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Written by Caroline Kaplan

615 E 14th Street Apt 4C New York, NY 10009 914-960-2866

EXT. BLESSED VIRGIN MARY ACADEMY- DAY The tag line for the school sign reads Promoting Academic Excellence Through the Teachings of our Savior Jesus Christ The school parking lot is filled with expensive cars and the sprawling school grounds clearly indicate this is a rich kid school. STUDENTS in school uniforms walk hurriedly from their cars towards the school building not wanting to be late for class. INT. SCHOOL HALLWAY STUDENTS are taking stuff out of their lockers in preparation for the first bell, once it rings morning announcements begin immediately. KAT (O.S./V.O) Hey fellow Greeners, Kat Gardener here, your favorite senior class president to give you this mornings announcements. INT. CLASSROOM- DAY Students are all sitting at their desks in a coed classroom, KAT, 16, mimes throwing up at her desk. KAT (V.O.) (CONTD) First off I hope youre all planning on coming to the pep rally this Friday to support the Holy Spirits in their game against Westbridge, INT. GYMNASIUM Its basketball practice, its obvious they all suck, ONE PLAYER tries to throw a pass and it hits another kid in the head. KAT (V.O.)(CONTD) so we can show them what school spirit is really about!

2. EXT. SCHOOL- RIGHT OUTSIDE THE GYMNASIUM 3 BASKETBALL PLAYERS, wearing the team uniform are beating the shit out the teams mascot who wears a giant dove costume with a huge picture of a golden cross down the middle. KAT (V.O.)(CONTD) Now, are you a fan of good food, fun games and cute animals? Then stop by come to room 1405 for the chess club meeting this afternoon, because Brandon Wiliks just got a new iguana and his mom baked gluten free brownies! INT. CLASSROOM The room number reads, 1405, BRANDON WILIKS (age 14) sits at his desk with the tub of brownies his mom made and his iguana on his shoulder. The iguana is very skirmish and as he tries to hold it in place it bites his ear and blood starts spurting everywhere, he lets out a girlish scream and throws the iguana. The class room is in pandemonium. And big our all KAT (V.O.)(CONTD.) everyone dont forget to give a Virgin Mary welcome to Paulo, new foreign exchange student the way from Nicaragua!

An innocent looking Hispanic kid, PAULO (age 15), looks at the pandemonium in the class room fearfully and edges over to a nearby open window. He looks down 2 stories, contemplating whether or not to jump. KAT (V.O.)(CONTD) Now Ill lead the morning prayers Hail Mary full of grace the lord is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb Jesus. Holy Mary Mother of God pray for us sinners now at the hour of our death. INT. SCHOOL CLASSROOM LIV, age 16, sits in her classroom drawing a picture of a unicorn with an erect penis on its forehead in place of where the horn should go. She rolls her eyes as Kat launches into saying the Hail Mary.

3. While everyone bows their heads in prayer, LIV continues to complete her drawing. Theres a knock at the class room door and the VICE PRINCIPAL enters. VICE PRINCIPAL Liv the principal wants to see you in her office immediately. Everyone looks up from praying as KAT hasnt finished with the Hail Mary. LIV Um hello, Im trying to pray here. Cant you at least wait until I finish asking Mary to pray for my sins? Now! VICE PRINCIPAL

KAT (V.O.) (finishing the prayer) Amen. LIV Just give me one second! She bows her head down to her desk as if deep in prayer. LIV (CONTD) (in a whisper) Ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass ass anus. She puts her head up as if shes about to leave, then bows her head down in prayer again. LIV (CONTD) Anus anus ass ass anus assGET UP! VICE PRINCIPAL

LIV Okay jeez, no need to get your spanx in a bunch. There is a smattering of muffled giggles in the class. INT. ROOM OUTSIDE THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE LIV is sitting there waiting when KAT sees her as she coming out of the office from giving the announcements.

4. A RECEPTIONIST sits behind a desk and there is a basket of muffins on it. KAT Whatd you do this time? LIV Nothing. I think the principal likes to call me in after you to get the piercing sound of your voice out. Fuck you. KAT

LIV Heart. Youre still giving me a ride home today right? KAT Like I have a choice. PRINCIPAL FRANCES opens the door to her office. LIV Hey Kat those muffins look pretty good, and I didnt see you eat breakfast this morning. RECEPTIONIST Oh yeah have one, I baked them fresh this morning. KAT Thanks so much! She takes one and walks out with it. PRINCIPAL FRANCES Liv get in here (in a much kinder voice) See you later Kat, I cant wait to hear your ideas for the spring fundraiser! Liv rolls her eyes and grudgingly walks into the principals office. INT. PRINCIPALS OFFICE LIV takes the seat opposite PRINCIPAL FRANCES. There is a large painting of the Mother Mary behind her desk.

5. PRINCIPAL (holding up a Darth Vader bobble head) I want to know why. Why would you replace all the new mini Jesus statues with Darth Vader bobble heads? LIV (shrugs) It seemed like a good idea at the time. PRINCIPAL FRANCES I honestly dont know what to do with you any more. LIV Soo, can I go? I wouldnt want to miss the rest of religious studies... PRINCIPAL FRANCES No you may not go, I called your mom to join us today but unfortunately she had to work. LIV If by work you mean banging her tennis instructor then yeah that sounds about right... PRINCIPAL FRANCES How you can have such little respect for the person whos taken care of you since you were born? LIV I have the utmost respect for my nanny. PRINCIPAL FRANCES You listen to me young lady, weve had enough of your shenanigans at this school and its time you talk to someone about this. Your standardized testing scores indicate you should be at the top of the class and youre barely scraping by! Why cant you take after your sister, shes been such a good role model for you.

6. LIV Hows that? PRINCIPAL FRANCES By striving for greatness! Shes already been accepted early admission into Yale, LIV Wait, what?! Kat already got accepted in to college? No way, I had no idea! PRINCIPAL FRANCES Use sarcasm all you want but that wont change the fact that while youre in here, shes out there exemplifying what it means to truly follow the word of God. CUT TO: INT. SCHOOL BATHROOM Kat hungrily shoves the muffin in her mouth, eating it in 1 bite. INT. BATHROOM STALL (CONTINUOUS) KAT is purging herself in the toilet. INT. SCHOOL BATHROOM (CONTINUOUS) She opens the stall door to find her friend ASHLEY (age 17, pretty, blond, wearing her hair in the same style as Kats) in the bathroom applying makeup. ASHLEY Guess what I just got? She holds up a little baggy of cocaine. KAT Sweet and low? Funny. ASHLEY

7. She takes the coke begins to make 2 lines using her religion text book as a surface, then roles up her index card sized prayer card, using it as a straw, and snorts it. BACK TO PRINCIPALS OFFICE PRINCIPAL FRANCES Now this little act of yours has cost you 3 days suspension starting now, and once you get back mandatory weekly sessions with the school psychologist. EXT. SCHOOL PARKING LOT- DAY LIV is sitting up against her sisters Mercedes Benz and KAT joins her and starts getting in the car. KAT I cant believe you got suspended again. INT. CAR -CONTINUOUS As shes pulling out of the parking lot LIV goes into the front compartment and takes out a packed bowl that was presumably there from the morning, then takes a hit. Kat sees this and motions to take it. KAT Hold the wheel. LIV Are you sure Kat? I mean youve been looking pretty fat lately, you wouldnt want to get hungry. KAT Fuck you whore. She takes the bowl and takes a hit as LIV holds the wheel. KAT (CONTD) Its all over school you gave that new gym teacher head. Of all the teachers to suck off to get ahead you decided gym would be the best option?

8. LIV What, he looked goood. At least Ill be passing one class this semester. They continue to pass the bowl back and forth, this is a clearly well maneuvered interaction they have done plenty of times before. KAT Youre such a retard. How long are you suspended for anyways? 2 weeks. LIV

KAT What?! Howd you manage that? LIV I called Principal Frances a cunt. KAT (starts to laugh as shes smoking) No seriously. LIV Yeah, seriously. KAT looks at her shocked but slightly impressed, she chokes on the smoke she blows out and starts laughing hysterically as they pull up to a mansion with a gate and a super long drive way. KAT (still laughing) Youre ridiculous. LIV Ridiculously hot! KAT (chuckles) You know, Mom and Dad might actually even notice this one. LIV Pshh, last time Dad to school he was so bluetooth he didnt smoking a J out the gave me a ride focused on his notice I was window.

9. Kat laughs and as the car pulls up Liv notices Kat has a bloody nose. LIV (CONTD) Hey, Kat your nose. What? KAT

Kat looks in the car mirror. Oh. KAT (CONTD)

Kat gets a tissue to wipe it off, her nose is bleeding a lot. LIV Are you okay? This is the 3rd day in a row youve perioded out of your nose. KAT Youre sick. And yes, Im fine. KAT gets out of the car, still tending to her nose and LIV follows. EXT. OUTSIDE GARDENER HOUSE They walk up the steps to their expansive house, complete with tennis courts, a pool and a guest house. LIV Riight, so wheres number 2 today? KAT Can you stop calling her that? LIV Everyone else at school does. KAT I really dont understand why, KAT opens the door to reveal a modern style decorated living room. INT. GARDENER LIVING ROOM (CONTINUOUS) They walk into the house.

10. KAT (CONTD) shes been my best friend since we were like 6, shes super talented and we do everything together. LIV Umm yeah, except she does it second. (ticking off on her fingers) Shes ranked second in the class behind you, shes the student body vice president, shes co-captain of the cheer leading team, and shes dating your ex boyfriend. Ashley is standing in the doorway and waltzes into their house in her cheer leading uniform. LIV (CONTD) Hey number 2. ASHLEY Its Ashley. And youre a slut. Ashley throws her bag onto to their couch and sits down like she owns the place, propping her feet up onto the glass table in the living room. Enter PATRICIA GARDNER, age 45, though she looks more like shes 30 with blond highlights, a ton of botox and breast implants. PATRICIA Um Cindy can you please take your feet off my Venetian glass room center piece? ASHLEY Its Ashley. And so are you. Both Liv and Kat chuckle at this. Im sorry? PATRICIA

ASHLEY Nothing, (smiling sweetly) and but of course Mrs. Gardener. Ashley daintily takes her feet off the table.

11. PATRICIA Right, well Im off to the club for some tennis, if I could just find my purse... Patricia starts looking around the room for it, past a mantel piece full of trophies and medals for Kat and brushes by her in the looking process. PATRICIA (CONTD) Oh, Kat how was school today? Youre dad is so proud of your accomplishments there, and with you going off to Yale in the fall... it was his Alma matter you know. KAT Yes I do know, because its pretty much the only thing he spoke about when I was applying to colleges. PATRICIA Well no need to get snippy about it. LIV You know mom I think dads been really proud of your accomplishments too, I mean you must be like a tennis pro now with all these lessons youve been getting. PATRICIA Of course, of course, and how was your day Liv? Staying out of trouble I hope? LIV No more trouble than you had when you got so much botox you looked constipated for a month. Liv mimics the constipated face and Ashley and Kat giggle remembering. PATRICIA (angry) Youd better be keeping your nose clean, that last prank you pulled cost your father a fortune in school donations.

12. ASHLEY Well its not as clean as Kats of course (Ashley and Kat smirk each other) but dont worry were all make sure she doesnt get more trouble.

me and at there to into any

PATRICIA Thats what I like to hear, and oh! Found it. PATRICIA picks up her purse from one of the living room chairs and exits. ASHLEY (turns to Kat) So, are you ready to go practice some Blessed Virgin Mary school spirit! KAT Shit I thought I told you I couldnt since I promised Grace Id meet her at the school chapel to brain storm some ideas for the Teachings of our Lord and Savior Outreach Program for Troubled Youths. Speaking of, (turning to Liv) Wanna smoke me out again first? It helps bring out my creativity and commune with God in a church setting. LIV Anything to bring you closer to God... As Liv gets to work rolling another J Kat gets a text and looks at it. KAT Oh wait never mind, apparently Grace needs some alone time praying today, so looks like Im all yours Ash. Sweet, ASHLEY

She picks up her bag and they start to head out the door.

13. ASHLEY (CONTD) (to Liv) Peace out smut. KAT Yeah, I guess we wont be seeing you tomorrow. Liv responds by giving them the finger as they slam the door. INT. OUTSIDE THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE- MORNING STUDENTS are rushing to make it to their first class on time, and Kat is about to enter the office to do her normal morning announcements when she sees GRACE, (age 15, shes the picturesque catholic school student, with a bible in her hand and a rosary around her neck) coming out of PRINCIPAL FRANCESS office sniffling, clearly having just been crying a lot. KAT Grace, is everything okay? Grace takes one look at her and bursts into tears again running off down the hallway. Kat looks at her with concern, then opens the door to the office. INT. ROOM OUTSIDE THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE (CONTINUOUS) Principal Frances opens the door and looks at Kat gravely. PRINCIPAL FRANCES Kat, can you come in here please? KAT Of course I still have to do the morning announcements... PRINCIPAL FRANCES Ill be doing them myself this morning. INT. PRINCIPALS OFFICE (CONTINUOUS) KAT takes the seat opposite her, and PRINCIPAL FRANCES throws down a large bag of cocaine onto the desk.

14. PRINCIPAL FRANCES A very concerned student brought this to me this morning, saying she found it in your locker when she went to borrow your bible studies book. Is this true? KAT WHAT? Thats absurd! Ive been at this school since 1st grade, do you honestly think I would do something so harmful to my body after all weve been taught? PRINCIPAL FRANCES I wouldnt think so but(she looks down at the bag of coke) KAT Im so so sorry could you please hold that thought for one second? Liv was hogging the bathroom all morning and I havent had a chance to pee yet... PRINCIPAL FRANCES Of course go ahead. INT. BATHROOM IN THE RECEPTION AREA KAT purges over the toilet, flushes and then looks in the mirror, wipes off her face and brings out a mini bottle of mouth wash to rinse with. Another look in the mirror, deep breath and she forces a smile as she opens the door to the Principals office. INT. PRINCIPALS OFFICE (CONTINUOUS) KAT takes her seat again across from Principal Frances. PRINCIPAL FRANCES Ive already called your parents and made it very clear they have to come in tomorrow to discuss this. I have no choice but to expel you, which obviously means you wont be able to attend Yale in the fall. Now I know this may seem like a lot to handle now but we all just want you to get help...

15. The principals last sentence is drowned out as Kat starts staring at and her breathing gets heavier and heavier, she then picks up a Jesus figurine on the desk and starts violently smashing it over Principal Frances head repeatedly until it breaks with blood streaming down the PRINCIPALS face... Kat blinks out of her day dream and they are sitting in the same position as before. PRINCIPAL FRANCES (CONTD) Umm Kat hello? KAT Sorry, what? PRINCIPAL FRANCES Why dont you go home and well talk with your parents tomorrow. EXT. GARDENER HOUSE - DAY KAT is driving up recklessly and the tires screech as she gets out and runs up the steps and into the house. INT. GARDENER LIVING ROOM (CONTINUOUS) In the house she starts to breath really heavily, on the verge of the panic attack. LIV (O.S.) (calling from another room in the house) Kat?! Is that you? Kat continues to pace back and forth rapidly, breathing heavily when Liv enters. LIV (CONTD) Hey whats going on? KAT (whispering under her breath) My life is over, my life is over, my life is over, oh my god, oh my god, LIV goes over to her and grabs her shoulders forcing her to make eye contact.

16. LIV Okay slow down, what happened? KAT (she manages to get the words out in between sobs) Grace found coke in my locker and brought it to the principal and now Im being expelled and I cant go to Yale and, and, and... (she collapses into another pit of sobs) LIV Stop crying, its not going to help your situation... it only makes you seem more guilty. (Kat looks at her sheepishly) Wait, was it actually your coke? KAT So maybe I have been indulging a little more than I should but whatever, its my senior year, I had already gotten into college... and how the fuck else was I supposed to get the energy to act excited about being president of like every committee and stay at the top of my class... LIV Dude your nose is bleeding again. Ugh fuck. KAT

She gets a tissue to wipe her nose off. KAT (CONTD) Okay, so its obviously gotten a little out of hand... LIV Um yeah ya think? (gesturing to her bloody nose) And cocaine Kat, really? Like pick a more stereotypical rich kid drug I dare you... (MORE)

17. LIV (CONT'D) I mean if youre gonna get caught at least make it with something cool like Special K or Angel Dust. KAT Ok well sorry if my drug of choice wasnt cool enough for you but that doesnt change the fact that my life is fucking over! LIV Look, we can fix this. In fact in a fucked up sort of way this really solves all of our problems. KAT Oh so you wanna kill yourself too? LIV No retard, Ill just take the blame. I mean it wouldnt come as a surprise to anyone, and as much as I love our super elitist competitive Jesus freak school if I had known dad couldnt buy his way out of them finding a bag of coke in my locker I wouldve done it long ago. KAT Oh my gosh sis thank you so much you have actually saved my life. LIV Well I do have one condition though. KAT What? Anything. LIV Get some fucking help! Go to rehab or some shit I mean seriously, how are gonna start college as a cokehead? KAT Oh yeah and that wont look suspicious at all if right after you say your an addict I tell mom and dad I need to be sent to rehab.

18. LIV So go to one of those meetings they have in like a church or some shit. KAT Well you do know how much I love our chapel. (they both chuckle) KAT (CONTD) Wait, how is principal Frances gonna believe you actually felt guilt over me getting caught instead of you? I mean in her eyes youre the fucking antichrist. LIV Dont worry... Ill think of something. EXT. SCHOOL GROUNDS, JUST OUTSIDE THE CHAPEL PAULO, 16 and Hispanic looking is walking towards the chapel in his uniform when Liv spots him and catches up to him. LIV Hey, Paulo! Whatcha doing? PAULO (speaking with a heavy accent) I am going for the, the, LIV Confession? PAULO Si. I am sorry mi ingles is no good. Liv starts speaking in fluent Spanish, there are English subtitles. LIV Thats okay. (checking her watch) The priest wont be here for another 30 minutes or so... She looks across the quad to see Grace on her way to the chapel.

19. LIV (CONTD) but if you want Ill listen to your sins. (she says this suggestively) PAULO Umm thats okay, I wouldnt want to trouble you. LIV Oh its no trouble at all, in fact they actually encourage peers to help one another here at Blessed Virgin Mary Academy, my friend Grace and I usually come early so we can do it but she must be running late. PAULO Well, okay. INT. CHAPEL (CONTINUOUS) Inside the chapel they walk back to the confession booths and Liv pulls back the curtain to lead him into one of the small rooms. INT. CONFESSION BOOTH She opens the curtain to go into the other side, each booth consists of a chair and in Livs a place to kneel before the divider. There is a large screen so you cant see the persons face, and as they sit down on opposite sides Liv slides the screen open so they are face to face. PAULO Umm, isnt that supposed to stay closed? LIV Not in peer to peer confession, I mean you already know who I am dont you? PAULO Right well-

20. LIV Look I know coming to a new place can be tough and I just want to welcome you to our school. So... have you been bad lately? PAULO Umm I dont think so... LIV You seem like youve been pretty bad. But thats okay because Im going to make you feel better. How so? PAULO

Liv kneels down up so shes up against the divider, looking up and making eye contact with Paulo as hes seated on the opposite side. LIV Come closer. Nervously Paulo stands up and moves closer, never taking his eyes off of Liv. LIV (CONTD) Now take off your pants. Eyes widening with excitement Paulo does as hes told and positions himself so hes ready to get head. Smiling up at him Liv takes out a baggy of white powder and pours it on his dick. PAULO (alarmed) What, what, what are you doing? LIV Relax, its just a little powdered sugar. Its customary in the states to do this when giving head, so as to bring more pleasure to the woman. Really? Yes now, PAULO LIV

She pauses to glance at her watch, then meets his eyes again.

21. LIV (CONTD) Come here so I can taste you. He moves closer and she leans down to him just close enough for her nose to graze the tip of his dick. (though well probably just see his face) LIV (CONTD) Smells delicious. She is about to go down when her side of the curtain is thrust opened and we find Grace standing there shocked and appalled. LIV (CONTD) (switching back to English) Oh hey Grace, did you wanna do the next line? (gesturing to Paulos boner) Grace sees the white powder under her nose and looks from him to her in horror, Paulo quickly zips his pants back up and both he and Liv exit the booth. INT. CHAPEL (CONTINUOUS) GRACE I, I, you, you, you, ooh theres a devil inside of you. LIV Does he look good? GRACE You need to come with me right now. Ive made I horrible mistake I just hope the lord can forgive me... PAULO (in Spanish) What? What is happening? (turning to Liv) What is she saying? LIV (in Spanish) Shes upset because the priest caught her dry humping that statue of Jesus nailed to the cross earlier.

22. She gestures to the large one at the center of the alter, Paulo looks at her in horror. GRACE What are you saying to him? (to Paulo in a slow loud voice) Can you speak English? PAULO (to Liv) I do not care to speak with this sick, sick bitch. LIV (in Spanish) Fair enough. (back to Grace) Im pretty sure he doesnt. GRACE Well youre coming with me! She grabs Liv by the arm and drags her out of the chapel. INT. PRINCIPALS OFFICE Kat is sitting in between her parents across from the principal, her mother is in hysterics and her father JIM GARDENER is seething mad. PATRICIA (crying) I just dont see how this couldve happened we raised her with such love and care! JIM GARDENER Something like this wouldve never happened in my day, youve clearly let drugs to run rampant in this school and then you have the nerve to blame my daughter for your ignorance!? He slams him fist on the desk in anger when Grace opens the door holding Liv, who still has powder under her nose, by the arm and Grace is in hysterics. GRACE Principal Frances, principal Frances Ive made a horrible mistake. Livs the addict, not Kat.

23. PATRICIA Oh thank god. LIV Well hello to you too mom, dad. I didnt know we were doing family bonding today. I have to say Im a little insulted I wasnt invited... PRINCIPAL FRANCES Liv is this true? GRACE I just caught her, I caught her... oh its too horrible to even say aloud. LIV I was doing lines of coke off that foreign exchange students boner. Her parents and the principal wince, Kat stifles a laugh. JIM GARDENER God you disgust me. PATRICIA Oh Liv how could you? LIV Well it was quite simple really he just sort of... PATRICIA I meant how could you do such a thing to your sister? And you were just gonna let her take the blame? LIV Well yeah pretty much. Needless to say I guess I wont be coming back here again. Now if youll please excuse me, I really dont like crying in front of people. She exits. JIM GARDENER Kat can you give us a minute with the principal here? Well understand if you dont want to drive your sister home today.

24. KAT Its okay dad. No matter what she does I know God would want me to forgive her. Oh, PATRICIA

(teary eyed) My little angel. Kat exits. INT. GIRLS BATHROOM STALL Kat purges herself in the toilet, INT. GIRLS BATHROOM (CONTINUOUS) When she comes out Liv is waiting there for her with a travel sized tooth brush and toothpaste. Kat takes it gratefully and brushes her teeth. KAT Thanks. (pause) Really. LIV You know how you could really thank me? Kat spits out into the sink. How? KAT

LIV Stop making me watch you hurt yourself all the time and get your shit together. I mean what the fucks the point of being the poster child for success when youre totally miserable on the inside? KAT What, and youre not? LIV Not enough to shove my finger down my throat just to feel like I have control over my life.

25. KAT No, youd rather just suck every dick you come across hoping itll give you some inkling of self esteem. LIV Where as you apparently have to snort everything you come across just to feel okay about the fact that youve become everything you used to hate! KAT Not everything. Theres someone else I know who uses meaningless sex as an attempt to forget about how unfulfilling their life is... who is it, who is it... LIV Dont you dare. KAT Oh thats right, at least I know Ill never turn out to be just like mom. Some RANDOM GIRL comes into the bathroom, stopping the fight. LIV Ill be by the car. She storms out. INT. PRINCIPALS OFFICE Patricia and Jim are seated in the same position, pleading with the principal. PRINCIPAL FRANCES Im sorry but theres no way Im allowing her back in this school. JIM GARDENER Look, Mrs. Frances please. My family has been at this school for three generations just tell me how much its going to take to make this go away.

26. PRINCIPAL FRANCES Im sorry Mr. Gardener but its a matter of principal. Your daughter needs professional help. EXT. SCHOOL PARKING LOT- DAY Liv stands at the car angrily attempting to light her cigarette but the lighter wont work. Kat walks up to her. KAT Look Im sorry okay I didnt mean it. LIV Yes you did. She continues to furiously attempt to light the cigarette, Kat takes out her own lighter and does it for her. Liv then takes a pill bottle out of her purse and pops one. KAT Whats that? LIV Moms pain killers from her 2nd face lift. I took it from her medicine cabinet last night. KAT Are you sure you should beLiv cuts her off with an incredulous stare. LIV


KAT Oh, fuck it give me one. Liv does and Kat takes it. KAT (CONTD) Look, youre nothing like her. Liv eyes her moms pill bottle in her hand wearily and then looks at Kat. LIV Thats what I keep telling myself.

27. KAT Youre never going to be like her. I wont let you. Liv takes a long drag, LIV Always a comfort to know youve got a bulimic cokehead looking out for you. Fuck you. KAT

LIV Im just trying to make the point that youre all Ive got okay? And it really sucks watching you self destruct all the time. Liv continues to smoke her cigarette. KAT Look once I get away from all of this (gesturing to the school grounds) The only expectations Ill have to live up to are my own. LIV Yeah somehow that doesnt comfort me. KAT Im gonna be fine. Were both gonna be fine. Now lets go get high before mom and dad finish trying to buy their way out of another problem. Liv spots their parents approaching from across the parking lot. Too late. LIV

Their parents approach them with grim expressions on their faces. LIV (CONTD) (once their parents reach them) (MORE)

28. LIV (CONTD) Soo now that Virgin Mary Academy doesnt seem to think I dont qualify as a student here anymore... where to next? I know there are a bunch of public schools in the area... PATRICIA Oh dont worry sweetie you havent been expelled. Principal Frances agreed to let you off with a warning. LIV Seriously?! After all that Im still allowed to return to school on Monday? (to her dad) What, did you offer her our house or something? JIM GARDENER (ignoring Liv, he looks up from scrolling through his blackberry and turns toward Patricia) Look Ive got to get back to the office, if you still want a ride to the club weve got to go now. He starts walking to his car. PATRICIA (to Liv) Your father smoothed things over. LIV Well what about my drug problem? PATRICIA (distracted, looking as their father approaches his car from across the lot) Im sure you had your reasons... any ways Kat if youre still okay with taking Liv back to the house Im gonna go catch a ride with your father. Patricia runs to catch up with him as Kat and Liv stare at her dumbfounded. Then Liv turns towards the car and kicks it as hard as she can.

29. LIV


KAT Look at it this way, you only have another year there and at least neither of us got into any trouble. LIV God, its like no matter what I do theres no escape from them. They both get into the car, Liv slamming her door in frustration. INT. CAR- DAY Kat is driving away from the school and Liv is clearly still really upset. KAT Hey, I know Im supposed to visit Yale this weekend but if you want I can just put it off and we can just like hang out or whatever. LIV Its fine, Im sure Ill find something else to distract me. INT. LIVS BEDROOM- NIGHT Liv is in bed banging JOSEPH (early 20s, attractive) not troubling to keep her voice down. JOSEPH Arent you worried about your parents waking up? LIV I doubt theyre even here, and even if they are its not like theyre coming in here. Now do you wanna keep asking questions or just shut up and fuck me. He responds by resuming thrusting into her.

30. INT. GARDENER FRONT HALL- NIGHT Patricia lets two big muscly MEN with tatoos into the house, they are both wearing black shirts. PATRICIA (in a lowered voice) Hi, thank you so much for coming. They nod at her. MAN 1 Where is she? He takes out a tazer gun while the other man has handcuffs. PATRICIA Asleep upstairs. (seeing their weapons) Is that really necessary? I mean I really dont think she can put up that much of a struggle, she only weighs about 110 pounds. MAN 2 Its just a precaution. MAN 1 And youd be surprised what these troubled teens can do. JIM GARDENER (to his wife) Well hes got that right. PATRICIA I just think a gentler approach might be more effective. INT. LIVS BEDROOM- NIGHT Her and the guy are banging with more intensity. LIV Harder! Harder! Yes! Do you wanna try choking me? JOSEPH (taken aback) I mean like I guess...

31. INT. GARDENER FRONT HALL- NIGHT The two men are eyeing the stairs while Jim stands there impatiently. JIM GARDENER Honey, just let them do what we hired them for. MAN 1 Thank you. Now where did you say she is? PATRICIA Up the stairs, its the second bedroom on the left. INT. GARDENER HOUSE- STAIRS (CONTINUOUS) The men slowly start to walk up the stairs. INT. LIVS BEDROOM- NIGHT Theyre still banging. Yes! Yes! LIV

Joseph grunts in response. INT. GARDENER HOUSE- STAIRS (CONTINUOUS) The men continue their slow ascent up the stairs. PATRICIA (calling to them) Wait! Maybe I should be there, you know to make her feel safer. The men exchange dubious looks. MAN 1 Um sure whatever you want. Her mom walks to the stairs to join them.

32. INT. LIVS BEDROOM- NIGHT JOSEPH (in a whisper) Yeah, you like that? LIV (loudly) Fuck! Yes harder! JOSEPH (still in a whisper) Shut up! You may not care about waking your parents but I do. He covers her mouth and they continue to bang. INT. STAIRS OF GARDENER HOUSE The men continue their slow ascent up the stairs, with Sophias mom tailing behind. INT. LIVS BEDROOM- NIGHT They continue banging and Liv lets out another moan muffled by the guys hand. INT. SECOND FLOOR LANDING Theyve reached the top of the stairs. PATRICIA (in a whisper) Its the second door right over there. The men continue to creep forward until they reach the door, Patricia waits at the end of the hall. Man 1 places his ear to the door, hearing a muffled version of Livs cries of delight. MAN 1 (to Patricia) Are you sure shes asleep in there? PATRICIA (suddenly defensive) Dont you think I would know if my own daughter was asleep or not?

33. Looking at each other and shrugging, the two men open the door and flip on the light switch to find Liv in bed with Joseph, who is covering her mouth and choking her as they bang. MAN 2 (calling to her standing at the end of the hallway) Oh my God, Mrs. Gardener your daughter is being raped! Patricia rushes towards the door. INT. LIVS BEDROOM (CONTINUOUS) Liv pushes Joseph off her as she sees the two men enter with their tazer and handcuffs ready. LIV What the fuck? Mom what the hell is going on? PATRICIA I could ask you the very same question! Joseph what are you doing to my daughter?! LIV Oh Im sorry I managed to find the one pool boy you hired who you havent slept with. (looking at the two men) Who the fuck are you? PATRICIA Theyre here to help. Joseph looks at the two men and looks at his boss in horror. JOSEPH Well I wouldnt want to intrude on what seems to be a family issueHe starts rapidly gathering his clothes, seeing the exit from her room is blocked he walks out onto her balcony to make a quick gettaway. LIV (shouting after Joseph) So your just gonna leave me here with them?!

34. EXT. BALCONY FROM LIVS ROOM Joseph jumps off and lands in the bushes below, he then sprints away from the house. INT. LIVS BEDROOM (CONTINUOUS) She eyes the two muscley guys fearfully. LIV Seriously who the fuck are you guys? Mom?! MAN 1 Maybe its best if you let us take it from here. Patricia nods and retreats to the hallway. MAN 2 Look, youll make this a lot easier on yourself if you just cooperate with us. LIV You still havent told me who the fuck you are! MAN 1 Like your mom said, were here to help you. Im sure youll thank her for this later. MAN 2 Now are you going to cooperate and come with us? LIV Im not going anywhere with either of you until some one tells me what the fucks going on! MAN 1 Well explain in the car. Eyeing the two men Liv makes a beeline for her balcony, the two men act fast and catch her before she is able to make it outside. Man 2 pins her down to the floor and attempts to put his handcuffs on her but before he can do so she head-butts him, knocking his head backwards and leaving him with a bloody nose.

35. She uses this temporary distraction to push him off her, and struggles to get up and run towards the balcony. Before she can do so fully, Man 1 grabs her ankle, bringing her down to the floor once again. She kicks him in the face, further bloodying his nose, during their struggle Man 2 shuts the glass door to the balcony blocking off her only other exit. Seeing this she kicks Man 1 in the face again and with all her might she runs into Man 2, hoping to break the glass behind him but he doesnt budge. Just as he takes out his tazer gun she grabs the nearest thing she can find, her desk lamp, and smashes it over his head. He remains standing (the desk lamp wasnt very big) but crouches over in pain as she searches for more items to hit him with. By this time Man 1 has gotten up and runs at her, ready to pin her to the floor again, she sees his reflection in the glass and moves out of the way just in time for him to run into Man 2, their combined weight breaking the glass with both of them falling onto the balcony, howling in agony at the broken glass. FUCK! MAN 2

As Man 2 pushes Man 1 off of him and Liv eyes the men outside and quickly grabs her moms pill bottle out of her desk drawer pocketing it. She then proceeds to run to her bedroom door, the now only available exit, when her parents enter the room. JIM GARDENER What the hell is all this commotion? Seeing the 2 men struggling to their feet, bloodied from the broken glass, he turns to Patricia. JIM GARDENER (CONTD) You said these men were professionals and yet they cant even subdue our 16 year old daughter? LIV Oh sorry if Im making this kidnapping more difficult than you anticipated dad but will someone please tell me what the fuck is going on?

36. PATRICIA Sweetie we just want to help you. Thats why were sending you for rehabilitation in the wilderness, LIV Your WHAT?! PATRICIA Youll be amongst other troubled teens like yourself, its for your own good. JIM GARDENER Shes got that right. Maybe then youll learn some respect for your parents. LIV It doesnt matter where you send me but let me assure you I will NEVER respect either of you. I fucking hate you! And if you think for one second that some As she is speaking the men have gotten to their feet and are approaching her from behind slowly as she is speaking. Her parents see them and let her continue on with her rant. LIV (CONTD) Wilderness therapy is gonna change that then the two of you are even stupider than I thought! I meanHaving reached her, Jim gives the 2 men a nod and Man 2 tazes her in the neck, cutting off what she was about to say. She falls to her knees convulsing slightly and Man 1 cuffs her. EXT. OUTSIDE GARDENER HOUSE- NIGHT Man 1 walks her towards a large SUV waiting in the driveway, with Man 2 following closely behind. She continues to struggle against his handcuffs and shout at her parents who are watching from the front porch. Jim looks on solemnly while Patricia cries. LIV (to her mother) Oh wipe those fake tears off your face you fucking whore! Even Man 1 is taken aback at this and slightly loosens his grip on Liv.

37. LIV (CONTD) If you gave two shits about me then you wouldnt be shipping me off to the wilderness just so you dont have to deal with problems you caused! Patricia continues to sob and Liv kicks Man 1 in the shins and run across the lawn in an attempt to escape. Man 2 runs after her and tazes her once more, she fights the convulsions this time and struggles to keep running. He tazes her a second time until she is on the ground convulsing, then Man 1 and Man 2 pick her up and force her into the dark SUV.

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