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DIGITAL NATIVE, DIGITAL INMIGRANT Recognize the interest about digital native and inmigrant it is very importance; because

now all the people changed a lot of in their different ways that is to say there is so many changes in the clothes, and all the style, but in technology all is different exist computer, cameras, videogames etc. Also says that the digital native are people that borned on 90s; because was then when the world of the vanguard begin to have emphasis in the century XX. (Tramano, 1998) The most importance it is shows there is different kinds of experiences and the brain have a ways very special to understand all the process this is according to Dr. Bruce D. Berry. Therefore it is that exist students with a big difficult to learn this language in someones aspects the new technology help that the digital inmigrant can be compared with a digital native, but the different is that a digital inmigrant have difficult in the accent; because practically are adapting to the environment, and learn to reading a manual to have information about internet for this are looking that the language can be learn ; because this is a problems very serious the student have that show all the capacity, ability and aptitude to increase the knowledge. Also the digital native can understand better the language of a way easier; because now exist so many institutions that open the doors to the knowledge, and so, learn have a best process then digital inmigrant begun all the changes doesnt have the possibility of begin to improve just in the moment, but I think that now with the digital native both talk, and using ideas very interest that are beneficing to so many people. (Goode, August 8, 2000) Well the most important it is communication between both this have a little appreciation for these news skills; because with the pass of the years this improve, that is to says, they acquired and perfected the language, the majority of interaction and practice changed, but I think that exist difficult to socialized, and this learning is teach slowly, step by step, one thing at a time. It is correct; because this happens of a way where the knowledge is individual. Therefore I think that the use of technology in the digital native and the digital immigrant is an advantage, and always exist the possibility to try and improve someone features in own learn, as also it is important show all our interest to learn every day the better; because necessary when we are practice, we are improve we way of interaction with other people. (Renate Numella Caine and Geoffrey Caine, 1991) I think that maybe if we dont feel afraid, our English will be good, but with patience, we could understand; because all this need time, interest and capacity.

Goode, E. (August 8, 2000). How Culture Modals Habits of Thought. Nueva York: Nueva Y ork Times. Renate Numella Caine and Geoffrey Caine. (1991). Making Connections: T eaching and the Human Brain. Nueva York: Addison-Wesley. Tramano, D. M. (1998). Today. USA: Harvard.

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