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What is BLY? The Bachat Lamp Yojana is a scheme developed by Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), Govt.of India, to promote energy efficient lighting in the country. The Bachat Lamp Yojana scheme is registered as Small-Scale CDM Program of Activities (SSC-PoA) in the UNFCCC- Execution Board on 29th April 2010. Under the BLY scheme quality long-life CFLs would be distributed by implementer(s) to grid-connected residential households in co-ordination with DISCOMs in exchange of an incandescent Bulb and Rs. 15/ -. Under each CPA approximately 6 00 000 CFLs can be distributed (@4 CFLs per household) with the limit of 60 GWh savings yearly. The implementer(s) would cover the project cost through sale of GHG emission reductions achieved in their respective Project areas.

Overall Energy Saving Potential of BLY CFLs give 80% energy savings without compromising lumen intensity 400 million BULBS can be replaced, avoided capacity generation 4000 MW.

GHG Reduction Estimate One ton CO2e reduction can be achieved by replacing - Ten 100W bulbs OR Twenty 60W bulbs with CFLs Specifications of CFL Confirm to IS:15111 standards and subsequent amendments Lumen output equal to or greater than the ICL replaced. IS 418:2004. Lifetime equal to or greater than 6000 hrs Power factor equal or greater than 0.85 CFLs carry a BLY logo

Roles of GEDA SDAs are the nodal Agencies for implementation of BEE schemes in the states State level promotion of BLY Scheme. Confidence building of DISCOMS and other stakeholders SDAs can play a very important role in facilitation and support of project level meeting if and so required. Provide support to BEE at State Level for performing function of CME.

Role of DISCOMs Provides access to database of household users. Provide space for temporary storage replaced bulbs for inspection. Assist in distribution and installation of CFLs Assists implementer in monitoring

Benefits of Bachat Lamp Yojna Uses CDM Program of Activities approach to Lower transaction costs Reduced time Capture an activity otherwise difficult / expensive under CDM Reduce risk to investors Simple monitoring without compromising CFL usage hours Predictable returns in todays uncertain global financial flux and post -2012 uncertainty

The State Government proposes to implement the Bachat Lamp Yojna by the end of year 2011-12. Proposal for distribution of about 5 lakhs CFLs in the Dahod regions (under MGVCL) is already under consideration.

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