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Irrigate Your Colon By Carl J. Donaldson, Jr.

, ND I ended my last conversation with you saying you need to cleanse your colon. The most important thing everyone can do to help their health is to care for their colon, ideally, before taking any treatments, therapies, or vitamins, irrigate your colon. The plumbing should work right for the removal of waste. And, it should work right to absorb the nutrients from your food and supplements. For this talk I will focus on a little deeper discussion of two methods people use to clean the colon. I already gave some information on Herbal Colon Cleansing. This talk will focus on comparing Herbal Colon Cleansing and what is known as Colon Irrigation. What you have to do to complete either process is different. What you will personally receive from doing either method is a stronger, healthier body. Colon Irrigation/Colon Hydrotherapy/Colonics Lets talk for a moment about Colon Hydrotherapy. Colon Hydrotherapy is also known as Colon Irrigation or Colonic. This is considered a medical procedure that should be done by a trained Colon Therapist. The therapist does not have to be a medical doctor. The therapist should be someone who has been trained and certified in this health care therapy. The therapists facilities should be very clean, meet industry standards and receive a seal of approval from a certifying board. The idea of having a colonic is not new. A colonic has many benefits. The idea of cleaning the colon has been done by the Egyptians, as early as 1500 BC. In this country (USA), a Dr. Elmer Lee introduced the idea as a medical procedure in the late 1800s. It was first used as a treatment during a cholera epidemic. Dr. Lee realized that getting rid of old decayed food in the bowels was a cure for cholera and other bowel diseases of his time. What happens in the process of having a colonic? Colonics involve the therapist placing a tube inside the rectum and then gently introducing low pressured water into the colon. Some may ask what the difference is in having a colonic and taking an enema. An enema only cleanses the lower or last part of the colon called the sigmoid and rectum. A colonic cleans the whole colon, the sigmoid, rectum, descending, transverse, and ascending areas. A colonic can kill bacteria, parasites, yeast, and viral organisms throughout the entire colon. The enema does not. Over the years the walls of our colons become impacted with un-eliminated waste. The result is that the colon does not work right. The average person may have as much as ten pounds or more of waste in their colon. That means that they have ten or more pounds of excess weight. The person who experiences one or more colonic sessions may lose weight just as a result of the cleaning.

This back up of food waste is there because you are constipated. Constipation over a long period of time can lead to a number of conditions and diseases. Some of the conditions and disease range from a coated tongue, Appendicitis, Auto-intoxication, toxic poisons, Colon Cancer, Diverticula diseases, Irritable Bowel Disease/Crohns, Ulcerated Colitis, spastic bowels, or polyps. Dr. Bernard Jensen and many other health care practitioners have used the phrase death begins in the colon for a good reason. The cycle of death begins when the function of the colon is not right. A clogged colon can effect digestion, and, every living cell and organ in your body. An acid environment is created in the colon when old waste coats the colon. This creates an environment for disease producing bacteria, viruses, fungi, mold, parasites, and yeast. Colon cancer is the end result of this process. When you take a colonic you may be on your way to better health. Cleaning the colon will remove the coating on your tongue. It will lower your chances of developing colon cancer and eliminate constipation, backaches, bad breath, bloating, fatigue, gas, headaches, poor concentration, lung congestion, sinus congestion, skin problems, nail fungus, yeast infections and more. Naturopaths, other natural health practitioners, and now some medical doctors recommend colonics as an adjunct treatment for your health. Its the starting point in the detoxification process that should eventually include cleansing of the liver, gallbladder, kidney, bladder, and lymph systems. Some of the advantages of taking a colonic: Freeing entrapped decayed food matter from the walls of the colon Freeing unfriendly bacteria and yeast Promoting natural bacteria flora Restoring natural peristaltic muscle activity (natural wave motion of the colon to push the waste out) Eliminates parasites

Although healthy bacteria is also flushed out with the bad bacteria, cleaning the colon enhances the possibility for growth of friendly bacteria to restore and maintain a health bacterial balance. A Good therapist will put new friendly bacteria (probiotics) back into the system before the end of your session. If they dont put probiotics back into the colon at the time of your therapy, they should recommend that you take a good probiotic and/or some FOS (fructoogliosacharides), which helps to condition the colon environment for probiotic growth. Herbal Colon Cleansing The other method of cleansing the colon is called Herbal Colon Cleansing or just Colon Cleansing. You dont need a certified therapist to do this method. You do it yourself and

you do it in the privacy of your home. You dont have to pay an office fee and in general the products or kits you may purchase cost nothing like the cost of a colonic. Colonics are the fast way of cleansing the colon, but, Colon Cleansing is just as good. The difference is that Colon Cleansing takes longer and relies on the diligence of the person doing the program. There are many products that will do a great job of cleansing your colon. In our last writing we named a few good ingredients for real good "bowel cleansing. You need to understand that the process may not be just take pills and go. The process is a procedure which may include the use of many different products for a few days or weeks, and it may include fasting. It most certainly will include a cleansing diet and plenty of water. First, lets define the ideal bowel movement. It ought to be soft, light brown in color, with no foul order. It should float or sink slowly. It should also break up when the toilet is flushed. Dr. Mehmet Oz, co-author of YOU: The Owner's Manual: An Insider's Guide to The Body That Will Make You Healthier and Younger, says a bowel movement ought to glide into the water like an Acapulco high diver with very little splash. If your waste goes in with a Plop, it means your stools are hard. Ideally, every time you eat, shortly after, you should go. Thats how it should work to continually remove toxins from your body system. In addition to the ingredients for herbal colon cleansing I listed the last time (here they are again): Fiber (Psyllium and Cascara Sagrada, Citrus Pectin), Butternut, Ginger, Cayenne pepper, Senna, Licorice, Rhubarb, and Milk Thistle (silymarin), you may want to consider adding Bentonite Clay and flaxseeds to your cleansing process. Bentonite is a type of edible clay that acts as a bulk laxative by absorbing water to form a gel. It binds toxins and parasites to carry them out of the colon. Flaxseeds are another good addition to the process. They absorb water and expand in the colon to scrape the wall lining of the colon allowing toxins and mucus to be removed. An added benefit of using flaxseeds is that they tend to lower cholesterol levels. In order to get the most out of your cleansing experience, Increase your fiber Eat a low fat diet that includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and proteins such as fish, chicken, or turkey. Eat more fruits and vegetables for snacks Take a multi-vitamin/mineral Drink plenty of water (half your body weight in ounces) Get some exercise

You will get good results if you make these changes!!! Just remember, it you can make some of these changes thats great. None of us is perfect. Do your best.

Remember, some call Colonics, the Rolls Royce of cleansing and Herbal Colon Cleansing, the Cadillac. They are both excellent choices, but it really comes down to price, effort, comfort and privacy. In the next session we will talk a bit about Candida.

References Africa, Llaila, African Holistic Health, A&B Books, Brooklyn, New York, 2004 Afua, Queen, Heal Thyself for Health and Longevity, A&B Books, Brooklyn, New York, 1993 Applied Ozone Systems, Bennett, Peter. Barrie, Stephen, 7-Day Detox Miracle, Prima Health,, 1999 Jensen, Bernard, Dr. Jensens Guide To Better Bowel Care, Avery/Penguin Putnam, Inc., New York, New York, 1999 Jensen, Bernard, Tissue cleansing Through Bowel Management, Bernard Jensen International, San Marcos, California Kloss, Jethro, Back To Eden, Benedict Lust Publications, New York, New York, 1971 Null, Gary, Get Healthy Now!: A Complete Guide to Prevention, Treatment and Healthy Living, Seven Stories Press, New York, New York, 1999 Oz, Mehmet Oz, co-author of YOU: The Owner's Manual: An Insider's Guide to The Body That Will Make You Healthier and Younger Thiel, Robert, J., Combining Old and New:Naturopathy For The 21st Century, Wendell W. Whitman Company, Warsaw, Indiana, 2000 Wright, Keith, J., A Healthy Foods & Spiritual Nutrition Handbook, Keith Wright, Philadelphia, Pa., 1990

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