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First, both Heritage Action and RedState advise opposing amendments to the clean defunding bill, both medical-device

tax-relief and federal-worker self-pay; here is how Heritage Action explains its views regarding the overnight actions by the House. It is neutral on the delay-amendment [not key-voting it]; on the one hand, it doesnt want to score negatively those who may believe it doesn't do enough but, on the other hand, it does not want to dismiss a delay as a bad idea. It opposes repeal of the medical device tax [key-voting NO]; on the one hand, it is not against a tax repeal but, on the other hand, it fears it may represent a shiny-object that could serve as the sole basis for a Reid-Boehner compromise [noting it was introduced separately]. They are NOT overthinking the political forces-at-play, for passage of the bill that funds the military should precede funding the rest of government [except ObamaCare]. {Equal time: David Vitter's Shutdown Strategy: Kill Lawmakers' ObamaCare Exemption.} Second, a bit of levity, which everyone yearns: saturday-night-live-mocks-ObamaCare-in-hilarious-skit. Third, this article [Fitz in tough spot with tea party base] was published today, and cross-posted; unaware of being taped, this physician is in the accompanying video [and the opener of the points that were made was consistent with sentiments in this essay: The Two Partisan Rebellions of Today, and the Three Parties: Republican, Democrat, and Establishment]. This comment was uploaded on both websites to maximize scrutiny of what has been accomplishedand what has not yet been achieved: Unaware of being taped, this physician is in the accompanying video. Emphasized was the ability to provide tough love to Mike, both in the video and when a direct conversation was held with the columnist a fortnight ago; now, recognizing that the conservatives will have the capacity to remit comparable messages regarding other issues [particularly related to the debt-ceiling and immigration amnesty, imminently], it has been concluded that the right [conservatives, TPM-adherents] have been organized into a potent coalition in Bucks County. Specifically, the entities that [unanimously] participated in this endeavor included the TEA Party Patriots, FreedomWorks, Citizens for Constitutional Government, Kitchen Table Patriots, and 9-12 Patriots of Lower Bucks. Three of the signatories on the two Press Releases are also GOP-Committee-People [including this physician], and interactions transpired with Heritage Action [nationally]. More important, perhaps, has been the capacity to communicate easily on the national level, inasmuch as the people who are involved in this effort just happen to be well-positioned in their respective organizations. {This effort indeed will serve as a model for the nation. There are ~5K Tea Party Patriots entities, and ~10K entities of comparable focus [912, for example]. During a conference call tonight, Tea Party Patriot Local Coordinators were informed of this coalition and how we functioned during September; the reception was SO good and the message was SO clear that TEA Party Groups throughout the Country are plotting how to form comparable local Coalitions, so that [when indicated] they will be able to speak with one voice to the Congressional Reps and Senators when specific interventions are needed.} In his letter, Guzzardi essentially advised that Mike introduce Sen. Vitters Amendment within the House, disallowing payments on behalf of government employees. This

concept is supported by a vast majority of Americans, but the Democrats wont hear of it; it exemplifies why the Republicans are now championing Middle Americaalong with their basewhen seeking a yearlong reprieve from this onerous law. Mike is a levelheaded guy, but it is the Democrat-controlled Senate that procrastinates as government shutdown nears. Fourth, the AP [Who'll blink? Dems, GOP in shutdown stare down] summarized the days activities, after House voted to avoid shutdown and to delay ObamaCare; that boehner-accused-democrats-ofarrogance-for-delaying-work-to-stop-government-shutdown] was the theme of an afternoon-rally at which Republicans decried the no-show Democrat-led Senate a no-show during which Rothfus Called on Senate to Get to Work and to Join House to Prevent Shutdown. Neither Ds nor the media could conjure an effective rejoinder [and BHOs having played golf didnt make their lives appreciably easier], and a House Committee Laughed at Obamas Veto threat as another Red-Line Threat that could be violated. {Every previous government shutdown: why they happened and how they ended.} Fifth, inasmuch as Obamas Approval Rating Just Collapsed to 39%, many feel Republicans' ObamaCare Delay Is a Winning Position. 1,850,400 Minutes have passed following implementation, but ObamaCare STILL Isnt Working. As-opening-day-nears, insurance-exchanges-scramble-to-prepare while education is promulgated hastily [Review: The Consumer Reports Guide to ObamaCare] and ethical problems persist [ObamaCare-subsidized-abortion and ObamaCare-tramples-religious-freedom-under-1st amendment]; amazingly, Politico argued Media should Ignore ObamaCare Launch Problems. Some lament its passage [Greg Abbott: 'Without Voter Fraud, ObamaCare Would Not Exist' and Crony Capitalism in America 2008-2012, Chapter 3: Pay to Play, A Capitol Hill Primer] while others feel this is part of a larger socioeconomic phenomenon [20 Ordinary Americans sense Economic Despair Growing All Around Them and ObamaCare-employer-mandate-caused cuts-to-work-hours-jobs, as ObamaCare-do-gooders-dont-care]. Also, Libertarians called for permanent government spending slowdown and defunding ObamaCare. {ObamaCare Wipes Out Existing Health Care Plans in ten states.} Sixth, REP. LABRADOR feels it is REASONABLE TO ASK FOR ONE-YEAR OBAMACARE DELAY, noting that DEMOCRATS ROOTING FOR SHUTDOWN and Rand Paul feels Obama's Shutting Down Government; meanwhile, Michele Bachmann argues persuasively that many Republicans don't fear a shutdown and GOP WHIP MCCARTHY is CONFIDENT GOVERNMENT WON'T SHUT DOWN. Stress may have affected Issa, who Fumed, 'How Dare You!' At Impertinent Reporter, perhaps fearing the narrative of doom. Coming to the rescue is palin, taking greta by storm, showing how a CBS Reporter put the BS in CBS; and Calling-Out Obama's 'Leadership Failure' on Debt Ceiling. Other pundits have weighed-in, including judge jeanine [if ObamaCare is so great, why isnt government enrolled] and Dr. Gina Loudon [Defund]. Seventh, the Ds have invoked extremist rhetoric [CLINTON claims OBAMA 'RIGHT' NOT TO NEGOTIATE WITH GOP because Republicans are 'Almost Spiteful' for Delaying ObamaCare; Pelosi Declares GOP Ideology A Luxury The American People Can Not Afford; JENNIFER GRANHOLM feels IRAN and SYRIA are MORE RATIONAL THAN HOUSE REPUBLICANS; Biden laments 'One Senator Is Running The Show In The Republican Party'; DURBIN PREDICTS GOVERNMENT SHUTDOWN; Krugman claims the GOP Doesn't 'Understand Anything' About ObamaCare; Rep Nadler asserts the GOP is Like Gangsters Threatening to 'Blow Up' Economy; reid rejects house gop plan [delay ObamaCare year] and slams tea party anarchists; Congressman Jim Moran Complains on Twitter About Having to Work Saturday Night; Andrew Sullivan claims the GOP issued a Declaration Of Total War On Our System Of Government; and Republican HUNTSMAN argues GOP MUST DROP 'ALL-OR-NOTHING' APPROACH ON FUNDING FOR OBAMACARE. {Desperate media agitate, too [Daily Mail Reports GOP Congress-members Drinking without Source].}

Eighth, Cruz explained his view on Meet the Press and noted Phil Gramm Changed Debate When He Said HillaryCare Would Pass over Cold, Dead Body; he laments the fact that the Dems Refuse to Compromise on ObamaCare and that REID 'HOLDS THE AMERICAN PEOPLE HOSTAGE' TO FUND OBAMACARE. Ninth, Cruz was lambasted by CHRIS MATTHEWS [REPUBLICANS KIDNAPPING and killing OBAMA'S BABY and, regarding his quasi-filibuster, CRUZ should be reminded that 'HITLER' LOVED 'MR. SMITH GOES TO WASHINGTON,' TOO]; the Huffington Post [Cruz is a Politician]; Texas Democrat Joaquin Castro [Cruz Can't Be POTUS]; and the GOP [ted-cruz-filled-republican-leadership-vacuum-then-burned-his-bridges]. Tenth, reflecting underlying forces, Jen Rubin took this occasion to endorse Governors over Senators as POTUS-16 GOP-nominee; recalling her stalwart support for Romney [leopards dont change spots, inasmuch as she now prefers Walker/Christie], note how EACH of her points is corrupted, for reasons that can easily be documented. {She appears to support NSA-intrusions on privacy; dismisses the strident postures adopted by Cruz on a broad range of issues; ignores the fact that the Hagel-query was a hypothetical; equates attacking Syria strategically with attacking Iran (regardless if al-Qaeda wins); and declares the Cruz initiative to be a failure before all pending events (including House leadership support) to have played-out. She ends with a pejorative that besmirches the rest of her effort to trash him.} Next in the Senate cast of characters is Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) who, despite his lawyers training, championed a false interpretation of Fourth Amendment and the attack on the NSA program; advanced no innovative agenda or found any area of expertise other than self-advancement and expert self-promotion; accused Chuck Hagel of possibly taking money from the North Koreans (to the chagrin of serious people trying to block the nomination for legitimate reasons); voted against authorization for use of force in Syria (while warning about the danger of its senior partner, Iran); and staged the continuing resolution stunt based on the falsehood that he could eventually get Obamacare defunded if only those Republicans would stick with him. Even if some in the party thrill to this display, do we think donors, business leaders and mainstream Republicans look at this and think, Well, after Obama theres a man who does more than talk and can get things done!? No. Just, no.

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