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Our universe inhabits an expanding wave within a perpetual cosmos.

Our Regenerating Universe

During 1997 a concept paper described an alternative universe to one initiated by a big bang approximately 14 billion years ago. The paper described a universe that was capable of a much longer life, perhaps perpetual, maintaining itself through regeneration. This paper was given limited distribution in the astronomical community. As a result of subsequent observations and theoretical development, this initial concept was expanded into a book published in 2004, Our Regenerating Universe, A New Theory of the Cosmos. The main tenets of the theory can be briefly summarized. Perpetual Life As an alternative to intelligent design of the universe, a multiverse theory has gained adherents among cosmologists to explain why we inhabit a universe that is so extremely fine-tuned as to be able to support life. The multiverse theory proposes that we are one of a very large number of universes, most of which do not support life. We are here because this one suits us. However, big bang doctrine and the recent discovery of accelerated expansion lead many scientists to believe that our universe is short lived, that we are destined to expand forever as the universe runs down and burns itself out. The regeneration theory holds that this will not happen. The multiverse theory, carried to its logical conclusion, would result in virtual certainty that our universe is perpetual, not doomed to extinction. The principles of competition and natural selection would assure that after a long period of time almost all of the universes presently in existence would be perpetual. Although still being created, most short-lived ones would have died out. How does our universe achieve this perpetual life? Through regeneration. Regeneration According to the theory, our universe regenerates by means of black holes and quasars. Most of what we call quasars, both at the present time and some in the distant past, are radiating black holes that achieve their power and brilliance through the consumption of matter. They grow larger as they consume. A completely different and more powerful type of quasar is responsible for regeneration. When black holes achieve a certain critical mass, they erupt into generative quasars, expelling their contents in the form of hydrogen and the other primary elements over an extended period of time. These elements provide the raw material for the formation of new galaxies and stars. Consumption and renewal are a continuous process that can sustain the universe forever unless an external event intercedes.

The Cosmos The regeneration theory requires some changes in old terms to fit the new concepts. Because of a vastly different exponential relationship between gravitational attraction and the propulsive effects of regenerating black holes, many centers of violent activity are created within the cosmos. These extremely violent centers resolve themselves into waves, both major (primary) and minor (secondary). The cosmos refers only to this wavefilled body. The primary waves provide the propulsive power in periods of compression. Compression of the primary waves creates fireballs of black hole regeneration that are sufficient to keep the cosmos filled with secondary waves. What we presently refer to as the multiverse is instead a multicosm. The multiverse theory is instead a multicosm theory. The Universe Our universe, on the other hand, is considered to be our local environment, without discrete boundaries, that we can probe and measure. It exists within an expanding secondary wave within the cosmos. The cosmos is filled with wave universes similar to ours in different stages of expansion and contraction. Our universe is presently in an early stage of expansion, which is destined to reverse itself in the future. Stability The cosmos itself is at stable equilibrium between expansion and contraction. Gravity and the massive propulsive effect of black hole regeneration reverse any increase or decrease in its volume. Our universe, on the other hand, is in a period of accelerated expansion. Wave energy provides most of the mass density of both our universe and the cosmos. Dark Energy and Dark Matter Dark energy and dark matter arise naturally from a regenerating cosmos. Dark energy is the wave energy that is presently accelerating the expansion of our universe. Dark matter is principally the dead stars, dead galaxies, black holes and other detritus accumulated over many cycles of expansion and contraction. These are eventually recycled into new galaxies by their absorption into massive black holes that convert into generative quasars.

Galaxy Evolution The proposed theory of galaxy evolution differs from our present concept of the evolution process. Galaxies evolve from elliptical (spheroid) to spiral. Generative

quasars create the elliptical galaxies. Spiral galaxies are degenerate elliptical galaxies. The spiral galaxy dark matter consists of the remains of the elliptical galaxies from which they evolve. Spiral galaxies eventually degenerate into residual dwarf, feeble ghost, and dead galaxies. Many galaxies, mostly spiral, are carried over from the previous wave cycle. Most elliptical galaxies were created during the compression phase of our current cycle. These eventually evolve into spiral galaxies, many of which will be carried over into the next cycle of contraction and expansion. Galaxy clusters also carry over from the previous cycle. Dark Age The dark age, rather than being the beginning of the Universe, is created beyond the bottom of our expansion wave. All galaxies beyond the bottom exist in the compression phase of the previous cycle. The compression blueshifts these galaxies. They visually appear intermingled with the galaxies in our expansion phase. Beyond the bottom there appears to be a paucity of galaxies, creating an apparent dark age resulting from the compression blueshifting. Microwave Background and X-ray Radiation A regenerating universe creates both a microwave background and sources of x-ray radiation that fill the universe. Expansion from our universes compression phase attenuates the thermal radiation from the primary wave fireball and from galaxy creation during the compression phase. This activity imprints variability into the microwave background. An abundance of black holes in the universe that have been accumulated over many cycles contributes a major portion of the x-ray radiation. Elemental Mix Galaxy creation by the generative quasars and the primary wave fireballs create the same proportionate mix of elements we presently attribute to a big bang. Turbulence The wave nature of the universe creates considerable turbulence. This is responsible for the distortion of the shape of so many galaxies near the bottom of the compression cycle and the frothy nature of the distribution of galaxies and galaxy clusters.

Why is this new view of the universe so useful to us? Principally, it explains dark matter and dark energy as flowing naturally from the new assumptions. It provides a description of the evolution of galaxies that is consistent with the evolution of our universe through

its changing phases. It provides a stable cosmos that does not require a fine-tuned creation to maintain this stability. It is consistent with multicosm logic. Regeneration explains more simply and in a more integrated manner many of the other problems that presently bedevil cosmologists. These include the contradictory roles of black holes and quasars in galaxy creation and evolution and the problems associated with present theories of galaxy formation such as the cold dark matter concept. It explains more easily the separation of galaxies into relatively homogenous sizes rather than a highly variable distribution of galaxy mass The concept of regeneration explains those observations that can not be explained by a big bang origin. It eliminates the need for hypothesizing undefined and perhaps untestable concepts such as exotic matter and the puzzling energy of acceleration. With further observations, the assumptions of regeneration can be tested. Perhaps the most significant value of regeneration is that it integrates the total concept of the cosmos into the world as we know it. Waves, oscillations, regeneration, and recycling are all part of our experience. The theory proposes that the entire universe and cosmos are subject to the same rules.

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