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1 Fuqua School of Business Duke University 100 Fuqua Drive Durham, NC 27708 908.304.3898 avni.shah@duke.


Avni M. Shah
Education Duke University
Ph.D., Business Administration Advisors: Jim Bettman and John Payne Expected May 2015

Dartmouth College
A.B., High Honors, Cum Laude, Psychology and Religion 2007


Research Interests
Intertemporal Choice; Judgment and Decision-Making; Choice Goal Dynamics; Household Financial Decision-Making; Psychology of Money

Shah, A.M. & Wolford, G. (2007). Buying behavior as a function of parametric variation in number of choices. Psychological Science 18 (5): 369-370. Lead Article.

Under Review
Shah, Avni M., Peter A. Ubel, James R. Bettman, Punam Anand Keller and Julie Edell Britton. Investigating how Financial Disincentives and Evaluative Labels Influence Demand for Unhealthy Products: Evidence from the Lab and Field, (under review).

Selected Work in Progress

Shah, Avni M., James R. Bettman, and John Payne. How the psychological tangibility of costs affects buying behavior in the face of an increasing choice set. (*Manuscript in prep, target submission date: September 2013). Shah, Avni M., James R. Bettman, and John Payne. How the psychological tangibility of money affects loss aversion. (*Manuscript in prep, target submission date: October 2013)

Updated: September 2013

2 Addoum, Jawad*, Howard Kung*, and Avni M. Shah*. How intra-household bargaining power and heterogeneity in risk aversion affect asset allocation. (*Equal Authorship; Manuscript in prep, target submission date: November 2013).

Conference Presentations
Shah, A.M., Bettman, J., Payne, J. How the psychological tangibility of costs affects buying behavior in the face of an increasing choice set. Oral Paper Presentation at Society for Judgment and Decision-Making, November 2013, Toronto, CA. Shah, A.M., Bettman, J., Payne, J. No Pain, All Gain: Examining the influence of pain of payment on loss aversion and propensity for gambling. Poster at Society for Judgment and Decision-Making Conference, November 2013, Toronto, CA. Addoum, J.*, Kung, H.*, and Shah, A.M.*. Risky Business: How intrahousehold bargaining power and gender differences in risk aversion affect asset allocation. Paper Presentation at Association for Consumer Research, October 4, 2013, Chicago, IL. (*Equal Authorship). *Session co-chair (with Kathleen Vohs): Beyond Reciprocity: Examining the Interplay Between Money & Relationships. Shah, A.M., Bettman, J., Keller, P.A., Britton, J.E., and Ubel, P. A. Does this label make me look fat?: Investigating the effect of price, numeric, and evaluative labels on demand for unhealthy products. Paper Presentation at Association for Consumer Research, October 5, 2013, Chicago, IL. Shah, A.M., Bettman, J., Keller, P.A., Ubel, P. Does this tax make me look fat?: Using stigma-inducing labels to decrease unhealthy food consumption. Paper Presentation at Theory & Practice in Marketing, May 30, 2013, London, UK. Shah, A.M., Kung, H., Addoum, J. Marital dynamics and portfolio choice: The link between intra-household frictions and gender differences in risk aversion on portfolio compositions. Paper Presentation (Plenary Session) at Boulder Summer Conference for Consumer Financial Decision-Making, May 20, 2013, Boulder, CO. Shah, A.M., Bettman, J., Payne, J. No Pain, All Gain: Examining the influence of pain of payment on loss aversion and propensity for gambling. Poster at Boulder Summer Conference for Consumer Financial Decision Making, May 19, 2013, Boulder, CO.

Updated: September 2013

3 Shah, A.M., Bettman, J., Payne, J. How the pain of payment affects buying behavior in the face of variety. Paper Presentation at Association for Consumer Research, Vancouver, BC. October 2012 *Session co-chair (with Kathleen Vohs): The Mere Idea of Money Alters Consumer Welfare, Preferences, and Morality. Shah, A.M., Bettman, J., Payne, J. The Paradox of Plastic: The moderating effect of mode of payment on buying behavior as the number of alternatives increases. Poster at Boulder Summer Conference for Consumer Financial Decision Making, June 24 2012, Boulder, CO. Andreasen, A., Ariely, D. Bloom, P., Britton, J.E., Dahl, D., Fitzsimons, G., Griskevicius, V., Keller, P., Lee, A., & Shah, A.M. Nudging our Way to a Better Tomorrow: Bridging the Gap between Consumer Behavior Research and Public Policy. Roundtable panel at Association for Consumer Research, St. Louis, MO. October 15, 2011. *Roundtable session chair


Teaching Interests
Consumer Behavior, Marketing Management, Healthcare Marketing, Marketing Research, Marketing Strategy, Marketing Intelligence

Guest Lecturer
Duke University- Fuqua Introduction 898: Irrational Choices, Unconscious Decisions, and Market Failure (Instructor: Peter Ubel). October 1, 2012 Executive/Cross-Continental MBA Students. Duke University- Fuqua Introduction 898: Irrational Choices, Unconscious Decisions, and Market Failure (Instructor: Peter Ubel). November 16, 2012 Full-time MBA Students. Duke University- Fuqua Introduction 898: Irrational Choices, Unconscious Decisions, and Market Failure (Instructor: Peter Ubel). November 20, 2011 Full-time MBA Students. Dartmouth College Psychology 23: Social Psychology (Instructor: Thalia Wheatley). January 18, 2008

Teaching Assistantships
Fuqua Introduction 898: Irrational Choices, Unconscious Decisions, and Market Failure (Instructor: Peter Ubel). Fall Term 2012 - Executive/CrossContinental MBA Students.

Updated: September 2013

4 Fuqua Introduction 491.02: Irrational Choices, Unconscious Decisions, and Market Failure (Instructor: Peter Ubel). Fall Term II 2012 - Full-time MBA Students. Fuqua Introduction 491.02: Irrational Choices, Unconscious Decisions, and Market Failure (Instructor: Peter Ubel). Fall Term II 2011 - Full-time MBA Students. Health Management 368.401: Healthcare Marketing (Instructor: Preyas Desai). Spring Term II 2012 Full-time MBA Students.


Duke University Graduate Fellowship, Duke University Intramural Research Training Award, National Institute of Health (NIAMS) Benner Prize for Excellence in Research, Dartmouth College High Honors in Psychology, Dartmouth College Dickey Center Class of 1966 International Internship Award, Dartmouth College

20102009-2010 2007 2007 2006

Doctoral Coursework

Special Topics in Consumer Behavior (Instructor: Jim Bettman) Special Topics in Consumer Behavior (Instructor: Jim Bettman) Survey of Consumer Behavior (Instructor: Jim Bettman) Quantitative Methods in Marketing (Instructor: Carl Mela) Marketing Strategy (Instructor: Chris Moorman) Special Topics in Consumer Behavior (Instructor: Jim Bettman) Behavioral Decision Theory (Instructor: John Payne) Fall 2012 Spring 2012 Fall 2011 Fall 2011 Spring 2011 Fall 2010 Fall 2010

The Self (Instructor: Mark Leary) Automaticity (Instructor: Tanya Chartrand) Motivation, Goals, Social Behavior (Instructor: Jim Shah) Social Psychology (Instructor: Jim Shah) Spring 2012 Spring 2011 Spring 2011 Fall 2010

Regression (Instructor: Madeline Carrig) Consumer Research Methods (Instructor: Tanya Chartrand) Experimental Design & Analysis (Instructor: Julie Edell Britton) Analysis of Variance (Instructor: Madeline Carrig) Spring 2012 Fall 2011 Spring 2011 Fall 2010

Updated: September 2013


James R. Bettman Fuqua School of Business Duke University 100 Fuqua Drive Durham, NC 27708 919.660.7851 John Payne Fuqua School of Business Duke University 100 Fuqua Drive Durham, NC 27708 919.660.7850 George Wolford 6207 Moore Hall Dartmouth College Hanover, NH 03755 603.646.2777

Peter Ubel Fuqua School of Business Duke 100 Fuqua Drive Durham, NC 27708 919.660.8003 Punam Anand Keller Tuck School of Business Dartmouth College 100 Tuck Hall Hanover, NH 27708 603.646.1336

Updated: September 2013

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