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INSTRUCCIONES y PUNTUACIN Conteste a TODAS las preguntas de tipo test NICAMENTE en la hoja de lectura ptica. Al final del examen, entregue NICAMENTE la hoja de lectura ptica y LA LTIMA HOJA de este examen, donde escribir la redaccin. No olvide consignar sus datos personales en ambas hojas. El examen escrito se califica sobre 50 puntos en total. Para aprobar el examen se ha de conseguir un mnimo de 25 respuestas acertadas. Las respuestas incorrectas no restan puntos.

NOMBRE: DNI: TELFONO: CENTRO ASOCIADO: 1. READING COMPREHENSION Text 1: Reality Television Read the text below and choose the correct option in the questions below. Reality television is a genre of television programming which, it is claimed, presents unscripted dramatic or humorous situations, documents actual events, and features ordinary people rather than professional actors. It could be described as a form of artificial or "heightened" documentary. Although the genre has existed in some form or another since the early years of television, the current explosion of popularity dates from around 2000. Reality television covers a wide range of television programming formats, from game or quiz shows which resemble the frantic, often demeaning programmes produced in Japan in the 1980s and 1990s (a modern example is Gaki no tsukai), to surveillance- or voyeurism- focused productions such as Big Brother. Critics say that the term "reality television" is somewhat of a misnomer and that such shows frequently portray a modified and highly influenced form of reality, with participants put in exotic locations or abnormal situations, sometimes coached to act in certain ways by off-screen handlers. Part of reality television's appeal is due to its ability to place ordinary people in extraordinary situations. For example, on the ABC show, The Bachelor, an eligible male dates a dozen women simultaneously, travelling on extraordinary dates to scenic places. Reality television also has the potential to turn its participants into national celebrities, outwardly in talent and performance programs such as Pop Idol, though frequently Survivor and Big Brother participants also reach some degree of celebrity.

(1) In the first line, the writer says 'it is claimed' because a) they agree with the statement b) everyone agrees with the statement. c) no one agrees with the statement. d) they want to distance themselves from the statement. * (2) Reality television has a) always been this popular. b) has been popular since well before 2000. c) has only been popular since 2000. d) has been popular since approximately 2000.* (3) Japan a) is the only place to produce demeaning TV shows. b) has produced demeaning TV shows copied elsewhere.* c) produced Big Brother. d) invented surveillance focused productions.

(4) People have criticised reality television because a) it is demeaning. b) it uses exotic locations. c) the name is inaccurate.* d) it shows reality. (5) Reality TV appeals to some because a) it shows eligible males dating women. b) it uses exotic locations. c) it shows average people in exceptional circumstances.* d) it can turn ordinary people into celebrities. (6) Pop Idol a) turns all its participants into celebrities. b) is more likely to turn its participants into celebrities than Big Brother.* c) is less likely to turn its participants into celebrities than Big Brother. d) is a dating show. Text 2: Wole Soyinka Read the text below and choose the correct word to fill in the gaps from the ones provided below. Wole Soyinka, who was born in 1934, is a Nigerian writer, poet and playwright. Many (7 ) __________ him as Africa's most distinguished playwright. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1986, the first African writer to win this honour. Soyinka has played an active role in Nigeria's (8) __________ history. In 1967, during the Civil War in Nigeria, he was arrested by the Federal Government and put in solitary confinement for attempting to broker a peace between the warring parties. While in prison he wrote poetry which was published in a collection. He was released two years later after international attention was drawn to his imprisonment. His experiences in prison are recounted in a book. He is an outspoken 9) __________ of many Nigerian administrations, and of political tyrannies worldwide, including the Mugabe regime in Zimbabwe. Much of his 10) __________ has been concerned with "the 11) __________ boot and the irrelevance of the colour of the foot that wears it. 1986 was his most glorious year and occurred during the reigns of several violent and repressive African regimes. The Swedish Academy 12) __________ him the Nobel Prize for Literature as a writer who in a wide 13) __________ perspective and with poetic overtones fashions the drama of existence. The foremost Nigerian 14) __________ became the first African Nobel laureate, enshrined forever in the history of world literature. His Nobel Lecture was devoted to South African freedom-fighter Nelson Mandela. Soyinka's 15) __________ speech criticised apartheid and the politics of racial segregation imposed on the population by the Nationalist South African government. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 a) consider b)regard* a)politic b)politician a) criticise b) criticism a)writings b) writer a)oppress b)oppressive* a)granted b)awards a)culture b)cultural* a)dramatic b)drama a)acceptance* b)accept c)think c)politically c) critic* c)wright c)oppression c)awarded* c)cultured c)dramatically c)accepted d) believe d)political* d) criticising d)writing* d)oppresser d)grants d)cultures d)dramatist* d)accepting

2. Use of English: Choose the best option (a-d). 16. I suggest ___________ to the tour operator to confirm the booking. a) to write b) writing c) calling d) to call 17. I admit _________ a mistake on the date of departure, I am sorry. a) doing b) making c) to make d) to do 18. I am studying this subject ________ last Wednesday. a) for b) since c) during d) by 19. I am staying with my friend Sara ______ the moment. a) in b) at c) on d) by 20. I was sleeping ______ her sofa in the past, now I sleep ____ a bed. a) in/in b) in/on c) on/in d) on/on 21. She ______ the glass and it broke into pieces. a) dropped b) lost c) fell d) stole 22. The storm of last week caused irreparable _____ to our roof. a) prejudice b) breaks c) leakings d) damage 23. He is so _______ that you always get perceptive and shocking replies if you provoke him. a) deceitful b) sharp c) capable d) candid 24. She is too _______ to take such a quick decision without long thinking about it. a) sensitive b) sensible c) respectful d) considerate 25. What are Italian men like, and is it different _________ a woman here compared with in Britain? a) being b) be c) to being d) been

3. Writing a) Rellene cada espacio en blanco en el siguiente blog con una de las opciones (a-d) a continuacin: 83-year old Evelyn Paswall (26) __________ Apple (27)__________ into the glass doors at the Apple Store Manhassett on Long Island reports CBS New York. She (28) _________ for $75,000 in medical expenses plus punitive damages for negligence totaling $1 million. Paswall (29) __________ that she didnt realize that she (30)____________into a wall of glass as she (31) ___________the store, and says that she (32) ___________her nose as a result of the collision. Her suit claims that the defendant was negligent in (33)___________ a clear, see-through glass wall and/or door to exist without proper warning. Last year, Apple had white stickers installed on the transparent glass of all Apple Stores to help (34) __________ such collisions from occurring. (35) _____________, the plaintiff's lawyer says that any markings that were on the glass are insufficient. (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) a. sue a. for walk a. is asking a. is claiming a. walks a. approached a. breaks a. allowing a. preventing a. Moreover b. sues b. after walking b. asks b. claims b. is walking b. was approaching b broke b to allow b. prevent b. Furthermore c. is suing c. to walk c. ask c. say c. was walking c. approach c. is breaking c. for allow c. prevented c. However d. has sue d. walking d. has ask d. tell d. walk d.approachs d. break d. allow d. to prevent d. Hence


b) Carta informal (100 palabras): Escriba una carta a un amigo contndole el accidente que se comenta en el blog anterior como si hubiese sido testigo del mismo. Incluya tambin las acciones legales que se han tomado teniendo en cuenta la informacin que se recoge en este mismo blog.

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