T8 B14 Domestic Cases Workfile - Kennedy (JFK JR) Tab - Entire Contents - Media Reports - 1st Pgs For Reference 885

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John-F-Kennedy-Jr.com - Was John F. Kennedy Jr. Murdered? Judge For Yourself wysiwyg://67/http://www.john-f-kennedy-jr.com/murdered.


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Was John F. Kennedy Jr. Murdered?

Judge For Yourself

The report of the National Transportation Safety Board came out on August 8, 2000, 13 months
after the plane crash of JFK Jr. It contradicts many of the lies pushed in the media. For example,
the L.A. Times reported "The accident that killed Kennedy was caused by an inexperienced pilot
.. the NTSB concluded in its final report" (LA TIMES, 7/7/00, page 1). In fact, the NTSB report
shows that Kennedy was highly experienced (he had more than enough hours for an instructor's
license), he was described by his trainers as "excellent", "methodical", and "very cautious."
(NTSB report, page 3) The media say the visibility was poor. But the NTSB quotes the Tower
manager at Martha's Vineyard, where the plane went down, saying that there were "stars out"
and visibility was "between 10 and 12 miles" (NTSB report, page 5). Why did the media lie? Why
have they always lied about the murder of his father?

1) The rescue: This is enormouly important. The FAA radar tracked Kennedy's plane crash. The
U.S. Coast Guard has reported that Kennedy contacted the tower on his final approach. THIS IS
ENORMOUSLY IMPORTANT!!! It means they would have known his plane was going down
before it hit the water. FAA regulations require that a search begin immediately when a plane
reports itself on final approach and does not land within 5 minutes. Yet it took them 141/2 hours
to send the first planes and boats to Martha's Vineyard. (Boston Herald, 7/20/99 "Time gaps in
early hours of search are beyond explanation" Jack Sullivan and David Talbot) (LINKS)WHY?

2) The plane: Kennedy's plane had autopilot, capable of flying itself to within 100 feet of the
airport. All a "cautious and methodical" pilot had to do was sit back and let the plane fly itself.
(NTSB report, page 18)

3) The sabotage: Kennedy's plane had a black box. No other private non-jet plane on earth had
one. He knew they wanted to kill him and he wanted to make it hard. The NTSB, says the
battery had been removed, destroying all record of conversation in the cockpit. (NTSB page 10)
All planes have an Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT), which sends out a beacon signal in
case of a crash. It took 5 days to locate Kennedy's plane. Why? Was it missing? Disabled? The
report says nothing. According to the NTSB report, the fuel valve had been turned to OFF
(NTSB report, page 12). This valve had a safety device on it so that it could not accidentally be
turned to OFF. Turning it off during flight would be suicide, since at top speed, the engine will die
in 45 seconds!! Because the results are potentially deadly, the valve cannot be turned by
accident. A safety-release button must be pushed down and held while turning the valve. This
piece of evidence is the smoking gun. It is positive proof of foul play. Was Kennedy committing
suicide? If he wasn't, there can scarcely be any question but that he was murdered. So who
turned the valve? Read on. Kennedy's flight logbook is missing. (NTSB report, page 2) This will
be seen as critical in one minute, because the logbook would have recorded the presence of a
flight instructor on the plane. The media talked about a "graveyard spiral" and various forms of
disorientation. The NTSB report describes Kennedy's plane making two mild explainable
maneuvers; and then the plan plunged drastically to the right and plummeted straight down,
crashing 2600 feet in 45 seconds. It sounds like someone grabbed the controls and suddenly
shoved the plane into the water. But this description of a suicide plunge is consistent with the
"suicide" position of the fuel valve.

4) The flight instructor: All of the early reports said there was a flight instructor on the plane (e.g.

lof 2 4/8/03 8:35 AM

JFK Jr. FAA Contact http://www.john-f-kennedy-jr.com/newshawk.htm

JFK Jr. FAA Contact

At 9:39 PM July 16
In Official Coast Guard Report
From NewsHawk Inc.

Check it for yourself-straight from the horse's mouth.

HERE is the U.S. Coast Guard report which contains the crucial information that John
Kennedy Jr. DID make radio contact with FAA personnel at 9:39 PM on July 16, only
moments before initiating his final approach to Martha's Vineyard Airport. This is the
information originally made public by WCVB-Boston, ABC News, UPI, Virtual NY News and
some other news outlets before the information was squelched on orders from high levels of
government... like the White House.

As we noted in our article regarding the recovered tape archive of WCVB-TV Boston's July 16
broadcast that contained NUMEROUS references to this Coast Guard report, Kennedy would
have contacted the FAA installation at Otis Air Force Base on Cape Cod before contacting
the Vineyard Airport directly for final clearance. That in fact is exactly what is referred to in this
official Coast Guard report.

WCVB newsroom reporter Susan Warnick partially misinterpreted the information in the
Coast Guard report, as relayed to her by Coast Guard Petty Officer Todd Burgun, to mean
that JFK Jr. had contacted the VINEYARD AIRPORT at 9:39--a relatively minor error which
however had the subsequent effect of further muddying the waters regarding this event;
leading among other things to Vineyard airport personnel denying any such contact and
helping to make it seem NO contact ever took place.

But Kennedy's 9:39 radio communication DID take place, only with the FAA; which WCVB
lead anchor and veteran pilot Chet Curtis said numerous times during his stint at the anchor
desk later on July 16 is exactly what WOULD have occurred. And it did.

As we have noted in MANY articles about the murders of John Kennedy Jr., Carolyn Kennedy
and Lauren Bessette, the timing of this radio contact as well as the tone and contact of the
communication, in conjunction with known weather conditions (visibility at LEAST 8 miles)
and Kennedy's proximity to land, utterly invalidate the official, disingenuous pack of lies the
public has been force-fed about the plane crash and the deaths by government agencies and
their pawns and lackeys in mass media.

See for yourself!

Read the original Coast Guard report
Coast Guard searching for missing Kennedy aircraft
(copy saved below)

1 of 2 4/8/03 8:34 AM
NAATS - Airplane Accident: John Kennedy Ji http://www.naats.org/ninfo/nijfk.htr

July 26, 1999

^_ Airplane Accident: John Kennedy Jr.

The general details of the recent accident are well known by each controller throughout the country. Further,
there is a general understanding of where Flight Service fits into the event.

Friday night, July 16th, John Kennedy Jr. departed Essex County Airport, Caldwell, NJ (CDW) at
approximately 8:39 pm. The pilot departed VFR to Martha's Vineyard Haven, Martha's Vineyard (MVY).
According to family members, the aircraft was to arrive about 10 pm.

There are no records of the pilot contacting Flight Service for a preflight weather brief. There was no flight
plan filed. There are no records of the pilot contacting Flight Service for any enroute services.

The aircraft failed to arrive at MVY.

At 2:15 am, over 4 hours after the expected arrival, a concerned family member contacted BDR AFSS and
the search was initiated.

For any Flight Service Controller, the conclusions are obvious and clear. However, one phone call earlier in
the evening clouds the issue.

About 10:15pm a call was received at BDR AFSS from an individual requesting us to "track" an aircraft that
was to arrive at MVY. The individual gave two tail numbers and a few possible locations of departure. The
individual gave the pilot's name. Of course, we had no inbound, nor was there any information in the DD file.
The controller informed the caller that we generally do not give out aircraft movement information to the
general public. The caller indicated no big deal and terminated the call. No further action taken by the

This was the issue where the Union was concerned. The individual that made the 10:15pm call, a ramp
.-—-, jockey at MVY, told the media that he informed the FAA earlier of the lost aircraft and the FAA took no
action at that time. I will not comment on the individual's motives or why he contacted the media rather than
the FAA to report the call, but what is clear, he had his 15 minutes of fame. After the transcripts of the call
were released to the media, this issue eventually fell out of the media circus. Further, the media reported
from an anonymous source that the controller, who received the call at 10:15 pm, was to be disciplined, the
FAA responded publicly that the controller's actions were correct and that the controller would not be

In regards to the 10:15 pm phone call, the issue was creditability. In this type of situation, the controller must
use good judgment to determine creditability of the caller. We all have taken calls from family members,
instructors and friends concerning the status of a particular flight. This is something that is more common
than most realize in FAA HQ. In this particular phone call the caller was evasive as to his identity and was
unsure of the particulars of the flight. Further, the caller did not indicate there was any problem, there was
no statement of certainty of the flight and the subsequent failure to arrive. Circumstances were not clear and
conclusive and creditability was not established.

My hope is that this issue will remain within the FAA. Any directives or procedures as a result of the 10:15
pm call, should be reasonable and designed to achieve a meaningful goal. Realizing most in the FAA HQ
have limited knowledge of the day to day workings of Flight Service; I fear there maybe some knee jerk
reaction that would create considerable difficulties for the controllers in the field. How far do we grill each
pilot, preflight or enroute, each airport manager, each controller or even fellow controller to look for some
hidden information? Will every communication be subject to an extensive effort to uncover some obtuse fact
that may save the controller from second-guessing or Monday morning quarterbacking? What happens to
our customers, who are already overwhelmed with the enormous amount of precautionary statements and
warnings? All of which erodes our creditability and the desirability of our service by our customer.

As for the media circus surrounding the accident, the Union took the position not to exploit the tragedy for
clearly parochial benefit. There was a clear need to articulate the role of Flight Service in this tragic event,
^""^ however drawing any conclusions concerning the pilot's actions would have been counter-productive. Our
goal is for the advancement of the Flight Service not for our 15 minutes of fame. There will be an extensive
NTSB investigation and I suspect a congressional inquiry. If there are any changes in regulations, they will
be as a result of these investigations and the usual political dealings in Washington. This is where we need

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