you have demonstrated your loyalty in my own lifetime. I do not know what example will be set by those who will come after me.


Persian Verses
That champion and Beloved of God Finally showed The mettle he was made of. His life he gave up For the Eternal Beloved And detached his heart From this transient abode. Perilous indeed Is the wilderness of life, At every turn A thousand serpents lie in wait. Countless flames Leap to the sky Endless tempests Rage low and high. Through thorny jungles Does the path to the Beloved lie At every step A thousand monsters pry. Behold the feat Of this sage from abroad Who with a single step Traversed the endless desert road.


This is how A servant should be indeed, Laying his head At his Master's feet. His self he annihilated For the Beloved's sake, To attain the elixir Poison did he take. How could a mortal Be delivered from death Unless he drinks from This poisonous cup. This is the cup of death That hides a thousand lives He must drink it Who for eternity strives. But since you Are so full of greed In your heart Such desires can't breed. Your heart is fixated Upon this deceitful world; For the sake of sin You have maligned your honour. Satan and his legions Are in your pursuit To burn you in hell Like dry firewood.


THE TWO MARTYRS The smallest temptation The slightest of fear, Your faith Is too weak to bear. For the sake of This treacherous world You trample upon The faith of your Lord. True faith is for him who Surrenders to the Beloved, But you, Black hearted one, Have nothing to do with faith. You are low and mean So be arrogant not, According to your cloth Should you cut your coat. Imagine not That you are pious and pure; May God guide you You are deluded for sure. Empty words Cannot the Beloved please True life is what Only 'death' [of the lower self] guarantees. Shun pride and avarice, O' ill-natured one, If you care to receive light From the Divine Sun.


THE TWO MARTYRS Why do you fly So high in your arrogance, Do you perhaps Deny the One's existence? Have you found for this world A solid foundation? Else, why do you have for this transient place Such great infatuation? Why would a wise man Put his heart in an abode From where he is bound To be expelled any moment. For the sake of this world To leave God Is the misfortune of The wretched lot. When God visits someone With His grace The man loses all desire For what is base. He prefers to dwell In a blistering desert Where He has leisure To weep unto his Beloved. The wise man dies Before he dies For he can see the fragile foundation On which this world lies.


Be wary of this Transitory Existence Attach yourself to God For to Him you must return. How can I believe That you possess wisdom, When with your own hand You swallow deadly poison. Look at Abdul Latif Pure and pious of nature, How he sacrificed his life For the love of truth. In utmost submission he gave His life to the Beloved; And under a pile of stones He now lies buried. This, yes, this Is the path of truth and sincerity, This, yes, this Is the object of the men of God. For the Living One They annihilate their being, In the Divine cause They give away their lives. Little do they care for Honour, glory or prestige But having given their heart Give away their crown too.


Farther from their egos And closer to the Friend, They give up their honour For His Face alone. Recalling their names We are reminded of God Such is their devotion To the Glorious Lord. If you be a seeker This is the true faith, The task is made easy For him who strives. But you are fettered By the love of this world, And cannot free yourself Unless you die to your self. O world seeking wretch How, without death, Can you hope to Attain His nearness? Destroy your self So that you may receive His bounty; Sacrifice your life So that you be given a new life. You live your life In rancour and arrogance; Closing your eyes To truth and certainty.


The pure hearted Are drawn towards the righteous But the ill-natured Would spit even at a pearl. Faith is nothing But sowing the seed of self-annihilation, And bidding farewell To life mundane. When you fall to the earth Crying and wailing There is the One who comes To your help. The hearts of the wise Bleed for the ignorant; And those blessed with sight Show compassion to the sightless. So it has been ordained In the law of nature, That the powerful Come to the aid of the weak.


A Word of Advice for My Followers

Members of my Jamaat! May God be with you always. May the Gracious and Mighty Lord prepare you for the journey of the Hereafter as He die prepare the Companionsra of the Holy Prophetsa. Remember, this world is of no consequence. Cursed is a life that is devoted to it, and unfortunate is the one all whose cares are centred upon it. If he claims to be in my Jamaat, he does so in vain, for he is like a withering branch that will never bear fruit. O fortunate ones! Hasten to the teaching that has been given to me for your salvation with the utmost zeal. Believe in God as One and without partner and do not associate anything or anyone with Him, neither in heaven nor on earth. God does not forbid you to make use of the means of this world, but whoever turns away from Him and puts all his trust in the means is no better than an idolater. God has always said that we cannot attain salvation without first purifying our hearts. So, become pure of heart and remove all malice and prejudice from your hearts. Mans baser self is besieged by many evils, but arrogance is by

far the worst of them. If there had been no arrogance, no one would ever disbelieve. Become meek of heart and be compassionate towards mankind. Calling people towards paradise is futile unless you show sympathy and goodwill in this transitory world. Fear God and fulfil your duty towards Him, for you will be held accountable. Supplicate more and more when you stand in Prayer so that He may draw you to Himself and may purify your hearts. Man is weak and only with the help of God can he discard evil, not otherwise. The kalimah (verbal proclamation of Gods Oneness) is not Islam in itself. The essence of Islam lies in submitting to God with all ones heart and soul and in obeying Him and His commandments so completely that they take precedence over every worldly desire and consideration. My dear Jamaat! Do realize that the world is approaching its end and a visible revolution is taking place. Do not deceive yourselves, strive instead to attain perfection in piety. Take the Holy Quran for your guide and seek light from it in every matter. But do not discard the Traditions either, for they are of immense


value and have been collected with great care. But you must reject a Tradition if it contradicts the Holy Quran, lest you go astray. God has caused the Holy Quran to reach you in its pristine form; so value it as it deserves to be valued and let nothing take precedence over it. All virtue and piety depends on this. People are moved by your exhortations only to the extent of your piety and Divine knowledge. Look how God has perfected His argument for you. And how He has demonstrated thousands of arguments in support of my claim to make you realize that he who calls you towards this Movement possesses Divine cognition and undeniable proofs. You cannot point out any falsehood, fraud or treachery in my earlier life which might lead you to think that I have lied in this matter also. Indeed, there is none among you who can point a finger at my character. It is sheer Divine grace that has helped me on the path of righteousness from the very beginning. In this is a great sign for those who care to reflect. God sent me at the turn of the century and provided me with all kinds of arguments


necessary for establishing the truth of my claim. For my sake, He showed signs in heaven as well as on earthsigns that had been foretold by all Prophets. So many signs could never have been accumulated [for me] if this had been the work of man. It is evident from all the Scriptures that God is quick to apprehend impostors and to bring them to an ignominious end, but more than twenty-three years have passed since I announced my claim of having been commissioned by God, as you can verify from the first part of Barahin-eAhmadiyyah. Every wise person can realize that if I had been a mischievous, blasphemous, cunning impostor, who had, for the last twenty-three years, been fabricating revelations and ascribing them to God virtually everyday, God would surely have brought me to account. He would not have helped me with extraordinary signs, nor supported my claim by causing solar and lunar eclipsesin keeping with the prophecies contained in earlier Scriptures, in the Holy Quran, in the Traditions and in my book Barahin-e-Ahmadiyyah. He would not have sent me at the turn of the century and at


the time of the dominance of Christianity when the true Promised Messiah, the breaker of the Cross, was supposed to appear. He would not have supported me at every step or caused thousands of signs to be shown in my favour. Nor would He have granted me honour and acceptance in the world or fulfilled hundreds of prophecies in support of my claim or caused me to appear at the time foretold by the Prophets. He would also not have accepted my prayers or put so much power in my words. Indeed, He would not have supported me in every possible way if He knew me to be a liar attributing falsehood to Him. Tell me, has God ever blessed an impostor in this way? Dear people! Do not be so heedless and let not Satan create doubts in your minds. Realize that what you see is the fulfilment of the promise made by Gods holy Prophets. We are today witnessing the final battle between Satan and Gods Messenger that had been foretold by the Prophet Daniel. I came as a blessing for those who uphold the truth, but I was ridiculed and denounced as an impostor and an infidel. This was bound to happen so that the prophecy inherent in the verse


would be fulfilled. In this verse, after referring to those of this ummah who shall receive Divine blessings, God says that there will be others who will follow the example of the rabbis who tried to kill Jesus on the cross and called him a heretic and an impostor. This prophecy indicates that the Promised Messiahas was to appear from within this ummah and that in his time there would also appear in this ummah people of Jewish characterthe self-professed ulema. The people of this country have witnessed the fulfilment of this prophecy. Had it not been for these ulema, all the Muslims of this land would have accepted me. Therefore, the sin of all those who have denied me lies at the door of the ulema who neither wish to accept the truth, nor allow others of less understanding to do so. Let them employ every scheme and conspire in every way. But can they prevail over God and frustrate His will that He has made known through so many Prophets? They rely upon wealthy and mischievous people, not knowing that in Gods eyes they are more worthless than dead insects. Let all people know that the Creator of heaven


and earth has promised to spread this Jamaat in all countries and to grant it victory over all other faiths through the weapon of reason and argument. The day comes, indeed it is at hand, when this faith alone shall be honoured and esteemed. God shall grant this Jamaat and this religion success extraordinary and will and unparalleled frustrate

everyone bent upon its destruction and this supremacy shall endure until the Day of Judgement. What does it matter if I am now mocked and ridiculed? Has there been a Prophet who has not had to suffer the same treatment? Indeed, it was destined to happen in the case of the Promised Messiah as, as God says:

It is a sign from God that all Prophets are ridiculed. Would anyone mock a man if he were seen descending from heaven in the company of Angels? This also shows that the concept of the physical descent of the Messiah from heaven is only a myth. Remember, once and for all, that no one will ever come down

'Alas for My Servants! There comes not a Messenger to them but they mock at him.'Ya Sin, 36:31[Pb.]


from heaven. All our opponents living today will pass away and none of them shall see Jesus, son of Mary, descend from heaven. The children they leave behind will also die and none of them will witness the descent of the son of Mary. And the children of their children will also die without having seen the son of Mary appear from the skies. Then God will cause their hearts to become uneasy, and they will start asking why Jesus, son of Mary, has not yet returned, even though the period of the dominance of the cross [during which the Messiah was supposed to return] has passed and the world has undergone a complete transformation. Then their scholars will also abandon this belief and, not longer than the third century from today, all those awaiting the Messiah, be they Muslims or Christians, shall despair of this belief and shall abandon it altogether. The world will then have only one faith and one Guide. I have but come to sow the seed and this I have done; it will now grow and flourish and none will be able to hinder its progress. Do not imagine that the AryasHindus of the Dayananda persuasionare




consequence. They are like wasps that only know how to sting. They know nothing of Gods Oneness and are completely devoid of spirituality. Their mission is only to find faults and to malign Gods holy Messengers and their sole achievement is that, with the help of Satanic instigation, they have collected a whole heap of objections against these holy people. And they are themselves completely lacking in virtue and piety. Remember, no religion can survive or have any worth without spirituality. Dead is the religion that does not provide spiritual nourishment and direct communion with God, that does not possess the spirit of truth and piety, that is not blessed by a Heavenly attraction and that does not show examples of extraordinary transformation. You have no reason to fear such a religion. Millions of you shall witness the end of the Arya faith, for it has no roots, either in the earth or in heaven. It is linked neither to the one nor to the other. Rejoice and celebrate, for God is with you. If you remain sincere and steadfast in your faith, Angels shall come down to upon teach you you, from tranquillity shall descend


Heaven, the holy spirit shall come to your aid, God shall be with you at every step, and none will be able to prevail over you. Await Gods grace with patience and perseverance. Restrain your tongues when you are insulted, show patience when you are beaten and try your best not to respond to evil so that you may be accepted in Heaven. Always bear in mind that God is with those who fear Him and whose hearts melt with His fear, and He is the enemy of their enemies. The worldly eye cannot discern those who are truthful, but God, Who is All-Knowing, recognizes them and protects them with His own hand. If someone loves you with all his heart and is ready to lay down his life for you and obeys you implicitly and gives up everything for you, would you not love such a person and hold him dearer than all else? If man can requite love with love, then why will God not do the same? He knows well who is His loyal and faithful friend and who is rebellious and self-seeking. If you show perfect loyalty, God will surely create a distinction between you and others.


Prophecies Recorded on Pages 510-511 of Barahin-e-Ahmadiyyah Relating to the Martyrdom of Sahibzadah Maulawi Muhammad Abdul Latif Sahib and Mian Abdur Rahman Sahib, and the Prophecy Regarding my Personal Safety
The following prophecies are recorded on pages 510 and 511 of Barahin-e-Ahmadiyyah:

"Even if people do not protect you from being killed, God will protect you. God will certainly save you even if people do not." This was an indication that people would contrive to kill me, either on their own or by misleading the government, but God will frustrate all their designs. The reason for this Divine promise is that, though a believer attains the status of martyrdom if he is killed, God never allows two

kinds of Messengers to be martyred: (1) Those who appear at the beginning of a dispensation, such as Mosesas and the Holy Prophetsa; (2) Those who appear at




dispensation, such as Jesus , who appeared in the Mosaic dispensation, and I who have appeared in Muhammadssa dispensation. Just as Allah has promised in the Holy Quran that He will protect the Holy Prophet sa, in the same way He, in His revelation, gave me the glad tidings

. The wisdom behind this

Divine practice is that the martyrdom of the first Messenger, who serves as the cornerstone of a dispensation, would create grave doubts in peoples minds and they would not be able to withstand such a trial and think of him as an impostorGod forbid. For instance, if Moses had been killed on the day he first stood up to the Pharaoh, or the infidels had been able to assassinate the Holy Prophetsa in Mecca when they laid siege to his house, both dispensations would have ended with them and today no one would even remember their names. This is why, despite having thousands of enemies who thirsted for their blood,

'Allah will protect thee.' [Pb.]



neither of them was martyred. Likewise, if the last Messenger of a dispensation is martyred, in peoples eyes that dispensation will have come to a sorry and unsuccessful end. But God desires the dispensation to emerge victorious, for judgement is always passed upon the end. God would never desire enemies of a dispensation to have any reason to rejoice, just as He does not desire that it should be cut off in its very inception. This was the Divine wisdom that caused Jesusas to be saved from death on the cross at the end of the Israelite dispensation. And when a similar attempt was made against the Messiah of Muhammadsa at the latter period of the Islamic dispensation, Divine grace came to my aid with even greater force and saved me not only from death but from every injury at the hands of the enemy. Since the Prophets who appear at the beginning and end of a dispensation serve as barriers or ramparts, God protects them from murder or assassination. Evil and mischievous people strive to kill them, but God is always there to protect them. Some opponents might, in their ignorance, ask, "Are we not righteous? Do we not offer prayers and observe the


fasts?" They are like the Pharisees of Jesus time, some of whom even claimed to receive Divine revelations. The ignorant do not realize that Gods true and sincere servants have a special relationship with Him. They demonstrate such sincerity and devotion and so immerse themselves in His love, that He always comes to their aid and destroys their enemies. Balam [or Balaam], in his arrogance and conceit considered himself superior to Moses, while Moses enjoyed a special relationship with Goda relationship that we cannot even begin to describe in words. But the spiritually blind Balam, who was not aware of this kind of relationship, chose to confront Moses and perished as a result. It is an immutable law that people who are blinded by their worldliness cannot comprehend the extent to which Gods beloved and faithful servants are devoted to Him. This is why every pir and maulawi opposes them, not knowing that in doing so they confront not him but God. How is it possible that, for the sake of a few ignorant, gutless, half-baked and disloyal clerics, He should destroy one whom He has Himself raised for a great purpose and through


whom He wishes to bring about a great transformation? Imagine a collision between two boatsone carrying a just and benevolent king and his court, and the other sailed by the lowest of society. Now, if things come to such a pass that, in order to save one of the boats, the other must be destroyed with all on board, which of them do you think would be saved the one carrying the just king or the one sailed by the ruffians? I can tell you that all possible means would be employed to save the kings boat and the other would be allowed to sink without any compunction. And there would be great rejoicing, too, for the world greatly needed the just king and his death would have been an irredeemable loss, whereas the death of a few wretches would make no difference. Thus it is that God always destroys people who stand up against His Messengers, no matter how pious or virtuous they might consider themselves to be. He destroys them, for He does not wish to jeopardize the mission with which He has sent his Messenger. If He did not do so, He would be going against His own purpose and none would be left on earth to worship Him.


People are unduly impressed by numbers and think that the majority is always right. A fool might even ask, "Can these people be wrong while they gather in the mosques in their thousands?" He does not realize that God only looks at peoples hearts and not at their numbers. Had it been in my power to describe the light of love, sincerity and loyalty that accompanies Gods chosen servants, I would have done so, but how can it be possible for me when it has never been possible for any Prophet? I must confess that I have no words to portray the state in which the souls of Gods devoted servants lie prostrate at His doorstep. Let me now give the translation of the remaining revelations and draw this subject to a close. God Almighty said to me: "I shall save you from being killed, but two 'lambs' from your Jamaat shall be slaughtered. Surely, everyone that dwells on the earth must die." This was an indication that they would be innocent victims, because in Divine scriptures the innocent and sinless are commonly described in terms of meek animals such as goats, lambs or cows. The reason why God has used the word lamb, instead of man, is that


the lamb has two characteristics: it yields milk and it is slaughtered for its flesh. The prophecy clearly foretold the martyrdom of Maulawi Muhammad Abdul Latif and his disciple Abdur Rahman, and was fulfilled 23 years after being recorded people on must page have 511 read of it. Barahin-eThe two Ahmadiyyah, where hundreds of thousands of aforementioned qualities of a lamb were fulfilled with the martyrdom of Maulawi Abdul Latif Sahib in the following manner: Maulawi Sahib provided milk for his opponents in the form of the truths and verities that he disclosed to them in the debate, but those unfortunate people chose not to benefit from this nourishment and threw it away. Thereafter the martyr sacrificed his own life and gave away his flesh and blood for the sake of his enemies so that they might eat and drink thereof, i.e., they might draw benefit from this sacrifice by reflecting why they and their forefathers had never offered such a sacrifice and showed such steadfastness for their faith, and whether it is possible for man to offer such a sacrifice without having 'beheld' the Almighty. This is the milk and flesh that will


continue to attract seekers after truth till the end of time. It was on account of these two qualities that both Sahibzadah Abdul Latif Sahib and Mia Abdur Rahman Sahib were described as 'lambs'. Since God knew that I and my Jamaat would be immeasurably grieved by the shedding of this innocent blood, He followed this revelation with words of comfort and commiseration. The translation of the Arabic words that I have already given above is as follows: Grieve not at this tragedy. If two of you have been killed, God is with you and in place of the two He shall bring nations to join you. He is indeed sufficient for His servant. Do you not know that God has power over everything? As for those who shall martyr the two innocent ones, we shall make you a witness against them on the Day of Judgement and [ask] for what sin they had been martyred. God shall reward you and be pleased with you. He shall fulfil your name, i.e., my name Ahmad which means 'one who praises Allah'. One who praises Allah more receives more bounties from Him. Therefore, this revelation means that God shall shower His favours and blessings upon me and


I shall be foremost in praising Him. Thus my name 'Ahmad' shall be fulfilled. Then He said: Do not grieve over the two martyrs, Divine wisdom is behind their martyrdom. There are many things that you would want to happen but they are not good for you, and there are many that you do not desire and yet they are to your benefit. God knows what is best for you and you know not. These words were meant to convey to me that although the martyrdom of Sahibzadah Maulawi Abdul Latif is a heart-rending tragedy, and we do not know of a greater barbarity, his blood shall be the source of innumerable blessings. The land of Kabul shall witness its effects and his blood shall not have silent been when shed a in vain. of God my remained member

Jamaat, the innocent Abdur Rahman, was brutally murdered, but He shall not remain so after this martyrdom. Grave consequences shall follow. It has been reported that after the martyr was killed with thousands of stones, a cholera epidemic broke out in Kabul and its victims included many eminent people including some of the Amirs own family. Do not think that the story ends here. This murder


has been committed with great brutality, such as has no parallel under the heavens. Alas! The foolish Amir knows not what he has done and how He has brought about his own ruin by killing an innocent with such brutality. O land of Kabul! Bear witness that a grievous crime has been committed upon you. O unfortunate land! You have fallen out of Gods favour, for you are the scene of grave injustice.


A Fresh Miracle Relating to Maulawi Abdul Latif Sahib

When I began writing this book, I had hoped to complete it by 16 October, 1903, so that I could take it to Gurdaspur where a lawsuit had been filed against me by an opponent. But, with just four days to go, I experienced severe pain in my kidney and knew that if it persisted I would not be able to complete the work in time. It was then that God directed my attention towards prayer. About three hours after midnight I told my family that I was going to pray and they should say Amen after me. In that state of agony and pain I prayed and implored God in the name of Sahibzadah Maulawi Abdul Latif for whose sake I was writing the book. All at once, a kind of drowsiness came over me and I received the revelation: i.e., Peace and tranquillity, this is the word from the Merciful Lord. I swear by Him, Who is Master of my life, that I was completely cured before it struck six in

the morning and was able to finish writing half the book the same day. Praise be to Allah.


An Important Message for My Jamaat

I realize that some members of my Jamaat are still in a state of spiritual apathy and find it hard to fulfil their pledges. But my hopes for my Jamaat are raised when I think of the spirit of fidelity and sacrifice shown by Sahibzadah Maulawi Muhammad Abdul Latif. Since God has enabled some members of this Jamaat to sacrifice not just their possessions but their very lives, it seems that He will bring many more people into this Jamaat who will possess the same spirit as Maulawi Abdul Latif and they will take root from the seed of his spirituality. This will be so, for at the time of Maulawi Sahibs martyrdom I saw in a vision that a tall branch of a cypress tree had been cut from my garden,* whereupon I said, "Put it back in the soil so that it may grow again and

Prior to this, while Sahibzadah Maulawi Abdul Latif was still alive and was with me in Qadian, I received a very clear revelation regarding his martyrdom. It was published in the English Magazine [Review of Religions] on 9 February, in Al-Hakam on 17 January and in Al-Badr on 16 January, 1903. The words of the revelation were i.e., He was killed in a state whereby no one listened to him and his killing was a horrifying event which had a great effect on peoples hearts. [Author]

flourish." I understood from this vision that God Almighty will create many more who will walk in the footsteps of Maulawi Sahib. I am sure that the time will come when this vision will be fulfilled, but at present I hesitate to ask some members to make even small contributions for the Jamaat, lest it should prove too much of a trial for them. The important matter I wish put before my Jamaat concerns which Langar Khanah.30 continue The to contributions members

make for the running of this institution are invaluable. The people of the Punjab have a greater share in this because they come to visit me more often and this helps to soften hearts that might otherwise become hardened due to absence. This is also the reason why people of the Punjab, and some individuals among them in particular, are fast growing in sincerity and devotion. They show great enthusiasm whenever they are called to fulfil a need and are showing signs of true obedience. In fact, the people of the Punjab are relatively more tender-hearted than people of other places. It would, however, be unjust to think

Guesthouse. [Pb.]


that my followers from distant lands do not share this kind of sincerity and devotion. Sahibzadah Maulawi Abdul Latif, who set such a lofty example of fidelity and sacrifice, was also a dweller of a distant land, and yet many of my sincerest followers from Punjab were humbled by his loyalty and steadfastness and readily admitted that he came afterwards but surpassed them all. There are many other members from distant places who have made great financial sacrifices and have remained steadfast in their loyalty, such as Seth Abdur Rahman, a trader from Madras, and other such friends. But the people of the Punjab take precedence over others, because they are in greater numbers and come from every section of society to serve the faith. Although many people from other countries have also joined this Jamaat, they have less occasion to benefit from my company, hence their hearts are not wholly cleansed of the dirt of this world. Ultimately, they will either be cleansed or God will cut them off from this holy Jamaat and they will die in ignominy. Mans worst error is hankering after the world. The evil of worldliness ensnares many by instilling fear or


offering false hopes, and they remain in its grip until death overtakes them. This evil does not let go of man before it has taken away his faith and brought about his ruin. No one is saying that you should not make any use of the means and resources of this world, but if you do not free your hearts from its beguiling charms you are sure to bring about your own downfall. People cross all limits for the sake of their children, forsaking Divine injunctions and resorting to every manner of deceit and imposture, not realizing that they are only sowing an evil seed for them and working towards their ruin, for they have not taken refuge with God and are not righteous. God sees what lies at the bottom of their hearts. They will die an untimely death and thus bring ruin upon their families. On the other hand, those who are inclined towards God are blessed, for their children shall partake of their fortune and they shall not be ruined after them. Those who are sincerely attached to me always write to me even if they live a thousand miles away, and beseech God that they may be able to reap the blessings of my


company. But there are some who do not even bother to send a postcard in years, let alone come to stay with me. This is enough for me to know that their hearts are dead and their souls diseased. I always pray that all members of my Jamaat may have the fear of God in their hearts, offer their prayers punctually, wake up at night to supplicate and shed tears before God, do not neglect their obligations to Him, and do not become miserly and callous and worldly-minded. I sincerely hope that God will answer my prayers and such will be the people I leave behind. As for those who commit adultery with their eyes and whose hearts are filthier than filth and who do not remember death, I am disgusted with such people and so is God. I would be glad if they severed their bond of allegiance to me, because God wishes to make this a Jamaat of people whose very character draws others towards Him, who are at the highest level of virtue and piety and who have truly placed their faith above everything of this world. But there are also some mischievous ones who, having placed their hand under mine and having pledged to place their faith above the


world, still go back to their homes and engross themselves in sin. Their hearts are filled with worldly thoughts, their gaze is unchaste, their hearts are impure and no good comes from their hands or feet. Like mice, they live in darkness and in darkness they die. In Heaven they have been cut off from our Jamaat and it is in vain that they profess to belong to us. Those who pay no heed to my exhortations, do not put their faith above all else, do not bring about a true transformation, do not become pure-hearted and well-intentioned, do not cast off the garb of sinfulness and immorality, do not become true well-wishers of mankind and obedient to God, do not discard their egos and follow me implicitly, such people I compare to dogs who do not wish to move away from a heap of filth and carrion. Do you think I need people to profess verbal allegiance to me or that I should have a following for mere show? I tell you truly that even if all of you were to leave me until not one of you was left, my God would raise for me another people who would surpass you in loyalty and sincerity. A Heavenly force is drawing people towards me and no one can stop it. Some people place








machinations than upon God. It may be that they consider Prophets and Messengers to be cheats who have accidentally acquired fame and acceptance. There can be no notion more despicable than this, and one who subscribes to it does not believe in Godwithout Whose permission even a leaf cannot fall off a tree. Cursed are such hearts and twice accursed are such minds. God will bring them to an ignominious end, for they try to obstruct His purpose. Such people have in fact forsaken God and their hearts are impure. They live infernal lives and nothing but hellfire shall be their lot in the next world. In conclusion, let me say that, in addition to Langar Khanah and the Magazine [Review of Religions] that is published in Urdu and English and for which many people have expressed their enthusiasm, a school has also been opened in Qadian where young students not only gain education but also learn about the teachings of our Jamaat. A large number is easily trained in this manner and often their parents, too, join our Jamaat. This school has run into difficulties. Although our dear brother


Nawwab Muhammad Ali Khan Sahib, Chief of Malerkotla, is gracious enough to send 80 rupees every month for the running of this school, we still find it hard to pay the teachers regularly and hundreds of rupees of debt have to be incurred. There are also some extensions to the building that remain incomplete. This is one of the things that makes me extremely anxious. After giving a lot of thought to the matter, I have decided to urge the sincere members of my Jamaat, that, if this be in their power, they should fix a certain amount to be sent every month for the school, and that they should make a firm commitment not to miss this obligation without some serious cause. As for those who are unable to make such a pledge, I suggest that they set aside one fourth of whatever contribution they make towards Langar Khanah and send it to Nawwab Sahib for the school. Remember, this amount should not be sent to Langar Khanah, but separately through money order. It is true that the Langar Khanah is causing me great anxiety on its own account and its responsibility lies directly with me, yet I cannot ignore this other responsibility either. This is


why I urge the courageous members of my Jamaat, of whom I have high hopes, to respond with enthusiasm to this call and not to disregard it, for I do not say anything on my own but only what God puts into my heart. I have pondered this matter deeply, and I believe that if this school is kept running it will prove to be a source of innumerable blessings and a whole group of newly educated people will be drawn towards us. I am well aware that most of the students are here for the sake of conventional education and have little interest in religion and the same is true of their parents, but I do believe that daily contact will bear fruit. Even if one out of twenty students is drawn towards the faith and begins to practice the teachings of our Jamaat, I will consider this school to have achieved its purpose. It is also important to remember that this school will not always remain in this dire state. A time will come when the tuition fees will be sufficient and it will no longer be necessary to divert funds from Langar Khanah. When that time comes, this instruction of mine shall be considered null and void and Langar Khanah which, in a way, is also a 'school'will again


be entitled to the one fourth amount. I have adopted this difficult course at the cost of Langar Khanah because the new contributions may not be sufficient to meet the required needs, but when they do turn out to be sufficient there will be no need for such sacrifice. I say that Langar Khanah is also a kind of school, because it has been established for guests who come to visit me and to learn about my teachings. I firmly believe that those who regularly listen to my discourses will be guided by God and He shall open their hearts to the truth. Finally, I beseech God Almighty that He may enable members of my Jamaat to fulfil the objectives I have laid out before them and that He may increase them in wealth and open their hearts for the fulfilment of this righteous objective. Amin. Peace be on those who follow the guidance. 16th October 1903


Now is the Time for Prayer, Not for Taking Up Arms to Fight the Enemy
Remember, and may Allah guide you, that things have gone far beyond the point where Muslims should be preparing for Jihad. It is of no use for them now to summon their ablebodied men from towns and villages, and to gather armies and gallant warriors, for today they are at their weakest, not only in this country, but everywhere, in Arabia, in Turkey and in Syria. They no longer have the capacity to fight and do not know anything of warfare. The unbelievers, on the other hand, have made incredible progress in this field and are all ready to destroy the Muslims. They are advancing from every height and there is hardly an encounter in which they do not come out victorious. All this shows that now is the time to pray and supplicate before the Almighty rather than to fight the enemy. Whoever does not realize this will bring ruin upon himself and will suffer ignominy and misfortune. Do you not see that the battle flags of the Muslims are flying low, their archers and swordsmen


fighters are








sheathed, their spears are broken, their hearts are filled with awe, and they turn their backs upon every battlefield? Fighting has deprived them of lives and property, but brought no relief to their religion. On the contrary, the waves of mischief have risen higher and higher and the cold winds of discord have ravaged the ummah. You have seen how the ramparts of the citadel of Islam have fallen and how its grandeur has been reduced to dust. What then have you gained by wielding swords and spears, and what good has it done other than to deprive you of your lives and possessions? Time was wasted and regrets mounted but your hordes brought you no relief. And when the flames of war raged, you were trampled under the enemys feet. Bear in mind, then, that prayer is the weapon that Heaven has given to me for bringing about victory in this age. Friends, you shall never prevail without this weapon, for all the Prophets had foretold that the Promised Messiah would be victorious through prayer and supplication and not by waging wars and spilling the blood of the ummah.


Prayer means to turn to Allah for the alleviation of ones woes with utmost devotion and sincerity and perseverance. Whenever men of God turn to Him with heartfelt prayers and beseech Him to relieve their suffering, Allah listens to them at once, or after a time, and Divine grace comes into action to remove whatever sorrow or suffering has come over them. This happens after they have put their complete trust in Him. Indeed, there is no greater miracle than the acceptance of prayers in times of tribulation. Thus was it destined that, in the latter days, i.e., in the time of the Promised Messiah, the Divinely appointed Messenger, religious wars would be abolished and hearts and minds would be opened to the truth through words and guidance. The outbreak of the plague was also destined and so were other calamities that would drive people into their graves. Allah decreed all this so that the unbelievers would be defeated and the faith that is exalted in Heaven would also reign supreme upon earth. And so the enemy shall be vanquished with my coming and I shall be helped by my God. The task shall be accomplished and the decree


of the Lord of the worlds shall be fulfilled. This is the true meaning of my descending from heaven, for I shall be victorious, not with the aid of earthly legions, but with the help of the Almightys Angels. It is asked, "What is the purpose of prayer when all things are irrevocably decreed and predetermined?" Know, then, that this is a mystery in whose quest reason loses its way. Only he who repents, and whose heart melts in remorse, finds this secret. O people, do not dwell on this argument. Try instead to reflect upon what I say, for I have been granted knowledge and wisdom while you have no more share of Islam than its form and ritual. Whoever listens carefully to these truths and hastens towards me with the eagerness of a lover, I shall grant him a shelter wherein his doubts shall be removed and his heart shall be made content. The secret is that, just as God has eternally linked some phenomena with others, in the same way, He has associated predetermination with the prayers of helpless and afflicted people. Whoever runs to his Lord with tears and a heart full of anguish as though it was consumed by fire, for him the


winds of Divine acceptance begin to blow and he is delivered from a calamity that might well have destroyed him. But, remember, only those achieve this station who completely lose themselves in Allah, who hold their AllKnowing Beloved above all else, who do not act in any way that can be considered idolatrous, who pay heed to the Holy Quran, who come to the threshold of the Sovereign and serve Him to their dying breath, who shun every base desire, who wake up [and supplicate] while others are dead to the world, who keep doubts away and are content with their Lord and His Decree, and who do not allow their selves to be stained by sin once they have entered the Abode of the Lord with a pure heart and single-minded determination and sincerity. The prayers of such are not in vain and their supplications do not go unanswered. Those who prefer to die for the sake of their Lord will be restored to true life and those who make sacrifices for Him shall be endowed with limitless bounties. But it is no use to desire this while one stands hesitant outside His door, for it is given only to those who enter the Abode of the King of Kings.


Moreover, such certainty only comes with experience. It is only through experience that the door to Divine wonders is opened to man. The secrets of the Almighty cannot be revealed to those who do not enter the valley of suluk31 and do not cross the desert of ghurbah32 in His quest, for they possess neither knowledge nor experience. Those who walk in the footsteps of the enlightened ones will receive wonderful bounties from the Lord of all creation. And the most magnificent bounty experienced by a seeker is the acceptance of his prayers. Holy is He Who answers the prayers of His friends and talks to them as we talk to one another. Indeed, His conversation is far clearer because of its spiritual nature. God draws them towards Himself with sweet and delightful words, and they set out towards Him leaving behind their families and possessions, riding a thoroughbred that is neither unbridled nor unrestrained. They have sworn a pledge to Allah not to prefer anything over Him, not to
31 32

A spiritual journey undertaken to meet the Lord. [Pb.] Literally, exile; the renunciation of everything for the sake of God. [Pb.]


seek anything but His Countenance and not to follow anything but His commandments. When Allah sees that they have fulfilled the conditions laid down in His Book, the Holy Quran, He opens for them all the doors to enlightenment. And the door that leads to the greater enlightenment ison the side of man the door of prayer, andon the side of God the door of revelation. Eyes are not opened unless one beholds God through the acceptance of ones prayers and supplications. Those for whom this door is not opened are deceived by falsehood and are unable to recognize the true face of the Lord of Glory. They forsake Him and fall for the charms of this wretched world, not learning any lesson from the passage of time, from the regrets that come in the wake of unfulfilled desires and from the farewell that they must bid to this transitory abode. They have no thought of death which will reduce their homes to abodes of sorrow and lamentation and render them more vulnerable than a cobweb. When Allah desires the good of His servant, the Angel of fortune speaks to his heart and, all at once, the dark night turns brighter than day. Every


soul that is purified enters the dominion of Divine grace. Man is no more than a worm unless he is taught and brought up by his Benevolent Creator. The first thing that happens to the righteous is that their hearts are detached from the mundane and drawn towards the Lord of the worlds. The accomplishment of this objective breaks the backs of the seekers and causes them to pass through torrents of pain and sorrow and tears. Nafs-e-Ammarah33 is a serpent that breeds idolatry by casting the spell of selfish desires and destroys all except those whom God visits with mercy and covers with the wings of His grace and those whom He guides. Prayer is a seed which Allah causes to sprout and flourish when it is sown with humility and submission; apart from this, man has no capital. It is also the most important means through which one can hope to achieve salvation and ward off calamities. Those who keep company with saints and listen to the discourse of the godly, shall have their eyes opened to this light and its secrets shall be revealed







The Self that incites towards evil. [Pb.]



company of the elect of God never remain deprived and, even if they were more like beasts, completely lost in the passions of youth, they become transformed until they are [free of their baser passions] like an old man whose youth is long past. Happy are they who do not leave the door of the accepted ones and jealously treasure their every word as if it were the purest of gold and silver. But those who have the insolence to insult the servants of the Gracious God and utter whatever abuse and slander comes to mind, bring ruin upon themselves and their wives and children through their impertinence. When they die they leave behind nothing but ignominy. They wish to put out Allahs light, but how can the sun of truth ever go down and how can Allahs light be extinguished? They strive to conceal the truth, but can Allahs light be concealed? They only utter lies, and the truth is that their hearts are sealed. Those who reject me and claim to be the divines and scholars of this age are enemies of the Gracious One and invite the wrath of the Requiter. They say much but not from piety and fear of God. This is the character of the


people who style themselves as the ulema: they oppose the truth and the guidance and tread the path that leads to ruin. Do they think that they will never die, never return to their Lord, and never have to answer for their deeds? Nay, the transgressors shall soon find out what lies in store for them. O people, brace yourselves for the day that will draw you towards the Reckoning. Beseech your Merciful Lord with fervent cries and supplications and come to Him penitently before you enter your graves. Do not travel in the land of the wicked. Keep the company of the righteous, be with the truthful and repent with those who repent. Do not despair of Allahs mercy and do not, like the unbelievers, give free reign to your conjectures. Do not turn away like the arrogant and do not insist upon falsehood like obstinate people. Do you not realize what will befall you if you reject me despite my truthfulness? I rest my case with God, for He knows what is in my heart and what is in your hearts, and who among us is on the right path and who is in manifest error. I know that my opponents only deny me due to arrogance and mischief, and though they


have seen signs from my Lord, it has only increased them in enmity. Do they not see what the world has come to and how all blessings have disappeared? Is the age not crying out for a Reformer to bring about its transformation and to remove its afflictions? Have signs not been shown and have miracles not been manifested? Has the time not come for the restoration of that which was lost? In truth, their hearts are in darkness and their bosoms are straitened. They are a coarse and cruel people and the fumes of their inner fire can be felt in their speeches. There is no trace of compassion in their hearts and tears of humility have never rolled down their cheeks. I do not know why they reject me, for I say to them only what the Holy Quran says and I only recite to them its verses. I have not made anything up by myself. I merely relate the truth that God has revealed to me at its appointed time. Only he will realise this who truly comprehends Divine grace. God promised me, as is recorded in my book Barahin-e-Ahmadiyyah, that people shall flock to me in large numbers and gather around me and bring me gifts and provisions. I will not be


left in my solitary state, but people will hasten towards me in multitudes and accept me. Treasures shall be bestowed on me by the people and by other means that they cannot imagine. I shall be protected from the mischief and evil designs of my enemies. And I shall be given a life long enough to accomplish what God has willed, whether the opponents like it or not. I shall be granted recognition in the world and those who have been blessed with guidance shall love me with all their hearts. You can see that everything my God promised me has come to pass. Do you still believe that this is some kind of sorcery? Or, perhaps, you do not have eyes to see! If I was not from God, these tidings would never have been fulfilled and I would have been destroyed like all impostors. Do you not see that my Jamaat grows with every passing year? The enemy has left no stone unturned in trying to extinguish the Light of Allah, but His Light has been They perfected and the antagonists to shed are their retreating to their trenches in bewilderment. deliberately refuse malevolence even though they know the truth. Do you really think this is an undertaking of


man and not of God? Why are you not ashamed of thinking in this way and why do you not pause to reflect? Do you think you can fight God with broken arrows and tied hands? Curse be upon you and what you do! Could all this have been manifested by a liar and an impostor? Does God ever support liars in this way? Are these the words of a liar? You do not fear God to Whom you are destined to return or, perhaps, you think you will be left to indulge in your desires forever. Whenever they start a fire, Allah extinguishes it, but they do not reflect. They ask, "If what you say is true [that there is similarity between the Islamic and Israelite dispensations], then why were the Successors of our Prophetsa not given the title of Prophets [like the successors of Moses]?" I say that this was done so that people may not become doubtful of the truth of Khatam-e-Nabuwwat and may not become irreverent. But, after the passage of an age, God desired that in this respect, too, the resemblance between the two dispensations should be revealed, so that those who insist upon seeing this similarity may have no occasion for distrust. So He


appointed me and called me a Prophet in the sense I have already explained and not as is claimed by mischievous people. Thus He dispelled both objections. Herein is guidance for those who reflect. Hence I am a Prophet in one capacity and a follower of the Holy Prophetsa in another. All this was already foretold about me if only they would care to read. Is it not written in the Traditions that the Promised Messiah would be from this ummah and would also be a Prophet? Show us how these conditions could possibly apply to Jesus and whether the Holy Quran ever refers to him in these terms. Show us if you are right. The truth is that you are bent upon rejecting me at all costs. I cannot bring guidance to those who have cast the Holy Quran behind their backs and do not care. It had been decreed by God that the Cross would be demolished at the hands of the Messiah, and you can already see the signs of this happening. What a pity that the objectors do not open their eyes and see how Christianity is declining by the day and people are fast abandoning it. Has the news not reached them, or do they not wish to know? Christian scholars are tearing down the


edifice of their faith with their own hands and their nobility is being drawn to the concept of the Oneness of God. Their faith is dissolving and their arrows are broken. We have heard that even the German Emperor, showing the purity of his conscience, has discarded this faith, and so have many of their scholars and researchers. Woe to the eyes that do not see and the ears that do not hear and the people who read the Book of God but do not learn anything from it. Can Jesus descend from the sky while the Holy Quran has clearly barred such a possibility? What you conjecture is far from the truth. The verdict of the Holy Quran is more formidable than any solid barrier. Ruin is upon the blind who do not reflect upon the Holy Quran and do not show humility. To accept the death of Jesus would be better for them and for their religion if they knew. The Holy Prophet sa came to you in the seventh century after Jesus, and I have come to you in the fourteenth century after the Holy Prophet sa. In this are glad tidings for those who reflect. If Allah commissioned the greatest Arbiterour Holy Prophet sa seven hundred years after Jesus, it is no


wonder that, to correct a greater disorder, He has sent another arbiter after double that time. This is a point to ponder, O men of understanding. You also know that in this age the decline is not confined to one faith but has taken root among Muslims as well as nonMuslims. The deterioration we see today is far greater than that which the Christians had undergone before the coming of the Holy Prophetsa, and today you will find them in an even worse state. It is no secret that this age of ours has been deluged by religious innovations, idolatry and misguidance. Though I have not been sent to fight with arms, I have been commissioned to fight a great war. Do you know what that war is? It is a war to be fought with a steel pen, not with a sword or a spear, for this is the weapon with which we are to confront the enemy. Do not deny him who has come to you at the appointed time from the Lord of Might and Glory. Have I lied against God? Then curse be upon the liars. You condemn me for not declaring war against the infidels and going after them with the sword. Alas, you do not realize the demands of the time and talk like one in delirium. What is


more, you yourselves are the worst kind of infidels in the sight of God, for you have abandoned His Book and taken to other paths. I ask you, who are bent upon dying and killing, that if Jihad is indeed mandatory as you think, then would you not deserve to be killed first for having defied the one appointed by God and having failed to produce anything against him from the Holy Quran? O licentious and immoral people, have you any faith left in you? Have you in any way distanced yourselves from this wicked world? You do everything to win the favour of your rulers, but forget the Lord and Master, the Creator of heaven and earth. How can you hope to win Gods pleasure when you prefer this worldly life as against your faith and while you hold on to the mere form of Islam and forget the true intent of Gods commands and prohibitions. Having deviated from the path of meekness and humility, you have, with your own hands, destroyed the foundations of Islam. You desire to be honoured by people, you eat the poison of worldliness, you show greed and love ostentation, and all your happiness lies in winning the approval of rulers and acquiring


titles and honours. Indeed, you have not abandoned any of the traits of the Jews even though you have seen what became of them. O men of wisdom, how can you fight the enemy while you are so destitute? Do not be in a hurry to rejoice, for God watches. If He had desired you to physically fight the enemy, He would have granted you great strength and you would have vanquished anyone who stood against you. But, you can see, Divine wisdom has seen fit to grant the infidels supremacy in warfare both on land and sea and they consider you no more than a speck. It is not in your power or to to restrain unleash what what Allah He has has unleashed

restrained. So, enter the abode of your Lords mercy through the proper door and be not like those who anger Him and invite His wrath, or those who fight and disobey Him. Stop waiting for the Messiah to descend from heaven to shed the blood of humanity and to bring you spoils from his conquests. Do you wish to follow those who cherished similar hopes before you, while it is the nature of a believer to learn and benefit from the experience of others and not to rush into a wilderness that


has been the grave of so many? Is it not enough for you that Allah raised your own Messiah from among you and within you at the exact time when he was awaited? You were on the brink of an abyss and He saved you and sustained you with His infinite grace. Do you not see how miracles have descended and signs have accumulated? Will you look down upon Gods signs and walk away from the truth after it has come to you? Was the advent of a Warner among you so strange that you rejected him instead of thanking your Lord and accepting His signs? This is the attitude Allah has destined for those who prefer misfortune. Your concept about the coming of the Imam was mistaken, for you imagined that he would be from among the Israelites and not from among yourselves. This is the blindness that has brought about your ruin as it brought about the ruin of those before you. You knew what fate befell them, but you chose to look away. You walked in their footsteps so that Gods decree about you may be fulfilled. Whenever fresh guidance comes to people, the thing that stops them from accepting it is


their assertion that it is not accompanied by all the signs that had been promised to them by their ancestors. They say that they will only believe in someone if he fulfils each and every one of the signs that had been foretold and one who teaches them anything new. This is their practice today, as it was in the past, and it would seem that they have exhorted one another upon this. The fact is that they are the people who do not believe in the Messengers. When they are invited to believe in the one commissioned by God and in the teachings that have been vouchsafed to him, they say, "Do we believe in one who contradicts our great scholars of the past?" Could it not be that their scholars were mistaken? They are content with this earthly existence and do not fear [God]. They say, You have not been sent by God. Surely, when they return to Him, they will know what befalls the transgressors. They say, This is only a concoction. Nay, the truth is that their own hearts have been stained by their misdeeds and this has increased them in antagonism and deprived them of understanding. Their only remedy is that they should get up in the small hours of the night,


withdraw to the seclusion of their chambers, close the doors, and cry and supplicate. They should be anxious for their salvation and pray like meek and humble people and prostrate themselves with anguished souls so that God may have mercy on them. He is indeed Most Merciful! But they cannot do all this, for they prefer mockery and ridicule to crying and supplicating. They have gone so far in their rejection that not a word reaches their ears. They give no thought to the misfortunes that have befallen the Muslim ummah nor to the wounds it has suffered at the hands of the unbelievers. Islam in these times is like a once strong and handsome man who, due to the vicissitudes of life, has lost his sight, whose teeth have begun to decay and whose cheeks are dry and sunken. Nevertheless, God has desired to have mercy on this age by restoring Islam to its true beauty and brilliance. The spirit of the pious, the sincerity of the righteous and the love of the devoted had disappeared from peoples hearts. They had adopted extreme attitudes and become like


atheists, their Islam being reduced to a few customs which they had adopted on the authority of their forefathers, without any thought or reflection on their own part and without any Heavenly assurance. God sent me as a proof of His existence and raised me as a most beautiful and fragrant flower in the garden of His grace. I came and, with my coming, His path was revealed, His guidance became manifest, His trackless plains were traversed and His watering places were frequented. The heavens and earth were locked but opened up with my coming, and seekers were enlightened with my knowledge. I am the door to all guidance. I am the light that shows but cannot be seen. I am the greatest gift of the Gracious Lord, the greatest bounty of the Bestower. I have been granted knowledge of the faith both in terms of its form and content. I have been given knowledge of Divine scriptures and what is contained in them. None is more unfortunate than he who does not recognize my station and pays no heed to my invitation and to the feast to which I beckon. Remember, I have not come on my own; I have been sent by God to


defend the faith and to safeguard its commands and injunctions. I was sent at a time when opinion was divided, desires were at cross purposes and people chose darkness and dispensed with light. You can see that the religious leaders stand completely exposed. They possess the form of the Holy Quran but little of its essence. Their fountain has dried up and their potential is lost. I am surprised that, despite their ignorance and their evil conduct, they dare to be so arrogant! They revile the truthful one and cast aspersions on him and hurt him and think that for this they will be rewarded with Paradise. He came to deliver them from Satan and rouse them from their slumber, but they crave for high office and care not for God, Who is All-Knowing and AllReckoning. They turn their backs on him who has been sent by the Gracious God to comfort the sick and they reject him due to the callousness of their hearts. This is how they reward him for his sympathy! They love to receive titles and honours from kings even though they have been enjoined to estrange themselves from this wretched world and to remove every barrier in the path of faith. They


pursue their desires with the speed of an ostrich and have no care for anything else. They were commanded to pass through this life like wayfarers and conduct themselves with humility like the unhappy man who is far from his homeland. But today we see them hankering after worldly honours, forgetting that true honour comes from God, the AllKnowing. Even as I remind people of the Day of the Lord of Glory and try to wean them away from Satan and bring them to God, they attack me like wolves and try to scare me with the hiss of a serpent. They never come to me with pure intentions or a genuine thirst [for the truth] and criticize me as though they are omniscient. I can only wonder what makes them so contented with the fire of hell. The world, in whose love they are lost, never satiates them and they have no faith at all. Though they pray to be saved from the path of those who incurred Divine wrath, they tread the very path that leads to His displeasure. It would seem that they have sworn never to heed anyone who comes from God. I can only pity them for having rejected the truth when it came to them. They reject me out of sheer


blindness and I am amazed at their reasoning. God, however, is the Judge and He is well aware of my sorrow and anguish. They do not know what is in my heart, and yet they pray for my ruin. Their supplications are like the confused steps of a blind camel. The misfortunes they call down upon me only recoil upon themselves. Their prayers will never be heard, for they pray against a blessed tree that has been planted by the hand of Goda tree that provides shelter to birds when they need it, fruit when they are hungry and refuge when they are attacked by satanic vultures. Surely they do not believe in the Holy Quran, or they would not be content with the shine and glitter of this world. They strive for it and are unmindful of the misfortune this serpent will bring upon them. They rejoice at the fulfilment of their worldly desires and boast about them, but are not in the least perturbed by the fleeting moments of life and on being deprived of honour in the Hereafter. This world is accursed and accursed is all that is in it. It may seem sweet on the outside but from within it is a fatal poison. Woe to those who exchange fresh dates for


chaff. They return to their homes only to forget what they have proclaimed in their sermons, for they are not in the habit of practising what they preach. They give to people what they have not even tasted, and guide them to paths that they have not walked, and beckon towards that which they know nothing about. They teach others to uphold the truth, but do not uphold it themselves. They hanker after the world as the dogs crave carrion. And, due to their selfishness, they want to be praised for what they have not done. It is in vain that they parade themselves as godly and pious, for faith and worldliness cannot go hand in hand, just as Angels and Demons cannot live together. Lastly, I would like to remind my opponents about the fate of the Jewshow they were tried by God, how they went astray and how their hearts were darkened forever. They rejected Jesus because God had promised them that Elijah would come down to them from heaven before the coming of the true Messiah, but he did not come. If we are to believe that 'the descent from heaven' means


the actual, physical descent of a person from the skies, thenGod forbidJesus would have to be a liar. I cannot fathom why our opposing ulema have chosen to walk the path of the Jews and have forgotten the plight of those who invited Divine wrath. Do they want to be cursed by me as the Jews were cursed by Jesus? It would be a grave injustice to insist that Elijah. Do they not read in the Holy Quran, how Allah commanded the Holy Prophetsa to say:






heaven unless the same rule is applied to

How then could Jesus have ascended to heaven? Was he not a mortal? Whoever compares the prophecies regarding the return of Elijah with those of the second coming of the Messiah will realize that they both bear the same connotation. [If you doubt this then] ask

'Holy is my Lord, I am no more than a Prophet.'Bani Israil, 17:94. [Pb.] Note: This verse was revealed in response unbelievers demand that the Holy Prophetsa physically ascend to heaven and return with before their eyes. [Pb.]

mortal to the should a book


the People of the Book whether or not Elijah physically descended from heaven before the Messiah made his appearance. I beseech you to fear God and not to cling to falsehood. You will never find any contradiction in the ways of Allah and, in this case, the meaning is so clear that it admits of no other interpretation. Since the time of Adam, no man has ever descended from heaven, not even Elijah, whose descent would have helped put many doubts and suspicions to rest. To separate the two prophecies by claiming that one is metaphorical in nature and the other is not, would not be acceptable to any reasonable person. God would never mislead people by such contradictory actions. You must try to understand this, if the truth is indeed what you seek. But how can I expect you to reflect when you so oppose me? How can you show such brazenness before God and His Messenger while you possess neither knowledge nor certainty? Is this the way of the righteous? If you feared God you would realize that defeat is better for you than the victory you desire. The few Traditions you present [in support of your claim] bear neither the seal of


Gods approval nor that of the Holy Prophetsa. They are no more than pieces of paper written centuries after the Holy Prophetsa. We do not accept anything contained in them that contradicts the Holy Quran. It was precisely due to such beliefs that the Jews went astray. Hence, I would not advise you to tread in their footsteps or to follow the path of your desires. Fear Gods wrath for it destroys everything it falls upon. The Jews had the book of God with them, they followed it to the best of their understanding and decided not to deviate from the literal meaning of its verses unless the context required otherwise. So they had an excuse more potent than you do. They found everything written clearly in the book of God, while you possess no such book and the Holy Quran contradicts you and puts you to shame. Your great misfortune is that you have abandoned the Holy Book and cast it behind your backs. The Jews had strictly adhered to the letter of the law and that is why Jesus acknowledged their viewpoint and explained that Elijah had already returned in the person of Yahya [John the Baptist]. You, on the other


hand, insist upon something that is clearly contrary to the Book of the Benign God. Your condition is undoubtedly worse than that of the Jews. The least benefit you can derive from these accounts [of Jesus and Elijah] is to acquire an understanding of the Divine practice in matters upon which we differ. Why then do you not fear the Glorious One? Do you perchance find contradictions in His ways? Why do you not seek the seclusion of your chambers and make heartfelt entreaties to God that He may have mercy on you and show you the right path? He certainly shall decide between you and me, so do not be in haste. O people, why do you not fear God and try to heal that which afflicts your inner self. Do you really believe that I am fabricating lies against God? Woe to you, that you do not fear the terrible Day of Reckoning! Surely, those who lie against God never prosper. God Himself becomes their enemy and destroys them completely. Their mission soon fails and their names are consigned to oblivion. Who, on the other hand, can destroy and humiliate the truthful ones who come from Him? He is with them at every hour of night


and day. Those who reject Allahs Messengers and turn against His friends, shall have nothing but fire in the Hereafter and no shelter. Upon entering hell, they will cry out, Why do we not see those whom we considered the most evil? Then shall the whole truth dawn upon them. Coming back to the subject, let me state that the story of Elijahs return and Jesus interpretation of it is acknowledged by all Jews and Christians. Even though the Jews had been taught by a long line of Prophets and a Messenger of God had always been present among them, they still failed to understand the prophecy regarding the return of Elijah and understood it literally. But when Jesus made his appearance and they did not find in him any of the signs that had been impressed on their minds and hearts, they mistreated him and called him an impostor. Therefore, if the descent is to be taken in its literal sense, it would mean that Jesus was falseGod forbid and the Jewswho have been cursed by God were right. This was the case of a people who insisted on


the literal meaning of the book and the clear and unambiguous your of] Word of the [the a few Lord of Creation. As for you, you have nothing to support descent God. Why must you follow in the footsteps of the Jews and why do you wish to share their accursedness? Repent, repent before God and show remorse for what you have done in the past, for death is near and God will hold you accountable. A great trial has come upon you, so stand in your chambers and supplicate before Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. His grace heart. If you have doubts about any of this, you may ask the Jews of this age, or you may come and place your doubts before me, albeit with a pure heart. Why should this prove such a trial for you? Why should you, without any evidence, disregard Gods eternal practice? Why should you insist on certain Traditions

belief Jesus


physical dubious


Traditions that are contrary to the Word of






provided that one comes to Him with a pure


that carry no weight and are unsubstantiated by the Holy Quran? Know, that you are following mere conjecture and conjecture is no substitute for truth, nor does it bring certainty to ones heart. Do you think that the Arbiter who has come from God should follow your whims even though he has come with guidance from God? Why do you cross all limits in your animosity and abandon certainty in exchange for hearsay? Is this what you call faith? The world is no more than a pastime, so let not your peace and health deceive you. Death shall snatch you even if you are hiding in unassailable castles and no helper will save you from the hands of the Requiter. How can you give your own notions greater credence than the Holy Quran? Evil indeed is the path you have chosen. You must be blind not to recognize that which has come from the Gracious Lord. God ordained me as the Messiah twenty years ago. For my part, I had no such desire and was averse to fame and renown. But God drew me out of my seclusion and, though I was unwilling, I obeyed His will. All this is from God, the Bestower, and I do not claim any honour


for myself. Indeed, what do I care for such things when God is sufficient for me? He knows what is in my heart and He is my Protector and my Paradise both in this world and in the Hereafter. I have mentioned the story of Elijah for the benefit of those who possess reason and understanding. When I explained the same things to a group of ulema who were opposed to me, they became silent and dumbfounded and fled as if guilt-ridden and disgraced.


What is Revelation and how it can be Experienced

I will now conclude with a description of the excellence and blessings of Revelation and the means through which it can be experienced. Know, and may Allah guide you, that Revelation is the sun of Divine discourse that dawns upon a righteous heart and dispels the darkness of evil. Revelation is a fountain whose source never dries up and whose streams never cease to flow; it is a minaret whose light cannot be extinguished by the enemy; it is a fortified castle with countless warriors; it is a land, pure and hallowed, whose paths are a secret, and it is a beautiful garden that is pleasing to behold. But only those can reach it who have cleansed themselves of the impurities of human nature; who have been gifted with Divine traits; who have progressed in the path of righteousness and have not disregarded it; who have adorned themselves with piety and righteousness and not disfigured themselves; who grow like a blessed tree and bear fruit; who hasten towards their Lord like a swift she-camel; who do not deviate from the straight path of their Lord; who fear

Him and are humble; who, for His sake, overcome their fury with the mildness of their tongues; who tread His path with great resolve and perseverance; who defend the truth with all their human faculties and break the very backbone of superstition; who go into arid deserts in search of Heavenly water; who are unwavering in the path of their Lord; who walk upon the earth humbly, not arrogantly; who are not content with other peoples leftovers but seek more and keep forging ahead in the quest of faith; whose hearts do not burn with rage; who are cool and composed, not rash and hasty; whose speech has no impurity and whose talk is dignified; who have withdrawn to God and do not speak unless invited to; who are not impure like the mud left in the wake of a flood but are pure and lustrous like a pearl; whom no amount of tribulation can deter from their love for Allah; who hasten towards Him every moment; whose hearts, eyes and ears are ever at His command; who always follow His path; who constantly receive affection from Him which warms their coldness and who are comforted by Him; who trample Satan under their feet and are ever ready to defend


the faith; who are not preoccupied with this world and do not drink their fill of it and do not even consider it worth looking at; who do not tarry in one state but are constantly advancing towards God, fearing Him and showing humility for His sake; who rein in their desires and shut the doors of their temptations and never leave them open; who, on being called towards a fire by their Lord, do not hesitate; who do not sell their crop while it is standing, but take care of it; who strive towards their Lord and implore Him; who do not fear death and bereavement; who, even when they are overwhelmed by tribulations, bear them gladly for His sake; whose knowledge is abundant and overflowing like a whirlpool, not putrid like a pond; who keep growing in the knowledge and wisdom God has granted them; who overcome this world and its desires and trample upon it in revulsion and keep away from its enticements; who are steadfast like a sturdy camel and traverse barren deserts but do not tire; who do not go against the command of their Lord and submit to Him wholeheartedly; whose land is green and verdant and derives nourishment from God;


who dwell forever under the blessed tree; who are covered by the mantle of His grace and therein they find their refuge; who find this world and all that is in it of little consequence; who are like children in the hands of God and are not abandoned by Him; who do not have in them any element of rebellion, heedlessness and arrogance; who turn to God in all their afflictions; who do not bring peoples honour into disrepute nor use foul language; who are not afraid of treading into remote valleys and barren deserts and do not despair; who uncover natures goblet to find its secrets and gather provisions [for the Hereafter]; who fear not the cunning and tyrannical people of the world and instead put their trust in God as their Protector; who have uprooted the tree of temptations from their hearts and eagerly advance towards God; who are filled with the fragrance and love of God; who are wide awake even as they sleep; who are saved from the snare of superficial piety and adopt true righteousness; who are consumed by the fire of love and do not tire; whose tongues are not dagger-like; who, when tried by tribulations, show patience; who are kind even to their


bloodthirsty enemies; who remain forever subservient to their Lord and do not ever leave His threshold; who are fearful lest they should lose their faith, for it can take flight faster than a sparrow, and there is nothing better for inner purity than this fear; who are not contented with trivial rewards; who beat the rocky ground [of the self] to soften it and gain mastery over it; who are wary of the raging winds of trials and tribulations; who shed tears day and night with sleepless eyes and pure hearts; who show sympathy and are not ungenerous in doing so; who give respite to their debtors and do not pounce upon their property; who are neither mean nor immoral nor arrogant; who do not cause disorder and mischief; who are not wavering or hypocritical; who walk the path of the seekers and remain steadfast; who saddle their mounts to journey towards their Lord and detach themselves from the world; whose desires, one and all, are for Him; who do not sit idle like those who have despaired of the Hereafter, but keep hastening towards their Lord; who do not dismount nor allow their camels to rest and do not wish to be a burden on anyone.


They are the ones who pass their nights bowing and prostrating before their Lord; who shun the life of comfort and luxury; who are anxious for all the veils to be lifted so that they may behold His countenance; who do everything in their power to become deserving of His mercy; who do not hesitate to court even death in His path; who kindle in their hearts a fire and keep it forever burning, and who are firm in their faith and do not forsake it even if they are torn to pieces. They are the ones to whom God shows mercy and reveals His countenance through every door and provides for them in ways they cannot imagine. This is because they love Him and adopt piety for His sake and fear Him alone. As for those who fall upon this world as upon carrion and drink of its filthy water and despair of Allahs bounties, to them He does not speak; they will be thrown into a wilderness and shall die blind. They do not open their eyes to the manifest signs and turn away from the sun as if it never dawned upon them and as if they do not know. It has been the eternal Divine practice that He does not grant the same status to those who come to Him


seeking His pleasure and those who are heedless and disobedient. Indeed, He does not care at all for the heedless. He runs to meet those who come to Him walking and He loves the righteous. This is His practice which is not hidden but is self-evident. The liar is bound to perish and the truthful shall be exalted and granted a lofty station. Blessed is he who turns to his Lord and loves Him and clings to His threshold and loves none other. Undoubtedly, God loves those who are deprived for His sake and not those who fatten themselves. Ruin is for those who sit still holding their breath like a blind mouse; whose fears are abundant as the children of a prolific mother; and who have no thirst and desire for God. Their hearts are subdued by the diverse charms of this world, their souls are enfeebled and the burden of faith weighs heavy upon them. They do not cease thinking of the world and it becomes the source of all their anxiety. Indeed, they would nearly cast away the raiment of faith. They knowingly attribute lies to God and blind themselves with their own cunning and yet they think they can see. The Quran contradicts them but they go against it. They are like


barren earth, a ravaged vegetation. Allah wished them to increase in knowledge but they forgot what they were taught. They are like the people sitting in a spot where the sun never shines. It reaches its zenith but they remain in darkness. And also like those who are contented with severe heat of the sun. And both of these people are enemies of one another. And I am wise like Dhulqarnain. I have encountered a people burnt by the suns heat and another who, due to their blindness, are sitting by a murky pool in biting cold. I have been endowed with sound judgement and I see what God shows me. I know that Divine decree has already shot its arrow. Therefore, O wise people, remember God with tearful eyes so that you may partake of His limitless grace and bounty. Peace be on him who follows the Guidance. I am a humble servant of the One God, Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, The Divinely Ordained Messiah.


Signs of the Men of God

Hearken, O people, so that I may relate to you the signs of the muqarrabin [men of God]. They are the people the purity and vigour of whose souls is preserved by God. They are not like those who are barren of wit and wisdom. You will find them comely like a blushing youth, not wasted like a consumptive. Their hearts are opened, their resolve is strengthened and their light shines bright. They surrender wholly to God and are not afraid to bear any hardship in His cause even if their very lives are imperilled. They only avoid death for the sake of their Lord. Mankind is nourished by the milk of their compassion and peoples hearts are strengthened by their overflowing grace. They are not like a sheep whose milk is unwholesome, nor like a man illbred. They are sent into a land infested with hornets, scorpions and foxes, and full of sinners. They abstain from everything base and impure and are neither ill-tempered nor miserly. You will find them willing to give up

their lives for the sake of God. To win His pleasure they are compassionate towards mankind. You will not see them fighting or bickering. A wicked wretch might call them liars, but in fact they are the embodiment of Heavenly light and earthly peace and are true leaders of the righteous. The earth longingly embraces them and the Heaven adds light to their argument. They are Gods final word against the transgressors. Having made a covenant with their Lord never to love or hate anything for their own sake, they surrender to Him their selves and come to Him in complete submission. They slay their egos to attain eternal bliss and accept death to be born again. They face all dangers brought upon them by destiny for the pleasure of their Lord and persevere in the face of every trial. They live up to the loftiest ideals of devotion and fulfil all the conditions that make them Gods sincere servants. He keeps them under the cloak of obscurity just as He keeps Himself hidden. He blesses them with countless signs and they become known by their goodness and by their luminous foreheads. A Divine glow shines upon their countenances and a


Divine light accompanies them which puts the liars to shame. Their enemies are unfortunate for they harbour malice towards the men of God without any solid ground and do not fear God. They do not possess insight nor do they see. Their foreheads are wrinkled and their hearts are twisted. Their hearts are black even as their clothes are whitea blend of black and white, they are indeed like serpents. They attack the men of God but end up only harming themselves. It would have been better for them if they had not been born. They refuse to recognize the Imam of the age and choose to die the death of the ignorant. Lamentable indeed is the fate of those bereft of sight! Blinded by the charms of a luxurious existence, they have forgotten all about suffering, anguish and sorrow. They walk haughtily upon the earth and arrogantly pass by the friends of God, for they have not yet tasted the torments of this world. The and men purify of God do not crave worldly the pleasures. For His sake they opt for adversity themselves. They accept tribulations of this world to save themselves from the inferno of the Hereafter, and to this


end all their efforts are directed. Every calamity increases their knowledge of God. The sun never dawns upon them but finds them in a [spiritually] higher state than the day before. They never retreat but keep advancing with every moment. God grants them light upon light so much so that people no longer recognize them. The ignorant might think that they are after worldly gains, while, in fact, they have completely overcome the desires of the self. Whenever they are visited by a satanic impulse, they run supplicating towards Allah and find refuge in their prayer chambers, and all at once they begin to see. They do not stand in prayer languidly. Their prayers are so fervent and so heart-rending that they would nearly die in their supplications. God hears them because of their piety and saves them. Thus, through prayers and supplications, they are granted strength, peace and tranquillity. Angels come down from heaven to support them and they are saved from error. God raises them towards Himself and they fully submit to His will. They are not known to anyone but Him and are hidden away from the eyes of the world. This is why


people are misled on their account and end up ruining themselves. The blind of this world look down upon them with disdain [and ask], Is this the person whom God has sent? They are indeed blind. The friends of God are attended by signs through which they are known, but only those who possess insight and have been purified recognize them. Among their signs is that they are kept estranged from the world and cut off from its desire. There remains in their hearts not even a vestige of love for material things. They spend in the way of Allah like torrential rain. They are untouched by the corruptions of this world and are purified by Divine light. Another of their signs is that God invests their hearts with a kind of attraction that draws people towards them. They are like a fountain of cool gushing water to which the thirsty come running. The water of Divine revelation rains upon them and people drink from it until they are quenched. Among their signs is that they do not live dull and monotonous lives but sail the tumultuous seas of tribulation. They are ever ready to lay down their lives and their


sacrifices bear fruit and serve to nourish mankind. Among their signs is that they praise their Lord and swim, like fish, in the deep waters of His remembrance. They turn to Him with all their life and soul, and their supplications to Him resemble the cries of a woman in labour. In their prayers they find their highest delight. They lead simple and contented lives and do not sorrow after this world. They long for God just as a bird longs for its nest and are ever engrossed in His remembrance. Among their signs is that they cleanse themselves of every kind of blemish and impurity. They are champions of every field and do not sit back like maidens. They throw off the garb of cowardice and propagate the truth fearlessly. Another of their signs is that they care for those who sincerely enter into their allegiance just as a hen cares for its chicks. They deliver their followers from the clutches of Satan and supplicate for them in the small hours of the night. Thereupon, Divine grace is showered upon them and they are shown mercy. Another sign is that they do not die until their mission has been completed,


until people have flocked around them, until the truth has become manifest, until their vessel has been filled to the brim, until they are made to shine like gold and ornamented like a bride, and until they have been accorded recognition and praise. Another of their signs is that the world cannot humble them with its false reasoning. They defeat it with all its weapons and put their trust in God. Another distinction of these friends of God is that they wake up in the middle of the night seeking His pleasure. They sow the seed of good deeds and guard their harvest with the canopy of piety and reap its fruit in this world and the next. They do not have furrowed brows or sour dispositions, and they do not look down upon others. They do not exact tribute for their harvest nor demand any reward. They do not turn their backs in the face of tribulations, do not stop even if they have to move in the dark, and do not flee in the face of death. Another quality they possess is that they do not malign the honour of anyone and guard their tongues. They do not start aggression and do not resort


to flattery. No matter how they are provoked, they do not lose their calm. When something unpleasant reaches their ears, they do not swell with anger like dough. They do not spurn steadfastness but jealously guard it. They are not overindulgent and have a strong sense of honour. They follow the attributes of Allah and emulate the example of their Prophetsa as closely as one would copy a text. This is indeed what they do. Another sign is that though they outwardly resemble any ordinary person, it is the state of their hearts that distinguishes them. God makes them stand out like a towering hill in the middle of a desolate flatland. They are made to flourish and bear fruit and to stand tall like a tree. They are granted the purest of morals without a hint of ostentation. God prepares their hearts to distribute this [spiritual] water and through it they are recognized. They are cleansed and anointed. Among their signs is that they are warriors who go out in the field and are not weak or cowardly. They are drawn by a Heavenly power and purged of all evil. With a single


stroke, God rids them of their baser selves and they easily overcome their egos due to the purity of their souls. They remain untouched by the impurities of this world and are unperturbed at abandoning it. Among their signs is that their companionship is a Heavenly shield that safeguards mankind from trials and tribulations. It also serves as an antidote to the poison of hardheartedness that results from submitting to selfish desires. Just as mans skin becomes dirty if unwashed by water, so do hearts become stained without the company of the friends of God. The knowledgeable know this secret well. The muqarrabin are also known by the fact that their company brings life to the hearts [of others], curbs the desire for sin, and replaces weakness and fatigue with vitality. Through them people are established on the right path and they never create discord. Another of their signs is that they do not incessantly shower arrows upon their enemies but only fight them when their Lord so desires. They only argue as long as the truth remains unclear. They do not




without Gods permission even if they are killed like sheep. They are imbued with Divine morals and shun falsehood, rancour, egotism, pretence and slander. They only move their hands or feet under Gods will, never otherwise. Unperturbed by the curses of men, they are afraid only of being disgraced in His eyes. They seek His forgiveness morning and evening and wash off the dirt of negligence with the water of His remembrance. Taqwa is their raiment and it is very becoming to them. Casting off all rotten garbs, they excel in righteousness and, shunning the company of all other than Him, stand firmly upon His threshold and never abandon it. Only His countenance, which is the source of all their desires, gives them the courage to shun this world and all that is in it. They do not engage in idle talk and do not mock and ridicule. They do not lead carefree lives and are afraid lest a single word or action on their part should bring all their virtues to waste. When they speak, they do so on solid grounds, not on hearsay. Another distinction of these friends of God is that He grants them strength after their weakness and provides for


them after scarcity and never abandons them. Among their signs is that they face persecution and suffer disappointment after disappointment, but God always comes to their rescue and saves them. Whenever they are visited by some affliction, they are given such fortitude that it leaves even the Angels of heaven own]. Another sign is that they do not rely upon their wealth or possessions, children or parents, and put all their faith in God. They delight, most of all, in the knowledge and wisdom He always bestows upon them. In His path they willingly bear all hardship and do not shy away from it. They are grateful to Him in times of scarcity and in times of abundance and in His love they ever rejoice. That is because they are vouchsafed fine points of spiritual knowledge and wisdom like layer upon layer of white clouds. They are bestowed all the keys [to knowledge] and enter therein from whichever door they like. God gives them hearts that flow like rivers, not like pools of stagnant water. He never withdraws His support from them and






blessings upon them and chooses them [as His


never fails to come to their aid. They are granted awe-inspiring qualities by their Lord, so that their opponents are afraid of confronting them and flee from their presence, hiding like a man who has been amputated on account of a crime and tries to hide his wound from others. Such is the awe that Allah bestows upon those who become His. They are quick and energetic as a tiger when striving in His cause and, when they respond to His commands, they do so with fervour and zeal. You will never find them lazy or hesitant. The earth is illuminated by their light and only the ignorant are unaware of their status. Their enemies reject them only out of obduracy. They are the people for whom the fountain of Divine bounties is brought near and they drink deep of its water. They hurry towards it zealously without tiring or feeling fatigue. And when they are visited by adversity, they suffer but not unbearably. You will find their hearts like a land that has been vitalized by the constant flow of Knowledge. When they encounter mischievous people, they avoid them and seek refuge with Allah. Because of


their piety, they never look down upon anyone and are not in the least arrogant. They live simply, content with what they have and satisfied with the fruits of their labour. These are the people who hold God above everything else and these are the rightly guided ones. Another sign of the men of God is that they are not subjected to unbearable hardship nor made to suffer severe deprivation, for God provides for them in ways beyond their imagination. They rejoice in the truths and verities that are revealed to them by the Almighty. They are not content with little [knowledge]. When they embark upon something, they bring it to perfection; and when they undertake a task, they do not rest without bringing it to its conclusion. They shun corrupt practices and immorality and are consumed with the desire to reveal the truth. Whether they love or hate they do it in all sincerity, without any duplicity. Among their signs is that their hearts are irrigated by the waters of Divine grace and they reap bountiful harvests of Divine knowledge. They are kept away from injustice and transgression and never indulge in falsehood. They are saved


from darkness and are bathed in light. Another sign of the men of God is that they bear the trust that has been placed upon them with the greatest courage. This fortitude does not tire them but lends them greater beauty. Their steadfastness seems no less than a miracle and they are honoured in the eyes of God and men. Among their signs is that they avoid all that is evil and thus acquire the ability to do good deeds. They are fortified against satanic temptations and supported by Divine succour. They are unique for they come to God having from completely the world. estranged They leave themselves

everything else and hasten towards their Lord. You will not find anyone who has so distanced himself from the world. They undergo a metamorphosis on account of their love for Him and prefer meeting Him to anything else. The only thing that torments them is the fear of separation from Him. Wisdom flows from their tongues, sagacity shines upon their foreheads and they are bountiful like the ocean. Among their signs is that, for the sake of God,


they face every danger and nothing ever stops them. They are unique in this respect and have no equal. None among the divines can compete with them however much they might desire. Were it not for their leftovers, people would surely have starved. But for their fire, Gods love would have grown cold in peoples hearts and they would have followed the sneaking whisperer [Satan]. God would then have ended the line of sages and put an end to faith. It is indeed Gods favour that He sends these chosen ones to rejuvenate mankind after it has become like a barren land. People would be fatherless without them, motherless without their knowledge, and wretched orphans for the lack of both. Blessed are those who possess both the one and the other. A sign of the men of God is that they are not jealous, for they are endowed a spirit by their Lord and their hearts are opened and they are exalted to higher stations. They do not stumble and are saved from falling and are safeguarded. Among their signs is that they appear at a time when people have become defenceless like orphans with no one to care


for them or show them kindness. People are destroyed by sin and disbelief but the evil divines remain unaware of their plight; in fact, they do not care. All this happens before the eyes of the evil divines and they are recognized by their indifference. Whenever you find people engrossed in transgression, falsehood, idolatry and debauchery, flouting the commands of the faith and refusing to repent, you should know that the appearance of a Messenger is at hand and the time has come for a final warning to be conveyed to those who have forgotten and for glad tidings to be given to those who listen. Among their signs is that they are sent at a time when people are walking divergent paths. Those who reject them incur the wrath of God. He brings ruin upon them and bars them from His presence forever. Ultimately they are annihilated and no trace is left of them. God also draws people towards His Friends who welcome them and embrace them. But even if people did not follow them, God would create men out of earth and stone to follow them and to testify to their truth.



Among their signs is that they have such a bond with God that it cannot be severed by a spear or arrow or sword. They do not die but in a state of complete submission. Among their signs is that they treasure all that beautifies them and shun all that is unbecoming. They are helped with signs and both heaven and earth testify for them and shed tears when they die; thus are they honoured. They are also distinguished by the fact that God blesses their homes, their clothes, their turbans, their shirts, their sheets, their lips, their hands, their backs, their whole body, and even what is left of their food or drink. He helps them in their weakness and remains with them while they are confined to their beds. He hears their prayers so that the arrow that leaves their bow never misses its mark. They are not touched by abject destitution, for God puts provisions in their purses with His own hand and honours them in their old age even more than in the prime of youth. He places a great attraction in them and people flock towards them in large numbers. When they are questioned, God stands up to answer for them. He helps them so that they may be recognized through His


love for them and peoples hearts may be opened. Their displeasure invites Divine wrath and their anxiety draws His mercy. Glory be to Him Who exalts His servants who have wholeheartedly surrendered to Him. Another of their signs is that they consider their Lord to be an everlasting Treasure, an ever-flowing Fountain, an unblinking Watcher, a vigilant Guardian, a peerless Monarch, a faithful Beloved, a gracious Master, a sublime Lord and a limitless Ocean; they see Him as the Living One Who never dies, the Almighty Who never grows weak, and the One Who graces mankind with His Messengers. They are well aware that all creation came into being by His command and to Him all things must return. Among their signs is that they are tried time and again, but God comes to their aid and saves them. These trials are meant only to manifest Gods blessings upon them and so that the men of God may be recognized by the ignorant. Among their signs is that they are made to drink of the holy wines, their hearts are filled with light, their faces are radiant with the sign of Divine bounty and grace, and God Himself provides for them.


Among their signs is that they venture into perilous paths where only the bravest dare go. They annihilate their selves to win the pleasure of the Omnipotent Lord. You will not find them grieving over what they have done. They believe that their good deeds are stored in Heaven where no thief can snatch or steal them. They are a people whom God has blessed with His own hand and they learn from Him without any intermediary. They are granted their hearts desire. They are like the leafy branch that the shepherd draws down to feed his flock, not like dry branches that fall off by themselves. They always look towards their Lord and are never veiled from Him. Among their signs is that they strive in the way of God wholeheartedly and without any hesitation. A fire burns in their hearts which they continue to fuel and through it they are able to accomplish extraordinary feats that surprise people and confound conventional knowledge and wisdom. You will find resolve in their actions and not a trace of sloth or indolence. If you, my reader, do not like them, then you are surely among those who do not see.


Among their signs is that they are not made to suffer. Tribulations are made for them as a source of blessings and they are not harmed by them. The doors of Divine grace are opened to them and they are provided in ways they could never imagine. This is because they enjoy a special relationship with a Powerful and Glorious Master and enjoy rank and status in His Court. Can such 'courtiers' be thrown into fire or be chastised? No, not even their children or grandchildren are chastised. They are treated with mercy and God blesses their progeny and causes them to increase with every passing day. Let me tell you the reason why God blesses them in such a way, and why He wants their children and grandchildren to multiply, and why He wants to comfort them and to remove their afflictions. It is because they have given up everything for His sake and they desire nothing more than to lay down their lives in His path. This is why God, in His infinite grace, returns to them manifold what they have sacrificed and grants them what they have surrendered for Him. Such has been the eternal Divine practice that God does not let the reward of the righteous be wasted and


never brings humiliation upon those who humble themselves for Him. Instead He honours them and exalts their status. Those who have a pure and untainted relationship with Allah, who are ever faithful to Him and keep their relationship with Him only to themselves, are never left to languish in their solitude. God grants them honour and prestige and causes them to be esteemed by all. He loves to spread their fame to the far corners of the world like the fame of an ardent lover. The man who is close to God is content to eat beans and vegetables and is averse to a life of luxury, but God provides for him the best of food like fish and pomegranates. He wishes to remain in solitude to the end, but God brings him forth and causes people to flock to him with gifts and provisions, all willing to serve him. He is granted acceptance in the earth, and in Heaven, too, it is announced that he is among those who love God and whom He loves and who have become His with all their heart and soul. He becomes their eyes with which they see and their ears with which they hear and their hands with which they touch. This is the reward for those who become His


with all their heart and soul and do not associate partners with Him. They fulfil the purpose of their creation and never go back on their covenant until they die and return to Him. Among their signs is that they shed their baser selves in the way a snake sheds its skin. The fire [of carnal passions] is extinguished and replaced by pure desires. Whatever their chaste and tranquil hearts desire is provided for them. In times of famine, spiritual food is prepared for them and they eat heartily thereof. They accumulate good deeds like a woman who bears a child every year. They shun all that is vain and frivolous and travel from place to place [preaching the truth]. They let not their souls languish in darkness but illuminate them. Among their signs is that they would not deny the truth or the Imam of their time even if they were thrown into a raging fire. They would not let go of their faith even if they were cut down with sharp swords or stoned to death. Angles marvel at their steadfastness and Heavens shower praise upon them. Far from being


weak, they overcome the greatest of champions. They tear down the castle of the ego for the love of Him Whom they value above all else. God and His Angels praise them and so do all godly and righteous ones. They fulfil every pledge they make and win the pleasure of the Lord. This is true faith and blessed are those who possess it! These men of God remind us of Abdul Latif who belonged to my Jamaat and hailed from Kabul. He was a leader of his peoplemost honourable, exemplary, knowledgeable, righteous and courageous among them, and was greatly esteemed. But when he openly professed his faith, he was told to recant otherwise he would be stoned to death. He, however, preferred to die and chose to please his Gracious Lord. For this he was stoned to death by the order of the Amir and God exalted him to Himself. Herein is an example for seekers. Do not think that those who are slain in the way of Allah are dead. They are living and are granted provisions by their Lord. Whoever kills a believer deliberately, his abode is in hell


wherein he shall live forever. God is angry with him and has cursed him and prepared for him a painful chastisement and the transgressors shall soon know the fate that awaits them. The heavens shed tears for this martyr and showed signs for him. This had been ordained by Allah, the Creator of heaven and earth, and He had informed me of it beforehand through clear revelations, as you may have read in Barahin-e-Ahmadiyyah or heard about them. It is possible that you may dislike something while it is good for you. Verily, God knows and you do not. The same night that the martyr left this transitory abode and surrendered his life to his Lord with complete sincerity and submission, the transgressors were stricken with Heavenly chastisement as they slept. They started fleeing from Kabul, but no matter where they went, the punishment followed them. Surely there is no refuge for transgressors. In this is a great lesson for those who fear God. Among their signs is that Angels descend upon them with blessings and they are honoured with Divine discourse. God informs them that


they are the chiefs of paradise and His chosen ones and that they shall be given whatever their hearts desire. Sweet words from the Almighty descend upon them and He graces them with lucid discourse. They are informed beforehand of every great event and the Mighty and Gracious One gives them tidings of the unseen. in Through famines them and people saved are from nourished

calamities and through their prayers they are transformed. Their prayers, most of them, are granted; their needs are fulfilled in extraordinary ways, and they are given signs as well as admonitions regarding those who do not purge themselves of evil. Thus are they aided and blessed with glad tidings and enlightenment and success. They suffer death after death but are given a new life each time until they behold their Lord and attain certainty. Never does the sun dawn upon them nor does the night envelop them, but finds them closer to God and more cognizant of Him. They may grow old but they remain young and handsome knowledge in terms of their faith and They which keeps



continue to advance in righteousness to the point where no trace is left of their baser selves. They are exalted from one enlightenment to another that is even more glorious. Thus their Lord nurtures them with His grace and mercy. He does not leave them in stagnation and constantly revives the light of faith in their hearts. He tests them both in prosperity and adversity. When they are assailed by the passions of the self, they easily overcome them, for they have beheld the beauty of God. You may think they are awake while they are blissfully asleep in the lap of God. They are never left without protection but are guarded and cared for like a bunch of ripe grapes. They are changed and transformed and estranged from the world and attain greater heights by the command of the Omnipotent One. In their highest state, they are granted life after death and are restored after virtual disintegration. They suffer death upon death but, finally, on account of their fidelity, they are granted everlasting life. They are saved from the whispering of Satan and everything that distracts from the remembrance of God and the Hereafter. When


they achieve their purpose, they are granted a status of which the world knows nothing. They are saved from agony and anguish and become a light that dazzles the beholder. In fact they completely disappear into the light of God. None knows them but those whom God enables to recognize them. They are most obscure and most unfathomable and more hidden than the spirit, and the eyes that seek them return dejected. When they have done full justice to the name they have been given in Heaven by their Glorious Master and when they have accomplished the task that has been decreed by Him, their return to their Lord is ordained in Heaven and so it comes to pass. Their souls desert their bodies in a state whereby they are pleased with their Lord and He is pleased with them. Their souls leave their bodies as a sword is drawn from its scabbard. They are not in the least perturbed at the thought of leaving the world for they consider it no more than rotting flesh. They have no longing for it and are not grieved to leave it, for they care only for the Beloved. None reviles them but the wretched and none


rejects them but the sightless. Woe to those who revile and abuse [the men of God] for they will soon be destroyed. Woe to those who wander in darkness for they shall lose everything. Woe to those who slander for they shall be held accountable. Woe to those who look scornfully upon the men of God for they shall die in blindness. Woe to those who turn away after hearing the truth for they shall burn in their own fire. Among the signs of the men of God is that they are granted clear and explicit discourse from the Almighty, the like of which no man can utter or even try to match. These servants of the Gracious One desire His discourse as much as they rejoice in fine points of wisdom; and they are granted both. Such is the eternal way of God that they are given the power of eloquence along with pure hearts, and they only speak when He commands. Just as a woman feels the appetite for certain things after she has conceived and her husband provides them for her, in the same way, when the spirit is breathed into these men of God, their hearts begin to desire certain things.


These desires are from God and not from their own selves, so God fulfils them and never disappoints them. In the same manner, God has blessed me with His discourse. Let anyone who doubts it produce a text like this one. Among their signs is that they descend like water from Heaven and are channelled towards dry and barren fields. They beckon mankind towards this stream and quench their thirst. So powerful is their attraction that hearts are irresistibly drawn towards them. People hasten towards them and are cleansed. Among their signs is that they are not miserly in spreading their light. Their companions have no regrets and their loyal friends never suffer ignominy. They are blessed and people are blessed through them. They revitalize the barren earth and bring dead hearts back to life. They rediscover old treasures, avert impending calamities, join what had been cut asunder, cause dried up rivers to flow again and restore the portions of faith that had been abandoned. Their bosoms are full of light and contentment. They are as the stars are to the sky, the sea is to the land, the soul is to the


body and the mountains are to the earth. They never alter the pledge they have made with God but are themselves transformed. They are abdal, who have been purified by God, and aqtab, who do not waver. They surrender themselves to His will, annihilate their Nafs-eAmmarah35 and remain ever obedient to Him. They live in anguish and do not, like gluttons, waste their lives in mundane pleasures. They are not content with physical cleanliness alone, but hasten towards the Fountain that purifies the inner self. They are never content with what is impure. They are the ones whom God appoints in times of adversity and they are to mankind as the head is to the body. In the ocean of humanity, they are like a priceless pearl. They first overcome their Nafse-Ammarah in a fierce battle and then, with the command of the Gracious Lord, find their way into peoples hearts and conquer them and bring life to the dead. Even if people shun them with disdain, they treat them with compassion. You will not find anyone with a more spacious ark when the water rises and calamity strikes and there is crying and wailing

The Self that incites towards evil. [Pb.]



all around. At such times they serve as intercessors with the permission of God Who has sent them. When hearts jump to the throat [in extreme anguish], they stand up with humility and bow down supplicating and crying. The heavens are then filled with their cries and the Angels weep with them. Their prayers are heard because of their piety and people are saved from calamity. They are the people who cling to the earth in prostration and soak the earth with their tears in the face of tribulations. In the depth of night they stand before their Lord, the Alleviator of all suffering, and come to Him with such sincerity as is pleasing to Himthe Creator of the universe. They accept death to save people who are on the brink of destruction and their impending fate is averted. They accept death to intercede for them, undergo every hardship to comfort them and bear tribulations to bring them relief. They have the deepest sympathy for Gods creatures and stand by them in their troubles and their actions leave the Angels of heaven amazed. They strive to excel in virtue. Their hearts are given such strength that they forge


ahead through every difficulty even if it lasts to the end of time. They fear no one, do not use foul language and do not respond in kind when they are abused. They do not fall for the carrion of this world, leaving it rather for dogs. To them this world has less worth than a pile of bones or even the excrement of a fly. They do not even look towards it, and make themselves instead like a fruit-bearing tree with many branches to which the hungry come from all directions. What an excellent host and what fortunate guests! They possess perfect beauty, dispel evil with good and strive to be of service to mankind. They do not hurt those who hurt them and readily accept the apology of one who apologizes. When they suffer some injury at the hands of their enemies, they respond with kindness. They neither use foul language nor fight. They pray for the safety, health and welfare of their enemies and beseech God to grant them guidance. They do not harbour the least bit of malice or grudge against anyone and pray even for those who do not desist from maligning them and extend their protection even to those who reject them. Since they give preference to God


above everything else and are fully devoted to Him and are kind to His creatures, He reveals Himself to them. They are indeed the true friends of God. They are indeed the ones who prosper. The earth is blessed by their steps and through them people are saved from tribulations. Happy are they who are attached to them. O Lord, make me among such people, be mine and be with me till the day mankind is resurrected and brought before You. O Lord, bring not to account those who oppose me, for they do not know and do not perceive. Lord, have mercy on them and make them among those who are rightly guided. Why would God chastise you, O deniers, if you believed and were grateful! Why do you not be grateful to Him Who has saved you from destruction! If you be grateful, He shall increase His bounties upon you and you shall be granted all that you desire. But if you do not, then know that hell is the abode of the ungrateful. Among the signs of the men of God is that they do not hurt anyone or anything, not even an ant, and they take pity upon the weak.


They do not cut themselves off from mischievous people who miss no opportunity to harm them; they only pray for their guidance. You will not find them wrathful and hardhearted. Nor will you find anyone as compassionate and sympathetic, either in the east or in the west. They supplicate so fervently on behalf of those who are in distress that they put their own lives in peril. And when any hardship befalls them, their prayers are heard by the Almighty and they are informed of this beforehand. This is because they carry their supplications to the limit and are not negligent in serving mankind. They risk their own lives to save a large portion of mankind from ruin. This is the nature they have been vouchsafed and this is how they act. They stand in prayer in the depth of night while people are asleep. They see the light of their good deeds in this very life and it grows with each passing day. They feel the joy of what they have sent before them and are not slothful. They avoid all disobedience, no matter how trivial, and do not consider any sin to be small or insignificant. They appreciate the value of good deeds and do not act out of


ostentation. Do you not realize that I, by the grace of God, am among His friends? Do you not see that I have come to you with manifest signs? Have the sun and the moon not undergone eclipses, and have the camels not been abandoned? Will you still not reflect? There have come to you manifest signs from the Gracious Lord and conclusive proofs. O you who turn away with aversion, what is it that creates doubts in your minds and what excuse do you have for your behaviour? Has the plague not broken out and caused widespread devastation? Have falsehood and immorality not become the norm? Has the world not been overtaken by idolaters? Is this not the beginning of a great worldwide revolution? Have most of the signs that you await not come to pass? Why then do you not look into the matter with a positive mind and why do you transgress the bounds of justice? O people, if you are indeed righteous then why do you disobey God and disregard His injunctions? What kind of piety is it that you should reject my claim without a proper


enquiry? The fact is that you do not sincerely wish to test my claim and this is why you are enraged when something is asked of you. Why is it so hard for you to accept that God has ordained me at the turn of the century to reform Islam, to silence those who have taken Jesus as God and to break the cross which they worship? Are you enraged because in His revelations God has rejected your beliefs? Thus were the Jews of the past enraged, but you take no heed. O people, I am indeed the Messiah who has come at the appointed time and I have been sent from Heaven with all the signs [that were foretold]. I show you His signs in my own person, in yourselves and in my companions. The time of my advent is a testimony to my truth and God Himself testifies in my favour in the Holy Quran. If you disregard Gods word and testimony, then what will you believe? Should you not be afraid of God and heed the day when you will have to answer to Him and when the skins will melt with the glow of His light? Do you not reflect upon Gods word, greater than which there can be no testimony? Do you not realize that if I am from God and


you still deny me, you cannot remain under His refuge? Do you not read accounts of the Jews and what caused them to become like monkeys? Did they not have excuses the same as you do? Take pity on yourselves and do not show such arrogance. Fools! Do not fight God. Remember your death and fear God. I have been sent by the Mighty Lord and you have disobeyed Him while He is the Lightening Whose wrath the transgressors can never avert. He hears everything you say and is aware of the schemes you hatch in secret. The transgressors shall soon know what fate awaits them. Woe to those who do not distinguish between the truthful and the liars. Woe to those who do not possess the insight to recognize the righteous by looking at their countenance and do not benefit from their teachings and signs. Allah has put a seal on their hearts, so they will not understand. O people! Why do you reject me in a hurry and refuse to tread the path of the righteous? Why do you resort to foul language and indecency? Why do you not reflect on these words of Jesus quoted by the Holy Quran:




Do you think you are never going to die? Do you think you will live forever? Or have you seen Jesus ascend to heaven with your own eyes so that you cannot deny what you have yourselves witnessed? Curse be upon you for misleading the masses. Surely, you do not fear the One to Whom you must return. You knowingly embrace and stick to falsehood. Had I not been sent, you may have found some excuse, but now that God has sent me, you have no excuse. Fear God, for evil is what you have done to a Divinely appointed Hakam [Arbiter]. Evil indeed is what you do. You are to be pitied that you do not recognize the time nor recall the words of past Prophets. God graced you with signs but you paid no heed and became deaf and blind and dead, stubbornly refusing to abandon anything of your misguided beliefs. God clearly revealed the time of the coming of His Messiah and did not hold back any proof of his advent and He came to your aid at Badr while you were

Translation of the full verse: 'And I was a witness over them as long as I remained among them, but since Thou didst cause me to die, Thou hast been the Watcher over them.'Al-Maidah, 5:118 [Pb.]


vulnerable. Why do you not understand this mystery and why do you not reflect! Is this century not the century of Badr?37 Why do you not value Divine signs as they ought to be valued, and why do you refuse to benefit by them? The fools say, How can we follow a solitary man and leave the great majority? Do you not see that every Prophet was in the minority and was saved from error and misguidance. Look how we dispel their doubts and yet they choose to look away, heedless of the day when they shall return to God all alone and have to answer for their deeds. Why do they not look at Mosesas and Jesusas and our Holy Prophetsa, who were alone at first but were soon joined by hosts of righteous people testifying to their truth, putting themselves at their service and leaving the majority for their sake? Only those who were destined for hell refused to follow them. Cursed be those who turn away from Messengers who are raised at their appointed time. They will be cut off and our Prophetsa has referred to them as the

Badr literally means the full moon that appears on the 14th of the lunar month. The Promised Messiah as here refers to the fourteenth century, of the hijri calendar, in which he appeared. [Pb.]


misguided and accursed horde. He said, I am not of them and they are not of me. These are the people who are cut off. When an Arbiter came to them from God they closed their eyes and ears and when they did not enquire about him they also became dumb. The truth is that God commissioned me at the turn of this century because He saw Islam in a wretched state, like barren earth with rotting vegetation, like decomposing flesh, like a dead and decaying tree. He also saw that the Christians were leading the Muslims astray and converting them to Christianity, while falsely and





Prophet . He saw that the ulema did not have the ability to silence them, nor the power to persuade. Their speech had no effect because they did not speak with the spirit of God and could scarcely articulate themselves. Their tongues trembled and their speech made little sense because they disobeyed the Almighty. Their words and actions were at odds and they were full of ostentation. When God sent me to them, they turned away and said, He is either a liar or he is insane. I came to them after they had forgotten the path of righteousness


and, having thrown away the treasure, had become content with rubbish. I filled book after book with clear signs so that they may reflect but they only responded with mockery and ridicule and knowingly rejected Gods signs. They said, This man is only an impostor and is being secretly helped by others. Some said that I am an atheist who does not believe in God. I ask you, my dear reader, to look at what I have written and published and then look at how they turn away from it. Surely the ears and eyes and hearts shall all be held accountable. They are to be pitied on the day when they shall stand before God and have to answer for themselves. Who would be more unjust than he who forges a lie against God or rejects His signs? Surely, the unjust never prosper. They say, You have not come to us with any signs from God. The truth is that they have eyes that do not see, hearts that do not perceive and ears that do not hear. They are heedless like cattle. The truth was made manifest but they cast it behind their backs. They wrote books to hide the truth but when I challenged them, they could write no more. I


beseeched them in the name of God to come forward if they were indeed truthful, but they hid in their homes and refused to come out as if the earth had swallowed them and they had disappeared altogether. Then I stood in the small hours of the blessed night and prayed that God may have mercy on them. But God does not care about a people unless they show remorse. Some of them have crossed all limits while others have not gone so far, but none are on the right path or even seek it. Whoever draws closer to God by an inch, to him He draws nearer by a yard, but what do the transgressors care? They have cut all ties with God and are infatuated by the world. They are benumbed by the cold winds of indifference which cause their souls to shrink and which batter them incessantly. They have mixed the good with the vile and have pulled faith out from its roots, and do not care. When it is said to them that God has sent the plague as a sign of His displeasure, they say, It is only a pestilence that comes and goes, it will not be the end of us. Look, how they have been warned but do not take heed. They see death all around and do not reflect. You will see


them pursuing material gains but you will never see them satisfied. When Divine revelation is read to them, they beat a hasty retreat and start cursing. You will find that their nights are lifeless as a corpse while their days are bustling with life and activity. They run madly after the world and are mindless of the Hereafter. The tribulations of the world give them no respite, but they still do not take heed. When they are presented with the truth they become angry. They dislike what they are told and disregard what is read to them. They know they are going to die one day but still choose to be heedless. All their crying is for the world and they have no thought for the world to come. Satan causes their desires to appear beautiful to them and they are completely drawn towards them. Allah destroys their deeds and renders their accumulations worthless. They are cursed but they know not. They choose a pool of stagnant water and turn away from the spring. pure, The uncontaminated, overflowing

reason is that they are slothful and are content with what is inferior. They leave that which is pristine and opt for the profane. They are


wavering between light and darkness and do not leave the company of Satan. They would love nothing more than that the doors of the world be opened for them and they eat of all its fruit and become satiated. They call me a disbeliever and I know not why they do so. Time and again I have beseeched them in the name of God to come forward with their arguments if they have any, but they failed to utter a single word. They can see that the time is ripe for the Coming of the Messiah and that all the signs have come to pass, but they still do not wake up. Have not the sun and the moon been eclipsed in the month of Ramadan? Do they not see how the earth has revealed its secrets and how the trains are running and ships are sailing and how people of all nations have been connected and camels have been abandoned, and how modes of transport have changed and all that they were expecting has come to pass? The Ointment of Jesus is a manifest proof of Jesus demise. Why do they not reflect over this sign and learn from it? O men of


understanding! The Holy Quran has clearly indicated that the case of the Promised Messiah is like that of Dhulqarnain. This sign alone should suffice for you if you were given to reflection. I am blessed with wisdom and sagacity like Dhulqarnain and the whole world has been brought together for me through communication between the peoples. I have accomplished my travels without moving from my place. You are aware that in Islam there is no pilgrimage but to the two holy sites [Mecca and Medina]. So, in this manner [through communication], God has provided for my travels in the course of which I found two peoples in stark contrast to one another. The sun shines directly upon one of them and they are scorched by its heat but they do not benefit from it. The other, because they have lost their sight, sit by a cold stagnating pool. The first of these are those who claim to be Muslims and they derive no benefit from the Sun, i.e., Islam. It only scorches their bodies without benefiting them at all. The second example relates to those who are completely barred from the light of the sun of tauhid [Oneness of God]. They consider Jesus to be


God and have exchanged a living God with a dead one, thinking that he is their saviour. The first of these examples relates to the people who are divided into numerous sects, who do not benefit by the light of the sun and who are only scorched and ruined by it. The second example relates to those who have run away from sunlight and are drifting in darkness. The Holy Quran calls me Dhulqarnain because I have seen two centuries according to the Hijri and Christian calendars, or any known calendar. In this lies a great sign for those who reflect. Surely I have come at a time when Gog and Magog have been set free and have surmounted every barrier. I have come to protect the Muslims from the attacks of Gog and Magog with the help of manifest signs and with the weapon of supplication that draws the Angels from Heaven. I have also come to build a barrier to protect those who submit. Praise be to God Who sent His servant at the appointed time and caused him to descend from heaven in an age of turmoil and despair. None of you can reverse this destiny nor


destroy this foundation. Holy is God, free from all that you impute to Him. In rejecting me you have only wronged your own selves. As for me, I only look to God and you shall soon know the truth. Thus, by the grace of the Lord of Bounty, concludes this book.


Further Details of the Martyrdom of Sahibzadah Maulawi Abdul Latif Sahib

Mia Ahmad Nur, a trusted disciple of Hadrat Sahibzadah Maulawi Abdul Latif Sahib, arrived in Qadian from Khost on 8 November, 1903, with his family. According to his statement, Maulawi Sahibs body remained under the heap of stones for forty days until he, with some of his friends, removed it secretly at night and brought it to the city. They feared that they might be obstructed by the Amir and his guards, but a severe cholera epidemic had broken out and everyone was weighed down by his own misery. Thus, unhindered, they carried the body to the graveyard, offered the funeral prayer and performed the burial. The surprising part is that when the body was removed from beneath the pile of stones, a scent like that of musk emanated from it, leaving all those present amazed. Before this, the ulema had gathered under the Amirs instructions to hold a debate with Maulawi Sahib and he had said to them, "You

believe in two gods, because you fear the Amir as God should be feared. But I believe in One God, that is why I do not fear the Amir." Prior to his arrest, while he was still at home and did not know what was about to transpire, he suddenly raised his two hands and, looking at them, said, "Are you ready to bear the weight of handcuffs?" His family asked what was the meaning of the words that he had spoken. He said, "You will know after Asr prayer." And so it happened that after Asr the Amirs guards came to arrest him. When he was about to be led away, he said to his family, "I am going, but I enjoin you not to adopt any other path. My faith and my belief should be your faith and your belief." As he was led through the town, he said, "I am the prince of this procession." During the debate, he was asked by the ulema what he had to say about the man from Qadian who claimed to be the Promised Messiah. Maulawi Sahib replied, "I have seen him and have thoroughly enquired into his claims. There is none like him on the face of the earth. He is undoubtedly the Promised Messiah. He restores






Thereupon the ulema shouted, "He is an apostate and so are you." They threatened him, on behalf of the Amir, that if he did not repent he would be lapidated. Hearing this Maulawi Sahib realized that he would be put to death, so he recited the Quranic verse:

'Our Lord, let not our hearts go astray after You have guided us. And bestow on us mercy from Yourself, surely You are the Bestower.' And just before he was going to be stoned, he recited the verse:

'My God, You are my Protector in this world and the Hereafter. Let death come to me in a state of submission and join me with the righteous.' Then people began to shower stones on him and he was martyred. Kabul.
38 39 40

The very next morning cholera broke out in Among its first victims was the

Al-e-Imran, 3:9 [Pb.] Yusuf, 12:102 [Pb.] 40 'Surely, to Allah we belong and to Him shall we return.' [Pb.]


household of Nasrullah Khan, full brother of Amir Habibullah Khan, the main culprit behind the atrocity. He lost his wife and son and up to four hundred people died every day. On the night of the martyrdom the sky above Kabul turned red. Prior to these events, Maulawi Sahib said that he repeatedly received the revelation:

He said he also received the revelation: "Heaven is bewailing and the earth is trembling like one in high fever. The world does not know it, but it is going to happen." He said he had received this revelation consistently: "Lay down your life in this cause and do not hesitate, for this is what God desires for the good of the land of Kabul I wrote earlier that Maulawi Sahib had spent four months in prison, but according to Mia Ahmad Nur, he had remained incarcerated for a month and a half. This is a minor discrepancy in reporting, but all are agreed on

'Go thou to Pharaoh. I am with thee. I hear and I see. Thou are praised and anointed and perfumed with amber.' [Pb.]


the essential points. Peace be on them who follow the guidance.



Abu Bakrra..................................................34, 35 Abu Jahl.................................................16, 49, 63 Adamas.............................................................48 God addressed the Promised Messiahas as. . . .6 the Promised Messiahas had an affinity with for they were both born twins...................57 Ahl-e-Hadith................................................61, 90 Ahmad Baig.......................................................... fulfilment of the prohecy regarding and his son-in-law.....................................67, 69, 70 Ahmadiyyat.......................................................... prophecies about the progress of...98, 99, 119, 135 Al-Badr............................................................135 Al-Hakam........................................................135 Almsgiving............................................................ warning prophecies can be averted through.73 Amritsar............................................................70 Aryas..............................................................120 Atham, Abdullah.................................................. fulfilment of the prophecy regarding.67, 69, 71 Badr, battle of.................................................224 Balaam............................................................126 Barahin-e-Ahmadiyyah.........32, 116, 123, 155, 210 prophecy regarding the martyrdom recorded in......................................................78, 129 Batalwi, Maulawi Muhammad Hussain..........54, 55 British Empire...................................................87 does not practise religious coercion..............95 similarity between the Roman and the. . .40, 48 Bukhari, Sahih.............................................65, 66 buruz................................................................75 Caesar...................................................43, 47, 52 camels..................................................................


prophecies regarding the abandonment of in the time of the Promised Messiahas....38, 58, 66, 221, 230 Christians............................................................. are losing ground in the field of reason and argument..........................................51, 158 Comet................................................................... that appeared in the time of Jesus also appeared in the time of the Promised Messiahas.................................................58 Companionsra, the................................................ first consensus among after the demise of the Holy Prophetsa was that all past Prohets are dead...................................................34 Damascus............................................................. it was prophesied that the Promised Messiahas would appear to the east of and Qadian lies precisely to the east of that city.........66 Dar Qutni.............................................................. contains a prophecy about solar and lunar eclipses in the time of the Promised Messiahas.................................................54 Davidas.......................................................42, 68 Dayananda, Swami..........................................120 Dhulqarnain.......................................................... the Promised Messiahas is of this age. . .186, 231 Douglas, Captain................................................... will always be remembered for his courage. .55 Durr-i-Manthur..................................................68 Eclipse.................................................................. prophecies about solar and lunar as a sign for the Promised Messiahas.....3, 38, 53, 58, 66, 116, 221, 230 Elijah.................................................................... did not come back in person in spite of apparent prophecies.............29, 33, 68, 170 returned in the person of Yahyaas. .27, 28, 173 Ferozepur.........................................................70

German Emperor........................................51, 159 Gog and Magog...............................................232 Gospels.............................................................95 have been grossly disfigured..........................3 prophecy about solar and lunar eclipses in the time of the Promised Messiahas...............54 Gulab Shah........................................................... foretold the coming of the Promised Messiahas thirty prior to his advent...........................59 Gurdaspur.................................................55, 133 Habibullah Khan, Amir of Kabul..................85, 238 made repeated offers to Sahibzadah Sahib to recant his faith in return for clemency.....88, 91, 96, 100 reverence for Sahibzadah Sahib.............11, 89 Hadith...............................................................64 Hajj...................................................................... why Abdul Latif Sahib chose to stay on in Qadian and postponed the pilgrimage to Mecca.......................................................14 Hakam (the Arbiter).............................................. the Promised Messiahas as...................61, 224 Hanafis.............................................................61 Hindus............................................................120 Ishmaelites.......................................................61 Jamalpur...........................................................59 Jesusas................................................................. appeared fourteen hundred years after Mosesas, therefore the last Khalifah of the Muslim ummah should appear fourteen hundred years after the Holy Prophetsa. . .16 had a resemblance with Adamas for they were both born without a father........................48 is dead and will never return14, 18, 25, 30, 33, 59, 120 lived to the age of 120..................................46 made it clear that the return to this world of a person only means the coming of someone in his likeness...........................................34

Muslims have attached false hopes with the person of .................................................39 ointment of ................................................230 return of in person will break the seal of Khatm-e-Nabuwwat..................................19 sixteen qualities of........................................48 sixteen similarities between and the Promised Messiahas.................................57 the Holy Prophetsa saw among the souls of the dead on the night of Miraj ...............33 the same comet that appeared in the time of also appeared in the time of the Promised Messiahas.................................58 Jews..................................................................... guilty of tampering with their scriptures.......26 insisted on the physical return of Elijah........34 rejected the Messiah because Elijah did not return before him.....................................27 suffered Divine chastisement for rejecting the Messiah and trying to kill him on the cross ...............................................16, 18, 20, 22 Jihad (religious wars)............................................ the Promised Messiahas did not come to wage .....................................23, 81, 90, 145, 161 John the Baptist................................................27 Jonahas.............................................................68 Joshua...............................................................41 Kabul................................................................98 an epidemic broke out in after the martyrdom.............................................237 the land of shall witness the consequences of the martyrdom...................................131 Kalimah...........................................................114 Kamaluddin, Khawajah......................................81 Karim Bakhsh........................................................ witnessed the prophecy made by Gulab Shah and its fulfilment......................................59 Khatm-e-Nabuwwat............................................... return of Jesusas in person would break the seal of...............................................19, 157

Khost........................................81, 83, 86, 94, 235 Knowledge............................................................ has precedence over deeds..........................15 Langar Khanah.................................136, 141, 143 Lekh Ram.............................................................. fulfilment of the prophecy regarding............70 Ludhiana...........................................................59 Mahdi, the Promised..................................2, 3, 50 Malachi..................................................28, 31, 68 contained the prophecy that Elijah must return before the coming of th Messiah...............27 Malerkotla.......................................................142 Mecca...............................48, 58, 61, 66, 124, 231 Medina.................................................58, 61, 231 Miraj.................................................................... Holy Prophetsa met the soul of Jesusas along with that of Yahya on the night of.............33 Mohyi-ud-Din Ibn Al-Arabi..................................... foretold that the last Successor of the Islamic dispensation would be a Mongol by origin and would be born a twin ........................57 Mongol................................................................. prophecy about the Promised Messiahas being of Mongol origin........................................57 Mosesas............................................................... Muhammadsa has similarities with. . .15, 48, 74 Muhammad Ali Khan, Nawwab, of Malerkotla...142 Muhammad Hussein Kotwal, Brigadier...............85 Muhammad, the Holy Prophetsa............................ appeared to thousands of people in their dreams confirming the truth of the Promised Messiahas.................................59 every man of God in this ummah is exalted through the blessings of ..........................24 forced to take up arms after being exiled from Mecca.......................................................48 had similarities with Mosesas....15, 48, 74, 124 prophecies about the Promised Messiahas.....2

return of would be far more beneficial than that of Jesusas but God did not allow it.....33 saw Jesusas among the souls of the dead on the night of Miraj ....................................33 was Khatamun-Nabiyyin...............................74 Mujaddid.............................................................. the need for a to rejuvenate Islam............13 Mulla Khan........................................................92 Muslim ummah...................................................... began with the like of Mosesas and should culminate with the like of Jesusas.............15 has no need of an Israelite Prophet...............24 similarity between and the Mosaic dispensation.............................................17 the Promised Messiahas had to appear within .................................................................63 would be a disgrace for if the Messiah had to come from outside to reform it.............21 Muslim, Sahih........................................38, 58, 65 Muslims................................................................ commanded not to follow the footsteps of the Jews..........................................................20 God does not desire to take up arms to spread their faith..............................50, 145 have exaggarated the status of Jesusas and are enraged when human shortcomings are attributed to him .....................................39 know very well that God never allows the dead to return to this world...............................33 lost their dominion in India due to their own failings......................................................50 majority of are far removed from the spirit of Islam....................................................13 some will be called Jews because they will reject the Messiah of their time................22 Muwahhid.........................................................90 Nafs-e-Ammarah......................................152, 216 Nasrullah Khan, brother of Amir Habibullah Khan ............................................................100, 238 Nur, Mia Ahmad.....................................235, 238

nuzul.................................................................... meaning of...................................................63 Penitence............................................................. warning prophecies can be averted through.73 Pharaoh............................15, 16, 48, 49, 124, 238 Pilate, Pontius..................................47, 52, 55, 95 and his wife were sympathetic to Jesusas.....44 Captain Douglas is the 'Pilate' of our time. . . .55 Plague...........................................................3, 22 broke out among the Jews when they persecuted the Messiahas............22, 47, 54 fulfilment of the prophecies about. . .3, 66, 221, 228 prophecies relating to...............23, 38, 58, 147 Prayer.................................................................. acceptance of.............................133, 203, 217 there is no greater miracle than the in times of tribulation.......................................................147 is the weapon with which God wishes to make Islam victorious......................................145 meaning of.................................................147 warning prophecies can be averted through.73 what is the purpose of if all things are irrevocably decreed?..............................148 Promised Messiahas, the....................................... addressed by God as 'Adam'...........................6 Allahs promise to protect and his followers ...................................................................9 came to abolish religious wars....................147 challenge to his opponents regarding the fulfilment of his prophecies......................71 had an affinity with Adamas for they were both born twins........................................57 had to appear within the Muslim umma. .63, 65 Heavenly signs in support of...........................3 is 'Dhulqarnain' of this age.........................231 meaning of the prophecy that will descend from heaven clad in two yellow sheets.....75 prophecy about appearing in the sixth millennium after Adamas..........................37


prophecy about the appearance of new forms of transport in the time of.........................38 prophecy about the Promised Messiahas appearing at the turn of the century.........38 Prophethood of is only as a zill or reflection of the Holy Prophetssa prophethood........75 sixteen similarities between and Jesusas. .57 the same comet that appeared in the time of Jesusas also appeared in the time of........58 was to appear from within this ummah.......158 why of all the Khulafa of the Holy Prophetsa, only has been called Prophet................74 will become victorious through prayers......146 Prophecies............................................................ about solar and lunar eclipses in the time of the Promised Messiahas.................3, 38, 54 about the plague..........................................58 about the two martyrdoms.........................129 fulfillment of regarding Atham, Ahmad Baig and Lekh Ram..........................................67 made by the Promised Messiahas fulfilled more clearly than those made by Jesusas.72 of someone's return to this world are not to be taken literally...........................................33 warning can be averted through penitance, prayer and almsgiving..............................73 Protestants.......................................................17 Punjab.......................................................14, 136 breaking out of the plague in..........................3 Qadian.................................................................. Allahs promise to protect...............................8 Gulab Shahs prophecy about the Promised Messiahas being born in...........................59 lies precisely to the east of Damascus..........66 why Sahibzadah Sahib chose to stay on in and postponed the pilgrimage to Mecca...15 Quraish.............................................................56 Quran, the Holy..................................................... all good is to be found in................................7 Allah has promised to safeguard...................20


defends the truth and Prophethood of Jesusas .................................................................28 every word written by the Promised Messiahas is substantiated by.....................................3 foretells the coming of someone in the likeness of Jesusas, not of Jesusas himself 21 guarantees the safety of Holy Prophetsa....124 has called some people of this ummah by the names of Isa and Son of Mary..................32 has named some people of this ummah as 'Jews'........................................................19 has remained free from interpolation...........20 is not in any way dependent on the Torah....24 is sufficient to prove that Jesus is dead and that the Promised Messiahas was to appear from within this umma..............................63 Jesusas is dead and will never return.....14, 30, 39, 64, 72, 93, 159, 223 likens the Promised Messiahas to Dhulqarnain .......................................................231, 232 only the purified can grasp its truths..............7 promise to send Successors to sustain the Muslims in their hour of need...................14 Promised Messiahas would do away with all false commentaries imposed upon...........60 prophecies about the coming of the Promised Messiahas. 38, 56, 58, 65, 72, 116, 158, 222 prophecy about solar and lunar eclipses in the time of the Promised Messiahas...............54 prophecy about the plague.............................3 refutation of the Jews objections against Jesusas.....................................................25 rejects the notion of bodily ascent to heaven .........................................................25, 171 rejects the notion that same old Messiah will return to this world...................................23 similarity between the Holy Prophetsa and Mosesas and their dispensations. .16, 17, 22 the Jews were cursed by Jesusas...................18 the Promised Messiahas says only say what says........................................................155


Traditions that go against must be rejected ...............................................115, 173, 177 wherever the word tawaffa appears in it has no meaning other than death.............26 Abdul Latif Sahib recognized the Promised Messiahas through...................................13 Ramadan..................................38, 54, 58, 66, 230 Review of Religions, The..................................135 Romans.......................................................40, 43 Jews were crushed by as a punishment for rejecting the Messiahas............................22 Satan. .106, 117, 167, 168, 180, 192, 201, 212, 229 Shafiis.............................................................61 tauhid.............................................................231 tawaffa................................................................. the word connotes death and is never used for physical ascension..............................26 Titus.................................................................22 Jews were driven out of the their homes by as a Divine punishment for rejecting the Messiahas.................................................22 Torah..........................................................43, 61 has been grossly disfigured......................3, 20 Holy Quran is in no way dependent on.........24 Traditions............................................................. authentic testify that the Jews incurred Divine displeasure for trying to kill Jesusas on the cross..............................................18 do not say that same Israelite Messiah will return in this ummah................................32 foretell the invention of new forms of transport at the time of the Promised Messiahas.....38 in some certain people of this umma have been named as Jews.................................19 Jesus lived to the age of 120.........................46 only those are acceptable that do not contradict the Holy Quran.................64, 173 prophecy about solar and lunar eclipses in the time of the Promised Messiahas...............54


should not be discarded as long as they conform to the Holy Quran.....................114 testify that the Holy Prophetsa met Jesus among the souls of the dead on the night of Miraj........................................................33 wherever the word tawaffa appears in it has no meaning other than death...................26 Trinity.........................................................51, 67 Yahyaas.....................................................64, 173 the Holy Prophetsa saw Jesusas in the company of on the night of Miraj.........33 27 zill or buruz.......................................................... the Prophethood of the Promised Messiahas is only a (reflection) of the Holy Prophetssa Prophethood.......................................24, 75 Abdul Ahad, Chief Constable...........................100 Abdul Latif, Hadrat Sahibzadah Maulawi............... believed in the Promised Messiahas as surely as if he had seen him descend from heaven .................................................................64 extraordinary faith and conviction of. . .74, 103, 135 found everything written by the Promised Messiahas to be in accordance with the Quran.......................................................14 had no hesitation in accepting the Promised Messiahs claim .......................................10 love for the Promised Messiahas...................10 prophecy regarding the martyrdom of .......129 put his faith above every worldly consideration .................................................................11 refused to recant his faith despite repeated offers of clemency....................................89 the Holy Quran guided towards the Promised Messiahas.................................13 was revered in Kabul as a great divine and scholar......................................................11 why chose to stay on in Qadian and postponed the pilgrimage to Mecca..........14 Abdul Muttalib.................................................61

Abdur Rahman, Amir of Kabul................79, 82, 90 Abdur Rahman, Hadrat Mia............78, 81, 82, 90 prophecy regarding the martyrdom of........129 Abdur Rahman, Seth, of Madras............................ loyalty and devotion of...............................137


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