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Federação Operária do Rio Grande do Sul Centro de Estudos e Pesquisa Social
Number 1 – English Version

Letter from Marques da Costa to IWA

1924, Rio de Janeiro, May 8th. hadn’t had any worth. The decisive
attitude of the Union of Workers in Civil
Dear Comrade D. Abad de Santillán: Construction, courageously seconded
by the Alliance of Workers in Calçados,
The fact that our comrade Domingos General Union of Workers in Hotels
Passos (Assistant Secretary of the Restaurants and Similar, UG
Workers Federation of Rio de Janeiro) Metalworkers' unions and other
shows me today your last letter, which syndicates were the shot to death in the
referred to the Second Congress of the centralized and dictatorial claims of the
IWA and incites us to take part in this moscowized.
important international event, has made Maintaining the revolutionary integrity of
me decide to write you these lines, that the syndicalism, since the first to the
I want to mark the beginning of an third Workers Congress (1906-1913-
exchange of correspondence as 1920) was interpreted and practiced in
constant as spontaneous and therefore Brazil, according to the conception the
helpful to our relations and work of anarchists have about it, the FORJ was
revolutionary advertising. obviously intended to be the exponent
I know you long, through chronicles and that today is the revolutionary
brilliant articles that you sent to La organization of workers of here.
Protesta, that I read constantly for more Now it’s being draw, in the syndicalist
than three years, and when I knew that horizon that had been darkened of
you had been was elected member of heavy lead clouds, as a new dawn. And
the Secretariat of the AIT, I got joyful if we can achieve, as desired, the two
and waited immediately to be able to things that we will vote with body and
enter into direct relations with the soul, we’ll soon be able to complete
Secretariat, to expedite the completion victory of our ideals, that we hope to
of the work we had started against the see prevail on all the campaigns of
few Bolshevik elements that since 1922 defeatism and demoralization of the
began to undermine the old Federation stipend by Moscow. These initiatives, in
of Workers of Rio de Janeiro. My which success depends of the
duties, however, they had never given immediate revival of our languid CGT
to me - and this has been since eight are:
long years! - Stop and maintain 1) a conference Intersyndical - or
relationships with all of those whose perhaps regional - with representation
contact I would not ever get away from! of the revolutionary syndicates of the
I have done, however, what I could Rio de Janeiro (Distrito Federal) and
achieve. the State of Rio, the State of São
Today, FORJ is the most categorical Paulo, the State of Minas Gerais and
statement of the revolutionary spirit - the State of Espírito Santo;
and characteristically libertarian 2) the representation of revolutionary
tendencies of the workers of Brazil! The syndicates of Brazil (and we count as
divisive campaign of false communists you count with the ones of the State of

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Textos & Dados

Rio Grande do Sul and others, such as didn’t have, however, what we needed:
Pará, Amazonas, etc..) In the second workshops. We appealed, therefore, to
Congress of the International the bourgeois press.
Association of Workers, and as a Everything was ready to publish our
complement of these initiatives: the newspaper in the winds of advertising,
achievement of our fourth national when a new obstacle appeared. One of
congress. the most monstrous projects of law
Everything depends on the will and against the freedom of thought had
energy of the anarchist elements that, been torn out of the archives of the
despite the indifference of the masses Senate: the law of the press. It was
and crapulism of the traitors, that hadn’t discussed and voted on quickly, we just
left their place to the "flies" of capitalism were able to publish the fifth issue - first
and opportunism. And I have the safer of the new phase - which was the last
hopes we will succeed. We'll see ... glimmer of a hope that illuminated the
I would finish this letter (?) When great effort that dissipated.
occurred the idea of sending you some I will send you also a collection of O
copies of "A Pátria", where I work as Trabalho.
editor-worker. And I will send you these Now, fortunately, our stubbornness, our
copies. intransigence, our tenacity, not to say
You will see in them, the "Seção our invincible will and activity, seem to
Trabalhista," what goes through this have created a new environment, new
brasiliensis land ... hope ...
The workers organization hasn’t, It has been in the "Seção Trabalhista"
unfortunately, been able to maintain its of A Pátria that our work has been
newspaper “A Voz do Povo”, which I performed. In it I have published, since
don’t know if you ever come to read, it sixteen months that I am here (without
was a journal that provided great leaving my profession, which is
service to the advertising and carpenter), I have made all our
revolutionary organization, but it died, publications, making all our campaigns.
fell disastrously in the hands of those A Pátria that I have - that we have the
types that later had to flee miserably to anarchists of Rio de Janeiro - made all
the ranks of Russian communism, the advertising of the IWA. So I ask you
leading to divisionism within the to send, addressed to my name of the
aforementioned Federation of Workers. Press Service of IWA circulars,
When he abandoned this organization, bulletins, etc... Etc.., I ask you with
under the conditions that I mentioned in remittances a copy.
the above lines, the Union of Workers And it is just for now.
in Civil Construction - to which I belong Believe me comrade and right friend.
- founded a weekly newspaper – O
Trabalho - which was forbidden to be Marques da Costa
published after seized by police in state
of siege (which lasted 18 long months
of terrible persecution!) - the closing of
gold of the government of Epitácio
Pessoa, against whom was the military
uprising of July 22nd. [sic]. My address:
Founded the FORJ, when everything Marques da Costa
seemed to show that the country was 31 - Rua Chile - 31
going into a period of peace, politics (Editorial staff of A Pátria)
and a less reactionary government, it Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
was the Civil Construction which
suggested the idea to publish O
Trabalho under the auspices of the
Federation and as an organ of the
Workers Federation Rio de Janeiro. We

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Textos & Dados

Handwritten letter from Marques da

Costa to Abad de Santillan. Brazil,
1924. Rio de Janeiro, May 8th, 9 p.
Archive Abad de Santillan,
Korrespondenz, 1924. (IISG).

Adolfo Marques da Costa

".... he was one of the leaders of the

Union of Workers in Civil Construction,
in Rio de Janeiro. He collaborated in
the newspaper A Plebe; he was editor
of O Trabalho and other newspapers.
He was born in Portugal, was arrested
with other militants on July, 7th 1924
and deported to Lisbon. “

Pinheiro, Paulo Sérgio.
Michael M. Hall
A Classe Operária no Brasil
1889 - 1930 documents
Volume 1 – O Movimento Operário
São Paulo: Editora Alfa - Omega, 1981.

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