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Syrian Arab Republic

Ministry of Information
The Directorate of Electronic Information

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )184(


Afghani, Jordanian and Iraqi terrorists are dead in the countryside of Damascus
Units of the Syrian Arab Army ruled on an elements and a leaders of terrorist groups, and there are include between them a nationalities Afghan and Jordanian and Iraqi, in Barzeh, Jobar, Harasta, Orbin and Houjera, also the army destroyed a heavy machine guns and rifles warship mechanism and a variety of ammunition.

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Armed forces continues its operations in Aleppo and Idlib.

In Aleppo and its countryside, the units of army ruled on a large numbers of terrorists of Jabhet Al nasraa in neighborhoods of the Boustan Al kaser, Klasaa, and surround-

ing of Kindee Hospital , and destroyed their weapons. In the countryside of Idlib an army unit confronted to a terrorist group which tried to attack one of the points in

the military Khan Shaikhoun city, another unit is facing to a terrorists whom tried to cut the way Al qaaband Jesear Al shouqor and make them a dead and injured.

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )184(


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The Army thwarts bombing a car in Bosra Sham.. And restore security to the towns of Khirbet Sannine, Abdali and Ean Zaker in countryside of
An elements of military checkpoints Foiled an attempt of suicide bomber to blow himself up by car bomb in Bosra Sham, which led to the explosion it and the death of the terrorist inside it. In Daraa and its countryside, the units of armed forces ruled on a large number of terrorists and returned a security to towns of Khirbet Sannine, Abdali and Ean Zaker. And also the units of army dismantled a dozens of explosive devices, while the competent authorities are seized a warehouse is containing a 15 rockets inside a school, and a car loaded with heavy weapons, including mortar bombs and mines.

An explosion bomb in passenger bus.. And the elimination of a number of terrorists of Alnasra in Homs and Hama

A bomb exploded during the passage of a passenger bus on the way of Homs, which led to the martyred the driver and wounding a number of citizens. Also martyred a woman and wounded a number of citizens after the fall three rocket-

propelled grenades at houses in the neighborhoods of Karam al-Shami and and Bab Al sbaa. In a related context the units of the armed forces targeted a terrorists gathering Jabhet Al nasraa in the towns of Rous Alehish and Altrimssh and in

the countryside of Hama and destroyed their weapons and tools, and the other units elimination on the terrorists Jabhet Al nasraa in the town of Racha were the terrorist group launched a rockets on the safe towns.

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )184(


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Interior Minister .. terrorism in Syria is a service for Israel

Al-Halqi.. a credit line with Russia Federation

Prime Minister Dr. Waael Al-Halqi noted during meeting commercial , industrial and developing activities at the private and public sector, that increasing activating the credit line with Iran and opening a new credit line with Russia Federation soon, in addition to expanding governmental retail outlets and monitoring the markets are measures carried out by the government to provide needed materials.

Interior Minister Maj. Gen. Mohammad al-Shaar attended on Wednesday practical drills conducted by security forces. Al-Shaar stressed that the killing and destruction taking place in Syria at the hands of terrorists only serve Israel and the US, the issue that many Zionist leaders confirmed by their statements.

Naev... Health services are available for all citizens

16 billion SYP to support Strategic crops

The budget of agricultural production support is about 16 billion SYP to support strategic crops.

The minister of health, Dr Sad Al Naev asserted during a meeting with the representatives of international organizations that the

health institutions provide free services for all citizens in spite of damage, pressure and economic blockade against it.

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