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InDesign Tools and Terminology

Direct Selection Tool - Selects contents of the frame. Selects items individually even if part of a group. Selects individual points on a path (line). Selection Tool - Selects and moves frames and resizes frames (does not control the content of frames). Page Tool - Allows the user to change the size of the page preview the layout. Gap Tool - Allows the user to move gaps between content without affecting the width of the gap. Content Collector/Placer Tool - Allows you to copy content from other InDesign documents and place them/reallocate them into a document. Type Tool - Controls text. Allows to change font, colour and size. Line Tool - Create shapes that are polygons made of straight lines. Pen Tool - Allows the user to create custom shapes using curves and/or straight lines. Pencil Tool - Allows freehand drawing and turns it into a path. Rectangle Frame Tool - Create a rectangular bounding box for content. Rectangle Shape Tool - Creates a rectangular shape that can have fill and/or stroke. Scissor Tool - Cuts paths at specific points. Free Transform Tool - Allows the user to resize, rotate and distort contents. Gradient Swatch Tool - Fades from one colour to another and allows the user to adjust the angle, beginning and end points of the gradient. Gradient Feather Tool - Fades from a colour or image to completely transparent. Note Tool - Allows the user to add comments to the layout. Eyedropper Tool - Takes/matches colours to an image, text or icon etc. Hand Tool - Allows the user to view the page in the document window. Zoom Tool - Allows the user to zoom in and out of a document. Fill - Fill with colour or gradient Stroke - Outline colour/gradient Curved arrow means you can swap the colours of fill and stroke. Default is no fill with black stroke. Formatting Affects Container/Text Tool - Change elements of multiple items and will affect either the text or frame depending on which option is selected. View Modes - Allows you to select different ways of viewing your document (See View Modes on the Terminology Page)

Additional Tools
Content Collector/Placer - Allows you to copy content from other InDesign documents and place them/reallocate them into a document.

Type Tool - Controls text. Allows to change font, colour and size. Type on a Path Tool - Allows you to add text and make it follow a certain path (line). Pen Tool - Allows the user to create custom shapes using curves and/or straight lines. Add Anchor Point Tool - Paths are made of anchor points which control the direction and curve of a path. This tools allows the user to add more points to give more control. Delete Anchor Point Tool - Takes away anchor points along a path to give a smoother curve. Convert Direction Point Tool - Allows the user to change the anchor point from a corner point (using sharp angles) to a smooth point (creating a smooth curve). Pencil Tool - Allows freehand drawing and turns it into a path. Smooth Tool - Allows the user to smooth out their freehand drawing and remove unecessary anchor points. Erase Tool - Erases paths and anchor points.

Rectangle Frame Tool - Create a rectangular bounding box for content. Ellipse Frame Tool - Same as above but circular frame for content. Polygon Frame Tool - Multisided frame for content.

Rectangle Shape Tool - Creates a rectangular shape that can have fill and/or stroke. Ellipse Shape Tool - Creates a circular/oval shape. Polygon Shape Tool - Creates a multisided shape. Eyedropper Tool - Takes/matches colours to an image, text or icon etc. Measure Tool - Allows the user to measure distances/sizes of items/objects.

Kerning - Space between the characters. Leading - Space between the lines. Spread - Refers to pages (for example, in a magazine, a front page is a one page spread but pages 2 and 3 will be a two page spread). Facing Pages - Pages that face each other (for example, in a magazine, pages 2 and 3 would facing pages). Bleed - When page element extend further than the boundaries so that when it is trimmed all the elements reach the end of the page and do not leave white lines/borders. Slug - Where additional information is added but not within the boundaries of a page (for example, printing or folding instructions). Note: InDesign links assets when they are added to a document (for example, when an image is imported into the document). If you move an InDesign document, the links will break. If moving files - make sure the file is packaged. This means all the assets move with the document. View Modes Normal View Mode - Default view with guides shown Preview Mode - Shows only that inside the page boundaries Bleed View Mode - Like preview mode but show the bleed area Slug View Mode - Like preview mode but shows the slug Presentation View Mode - Shows the document on a black background without any other menu or tools showing

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