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Syrian Arab Republic

Ministry of Information
The Directorate of Electronic Information

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )195(


Explosive device bombing in Damascus and injured a citizen

one citizen was injured because bombing an explosive device by terrorists in Damascus, led to the damage in place. The Syrian Arab Army units eliminated on the headquarters of the terrorists, some of them are foreign nationalities in Barzeh, Jobar, Orbin and Duma and destroyed their weapons.

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The elimination of terrorists in Aleppo and its countryside

In Aleppo and its countryside the units of the Syrian army caused a deaths and injuries among the ranks of terrorists,

and destroyed their heavy machine guns, mortars and cannon anti-aviation and large quantities of ammunition in the vil-

lage of nobil and surrounding of prison Aleppo Central and Khan Al-asal, Atareb and Meng military airport.

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One citizen killed and other wounded in countryside of Homs

Hula, and in the same context the army units elimination of the headquarters of the terrorists in Bab Hood and Bab Sbaa, also an unite army was foiled an attempt to sneak into groves of Al waar toward neighborhood Al kousor and ruled on a number of its members and destroyed their weapons.

A citizen was killed and three others were wounded

by the bombing of terrorist bomb exploded in the area

The elimination of terrorists in Deir al-Zour

Terrorists from many Arab nationalities in countryside of Daraa

Units of the armed forces elimination of terrorists in the neighborhoods ofAlsenaa, Al rashedea and Al jbela, and destroyed their weapons and a variety of ammunition.

Units of the army caused a deaths and injuries among the ranks of terrorists, some of nationalities, Saudi Arabia and Jordan, and de-

stroyed their weapons, and foiled an attempt of terrorist to bombing of four mines were planted on the road Tswel and Edouan.

The Syrian army continues its operations in Idlib and its countryside
In Idlib and its countryside, a units of the Syrian army are elimination of terrorists in a mount Al arbeen, and foiled attempt of terrorists to blow two explosive devices in Almsthomh.

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DPRK .. We are by stand by Syria which facing a fierce imperialist attack

ing with Dr. Wael Halaki the Prime Minister said in Tehran yesterday, to the need for greater cooperation and coordination between the two countries face the common enemy of America and Israel, in order not to enable him to achieve his criminal plans. The two sides also discussed ways to develop trade and economic relations and industrial development between the two countries.

Kim Yong Nam the President of the Parliament of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea said his country by its leadership and people are

stand by the the people and the leadership in Syria in order to eliminate the fierce imperialist attack that exposed. Yong Nam, during a meet-

Medvedev.. intervention of western in the internal affairs of Syria is increasing its problems
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev warned today that the intervention of active West in the internal affairs of Syria is fueling the continuing problems, and it may resulting instability and reiterated the necessity of the Syrians to resolve their issues by themselves, saying that the wests attempts to change the political system in

any country and the appointment of governors are loyal

to the West is contrary to the Charter of the United Nations.

ElBaradei.. Egypt is keen on finding a political solution to the crisis in Syria

Mohamed ElBaradei, the Egyptian Vice President for External Affairs search with Lakhdar Brahimi, the UN en-

voy to Syria, the latest events in Syria and ways to resolve the political crisis, reiterated Egypts keenness on finding

a political solution to the crisis in Syria in the near future to achieve stability in the region.

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President al-Assad is shared Iftar with community events

President Bashar al-Assad participates on the eve of the Laylat al-Qadr (Night of Al-Qadr) with Syrian society actors, political parties, independents, Muslim clerics, Christians, unions and civil society. President alAssad said in a speech during iftar, that the Syrians are the only whom are able to end the crisis by them-

selves, leaving us only one option is to defend ourselves and our country with our

own hands, adding that there is no solution with terrorism but to strike with an iron fist.

Legislative Decree prevents dealing with other than the Syrian pound
President Bashar al-Assad issued Legislative Decree No. / 54 / 2013, prevents dealing with other than the Syrian pound for payment or any kind of commercial trading, or cash reimbursements, whether by foreign currencies or precious metals.

Economic embargo is one of the reasons of the high prices

Dr. Qadri Jamil, Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs and Minister of internal Trade and Consumer Protection said that the unjust economic embargo imposed on the Syrian people is one of the main reasons for the high prices of goods and food in addition to the lack of bank transfers and rising transport costs, pointing out that the government has taken several measures to alleviate crisis and its effects on citizens. Jamil said during a seminar on economic policies held on Sunday that the solution to the economic crisis in Syria from now on requires the development of the statement of government and clear economic policies instead of urgent action, and called the national media to take its role in the eradication of corruption and fighting corrupt.

Haidar and Hejazi.. continued efforts for the success of the reconciliation in Al- Quneitra
State Minister for National Reconciliation Affairs, Dr. Ali Haidar said that the outcomes of efforts exerted to ensure the success of national reconciliation in Quneitra will materialize on the ground in the coming few days. Speaking during a meeting on Sunday of the sub-committee in Quneitra tasked with laying down mechanisms to invite the Syrian national opposition and political forces to dialogue, minis-

ter Haidar stressed the importance of circumventing the attempts of Israel to set up a buffer zone on the outskirts of Golan, taking advantage of the provinces peculiarity and nature.

The Electronic Newsletter for Syrian News NO0 )195(


Al-Shaar Committee of Parties Affairs will pursue anyone who violates the law enforcement
Interior Minister Major General Mohammad Al-Shaar Chairman of the Parties Affairs Committee Called on during the committee meeting yesterday the national parties newly licensed to Understanding the Political Parties Law and commit to it , reiterating that the committee will not tolerate in the application of the parties law.

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Launching the campaign of Iranian aid for the 90Thousands tons displaced Palestinians of Sugar Beets till Now
The total of the received amounts of the sugar beets crops from Algaab and Hama is about 90 thousand tons till now. The production of sugar beets after its manufacturing is 6, 5 thousand tons of the white sugar and 3, 5 thousand tons and 20 thousand tons of bagasse .The manager of the general establishment of sugar in Homs Bassel Hweis expected the production of 27 thousand tons of sugar and 70 thousand tons of bagasse.

Under the title Ramadan food basket 2013 campaign aid from Iran for the displaced Palestinians from the Palestinian refugee camps in Syria was launched today in front of the Al-Jalaa hotel

in Damascus in the presence of representatives of the Iranian embassy in Damascus and the Committee of the Palestinian factions responsible for the distribution of this aid.

The expected production of the corn crops is 994 tons in the current season
The agriculture directorate in Hama estimated the production of corn for this season with 994 tons .

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250 identical certificates for the exported goods

The Syrian Arab organization for standards and measures issued 250 conformity certificates for the exported goods to Arabia Saudi, Lebanon,

Yemen and Jordan. The general director of the organization Wafiq Aljerdi explained that the organization will continue its work and giving

the conformity certificates to facilitate the process of exporting and observing the exported productions though the attacks of terrorist groups

Putting the transferred goods For the domestic consumption

The ministry of economy and the internal trade asked the general customs directorate and the foreign trade in the provinces to put the coming goods in the domestic consumption from 10 of

June till 30 of July .After the customs clearance, the traders should pay 5% of the estimated value and this for finding solution for the importers who shipped goods during this period.

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