Shells in Damascus ..Killed in Its Countryside: Syrian Arab Republic

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Syrian Arab Republic

Ministry of Information
The Directorate of Electronic Information

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )235(


Shells in Damascus ..killed in its countryside

Page NO .1

Two citizens were killed and others were injured because of mortars shells were fired on the center of departure of buses in al-Sayidda Zainab in Damascus, also shells of mortars fell on the military hospital of Tishreen which causing a material damage in the place.

Syrian Arab Army destroyed two cars in al Zabadani, killed gunmen tried to enter the city, destroyed 12 cars loaded of weapons and explosion materials and killed gunmen Muhammad called Abou Adnan and Ahmad called Abou Nour.

Terrorists attempts to infiltrate to Aleppo

A rocket-propelled grenade fell on Jalaa Sport Club in Aleppo, which causing the injury of citizens and material damage in the place, meanwhile, the Syrian Arab Army foiled terrorists attempt to infiltrate into Suleiman alHalabi and Salah -Eddin neighborhoods, also from the Great Umayyad Mosque to Khan al Wazir and Al-Ameriaa Neighborhoods in Aleppo, the army units destroyed a car loaded with weapons and ammunition and clashed with gunmen in al-Sweiqa and al-Zahrawi market in the old city of Aleppo, while in Hian Village in the countryside of Aleppo Ahmad Mahmoud al Halabi , Shahoud Mahmud Kashou and Mahmoud Assi al-Sheikh Ibn Abbas were killed because of a fighting between two groups of Jabhat al Nusra.Media sources spoke about the announcement of the Islamic State of Iraq and Cham which belonging to Al-Qaeda of starting a military campaign Nafii alKhabeeth to target the free Army in the eastern countryside of Aleppo.

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )235(


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A leader in the countryside of Lattakia

A military source said that the Syrian Army in the countryside of Lattakia killed gunmen belonging to Jabhat al Nusra including a Libyan leader called Abu Dujana.Army units destroyed loaded cars coming from Turkey in al-Shakeria and Ghamam in the northern countryside.

Jund al-Aziza Brigade in Deir Ezzor

Units of the armed forces killed members belonging to Jund al Aziza Brigade some of them Bashar Mustafa al-Hreith in al-Takaya street in Deir Ezzor and they killed others in al-Hoikaa, Areddy and the street of Nahar , also destroyed a car loaded with weapons including heavy machine guns on al-Syasiyeh bridge.

The countryside of Hama

A military source said that the forces of army destroyed a rocket launch-pad in Berry Sharqy Village in the countryside of Salamia in Hama and killed a head of an armed group Yasser Abdul Rahim called Abou Aareef.Media sources said that gunmen of Jabhat al Nusra kidnapped people from the villages of Salam, al-Barghtia and Arshona in al-Salamia in the countryside of Hama.

Destroying of headquarters of gunmen in Homs

Units of the Army targeted headquarters of gunmen including weapons and equipment in many regions in Homs like Khalidyeh village and al-Rastan , killed others in in al-Qarabis , Joret al-Shayyah neighborhoods and in the countryside of Palmyra.

Gunmen admitted in confession for the Syrian Television that they committed with battalions and brigades belonging to Jabhat al Nusra slaughter and kidnapping operations against civilians and the members of Syrian Arab Army depending on religious Fatwas, in addition to attacks on military posts, blowing them up, blowing up of cars and receiving money and weapons from Turkey.

Gunmen admit by their crimes against the civilians

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Lavrov and Kerry .. No punishments or using of force against Syria

Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov clarified that the decision of Damascus to join to the organization of prohibition of deployment of chemical weapons is the principle which the American Russian Work will start from, adding in a press conference with his American Counterpart , John Kerry in the conclusion of their talks in Genve we agreed on

the common steps to prevent the chemical weapons according to the procedures of the treaty of prohibition , asserting that there are no punishments or using of force against Syria ,and any violation for the agreed items about the Syrian Chemical Weapons, the security council will discuss it and will adopt suitable decisions.Kerry announced

that there no military solution for the crisis in Syria, and the solution should depends on the table of negotiation and Dialogue, asking to give the international investigators a complete authorization , adding that Damascus should hand over its chemical weapons during a week also we agreed on destroying all the chemical weapons in Syria.

Pushkov. The demands of Washington are non-Professional

The head of the Council of International Affairs in the State Duma Alexei Pushkov stressed that the United States cannot take political decision alone in the world, , adding that the consent of BRICS and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization on the Russian initiative should be a lesson for the U.S. President Barack Obama, saying that the American demand to hand over the chemical weapons of Syria for international observers within two or three weeks is not professional.

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )235(


Page NO .4

Obama fails to convince Americans

An opinion poll conducted by Reuters Ipsos showed that the majority of American people supported the international agreement about the chemical weapons to resolve the crisis in Syria; the survey revealed that U.S. President Barack Obama has failed to convince Americans by his aggressive stance against Syria and the refuse of Americans to any military action is still strong.As Ray Micgovern, the former officer in the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) said that President Obama is guided in the planning process for aggression against Syria by dishonest leaders in the Agency for Israels interests.

Turkish petition against the members of Jabhat al Nusra

The public prosecution in Adana, Turkey, issued a petition accusing in it five people by securing chemicals materials used in the manufacture of sarin for Jabhat al Nusra and free Sham battalion which belonging to al-Qaeda terrorist Organization in Syria, where the Yurt Turkish newspaper indicated to the relationship of these people with armed organizations and their leaders in Syria, stressing that this petition is an evidence of the ability of these armed groups to manage their actions from Turkey and calling to fight in Syria.

The American Times... Al-Qaeda slaughters a Syrian soldier

This is an atrocity act, we have not seen like it since the Middle Ages, by those words , the American journalist Patrick Witty describe the process of slaughtering of a Syrian solider carried out by the members of Al Qaeda in Aleppo in the yard of Kafar-Gan village, witty described in an article in The American Times Newspaper the slaughtering process he was an afraid soldier ,worried and young, he brought to his knees, was slaughtered without any nerves, and the strangest thing that they were very happy with this act

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