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Granary of India

Punjabs fertile and productive soil has accorded it the status of Granary of India and the Bread-basket of India. With only 1.2 per cent of Indias geographical area, the state accounts for about 18 per cent of the countrys wheat production and 11 per cent of rice production. This makes it suitable for agro-based industries, dairy farming and products, and other food processing industries.

Textile hub

Punjab has emerged as a key hub for textile-based industries including yarn, readymade garments and hosiery. With the development of apparel parks, favourable textile policy and other incentives for the creation of textile infrastructure, the state offers opportunities for investment.

Best infrastructure facilities

The state is ranked first in India in terms of the infrastructure facilities it offers. Punjabs road, rail and air transport network, connectivity, construction of bridges and infrastructure facilities are amongst the best.

Conducive business environment

Based on a World Bank study conducted in 2009, Punjab is considered the best place to do business in India. It was ranked 3rd in terms of business efficiency in 2011. The states policies, incentives for investors and overall macro-economic factors encourage investment.
Source: PHD Chamber, Aranca Research

Fertile and productive Growing demand land

Policy and fiscal incentives

Punjab offers industries with a wide range of fiscal and policy incentives under the Industrial Policy2009 and 2013. In addition, the state has policies to offer sector-specific incentives to sectors such as information technology (IT), SEZ and food parks.

The confluence of five rivers makes Punjabs agricultural land rich and productive. Approximately 85 per cent of the states land is under cultivation compared to the national average of 40 per cent. The state is one of the largest producers of wheat and rice in India. Punjab is also a leading exporter of rice, including the well-known variety Basmati. Advantage:


High economic growth

The average GSDP growth rate for the state of Punjab was about 15.0 per cent between 2004-05 and 201213. The state provides investment opportunities in sectors such as textiles, agro-based industries, IT & ITeS, automotive and auto components, sports goods and light engineering goods.

The engineering sector is delicensed; The state has well-developed 100 per cent FDI is allowed insocial the and industrial sector infrastructure. Punjabs
transport network is one of the best, with access to key markets Due easy to policy support, there wassuch as the Delhi-NCR region. cumulative FDI of USD14.0 billion into Punjab has witnessed impressive the sector over April 2000 February growth in the number of clusters and 2012, as making per developed. cent of total hubs PPPs up are8.6 being

Strong infrastructure

FDI into the country in that period

PPP: Public-Private Partnership, GSDP - Gross Domestic State Product

The state has three major seasons hot weather (April to June), rainy season (July to September) and cold weather (October to March). Due to the presence of large rivers, most of the state is a fertile plain. The state has three major rivers flowing through it: Ravi, Beas and Satluj.



Geographical area (sq km)

Administrative districts (No) Population density (persons per sq km)*

22 550 27.7 14.6 13.1

As its borders, the state has the Pakistani province of Punjab to its west, Jammu and Kashmir in the north, Himachal Pradesh in the northeast, Haryana in the south and southeast and Rajasthan in the southwest. The most commonly spoken language of the state is Punjabi. Hindi and English are the other widely used languages. Amritsar, Ludhiana, Jalandhar, Bhatinda, Mohali, Pathankot and Patiala are some of the key cities in the state.

Total population (million)* Male population (million)* Female population (million)*

Sex ratio (females per 1,000 males)*

Literacy rate (%)*


Sources: Government of Punjab website,, *Provisional data Census 2011

GSDP as a percentage of all states GSDP






Planning Commission Databook, 2012-13, current prices Planning Commission Databook, 2004-05 to 2012-13, current prices CMIE, 2011-12, current prices

Average GSDP growth rate(%)*

Per capita GSDP (US$)



Physical Infrastructure
Installed power capacity (MW) Wireless subscribers (No) Broadband subscribers (No) National highway length (Km) Airports (No) 7,508.9 29,462,781 657,822^ 1,557 4 225,133.1 867,803,583 15,050,000 79,116 133 Central Electricity Authority, as of May 2013 Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, as of March 2013 Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, as of March 2013 Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, as of March 2013 Airports Authority of India

* Calculated in Indian rupee terms

Parameter Social Indicators

Literacy rate (%) Birth rate (per 1,000 population)




76.7 16.2

74.0 21.8

Planning Commission Databook, 2012-13 Planning Commission Databook, 2012-13

Ease of doing business

FDI equity inflows (US$ billion)
Outstanding investments (US$ billion)



Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, April 2000 to March 2013 CMIE (2012-13)

Industrial Infrastructure
PPP projects (No) SEZs (No) 35 2 881 385 Notified as of March 2013,

PPP: Public-Private Partnership, SEZ: Special Economic Zone, SRS: Sample Registration System *Includes Chandigarh, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and Haryana

Punjabs gross state domestic product (GSDP) was US$ 54.5 billion at current prices in 2012-13*. The states GSDP increased at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 15.0** per cent between 2004-05 and 201213.

GSDP of Punjab at current prices (in US$ billion)


CAGR 15.0%**
24.5 21.5 28

50.3 37.8 37.9 42.2


Source: Planning Commission Databook, 2012-13 *Advanced estimates, **In Indian rupee terms










Punjabs net state domestic product (NSDP) at current prices was US$ 49.0 billion in 2012-13*. Between 2004-05 and 2012-13, NSDP increased at a CAGR of 15.2** per cent.

NSDP of Punjab at current prices (in US$ billion)

CAGR 15.2%**
37.6 44.4



19.1 21.6



Source: Planning Commission Databook, 2012-13 *Advanced estimates, **In Indian rupee terms










The states per capita GSDP at current prices was US$ 1,829.2 in 2012-13*, up from US$ 828.2 in 2004-05. Punjabs per capita GSDP expanded at a CAGR of 13.1** per cent between 2004-05 and 2012-13.

GSDP per capita of Punjab at current prices (in US$)

CAGR 13.1%**
1,040.5 828.2 1,461.3 1,376.7 1,354.4 1,828.6 1,829.2 1,714.7


Source: CMIE *Advanced estimates, **In Indian rupee terms










Punjabs per capita NSDP at current prices was US$ 1,645.1 in 2012-13* as compared to US$ 736.4 in 2004-05. The states per capita NSDP rose at a CAGR of 13.2** per cent between 2004-05 and 2012-13.

NSDP per capita of Punjab at current prices (in US$)

CAGR 13.2%**
1,238.3 736.4 817.5 925.0 1,204.9 1,532.5 1,639.4 1,645.1 1,303.6

Source: CMIE *Advanced estimates, **In Indian rupee terms










With a CAGR of 15.9 per cent**, the secondary sector has been the fastest growing among the three sectors from 2004-05 to 2012-13; this growth was driven by increasing manufacturing, construction and electricity as well as improved gas and water supply. The tertiary sector, the largest contributor to Punjabs economy, rose at a CAGR of 15.7 per cent** between 200405 and 2012-13; this growth was driven by trade, hotels, real estate, finance, insurance, communications, transport and other services. The primary sector expanded at a CAGR of 12.6 per cent** between 2004-05 and 2012-13.

GSDP composition by sector







31.6% 2004-2005 Primary sector


27.0% 2012-2013*

Secondary sector

Tertiary sector

Source: CMIE, *Advanced estimates **In Indian rupee terms

Punjabs total food grain production for 2012-13 is estimated to be around 27.9 million metric tonnes. Wheat is the major crop produced by the state, covering almost half of the cropped area. In 2012-13, estimated wheat production stood at 16.1 million metric tonnes. Punjab is the second-largest producer of wheat in India and its wheat and rice contribution to the central pool is estimated at 38.7 per cent and 22.1 per cent, respectively, during 2011-12. In 2011-12, Punjabs total fruit production was 1.42 million metric tonnes.

Wheat Rice Sugarcane Cotton Maize Barley Gram Total oilseeds Total pulses

Annual production 2012-13^ (000 metric tonnes)

16,100 11,310 563 1,773* 458 52 5 83 22

Source: Economic Survey of Punjab 2012-13 Note: *000 bales (170 kgs each); ^Provisional

According to the Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion (DIPP), cumulative FDI inflows from April 2000 to March 2013 amounted to US$ 1.20 billion*. In 2012-13, outstanding investments in the state were US$ 156.3 billion. In 2012-13, the services sector maintained its highest share of outstanding investments, accounting for about 38.8 per cent. It was followed by the electricity sector with a share of about 37.3 per cent and real estate with about 16.1 per cent.

Outstanding investments break down by sector FY13


7% Manufacturing Electricity 37% Services Irrigation



Real estate

Source: CMIE, Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion (DIPP) Note: *Includes Chandigarh, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and Haryana

Total exports of industrial goods from Punjab were valued at US$ 4.4 billion in 2011-12 as compared to US$ 3.8 billion in 2010-11. In 2011-12, the states principal export items were yarns and textiles, hosiery and readymade garments, rice, sports goods, bicycles and bicycle parts.

Principal items
Yarn and textile Hosiery and readymade garments Rice

Exports 2011-12 (US$ million)

1,360.0 655.6 450.7 345.4 267.6 183.0 136.0 135.6 63.3 48.3

Ludhiana, Jalandhar and Patiala accounted for around 92.0 per cent of Punjabs total exports of industrial goods in 2011-12.

Sports goods Bicycle and parts Engineering goods

Punjabs exports (US$ billion)

4.4 3.8 3.3 2.7 3

Electrical switch gears and electrical accessories Auto parts Food products Machine tools/hand tools

Source: Statistical Abstract Punjab, 2012






The state is well connected to its four neighbouring states and the rest of India through 12 national highways (NH). The states highways account for about 2.0 per cent of the total national highway network in India. Punjab Roadways was established in 1948, with a fleet of 13 buses. Punjab and East Punjab States Union (PEPSU) Road Transport Corporation, set up in October 1956, controls the road transport services in the state. Under the 12th Five-Year Plan, an outlay of US$ 15 million has been allotted to strengthening Punjabs road network and infrastructure. Of this, the Annual Plan 2013-14 awarded US$ 3.5 million to developing the national and state highways.

Road type
National highways
Source: Maps of India

Road length (km) 2012

1,749 1,477 6,594 51,059
Source: Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Department of Planning, Government of Punjab

State highways District roads Village link roads

The railways have a major role in the state. It connects major industrial units in the oil refining, cement, fertiliser, thermal power and manufacturing sectors to suppliers and markets. Punjabs railway network spans about 2,156 km. It falls in the jurisdiction of the Northern Railways that spreads across Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi and Chandigarh. The main inter-state railway routes are Amritsar-AmbalaDelhi, Sri Ganganagar-Ambala-Delhi, Ferozpur-LudhianaAmbala, Pathankot-Roopnagar-Fatehgarh Sahib and Sri Ganganagar-Bhatinda-Narwana. The state government is planning a metro rail project in Ludhiana on public-private partnership (PPP) basis.

Source: Maps of India

The state has three domestic airports. They are located in Growing demand Chandigarh, Ludhiana and Pathankot. International flights operate from the Sri Guru Ram Dass Jee International Airport at Amritsar. New airports have been proposed at Mohali, Bathinda and Ludhiana. They are at various stages of approvals and completion. Approval from the Indian Air Force (IAF) is awaited, so as to kick-start construction of the new international airport in Mohali. The new greenfield Ludhiana Airport is proposed to be developed as an aerotropolis (a modern-age concept of a township-oriented airport similar to the Singapore and Frankfurt models) with a total outlay of US$ 3.8 billion.

International airport Domestic airport

As of May 2013, Punjab had a total installed power generation capacity of 7,508.97 MW. It consisted of 5,129.73 MW under state utilities, 1,876.16 MW under central utilities and 503.08 MW under private sector. Of the total installed power generation capacity, 3,898.46 MW was contributed by thermal power, 3,014.89 MW was contributed by hydropower, 387.58 MW was contributed by renewable power and nuclear power contributed 208.04 MW of capacity. The Punjab Energy Development Agency (PEDA) is the nodal organisation for renewable energy development in the state.

Installed power capacity (MW)


6,921.9 6,780.0








In April 2010, the Government of Punjab unbundled Punjab State Electricity Board (PSEB) into two companies: Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL) and Punjab State Transmission Corporation Limited (PSTCL).

Source: Central Electricity Authority *As of April, 2013

The 12th Five-Year Plan allocated US$ 4.2 billion to Punjabs power sector, almost three times the outlay under the 11th FiveYear Plan. This is aimed at making the sector self reliant to meet the growing demand from consumers across the manufacturing, agriculture and services sectors. The Annual Plan 2013-14 allocated US$ 592 million to strengthening the power generation system. Punjab has been focusing on maximising the use of existing capacities, reducing transmission and distribution (T&D) losses, developing captive power plants and adopting non-conventional sources for power generation. In 2011-12, Punjabs per capita electricity consumption was 1,225 kWh. The 540 MW Goindwal Sahib thermal power project awarded to the GVK Power Group in the private sector achieved financial closure in 2010. In August 2010, GVK proposed to expand capacity of the plant by 1,320 MW, which is under consideration by the state government. Two thermal power plants are to be constructed in the state. The first, which would be located at Talwandi Sabo in the Mansa district, would have a total generation capacity of 2,640 MW and would be developed by Sterlite Energy Limited (SEL) on a Build-Own-Operate (BOO) basis. The second, located at Nalash village in the Patiala district, would have a total capacity of 1,320 MW and would be developed by Nabha Power Limited, a subsidiary of the engineering company, Larsen & Toubro.
Source: Statistical Abstract Punjab 2012

According to Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), Punjab telecom circle had 29.5 million wireless subscribers and 1.32 million wire-line subscribers, as of March 2013. The tele-density* in the state was 101.81 per cent, significantly higher than the national average of 73.32 per cent, as of March 2013.

Telecom infrastructure
Wireless connections (March 2013) Wire-line connections (March 2013) Broadband subscribers Post offices 29,462,871 1,320,185 657,822^ 3,849** 1,502**

As of December 2011, the state had 1,511 telephone exchanges.

The state had 3,849 post offices during 2011-12.

Telephone exchanges

Major telecom operators in Punjab

Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) Bharti Airtel Idea Cellular Vodafone Essar Reliance Communications Tata Teleservices Aircel Limited

Sources: Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, Department of Telecommunications Annual Report 2012-13, Statistical Abstract Punjab 2012 *Tele-density: Number of telephone connections per hundred individuals; **During 2011-12, ^As of December 2011

In 2011, Punjab ranked 8th amongst the urbanised states in India with an 37.49 per cent urbanisation rate.

Chandigarh The original planned city

Chandigarh, the joint capital city of Haryana and Punjab, was developed as a planned city. It is also a union territory. Today, it has expanded in terms of industry as well as population. Chandigarh still remains a model for many other Indian cities in terms of civic amenities.

For 2005-12, the Government of India has allocated US$ 347.5 million to Punjab for 44 projects under the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM).

The JNNURM program was extended for two years i.e. 2012-14. An outlay of US$ 1,407 million was allocated under the 12th Five-Year Plan. Some of the key areas of development are roads and flyovers, water supply, sewerage and solid-waste management.

It has one of the best electricity distribution systems in India. The Union Ministry of Power selected it as one of the few model distribution centres in the country.
The Municipal Corporation of Chandigarh is responsible for its urban infrastructure facilities including water supply, sewerage, roads, slum development, fire service, environment, city beautification and house tax.

Sources: JNNURM; Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India; Department of Planning, Government of Punjab

Project name
Panipat-Jalandhar Amritsar-Pathankot

Road Road

PPP type
BOT-Toll BOT-Toll

Project cost (US$ million)

497 265

Construction Construction

Kurali-Kiratpur NH-21 Ambala-Zirakpur Jalandhar-Amritsar Amritsar-Wagha Border Upgrading, operating and maintaining FerozepurFazilka road Developing the Bhawanigarh-Nabha-Gobindgarh road project Greenfield super specialty hospital at Mohali Greenfield super specialty hospital at Bathinda Development of bus terminal cum commercial complex at Mohali

Road Road Road Road Road Road Healthcare Healthcare Urban development

BOT-Toll BOT-Toll BOT-Toll BOT-Annuity BOT-Toll BOT-Toll DBFOT DBFOT BOT-Annuity

85 65 57 45 23 15 26 22 37

Construction In operation Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction Construction In operation

Source: Note: BOT: Build-Operate-Transfer, DBFOT: Design-Build-Finance-Operate-Transfer

SEZs with formal approval Name/Developer

QuarkCity India Private Limited (Notified) Ranbaxy Laboratories Limited (Notified) Lark Projects Private Limited Sukhmani Towers Private Limited

Mohali Mohali Mohali Nenetpur and Jawaharpur

Primary industry
IT Pharmaceuticals Electronic hardware and software including ITeS IT/ITeS

Sukhm Infrastructure Private Limited

ATS Estates (P) Limited Shipra Estate Limited Ishan Developers & Infrastructure Private Limited

Patiala Mohali Amritsar

IT/ITeS IT/ITeS Textiles


Punjab has a literacy rate of 76.7 per cent according to the provisional data of Census 2011; the male literacy rate is 81.5 per cent and the female literacy rate is 71.3 per cent. Hoshiarpur has an 85.4 per cent literacy rate and is the most literate district of Punjab. While the literacy rate in Punjabs urban areas is 83.7 per cent, it is 72.5 per cent in the rural areas (based on the 2011 Census). The state had 102 engineering polytechnic colleges, as of 2011-12. colleges and 127


Literacy rate (%)




Higher education infrastructure (2011-12)

Universities Arts, Commerce, Home Science and Science colleges Engineering colleges Polytechnic colleges Management institutions 10 238 102 127 124

As of 2011-12, the state had 10 universities and 42,688 schools. Punjab University is more than a 100 years old and is well regarded globally. The Punjab Agricultural University at Ludhiana is well known for its outstanding contribution to education, research and extension services in the field of agriculture. The state government is planning to set up an Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) in Kapurthala.

Position of elementary and secondary education (2011-12)

Primary schools Middle schools High/senior secondary schools 15,378 5,766 8,654

Source: Department of Planning, Annual Plan 2012-13, Government of Punjab

Major educational institutes in Punjab are: Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Mohali Institute of Nano Science and Technology (INSE), Mohali National Agri-Food Biotechnology Institute (NABI), Mohali Indian School of Business (ISB), Mohali Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER), Chandigarh Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar University Business School, Chandigarh Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar

Punjabs primary education statistics (2011-12)

Net enrolment ratio (NER) Primary: 87.27 Upper primary: 70.47 Primary: 94.23 Upper primary: 76.79 Primary: 2.01 Upper primary: 1.51

Gross enrolment ratio (GER)

Dropout rate

Source: Census 2011 (provisional data), Department of Planning, Government of Punjab, University Grants Commission GER: Gross Enrolment Ratio Number of students enrolled in school at different grade levels; NER: Enrolment of the official age-group level education as a percentage of corresponding population

Punjab was ranked first amongst states on the composite education development index in 2010-11, up from 13th position in 2005-06. In the 12th Five-Year Plan, the state was allocated US$ 1.84 billion to develop its education system. Major thrust areas under the 12th Five-Year Plan are: Improving the quality of school education Achieving 100 per cent GER and NER as well as a zero dropout rate Implementing the Right to Free and Compulsory Education Act Overall development of government schools and higher institutions The Annual Plan 2013-14 allocated US$ 259 million to education, 10 per cent more than the previous annual plan. This outlay would be used to recruit more teachers and develop schools.

Source: Department of Planning, Government of Punjab Note: GER- Gross Enrolment Ratio: Number of students enrolled in school at different grade levels; NER- Enrolment of the official age-group level education as a percentage of corresponding population

The public healthcare infrastructure of the state has a threetier structure comprising hospitals, primary health centres and sub-centres, health units and community health centres. During 2011-12, the average radius served per healthcare institution was 2.68 km.

Health indicators of Punjab (2011)

Population served per doctor Birth rate* Death rate* Infant mortality rate** 1,207^ 16.2 6.8 30.0

Around 90.0 per cent of non-hospital healthcare and 67.0 per cent of hospital care cases are handled by private healthcare services.
The Punjab government sanctioned US$ 95.3 million for the health sector under the Annual Plan 2013-14.

Life expectancy at birth (years)

Male (2006-12) Female (2006-12) 68.7 71.6

Health infrastructure (as of March 2012)

Hospitals Primary health centres Ayurvedic and Unani institutions Homoeopathic institutions 99 428 529 111

Community health centres



Sources: Sample Registration System (SRS) Bulletin 2012, (, Department of Planning, Government of Punjab; Economic Survey of Punjab 2011-12 Note: *Per thousand persons; **Per thousand live births, ^As of 2011-12

Hockey and wrestling are the prominent sports in Punjab. The state has a number of sports stadiums and clubs in Chandigarh, Mohali, Amritsar, Jalandhar and other parts of the state. A multi-purpose sports stadium to host national as well as international sports is expected to be completed by the end of June 2013. The state has a scheme for having a stadium at the blocklevel, with indoor facilities for wrestling, boxing, judo, weight lifting, etc. Construction of such facilities has been completed in 12 blocks. The Golden Temple, Jalianwala Bagh and the Wagah Border (with Pakistan) at Amritsar are among the states main tourist destinations.

Hotel infrastructure in Punjab Category

5 Star 4 Star 3 Star

No of hotels
4 7 55

Total rooms
543 358 1,588

2 Star
1 Star



Sources: Department of Sports, Department of Tourism, Government of Punjab

Name and location

Electronics Township (ELTOP), Mohali

Primary industry

Set up by Punjab Information and Communication Technology Corporation Limited (Punjab Infotech) for promotion and growth of the electronics industry in the state. Clusters identified for bicycles and bicycle parts (Ludhiana), steel rerolling (Mandi Gobindgarh), textiles (Ludhiana), sports and leather goods (Jalandhar), and woollens (Amritsar). Joint initiative of a non-resident Indian (NRI) group and Punjab Agro Industries Corporation; spread over 25 acres and one of India's largest and most sophisticated integrated vegetable and fruit processing complexes with support facilities for an annual capacity of over 5,000 million tonnes (MT) frozen storage facility and 5,000 MT cold storage facility. Integrated textile park with 115 plots jointly developed by Punjab Small Industry and Export Corporation Limited and the Association of Textile Industry. It has all the basic facilities including water, electricity, R&D lab and sewage treatment facility, etc. SEZ status has been granted to QuarkCity in Mohali to promote the IT and electronics sectors and to Ranbaxys SEZ at SAS Nagar, Mohali.

Industry clusters

Industry specific

Food Park Project, Sirhind, Fatehgarh Sahib District


Apparel Park, Doraha, Ludhiana Biotech Park, Dera Bassi, Chandigarh SEZ, Mohali


Biotech IT and electronics; pharmaceuticals

As of 2011, Punjab had 17,396 registered working units, of which approximately 425 units were large and medium industries while the remaining were small scale industries. Through the 12th Five-Year Plan, the government envisaged an investment outlay of US$ 437.7 million that includes the following major focus areas: Protecting and promoting small scale units, which form an integral part of the states industrial landscape Developing industrial clusters, mega projects and SEZs Special packages to develop the IT and knowledge-based, agro-based and food processing industries In the Annual Plan 2013-14, the Punjab government allocated an outlay of US$ 52.5 million. More than 85 per cent of this allocation is for the development of the Guru Gobind Singh Oil Refinery at Bhatinda.
Sources: Department of Planning, Government of Punjab

The resources, policy incentives, infrastructure and climate in the state support investments in sectors such as agrobased industries, food products, light engineering goods, automotives, chemicals, sports goods, textiles, pharmaceuticals, paper and paper products, metal and alloy products. Punjab State Industrial Development Corporation Ltd (PSIDC) and Punjab Small Industry and Export Corporation (PSIEC) are responsible for the development of industrial infrastructure in the state. Punjab Agro Industries Corporation (PAIC) is responsible for development of agrobased units. The state government has set up Udyog Sahayak as the state-level nodal agency and district industry centres (DIC) as the district-level committee for single-window clearance of industrial projects. The Government of Punjab is promoting the development of several special economic zones (SEZs) across Punjab for pharmaceuticals, textiles, electronic hardware and IT/ITeS.

Key industries in Punjab

Tractors and auto components Agro-based industries Bicycles and bicycle parts Chemical products Food products Light engineering goods Metal and alloy products Pharmaceuticals Paper and paper products Sports goods Textiles IT and electronics

The agriculture sector contributed around 27.0 per cent to the states GSDP in 2011-12.

Some of the key players

Approximately 85 per cent of the states land is under cultivation compared to the national average of 40 per cent. Around 98 per cent of the gross cropped area is irrigated. Of the total manufacturing output and the number of units registered in 2009-10, manufacturing of food products emerged as the largest contributor, accounting for approximately 17 per cent of output and approximately 22 per cent of units. The state government has actively promoted contract farming. Notable contract farming agreements include those with the Tata Group for basmati rice, the UB Group for malting barley and Advanta India for hyola (hybrid rapeseeds and mustard). Crops being promoted include maize, hybrid basmati and sunflower.

Nestle India MILKFED Jagjit Industries Ltd Markfed

Organic farming is also a thrust area with initiatives from the Punjab Agriculture Export Corporation (PAGREXCO). Several incentives are offered to promote organic farming in the state, including free-of-cost consultancy and a 100 per cent subsidy on certification of produce by internationally accredited agencies. Since the 1980s, Punjab Agro Industries Corporation (PAIC) has been encouraging private investment in the agro-processing sector by identifying technically feasible and economically viable projects and inviting financial collaborations for implementation in the joint sector.

Punjab Agri Export Corporation provides a 25-30 per cent subsidy on waxing/grading, packaging, freight for distant marketing and export of fresh and processed vegetables.
The Government of Punjab encourages the development of food parks and mega projects to facilitate the establishment of food processing infrastructure. Till May 2012, 63 projects were approved under the mega projects policy. Punjab Agro Industries Corporation Limited (PAIC) is authorised to promote food and agro processing industries in financial collaboration with private investors. PAIC contributes 11-26 per cent of the equity capital to develop such projects.

Incentives under the Industrial Promotion Policy, 2013 Value added tax (VAT) and central sales tax (CST) incentives based on the following eligibility criteria: Fixed capital investment (FCI) between US$ 0.2 million and US$ 4.6 million 80 per cent exemption on VAT for 10 years 75 per cent exemption on CST for 10 years FCI between US$ 4.6 million and US$ 18.4 million 85 per cent exemption on VAT for 10 years 80 per cent exemption on CST for 10 years FCI of more than US$ 18.4 million 90 per cent exemption on VAT for 12 years 85 per cent exemption on CST for 12 years 100 per cent exemption from electricity duty on power for 10 to 12 years based on eligibility criteria. 100 per cent exemption from stamp duty on purchase/lease of land. 100 per cent exemption from property tax for 10 to 12 years based on eligibility criteria. Exemption from mandi fee, rural development fund and infrastructure development cess on basmati, maize, wheat, fruits and vegetables, applicable on purchases made within the state for processing.
Sources: Department of Industry, Government of Punjab

Nestle India

Subsidiary of Nestle SA, Switzerland, the company started milk collection in Moga in 1961 and has expanded operations to a network of more than 85,000 farmers. The company has its processing unit in Moga, Punjab. Nestl's famous brands include Nescafe, Maggi, Milkibar, Kit-Kat, Bar One, Milkmaid, Nestea, etc. The company recorded revenues of US$ 1.53 billion in 2012.


MILKFED (The Punjab State Cooperative Milk Producers' Federation Ltd) was formed in 1973 with the objectives of providing remunerative prices to milk producers in the state, marketing their produce and providing technical inputs for the enhancement of milk production. It reported a turnover of US$ 382.92 million in 2010-11, including exports of around US$ 2.46 million. The company has a strong network of about 6,814 milk producers cooperative societies at the village level, 12 milk plants and two cattle-feed factories. It is well known for the Verka brand of dairy products, including milk, butter, buttermilk, cheese, curd, milk powder, ice cream, ghee, etc.

Jagatjit Industries Ltd (JIL)

JIL was founded in 1944 in Kapurthala under the patronage of its Maharaja Jagatjit Singh. The company manufactures and markets alcoholic beverages, malt, malt-extract, malted milk foods, milk powder, ghee, glass and pet containers. The company recorded revenues of US$ 259.2 million in 2012-13.


Markfed began operations in 1954 with 13 members and a share capital of US$ 6,000. Today, it has grown to be among the largest marketing cooperatives in Asia with an annual business turnover of around US$ 3.8 billion with nearly 2,710 employees and 20 industrial units. Punjab Markfed is a marketing federation of over 3,069 societies. The cooperative has won recognition and many awards from the Government of India in several areas of excellence; Markfed represents the interests of over a million farmers in the state.

Punjabs IT policy and the incentives offered to the IT industry are aimed at promoting Punjab as an attractive destination for the industry. Mohali has been developed as an IT and ITeS hub in the state. In 2010-11, software exports (made by registered units through STPI) from the state were around US$ 96.2 million.

The Industrial Policy, 2009 includes special incentives and concessions by the Punjab Government to facilitate growth of the states IT and ITeS industry. Infrastructure development: Development of IT Parks/SEZs, IT estates and IT corridors. Other incentives: Duty exemptions, exemption from statutory power cuts, 100 per cent stamp duty reimbursement, exemption from the land use zoning regulation and special incentives for mega projects. Electronics Township of Punjab (ELTOP) is situated on a 290 acre site in Mohali. This township is one of the fastest emerging centres for electronic production in India.

Punjab Infotech is the nodal agency for promotion and development of the electronics, telecommunication and IT industries within the state.
The state has launched a venture capital fund, with a corpus of nearly US$ 4.3 million, for the IT industry; it is funded jointly by Punjab State Industrial Development Corporation (PSIDC), Punjab Infotech, Punjab Financial Corporation (PFC) and the Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI). The electronic test and development centre at Mohali provides testing facilities to electronics industries.

Some of the key players

Infosys Ltd JCT Electronics Ltd Punjab Communications Ltd APLAB Ltd

Incentives under the Industrial Promotion Policy, 2013. Value added tax (VAT) and central sales tax (CST) incentives based on the following eligibility criteria: Minimum FCI of US$ 0.2 million in the districts of Mohali and Amritsar 80 per cent exemption on VAT for 10 years on new units, from commencement of production. 80 per cent exemption on CST on all IT products for 10 years. The cumulative limit of VAT/CST is 80 per cent of FCI. FCI of minimum US$ 0.9 million: 80 per cent exemption on VAT for 10 years on new units, from commencement of production. 80 per cent exemption on CST on all electronic hardware products for 10 years. The cumulative limit of VAT/CST is 80 per cent of FCI. Exemption from electricity duty on power during eligible period, priority in sanctioning and servicing of electric power-related issues based on eligibility criteria. 100 per cent exemption from stamp duty for IT/ITeS/knowledge units/electronics hardware manufacturers/developers on sale/lease/sale cum lease. Exemption from property tax for 10 years from the date of approval, based on eligibility criteria.
Sources: Department of Industry, Government of Punjab FCI: Fixed Capital Investment

Incentives under the Industrial Promotion Policy, 2013 Units notified by the Department of Technology, Government of Punjab would not require NOC/Clearance from the Punjab Pollution Control Board (PPCB) to receive an electricity connection from Punjab State Power Corporation Limited (PSPCL). 50 per cent exemption from market fee, rural development fund and infrastructure development cess on purchase of cotton during the eligible period. Exemption from inspection under labour laws. Preferential market access to electronic hardware manufacturers.

Sources: Department of Industry, Government of Punjab

Infosys Ltd

Infosys, which recorded revenues of US$ 7.40 billion in 2012-13, has thirty-two development centres across the country, with the one at Mohali set up in 2001. The Mohali centre is equipped with the latest technology and solutions for enterprise networking, office productivity, collaborative software engineering and distributed project management. JCT Electronics is a flagship company of the Thapar Group, one of Indias large industrial conglomerates. JCTEL manufactures colour picture tubes for television sets and has a production capacity of around 5.2 million units annually. The company's plants are located at Vadodara in Gujarat and Mohali in Punjab. It recorded revenues of around US$ 62.69 million in 2012-13. Puncom is India's premier telecom and IT equipment and solution provider. The company recorded revenues of around US$ 4.31 million in 2012-13. Broadly, the company's activities cover areas such as telecom equipment manufacturing, IT and software solutions, turnkey projects as well as repair and maintenance. It has manufacturing facility at Mohali near Chandigarh. APLAB Ltd is a public enterprise incorporated in 1962 to provide solutions to business sectors such as telecommunication, IT, retail banking, retail fuel-dispensing as well as power control and conditioning. Its electronic products have markets, globally. The company has four independent product divisions test and measurement equipment, power conversion and uninterrupted power systems (UPS), self-service terminals for banking and self-service terminals for petroleum sectors. In Punjab, the company has presence in Chandigarh, Ludhiana, Amritsar and Jalandhar. The company recorded revenues of US$ 20.26 million in 2011-12.

JCT Electronics Ltd (JCTEL)

Punjab Communications Ltd


The textile sector in the state is strong on all aspects of the value chain, i.e., from the raw material stage to the finished products (garments) stage. Punjab produces about 70 per cent of the best quality cotton produced in India. Punjab is among the largest producer states of cotton and blended yarn as well as mill-made fabrics in India. The district of Ludhiana is often referred to as the Manchester of India. The textile sector accounted for approximately 16 per cent of the total manufacturing output and approximately 7 per cent of the manufacturing units in Punjab in 2009-2010. The states textile policy provides incentives such as development of clusters, benefits under the central governments Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS), electricity at reduced rates and government support in the acquisition of land for textile mills.

The state has implementation:






Ludhiana Integrated Textile Park, Ludhiana Lotus Integrated Textile Park, Barnala Punjab Apparel Park, Ludhiana

Rhythm Textile & Apparel Park, Nawanshehar

Some of the key players

Nahar Group Vardhman Group JCT Limited Prince Textile Mills

Source: Annual Plan 201213, Government of Punjab

Incentives under the Industrial Promotion Policy, 2013 Value added tax (VAT) and central sales tax (CST) incentives based on the following eligibility criteria: FCI between US$ 27.6 million and US$ 92 million 80 per cent exemption on VAT for 11 years. 80 per cent exemption on CST for 11 years. Cumulative limit of VAT/CST is 80 per cent of FCI. FCI of more than US$ 92 million 90 per cent exemption on VAT for 13 years. 80 per cent exemption on CST for 13 years. Cumulative limit of VAT/CST is 90 per cent of FCI. 100 per cent exemption from stamp duty on purchase/lease of land. 100 per cent exemption from property tax for 11 or 13 years, based on eligibility criteria, commencing after the date of production. 50 per cent exemption from market fee, rural development fund and infrastructure development cess on purchasing cotton during the eligible period.
Source: Department of Industry, Government of Punjab FCI: Fixed capital investment

Nahar Group of Companies

The Nahar Group of companies is also known as the OWM Group. The groups portfolio comprises spinning, knitting, fabrics and hosiery garments. It operates seven firms: Oswal Woollen Mills Ltd, Nahar Spinning Mills Ltd, Nahar Industrial Enterprises Ltd, Nahar Poly Films Ltd, Monte Carlo Fashion Ltd, Cotton County Retail Ltd and Nahar Capital & Financial Services Ltd. Most of its manufacturing facilities are located at Ludhiana and Mohali. The group generated revenue of US$ 969 million during 2011-12. Vardhman Textiles Limited, formerly Mahavir Spinning Mills Limited, is a large textile producer in India. The company operates in five segments: yarn, sewing thread, steel, fibre and fabric. The yarn segment comprises production of various types of yarns (cotton, manmade fibres and blends thereof) and yarn processing activities. The companys subsidiaries include Vardhman Holding Limited, Vardhman Textiles Limited, VMT Spinning Company Limited, VTL Investments Limited, Vardhman Acrylics Limited, Vardhman Yarn & Threads Limited, Vardhman Nisshinbo Garments Company Limited and Vardhman Special Steels Limited. The company has its corporate office at Ludhiana, yarn manufacturing units at Ludhiana, Hoshiarpur and Malerkotla, and dyeing units at Ludhiana and Hoshiarpur. The company recorded revenues of US$ 912.9 million in 2012-13.

Vardhman Group


JCT Limited, one of the leading manufacturers of textiles and filament yarn, is the flagship company of the Thapar group. It has operations in two distinct businesses: cotton, synthetic and blended textiles, and nylon filament yarn. The company achieved revenues of US$ 173 million in 2011-12. JCT Limited has a product range of materials including 100 per cent cotton, 100 per cent polyester, 100 per cent nylon as well as various blends such as cotton-polyester, cottonnylon and polyester-viscose, single and plied yarns (both with counts ranging from 6s to 100s) as well as cotton-lycra and Dupont US-approved (polyester-cotton) lycra stretch material. The company has an integrated textile facility at Phagwara, Punjab. Prince Textile Mills, based in Ludhiana, was established in 1990 for high-quality Pashmina products. The company offers a wide range of hand-woven shawls and scarves of different lengths. The company has its manufacturing facility at Ludhiana, Punjab.

Prince Textile Mills

The light engineering goods industry in Punjab includes bicycle and bicycle parts, hand tools, sewing machines and machine tools. The industry accounted for approximately 23 per cent share of the manufacturing output during 2009-10. The state accounts for around 15.0 per cent of bicycle production and 80.0 per cent of bicycle parts production in India. The industry is primarily located in Ludhiana. Hand tools such as wrenches, hand drills, pullers, vices, hammers, screw drivers, pliers, spanners, etc., are manufactured mainly in Ludhiana and Jalandhar. Sewing machines and their parts are mostly manufactured in Jalandhar. The machine tools industry comprising lathes, shapers, milling machines, drilling machines and special purpose machines for different industries, is mainly concentrated in Batala and Ludhiana.

Some of the key players

Hero Cycles Avon Cycles Accurate (India)

Hero Cycles

A part of the Hero Group and amongst the worlds largest producers of bicycles, the company manufactures around 6.7 million cycles per annum. The company started exports to Africa and the Middle East in 1963. Today, more than 50 per cent of its bicycle exports are to Europe and the US. It has tied up with National Bicycle Industries, a part of the Matsushita Group, Japan, to manufacture high-end bicycles. It has a manufacturing unit in Ludhiana. Avon Cycles is another leading bicycle manufacturer in India. It has invested significantly in backward integration and has facilities for making almost all parts that are needed for bicycles, including steel balls. It produces about two million bicycles per annum and exports to more than 80 countries. It has manufacturing units in Ludhiana. The company is recognised by the Government of India as a Golden Trading House. It is engaged in the development of a range of electrically powered bikes. Accurate (India) is a manufacturer and exporter of oil mill machinery, spares and scaffolding fittings. The company has its office at Simlapuri in Ludhiana.

Avon Cycles

Accurate (India)

The automotive industry in Punjab is dominated by farm and light commercial vehicle manufacturers such as International Tractors, Punjab Tractors and Swaraj Mazda. The auto component industry in Punjab predominantly comprises SSI units. The auto components produced range from simple items such as nuts and bolts to complex ones such as shafts, radiators and axles. Manufacturing units cater to both original equipment manufacturers and replacement markets, some also export to offshore destinations. The state is also strong in tractor production. A majority of the auto parts manufacturers are concentrated in Ludhiana, Jalandhar, Hoshiarpur and Phagwara.

Some of the key players

International Tractors Ltd Swaraj Engines Ltd SML ISUZU Ltd Pabla Bearings Ltd

International Tractors Ltd

International Tractors is among the top three tractor manufacturers in India; the company has a facility at Hoshiarpur. It sells tractors under the brand name Sonalika. It exports to several countries including South Africa, Australia, Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka, Canada, Bangladesh, Algeria, Zambia, Senegal, Ghana, etc. It has a strategic alliance with YANMAR, Japan, for manufacturing tractors in India and a marketing arrangement with Tata International for exports to select South American and African markets. SML ISUZU Limited, formerly known as Swaraj Mazda, based in Nawanshahar, Punjab, is a light commercial vehicle manufacturer. The company manufactures vehicles for goods and passenger applications. In the passenger-carrier category, the company offers non-air conditioned and air-conditioned bus models with capacity ranging from 10 to 41 seats. The company registered revenues of US$ 181.64 million in 2012-13 and sold 13,646 vehicles during 2011-12. Swaraj Engines Limited (SEL) is a Punjab-based company that manufactures engines for PTL. It manufactures diesel engines, diesel-engine components and spare parts. The company is also a supplier of hi-tech engine components to SML ISUZU Limited. The companys engine business constitutes approximately 95.0 per cent of its product revenue. The remaining 5.0 per cent is contributed by the hi-tech engine components being supplied to SML ISUZU for assembly of commercial vehicle engines. The company recorded revenues of US$ 87.34 million in 2012-13. Pabla is a leading manufacturer and exporter of superior quality bearings, agricultural machinery bearings, home appliances bearings, auto bearings, two-wheeler auto bearings, four-wheeler auto bearings, etc. The company is based in Ludhiana, Punjab. The companys major markets include India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Egypt, Europe, Middle East, Bangladesh, Thailand and Singapore.


Swaraj Engines Ltd

PABLA Bearings Ltd

Industrial activity in the petrochemicals and fertiliser categories includes refining, petrochemicals, chemicals, fertilisers and other related products and distribution. Future growth in this sector is expected with the development of the Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd refinery project as well as increasing the production of fertilisers in the state.

Some of the key players

Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd National Fertilisers Ltd Punjab Chemicals and Crop Protection Ltd Punjab Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd

Hindustan Petroleum Corp Ltd (HPCL)

HPCL is a Fortune 500 company. It recorded an annual turnover of US$ 41.61 billion in 2012-13 and had a market share of about 19.7 per cent. HPCL-Mittal Energy Limited (HMEL), a joint venture company of HPCL with Mittal Energy Investments Pte Limited, has set up a state-of-the-art, 9 million metric tonnes per annum (MMTPA) refinery at Bathinda in Punjab. Production started in HPCLs Bathinda refinery from January 2012.

National Fertilizer Ltd

NFL is one of the largest producers of nitrogenous fertilisers in the country. It is actively promoting the use of bio-fertilisers in the state and produces neem-coated urea at its facility in Bhatinda. The company recorded revenues of US$ 1.2 billion in 2012-13.

Punjab Chemicals and Crop Protection Ltd

Punjab Chemicals and Crop Protection Limited is engaged in the business of agrochemicals and manufactures technical grade pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and biocides, as well as their formulations. The company has presence in both domestic and international markets. It has its registered office in Chandigarh and recorded revenues of US$ 79.25 million in 2010-11. Punjab Alkalies & Chemicals Limited is engaged in the business of chemicals. The companys three principal products include: caustic soda lye, chlorine and hydrochloric acid. Its plant is located at Naya Nangal in Punjab. The company registered revenues of US$ 43.49 million in 2012-13.

Punjab Alkalies & Chemicals Ltd

The single-window clearance mechanism (SWM) has been established under the Punjab Industrial Facilitation Act, 2005, with the following three-tier structure to grant exemption/relaxation from any of the provisions/rules of the act: District Single-Window Clearance Committee: Instituted in each district of the state, the committee is chaired by the Deputy Commissioner and has the senior-most officers of district departments as its members. Empowered Committee: This committee is chaired by the Chief Secretary to the Government of Punjab and has the principal secretaries of state departments as its members. State Board: The board has the Chief Minister of Punjab as its chairman and ministers of state departments as its members.

Single-Window Clearance Mechanism in Punjab

Chief Minister of Punjab

State Board

Chief Secretary

Empowered committee

Deputy Commissioner

District single window clearance committee

Source: Department of Industry, Government of Punjab


Nodal agency

Composition & role

Officers from the Punjab State Electricity Board (PSEB), Punjab Pollution Control Board (PPCB), Punjab Infotech, PSIDC, PFC, PSIEC, Department of Labour, PAIC and Directorate of Industries.


Udyog Sahayak

The agency handles the composite application form received from entrepreneurs and assists in obtaining clearances from various departments within the stipulated time period. It also provides guidance and information to investors about policies and programmes; it is monitored by an empowered committee. The DIC is headed by the general manager at the district level and includes the environmental engineer of the PPCB, the superintending engineer/executive engineer of PSEB, the district officer of the Housing and Urban Development Authority and the assistant director of factories from the Directorate of Factories. The DIC provides sanctions and clearances for setting up SSI units in the state.



Source: Department of Industry, Government of Punjab PSIDC: Punjab State Industrial Development Corporation Ltd, PFC: Punjab Financial Corporation, PSIEC: Punjab Small Industries & Export Corporation Limited, PAIC: Punjab Agro Industries Corporation Limited

Punjab Small Industry and Export Corporation Limited (PSIEC)

Focuses on the development of SSI units and promotion of exports. Responsible for setting up industrial focal points. Provides medium and long-term loans for new industrial units, expansion of existing units and revival of sick units in the state (loan limits set by the State Financial Corporation Act, 1951). Acts as the promoter for agro-based industries in Punjab and provides inputs such as fertilisers, machinery, seeds and pesticides to farmers. Assists investors in obtaining all necessary approvals for new projects and facilitates contract farming. Promotes large- and medium-scale projects in the state. Provides escort services, especially for industrial ventures, and has been instrumental in facilitating projects of Godrej-GE (white goods), Century Textiles (pulp and paper), Gujarat Ambuja (cement), ICI (paints) and HPCLSaudi Aramco (mega project for gas).

Punjab Finance Corporation (PFC)

Punjab Agro Industries Corporation (PAIC)

Punjab State Industrial Development Corporation Limited (PSIDC)

Also acts as an infrastructure developer and financial facilitator.

Source: Department of Industry, Government of Punjab


Contact information
Udyog Bhawan 18, Himalaya Marg, Sector-17/A Chandigarh-160017 Phone: 91-172-2704756, 2704865 Fax: 91-172-2702039 E-mail: Udyog Bhawan 18, Himalaya Marg, Sector-17 Chandigarh-160 017 Phone: 91-172-2702 881-84, 2702 791 Fax: 91-172-2704 145 E-mail:,

Punjab Small Industry and Export Corporation Limited (PSIEC)

Punjab State Industrial Development Corporation Limited (PSIDC)

Service or Facility
Industrial License Sponsorship for raw materials and inputs Land allotment

Department of Industries

2 weeks 4 weeks 4 weeks
Sales tax exemption: 1 week Investment incentive: 4 weeks Other incentives: 2 weeks 8 weeks Load up to 20 kW: 8 weeks Load from 21100 kW: 12 weeks Load from 101500 kW: 12 weeks Load above 500 kW: 90 days 60 days 30 days Green category: 15 days Red category: 30 days

Udyog Sahayak

Sanction of loan


Release of power connection


Site approval/Environmental clearance Adequacy certificate No-objection certificate

Department of Environment, Pollution Control Board

Source: Department of Industry, Government of Punjab

Cost parameter
Industrial land (per sq ft) Office space rent (per sq ft per month) Power cost (per kWh) US$ 15 to US$ 115 US 50 cents to US$ 2.3

Cost estimate

Industrial: US 9.3 cents to US 10.4 cents Agriculture: US$ 3.1 Non-agriculture: Unskilled: US$ 3.0 Semi-skilled: US$ 3.1 to US$ 3.2 Skilled: US$ 3.3 to US$ 3.5 Highly-skilled: US$ 3.8 to US$ 3.9 Commercial and industrial: US 15.7 cents per 1,000 litres

Labour cost (minimum wages per day)


Sources: Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India, Punjab State Electricity Regulatory Commission, Industry sources

Industrial Promotion Policy, 2013


To enhance the contribution of the secondary and tertiary sectors in the states growth. Overall development of state by providing incentives to less developed zones.

Read more

New and Renewable Sources of Energy (NRSE) Policy, 2012 Objective

To maximise and improve the share of new and renewable sources of energy to 10 per cent of the total installed power capacity in the state by 2022.

Read more

Industrial Policy, 2009 Objective

To establish synergy between the agriculture and industrial sectors, rejuvenate the small scale sector and attract more investments in the large scale sector.

Read more

Agro-Industrial Policy, 2009


To make Punjab the destination of choice for investors and processors, globally as well as domestically.

Read more

IT/Knowledge Industrial Policy, 2009 Objective

To create an enabling environment for IT and knowledge-based industries by focusing on creating the necessary infrastructure, developing human capital, proactively engaging with investors and effective policy implementation.

Read more

Special Economic Zone (SEZ) Act, 2009 Objectives

To promote SEZs in the state, providing unique incentives to infrastructure developers. To promote and set up self-contained large industrial townships.

Read more

Land Allotment Policy, 2009


To accelerate the pace of growth of industry in the state and provide quick availability of land to entrepreneurs.

Read more

Notification Textile Policy, 2006 Objective

To facilitate and promote the growth of the textile industry, achieve global standards in product quality, contribute more to exports and encourage textile clusters.

Read more

Tourism Policy, 2003 Objective

To promote tourism and develop hospitality infrastructure with private sector participation; tourism was declared an industry in Punjab in 1996.

Read more

Exchange rates Year

2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

INR equivalent of one US$

44.95 44.28 45.28 40.24 45.91 47.41 45.57 47.94 54.31
Average for the year

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