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Configuring XenApp Display Settings rev08.17.


Configuring XenApp Display Settings

Applications delivered by XenApp can be configured to display at varying sizes on the screen. This setting can also be applied to published desktop environments delivered via XenApp. Depending on the display settings used this can affect how much of the desktop UI is visible as well as how certain keyboard commands are handled. For example: A Windows desktop session being delivered by XenApp at Full Screen will fill the entire screen and respond to the ALT+TAB command in the same way a standalone PC running Windows would - by cycling through any Windows applications that are currently running. However, a desktop being delivered at a percentage of the screen size (90%, for example) will leave part of the Receiver interface visible behind it and ALT+TAB commands will cycle you through open XenApp applications rather than affecting your Windows desktop session. Other display settings may result in portions of the desktop UI being hidden or difficult to see, such as the Windows Task Bar towards the bottom of the screen. This article provides a brief overview of the settings that affect application and XenApp published desktop display sizes as well as including some visual references for different display modes.

The information contained within this article is relevant for the following NComputing products: N400 N500 N500w

Accessing Citrix Application Display Settings

1. From your XenApp server, open the Citrix App Center. 2. Under Citrix Resources -> [name of your XenApp farm] -> Applications, locate the application or published desktop that you wish to adjust. 3. Right-click on the application or published desktop and select "Application Properties" from the right-click menu.

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Configuring XenApp Display Settings rev08.17.12

4. In the Application Properties menu, expand the Advanced category and click on Appearance. 5. You can now adjust the Session Window Size of the application or published desktop in question.

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Configuring XenApp Display Settings rev08.17.12

Additional Information
Below are some examples of a XenApp published desktop being displayed at three different Session Window Size settings. These examples illustrate some of the visual and functional differences of each of these settings.

Session Window Size: Full Screen Note that the published desktop UI takes up the entire screen, and no part of the Receiver is visible. Alt+Tab keystrokes are handled as instructions to the Windows environment, and cycle through any currently open Windows applications.

Session Window Size: 99% Note that the bottom portion of the screen leaves Receiver applications visible, and that the Windows Taskbar is not visible at this setting. Alt+Tab keystrokes are handled as instructions to the Receiver, and not the published desktop UI.

Session Window Size: 90% Note that the bottom portion of the screen leaves Receiver applications visible, but that the Windows Taskbar is also visible at this setting. Alt+Tab keystrokes are handled as instructions to the Receiver, and not the published desktop UI.

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