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The Divided Brain

The Making of the Western World


Iain McGilchrist's Book False Assumptions Keeping Things Apart The Animal Brain How Does OUR Brain Work? Left versus Right Modern Paradoxes Reception of the Book

Iain Mc Gilchrist's Book

The Master and His Emissary: The Divided Brain and the Making of the Western World
Central Thrust Of the Work

A World of Difference Between the Brain Hemispheres

How the Brain Has Shaped Our World

False Assumptions
One part of the brain does reason; the other part does emotion. Language resides only in the left hemisphere. Visual imagery is in the right hemisphere.

Keeping Things Apart

The Animal Brain

How Does OUR Brain Work?

The Right Hemisphere
sustained broad open vigilant


The Left Hemisphere

narrow sharp focused


Left versus Right

Modern Paradoxes

"A dazzling masterpiece, hugely ambitious and the most comprehensive, profound book ever written on brain laterality." The Globe And Mail "Fascinating, groundbreaking, relentlessly research and eloquently written." The Los Angeles Review of Books

Iain McGilchrist

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