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CV - Resume

anders Bergman level designer Level scripter

internship period, from january to September 2014 (30 weeks) +46 708 74 45 75 Stockholm, Sweden


Game design program Level design & level scripting specialization Game development program Game design & project management

Futuregames Academy Advanced vocational education

Sdertrn University
Bachelors degree, Media technology

Experiences & Projects

The Ball: Quizaz (software: UDK)
Level designer, level art Spare time project - professional supervision I had one of three leading roles in creation of the DLC to the award winning indie game The Ball. This was a project in collaboration with Sjoerd Hourences De Jong, where I contributed greatly towards its release on Steam. A valuable experience where weekly milestones were set up and evaluated by professional game developer Fatshark under the course of seven weeks. Resulted in an interest from Fatshark as a publisher, to take the prototype towards release. The game projects ranged in length from 2 to 12 weeks in development time. My roles varied from game designer, level designer, scripter, product owner to scrum master. The vital point here is my groups always managed to deliver fully functional games on time, without fail. Focus test Focus / usability test including writing an exstensive QA report

Blockrush (software: Unity)

Level-, game designer & lead scripter School game project - professional supervision

Various school projects (software Unity & UDK)

Futuregames Sdertrn 2 additional game projects 5 additional game projects

Game development related experience

Mad Max - Avalanche Studios War of the Roses - Paradox Interactive

Software & Competence

UDK Unity CryEngine
Very good knowledge Very good knowledge Basic knowledge Good knowledge Very good knowledge Basic knowledge, limited experience Good knowledge Hansoft, Pivotal Tracker, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Premiere Scrum & Agile methodology, Subversion

C# Unreal Kismet UnrealScript Photoshop Other software Other competence

Anders Bergman - 2013

Cover letter

anders Bergman level designer Level scripter

internship period, from january to September 2014 (30 weeks) +46 708 74 45 75 Stockholm, Sweden

Coming from a background in competitive team sports, with over five years experience at the highest level in my youth, has taught me to work well with others, perform under stress and to lead when necessary. Ive discovered these attributes to be most relevant when going through the game development process as well. Especially the realization that teamwork and communication is crucial when striving to reach a mutual goal. Since starting my education at Futuregames I have continued to hone my abilities, both in school and in my free time. During this time I have contributed to a DLC to be released on Steam as well as producing a prototype game well received by game developer Fatshark, enabling a possible release in the future. My strong suits besides my belief in team work, is a mindset tuned for problem solving and a desire for iteration and improvement of my undertakings. By dedicating myself to designing games, Im hoping to have my hard work pay off in the end and eventually acquire a good job in the games industry. Thanks for checking out my work and I hope to hear from you soon!

Best regards Anders Bergman (The ultimate team player)

Anders Bergman - 2013

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