No 223-Newslettr Daily E 2-9-2013

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Syrian Arab Republic

Ministry of Information
The Directorate of Electronic Information

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )223(


An official source said that the army destroyed the weapons and ammunition was loaded car of the gunmen in (Harasta) and spent all of them, as implemented quality processes destroyed the headquarters of the armed groups in the city (Duma) and north of the town (Rankous) in countryside of Damascus and spent several militants and destroyed their possession of weapons and ammunition. The source added, that it was killed the whole members of the armed in East Gouta and siezed their possession of weapons and one of them his name Mohammed Tawel, and also unite of army was destroyed the machine gun heavy and mortar and eliminated the armed Libyan Abu-Nimer Aghaffrani and Qasim Bizri , Asad Barakat

Army targets militants from nationals of Saudi, Libyan and Jordanian

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.also a second unite of army destroyed and a the headquarters of the gunmen in the compartment and spent three of them were inside they are Jordanian Abd ala-amaouen and Ramez waste, in addition to the elimination of armed Saudi Nawaf Al Anzi in the town of Alveabih, while the prosecution of armed groups in the area alali and South Electricity Company and eastern sawmills roundabout in (Jobar) and the elimination of many of the in-

surgents. In the moutons east of Al-Zabadani, the army was destroyed a mortar and killed 4 gunmen and injured another number, also it had been killed 20 gunmen from Jabhat AlNasra in (Yabrood) erea. Meanwhile, a source in leadership in police has said, that the gunmen had fired three mortar shells at the area of the (Abbaseen) which resulted in the injury of two citizens and serious material damage to the property of residents.

Tracking terrorists in Al-Ghab

Syrian Army Units destroyed terrorists gatherings in Al-Ghab, killed and injured some of them, two citizens including a child were killed in a bombing of an explosive device was put by terrorists in Al-Ghab area. The source added that Syrian army killed 10 terrorists in Kafernbuda town, and destroyed weapons and ammunition, another unit eliminated on a terrorist groups members in villages of Al-Hwaija and Al-Madeq Castle.

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Cars loaded with ammunition in Homs and its countryside

Armed forces are destroyed a weapons and ammunition were loaded in 3 cars for insurgents between the villages of (Gazzhal) and (Om Al-Kasab), and ruled on the concentrations of militants in the village Kisen in (Alhoula) in the city of (Rastan) and caused many dead and wounded militants and destroyed their weapons and their equipment. It also chased the armed groups in the neighborhoods of the (hamidieh) in the neigh-

borhood (Alaqrabas) and caused the numbers of their members killed and wounded, in addition to the elimination of 16 insurgents from the Jabhat Al-Nasra) and destruction their weapons and ammunition insurgents

were trying to enter two cars trucks to (Al-Dar Al-Kabera). In another context, an armed group targeted in village (Saan) a military check point by thermal rocket which led to material damage but without injuries.

Cars loaded with An Attempt to blow up in center of the city Al-Hasakah stroyed and concentrations of machineguns in Daraa militants in towns and villagand its countryside es (Chermuk) and (Mglujh),
In Daraa countryside Syrian Army Units eliminated on number of terrorists and their weapons in Busra Al-Sham city and in the north-eastern entrance of the city, and destroyed 4 cars two of them loaded with machineguns caliber 14,55 mm, Syrian army units also clashed with armed groups at the south eastern entrance of the city and in the ancient city, Al-Herak , Mhajja, and Breqa killed and injured all the terrorists, and destroyed terrorists gatherings in Daraa Al-Balad including two Saudis and a Chechen terrorists. Terrorists were killed and injured in a car bomb while they were trying detonate it in Al-Sanameen. in addition to the destruction a weapons and ammunition were loaded with cars on the road between the villages (Abu Kazaf) and (Tel Maarof) in countryside of (Qamishli). And another attempt of armed group was aborted detonated an explosive device in front of garden (Al-Thowra).

A unit of army troops had clashed with militants on both sides east and west of the dam south in (Hasakah) and caused many deaths and injuries, while other units are de-

Thwarting an attempt by terrorists to detonate 6 explosive devices

An army units are destroyed a gatherings of militants in the villages of (Al-Jadeda) and (Kwers) in the south-east countryside, and faced the infiltration attempt gunmen from the neighborhood lawn to the village cherished, also destroyed launcher rockets in countryside of Aleppo. This is in addition to kill a members of armed groups in the vicinity of Aleppo prison central, (Al-

lirmon) and (Khan Al-asal), and frustration of trying to blow 6 explosive devices near the Mosque of Mohammed in the (Amiriya) neighborhood of Aleppo.

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )223(


President Assad to Boroujerdi: Syria is able to face any external aggression

President Bashar al-Assad was confirmed yesterday during a meeting with Dr. Alaa ddin Boroujerdi a chairman of the Committee on National Security and Foreign Policy in the Iranian Shura Council and to the delegation accompanying him, saying that American threats to launch a military aggression against Syria will not deter Syria from its adherence to its principles and maxims and combat of terrorism backed by some of the regional countries and the West. He stressed that Syria is able to face any external aggression and also Syria is facing daily an internal aggression represented by terrorist groups and those

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who stand behind them. In the same context Alaa ddin Boroujerdi meets Dr. Wael Halaki the Prime Minister, and Walid Moallem the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants, and Boroujerdi said: that any aggression against Syria will ignite the Middle East, calling on the United States not to play with fire and walk in the way of a political solution. He

pointed out that the Obamas administration before they raise the heat of the crisis should not bow to pressure from the Zionist lobby or the hardliners in the U.S. administration, and that Syria does not need to defensive weapons from Iran or to the presence of troops from outside Syria, it has a capacity of defensive military deterrent and an army trained and strong.

Lavrov.. The West applies double standard policy in the Middle East
Russian Foreign Minister Sergi Lavrov asserted that the West applies the double standard policy in the Middle East, and proofs of Washington on using Chemical weapon in Syria arent convincing, and we insist on the rights of Peo-

Hague: Britain will not participate in any military action against Syria
British Foreign Secretary William Hague said that his country in his first interview since the defeat of the British Government in the House of Commons about issued a resolution to intervention of Britains military in Syria: that Britain will not participate in military strikes against Syria, but will only give a diplomatic support to its allies, while Minister British financial George Osborne threw blame on the British Labour Party, which rejected military intervention in Syria.

ples to self-determination and not to incite to use the force to change regimes.

Germany renews its refuse to participate in military action against Syria

would not participate in any military action has waged by the United States against Syria, that say backdrop of alleged use of chemical weapons in the countryside of Damascus, adding that Germany can participate only a mandate from NATO or the United Nations or the European Union.

A German Chancellor Angela Merkel confirmed reiterated that their country

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )223(


Demonstrations in many world countries rejecting any aggression on Syria

Thousands of people in world countries demonstrated in a protest against the American threatening to launch an aggression on Syria under the pretext of using chemical weapons by the Syrian government, hundreds of people gathered in Houston, Boston and Chicago in America, and in front of the White House raising banners was written on it we dont want Obamas war, keep your hands away from Syria People, parties, students and members of Syrian communities protested also in Canada,

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France and Frankfurt in Germany, and Greek, Indian, Romanian and British capitals refusing the American threats the participants also called on Romanian presidency and government for seeking in international forums , including NATO, to prevent any mili-

tary intervention in Syria under any title. Turkish police tried to disperse demonstrators denounced the threats of aggression against Syria. A stand of solidarity was organized in Cairo entitled Here is Damascus, a mass rally was held also in Taiz, Yemen.

Jamil: holding an Inter- The aircraft carrier Nimitz is head for the Red national Conference it is Sea to support a possible U.S. attack on Syria mean the collapse of external intervention schemes
Dr. Qadri Jamil the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs said that any aggression on Syria may expose the region to all-out war, adding that some of the forces working to undermine the international conference on Syria because convened mean the collapse of all schemes outside interference so that a political solution to the crisis in Syria is a major defeat for the enemies who want to destroy Syria before going to any political solution.Jamil added that the two factor who have maintained national unity in Syria, are the Syrian Arab Army and National parties.

U.S. military officials announced yesterday that the U.S. aircraft carrier which worked by nuclear-powered, the Nimitz includes four destroyers and cruiser, and other ships in its war group and headed west towards the Red Sea to support a possible U.S. aggression on Syria. Reuters quoted one of the officials as saying that there is no specific orders to combat

Nimitz set sail to the eastern Mediterranean at the current stage but sailing west in the Arabian Sea so that they can do so if asked. The U.S. Navy has doubled its presence in the eastern Mediterranean over the past week and she added two destroyers in the region to become a five destroyers carrying in total about 200Tomahawk cruise missile.

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )223(


Development of the technological content of industrial products

Industry Minister Kamal alDin Toame during a workshop on national policy for science, technology and innovation established by the ministry in cooperation with the Supreme Commission for Scientific Research yesterday called to activate engineering offices in institutions and companies to do their role in developing the capabilities of companies and their products from all aspects of science and technology, pointing to what the industry suffers of Technology weakness due to the lack of scientific research, Dr. Ghassan Assi, General Manager of the supreme body of scientific research pointed out that integrated national strategy between the indus-

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try and the system of science, technology and innovation has been proposed including raising the competitiveness of the industry and increase its contribution in the national economy. The workshop also called for financing chambers of industry and the studies and research sector that meets the industrys current and future need, and to take advantage of foreign investment opportunities

and of international bilateral and multilateral cooperation agreements and programs in implementing plans for research and development, to transfer management, marketing , and research modern techniques, in addition to the focus on building the capacity and efficiency of the devices that follow process of research ,development and international and regional cooperation for that.

Allaham.. The necessity of unifying the international efforts to combat terrorism

to destroy its infrastructure through pretexts and media fabrication led by misleading media in order to justify the criminal acts committed by armed terrorist groups. He called on free Peoples to convince its government of the need to fight terrorist takfirist thought, and prevent terrorists from carrying out their criminal acts and not to interference in the internal affairs of States. In turn, the delegation expressed their support to the Syrian against threats, stressing that Syria express confidence of Syrias victory thanks to the cohesion of its people and its army, despite all the challenges

Speaker of the Peoples Assembly, Mohammad Jihad alLaham, stressed during a meeting with a delegation of the Syrian community in Italy and Italian political activists , Allaham pointed out that the American administration and its foreign allies and some of the Arabic regimes seek to undermine the foundations of the Syrian state and

Azhar expressed his rejection and severe condemnation of the announcement by President Barack Obama about his intention to launch aggression against Syria, stressing that this is an attack and a threat to the Arab and Islamic nation and the defiance of the international community and endanger peace and security at risk and goes beyond all limits and norms. Azhar stressed in a statement today on the Syrian peoples right to self-determination and to choose their leaders freely and with full transparency.

Al-Azhar expresses its strong rejection of the aggression on Syria

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Al-Baath Party Escalation against Syria is due to the failure to subjugate it

The Regional Leadership of al-Baath Arab Socialist Party sent a letter to the Arab nationalist parties about the U.S. state terrorism, saying the terrorist war on Syria witnesses a qualitative escalation represented by American threat to use force and mobilizing fleets in preparation for aggression against an independent and sovereign country, and this escalation comes after the failure of previous attempts to subjugate Syria.

The letter added that the threat of the U.S. represents a rude violation to the principles of international law and humanitarian norms, as it puts the entire region and international security and peace

under greatest risk, the letter concluded by calling for condemnation of the aggression by explicit condemnation through statements and declarations, protests and demonstrations.

States, parties, personalities and attitudes

ritanian parties put responsible for every drop of blood shed on the Arab Syrian territory for more than two years in addition to the consequences of the aggression being planned against it on Saudi Arabia and Qatar. Czech initiatives also reject aggression against Syria and analysts warn of the consequences of the recurrence scenarios of Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan initiatives No Rules and independent media and the Czech novelist Lenka Brochazakova called on the politicians and political parties to reject the aggression against Syria, wondering about the position of the European Union regarding what is going on, and that if it hasnt any position, what is the justification for its existence. Otaka party and the National Front for Bulgarias Salvation called on their government not to participate in any potential aggression against Syria For his part, yuraj Lzartsyk, Professor at the Slovakian University Nitra warned of repercussions of the risk of Western military intervention in Syria, stressing that targeting Syria is a threat to Arab security and a threat to international stability and security. In turn, the American political analyst Lawrence Freeman asserted that the potential American war against Syria is a scenario prepared by U.S. President Barack Obama and the Saudi regime to destabilize the Middle East.

Bodies , Unions, Parties and Political figures warned of the consequences of any American military aggression on Syria, stressing its refusal to the use of force, and the need to reach to international consensus on a peaceful solution to the crisis immediately, stressing to stand alongside Syria in the face of any possible aggression. Some of the bodies and parties are (International-Parliamentary Union, Al-Karama Egyptian party, Tribes and Copts coalition in Qena, Youth of National Salvation Front, Sameh Ashour chairman of the Bar in Egypt, the Secretariat of the General Union of the book and Palestinian journalists, President of Lebanese Democratic Party MP Talal Arslan, Nasiri Popular Organization in Lebanon, , Yemeni Democratic Party, the Union of Tunisian Writers) For its part, Mau-

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