Microprocessor Interfacing April2003 NR 321402

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Set No.

Code No.: 321402

III B.Tech II-Semester Examinations April 2003



Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80

Answer any five questions
All questions carry equal marks

1.a) Explain the register structure of 8085.

b) Explain the various addressing modes of 8085 with examples.

2.a) Explain the architecture of 8086 with a neat diagram.

b) Draw the format of flag register and explain the function of additional flags, other
than 8085 flags with examples.

3.a) Write an ALP to add the decimal number 82197268 to 17346752 and store the
result in SUM.
b) Write a note on Assembler directives.

4.a) Give an example of a recursive procedure.

b) Distinguish between Subroutines and Macros.

5.a) Explain the fundamental I/O considerations.

b) Give an example of Interrupt driven I/O.

6.a) Explain the various modes of operations of 8255 PPI.

b) Give the format of mode word and command word of 8251 USART.

7.a) Explain DMA operation with a neat bock diagram.

b) Draw an interfacing diagram to connect an A/D converter to 8086.

8.a) Distinguish between closely Coupled and Loosely Coupled configurations of co-
b) Explain the salient features of 8089 I/O processor.

Set No.
Code No.: 321402
III B.Tech II-Semester Examinations April 2003



Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80

Answer any five questions
All questions carry equal marks

1.a) Explain the interrupt structure of 8085.

b) Draw the format of flag registers of 8085 and explain the function of each flag
with an example.

2.a) Explain the internal operation of 8086 with a neat diagram.

b) Explain the various addressing modes of 8086.

3.a) Distinguished between programmed I/O and interrupt driven I/O.

b) Give an example of programmed I/O data transfer.

4.a) Write a note on Assembler directives.

b) Write an ALP to evaluate the expression (x2 + 6xy –z).

5.a) Explain how stack is implemented in 8086. List a few instructions that effect the
b) Explain the interrupt structure of 8086 with a vector interrupt table.

6.a) Explain the various modes of operations of 8255 PPI.

b) Explain the various modes of operations of 8254 timer.

7.a) Draw a neat diagram of 8 numbers of 8259’s as slaves and one Master connected
in cascade mode and briefly explain its operation.
b) Draw an interfacing diagram to drive a stepper motor.

8.a) Explain the salient features of 8087 NDP.

b) Explain the salient features of 8089 I/O processor.

Set No.
Code No.: 321402
III B.Tech II-Semester Examinations April 2003



Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80

Answer any five questions
All questions carry equal marks

1.a) Explain the register structure of 8085.

b) Explain the interrupt structure of 8085.

2.a) Explain the architecture of 8086 with a neat diagram.

b) Draw the format of flag register of 8086 and explain the function of additional flags
other than 8085 flags.

3.a) Write an ALP to pick the maximum from among 10 bytes of data.
b) Write the Algorithms for DAA and DAS instructions.

4.a) What is a recursive procedure? Write any recursive procedure as example.

b) How is the stack implemented in 8086? Which registers print to Top-of-the-Stack
and Bottom-of-the-Stack?

5.a) Give an example of programmed I/O.

b) Write a note on I/O design example.

6.a) Draw an interfacing diagram to connect two microprocessor kits with 8251’s in
serial I/O transfer using RS-232C.
Note: Show only TXD, RXD and Ground.
b) Explain the salient programming features of 8279 without drawing the internal
block diagram.

7.a) Explain DMA data transfer with a neat diagram.

b) Draw an interface to D/A converter.

8.a) Explain the salient features of 8087 NDP.

b) Show how an 8089 I/O processor improves the system performance.

Set No.
Code No.: 321402
III B.Tech II-Semester Examinations April 2003



Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 80

Answer any five questions
All questions carry equal marks

1.a) Explain the architecture of 8085 with a neat diagram.

b) Draw the format of flag register and explain the function of each flag.

2.a) Explain the register structure of 8086.

b) Explain the various addressing modes of 8086.

3.a) Write an ALP to find the maximum from among 20 words of data.
b) Write an ALP to evaluate the expression x2-6x+10.

4.a) Write a note on linking and relocation.

b) Explain the interrupt structure of 8086 with a vector interrupt table.

5.a) Distinguish between programmed I/O and interrupt driven I/O.

b) Write a note on I/O design example.

6.a) Explain the various modes of operations of 8255 PPI.

b) Draw the interfacing diagram to interface 8255 to 8086.

7.a) Explain the architectural features of 8259.

b) Explain cascade mode of operation of 8259 with a neat diagram.

8.a) Explain the salient features of 8087 NDP.

b) Draw the block diagram to interface a D/A converter to 8086.


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