Why Did You Choose Bank Job' (PNB Interview Experience)

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Why did you choose Bank Job [PNB Interview Experience]


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Why did you choose Bank Job [PNB Interview Experience]

Preparing for bank interview questions could be a daunting task for many especially if your efforts aren't rewarded.In such cases, consulting with people who made it through can greatly help.For those who could not access such professionals, we regularly post on the best answers for common questions & real life experiences of candidates. With no individual exams to write, aspirants are to be only interviewed for upcoming bank jobs & qualifying in it is very important for final selection. In line with that, here is one such experience shared by our reader. Mr. Himanshu bharti from Delhi with score of 162 (SC) was shortlisted by Punjab national bank as part of their management trainees recruitment.The interview was held on June 19 In addition to questions he also gives some valuable tips for bank interviews that others could follow. Now, over to him. I entered a room that had 4 members.I greeted them individually following which I was asked to take a seat. 1st examiner: Introduce yourself. A: I was prepared for this question, so answered it easily. Do not recite your resume.Tell only those which you want the panelist should know. This was my answer - My name is Himanshu Bharti. My home town is Gorakhpur but now living in delhi with my father and preparing for various competitive exams.Then told about my educational background. After that I wanted them to know about my aim.Hence said, Aim of my life is to accomplish my talents and to be useful to the society. After that I mentioned about my hobbies, strong & weak areas. Related reading How to answer tell me about yourself Q: Have you been to village? What are the differences between a village & metro city? I told them that I have never stayed in any village as there are not many facilities available but basic need can be fulfilled.In village we can stay close to the nature & resources are pure.It would be hard for those who depend on artificial lifestyle but for simple lifestyle its not bad 2nd member: Do you read newspapers? A: I said yes.Times Of India. What is todays main headline? I said Fitch rating agency changed Indias outlook from stable to negative. He asked me what will be its impact on India? I said that investors will hesitate to invest in India & Indian government will find it little difficult to borrow money from other countries.
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Why did you choose Bank Job [PNB Interview Experience]


He asked me how? I explained about the investment coming in through FII and how these ratings could affect the country. Then he asked me tell me other country where investor can invest now? I said, China but he asked and.Then I said Brazil & Russia. The next question was to name the BRICS nations? It was answered. (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa)

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2nd panelist: What did you do after passing from college in 2010? I said my percentage was low so I couldn't appear for campus placement.After completing college, I was searching for job & also preparing for GATE.Finally in march 2011, I joined as Drive Test Engineer in telecom sector.After 3 months, I quit that job to start preparing for competition exams & got selected in SSC and then in banks. Q: why did you leave the job as telecom sector is a booming sector? A: It was a field job & chance of promotion was after 2-3 years.Moreover I was not getting the right platform for my development. Q: Why choosing bank job after B.Tech? You can try for a different telecom company. A: B.tech developed my technical skills, made my mind sharper & developed my analytical abilities.Now I approach things differently (like asking why, how, where etc). So I can use these technicalities in a bank & show better output. I also said, B.Tech developed leadership qualities in me as I organized & participated in many events during college.This will help me in leading my staff later in a bank. I have good communication skills so I can provide good customer service (learned it from this site only). So bank job fits me very well as it will be a good platform to develop my talent.Also banking is one among the growing sectors that offers good salary package and high promotion chances. Checkout: How to answer why choose bank jobs

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The 3rd examiner was watching me from the moment I entered the room & did not ask any question. (consider reading, 7 simple tips to behave inside an interview hall)

4th panelist: What if you are selected in SSC again and get a desired profile? A: Sir everyone opts for the best opportunity. I think bank & SSC jobs are nearly the same.Banks have some advantages and disadvantages too. It will be useless for me to leave a bank & join SSC because within one year I would have learned a lot about banking sector.To waste that knowledge and start again doesnt sound good to me. My main goal is PCS (Provincial Civil Services).If I get selected in that later in life, I will definitely leave bank job. After this, they said, Thank you Mr.Himanshu and Best Of Luck. According to me getting this compliment from the panel means - you will get good marks in interview. Here ends the interview session of Mr.Bharti but he provides some important interview tips for other candidates.

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So far, I have given 5 interviews & here are my observations that I would like to divulge to others Your appearance has a great impact on the interviewer.Wear neat & clean clothes Male candidates must be clean shaven.My BOI interview was excellent, but at the end I was asked Why didn't you shave?(although i had, before 2
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Why did you choose Bank Job [PNB Interview Experience]


days).Though I gave a suitable answer, am sure it was the reason for them to not choose me. Most importantly, prepare well for commonly asked questions rather than difficult ones. (read how to answer common bank interview questions)

For your information, Mr.Himanshu has been selected for appointment as Management trainee in Punjab national bank Enter your Email for Free Bank Job Alerts:

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Why did you choose Bank Job [PNB Interview Experience]







9 months ago

Hey Buddy you might have subject knowledge but the way you conveyed some of your 2 to 3 questions are not supportive. Those were the common things which which you are not supposed to tell ... Leaving an Organization within 3 months because of a field job and you might even have to do a field job in the bank as well sometimes and finally telling PSC was your aim thats ok good to have it but you should have said something related to banking and finance field and tell them that i would like to build up my career in the banking field and grow up the ladder gradually. This all things give a negative impression on you. They will be in a impression in that if we select him he will be happy to do but not totally because his main aim is some thing different and wont be able to concentrate on this job. 1. Do not tell any wrong things about your previous experience/Company 2. Do not degrade your previous jobs, why loose points over there instead tell that i used to do field job and i have learnt many new thing while doing that job, i had a chance to visit different places all the time and i really enjoyed it. 3. You even said that quick promotions and good package in the banks, do you really think that it will happen there is a hell lot of competition buddy. Strange to see such an answers coming from a person who went for a Bank interview and more over bankexamsindia selecting these type of questions as an ideal one. Better update the headlines of this topic as : Do not tell this sort of answers at any interview through out your life.


Bank Exams India Admin


Sunny 8 months ago

Everyone has an opinion of what others say.You may think the responses not proper but the officials who interviewed him found him as the best fit for that job as he has been selected for appointment in PNB Also we dont understand how a person can be termed as degrading his previous job when he says 'there were no growth opportunities'.Infact thats the only safe reason that any1 can give when ur askd abt leaving the last job.u cant say low salary, high pressure, angry boss & stuff lik that.If u hb a better reason, pls let us & others reading this know abt it. Experiences are shared on this website for people to analyze where they stand & most importantly, it gives a feel of how things work inside that room.Theres nothing like 'ideal one'.Its not possible to know what the interviewer is looking for in you. Experiences, whether good or bad is still an experience.With thousands of people attending interviews for few hundred bank jobs ppl must know ways of presenting themselves with varied type of answers to position them as unique & the right person for that job. Himanshu may be available later this evening to reply ur doubts here, we believe.


Him Hbk


Sunny 8 months ago

1st read the interview carefully, there are many other reasons too. I was maintaining the truth in my answers as already told examiner "honesty" as my strong point. as far as ur other recommendation, i said "every one opts for best carrier",
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Why did you choose Bank Job [PNB Interview Experience]


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