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Oct 16th - AmSoc Happy Hour Oct 26th - Kids Halloween Party Oct 31st - Halloween Happy Hour Nov 9th - Angel Party Nov 24th - Thanksgiving Event Dec 6th - Holiday Party

Monthly Newsletter October 2013

Halloween in So Paulo
An airplane full of yummy Candy Corn, Tootsie Rolls, Smarties, Hersheys bars, Reeses cups, and other delicious American candy and cool Halloween game prizes is on its way to So Paulo, in preparation for the annual American Society Halloween Party for kids! Rain or shine, bring your children (2 to 12 years old) on Saturday, October 26th from 3-6pm to this traditional party (address given upon reservation). We will have a real pumpkin patch, Halloweenthemed games with Halloween prizes, haunted houses for all ages, and, of course, Trick-or-Treating in the Enchanted Forest with lots of real American candy. There will be a light snack for the kids, and there will be a cash bar for moms & dads. This year, you can even purchase a real American pumpkin from our pumpkin patch to take home at the end of the party and carve with your kids!! Space is limited. To prevent overcrowding, space is limited to 125 children, so be sure to reserve in advance to assure that your child will be able to participate in the Trick-or-Treating. RESERVE BY OCTOBER 18th FOR A DISCOUNT! To take advantage of the discounted rate, be sure to reserve by October 18th and pay just R$50 per child (AmSoc members). But beware - if you wait until the day of the party, the price will increase to 75R$! Your children can also invite their non-AmSoc friends for R$100 per child. Alternatively, they can join AmSoc at the party and pay the member rate. RESERVATIONS: Tel. 5182-2074 or

In This Issue
Blogging Brazil
Page 6: One post a day! Could you do it?

Brazilian Protests
Page 8: An overview of what has been happening and where we might be going from here.

What does Brazil look like?

Page 10: Claire Rigby discusses the difficulty of cutting through visual stereotypes in Brazil.

Our Mission
The American Society of So Paulo promotes friendship by organizing social, cultural and athletic events for its diverse membership; encourages integration with the Brazilian society; and supports the American traditions of education, philanthropy and volunteerism.

Presidents Corner
Can you believe its October already? The year is three quarters complete and it seems like just yesterday that we were bringing coats and sweaters back and By Frank Pierce, preparing for AmSoc president another Brazilian winter. Springtime is here and its time to start planning our year-end travels and activities. At AmSoc, we have been very busy. In just the past two months weve added several wonderful and extremely valuable members to the Board of Directors Renato Opice Bloom, Ana Magalhaes, Tara Wozniak, Kathy Lahaye and Lee Morales. Thanks to each of our new Directors for stepping up and volunteering their expertise and commitment to AmSoc. We also have a new Vice President, Judy Zanchi. Judy brings tremendous experience working with charitable and social activities and has a level of energy we can all envy. Just a few weeks ago several of us attended the annual Vida Jovem Dinner Dance and on September 19th we held a private reception honoring the Corporations, individuals and Helping Hands members who have contributed so dearly to AmSoc and the various charities we support. We also hosted several prospective donors and hope to count on their support in the coming months. On October 16th and November 20th well have Happy Hours at BOS BBQ in Itaim and on October 26th well have our annual Childrens Halloween party at the Marine House. This fun event includes games, entertainment and Halloween treats for over 100 children of AmSoc and Consulate families. Tickets are going fast so hurry up and contact the AmSoc office to register your children. Were also looking for a few more volunteers to help distribute treats and supervise games. The annual Marine Ball will be held on Saturday, November 23rd and on November 24th well have our annual Thanksgiving get together at The Fellowship Church more details to follow. These are two great events and opportunities to meet fellow Americans, support our Marines in Sao Paulo and celebrate Thanksgiving. Youth sports activities, baseball, soccer and tennis, are all in full swing. Were lucky to have and sincerely appreciate the excellent adult leadership this year and the member participation. The adult Softball Championship is set for October 12th and 13th at the CT Yakult Park in Ibiuna where the Brazilian National Baseball and Softball teams practice. This is a world class facility and a great place to play. Were also very excited now that the USA National Soccer team has officially qualified for next years World Cup here in Brazil and are already brainstorming ideas to welcome the many American visitors who will come to support our team. Finally, were working on a new website layout and content and are looking for specialists to help with design, updating and maintenance. Please contact the AmSoc office if you can help or know of anyone who could assist. AmSoc is growing and we have great plans for exciting new events. I sincerely hope every member is enjoying being part of such a great organization. Until next month Abraos, Frank

Forum is published monthly, with the exception of January and July, by

About Forum

Lynn Cordeiro, editor and layout Ernest White II, staff writer Forum is printed by EGB. ( Views expressed in Forum do not necessarily reflect those of the American Society board of governors, members, or staff. Forum reserves the right to edit content for brevity and/or clarity.

The American Society of So Paulo Rua da Paz, 1431 04713-001 So Paulo, SP Tel: (11) 5182-2074 Fax: (11) 5182-9155 email the editor:



The American Society of So Paulo

Welcome to Our New Members

Welcome the following New Members who joined us recently. We are very grateful for your support! LAST NAME Andrew COLEMAN James WRONSKI Daniel CUBBIN John SZYPULA Renae CUBBIN Meredith SZYPULA SPOUSE Pitia CARITA MEMBERSHIP Family Patron Membership Single Patron Membership Family Membership Helping Hands Membership American COMPANY Robert Walters NATIONALITY American

New Member Profile

Early frustrations: For sure the early frustration was the confinement of living in an apartment. We came from Tulsa, Oklahoma, a small town in the US, but we had a house with a pool and coming here we moved into an apartment. We had to adjust to the small space, the security issues, etc. We were very lucky to find an apartment that has an area for kids and that helped, otherwise I know we would have gone crazy. The language adjustment was also hard especially for my wife. The kids are going to a bilingual school, so they were speaking within a couple of months, but if you dont have the everyday contact with the language it makes it harder. Have saudade for anything back home: We miss our friends and some Mexican food. ;) In So Paulo it is hard to build friendships because everyone works late during the week, and on the weekends the families want to spend time with their kids, etc., so it is tough. We find the traffic in So Paulo a nightmare. It does not matter the time of the day, you will always find traffic, so that makes it hard to go places and visit friends across the city. Progress with Portuguese: As I mentioned, I am originally Brazilian but I did not speak Portuguese at home. So note to self, speak your language to your kids because you never know where life will take you. One year later, the kids are speaking fluently and it is such a great feeling to see them speak Portuguese. I cried the first time my 6-year-old read Os 3 Porquinhos in Portuguese. My older son is taking tests in Portuguese and I am very proud of him for taking the Portuguese classes for Brazilians. I know he had a hard time in the beginning, but now he is doing well and maintains a B avg in Portuguese, so that makes dad very proud. My wife probably had the hardest adjustment with the language, since she does not have a contact with the language every day. She is doing excellently and she speaks to everyone, but Portuguese is not easy and the verbs always confuse her. I sometimes cannot believe that she drives everywhere here and goes to feiras by herself, which is something she really enjoys (nothing like having fresh fruit and fresh fish right outside your house). Favorite place to hang out: We love going outside of So Paulo on the weekends. We have family in Guaratingueta and we go there a lot to let the kids see the life outside of the massive city. They enjoy the country club, the streets, no traffic. Also we love the beach, so we go to Ubatuba and try find new adventures around Brazil such as Fortaleza and Praia do Forte - our favorite place in Brazil thus far. Overall, we feel very lucky to have had the chance to come to Brazil. I had lived in China and Singapore and did not think I would have a chance to come here, but life gave us this chance and we are thankful. My family loves having the kids here and seeing them grow. For my kids, it is a wonderful experience that they will treasure for life. My wife is also enjoying it and I am grateful to her for always being willing to take those chances with me. One final thing, to convince my kids to leave the US, I promised to be here for the World Cup, since they are crazy soccer fans, so we are really looking forward to next years World Cup.

Name: Wanor Franca Origin, time here: I am originally from Brazil but moved to the US when I was very young and lived there for over 20 years. We returned to So Paulo last year. Why So Paulo: So Paulo was chosen because of my work. I run the LATAM office for OpenLink, which is a software company focused on banks, oil and commodity firms, and our office is here in So Paulo. But it is very interesting that being Brazilian I had never lived in So Paulo, so it was a big adjustment for me and my family. Best things so far: We love the restaurants. So Paulo has so many options, so almost every weekend we try a new place and we look for places where we can sit outdoors. We have gone to Pe de Manga, So Lourenco (this was a recommendation from the AmSoc welcome guide), Santa Cecilia, Bar des Arts, and many more. We love Vila Madalena and the Ibirapuera park area. We also have done some picnics and rented bikes to ride around.



Consulate Corner: Consulate Expansion Completed

By Kris Morrissey, American Consulate Good news! The U.S. Consulate General So Paulo has recently finished a multimillion dollar expansion along with changes in procedures making the visa process much easier and quicker today than it was a year or so ago. As the busiest non-immigrant visa processing consulate in the world, we want to offer some updated information that may be helpful to you or your Brazilian family and friends considering a trip to the United States: If an individual is renewing the same type of U.S. visa (for example, he or she holds a tourism and business visa, called a B1/B2 visa, and wants another of the same) and the visa is still valid or has expired less than 48 months ago, the renewal can usually be done through the mail. Also, most Brazilians over age 66 or under age 16 applying for the first time may apply for a B1/B2 visa through the mail. Here are more details: niv-apply/visa-renewal.html. If an individual is applying for a different type of visa (for example, he or she had a student visa but now needs a tourism and business visa), or is applying for the first time, he or she typically will need to interview in person at the Consulate. Appointments are generally available within three days or less. Here is how to make the appointment: http://brazil.usembassy. gov/niv-apply.html. Finally, as much as an American citizen might like to assist his or her Brazilian family member or friend with the interview, U.S. government rules require this to be a confidential exchange between the consular officer and the applicant. Barring unusual circumstances (for example, a minor childs visa application), an American citizen will not be allowed to accompany his or her Brazilian family member or friend to the interview. Normally, approved applicants will receive their passport and visa in the mail within two weeks after the interview, though there are exceptions. We trust that these changes, combined with our effort to always deliver high quality, efficient service, will continue to improve the visa application process for Brazilians looking to visit, work or study in the United States. For information regarding Consulate services for American Citizens, such as U.S. passport applications, please visit our website at http://brazil.usembassy. gov/service.html. Safe travels!

For applicants convenience, we now have two locations for fingerprinting and photo taking: one in Pinheiros and the other in Vila Mariana. Here is more information on the addresses and times of operation: en-BR/selfservice/us_asc_information.



The American Society of So Paulo

Testing Trials: Navigating the SAT and ACT Exams

By Kristina Dooley For most high school students beginning the college-search process, the thought of taking the SAT or ACT exam produces a tremendous amount of anxiety. In fact, many of my students tell me that they are more Testing Time nervous about receiving Number of the results of these Questions standardized tests than Exam Sections receiving their decision letters from the colleges and universities to which theyll apply! The reality is that for Score Range the majority of students Question Style applying to colleges, SAT or ACT exams are Scoring just one piece of a much more complex puzzle. Math Content While admission officers Covered certainly pay attention to an applicants scores, Upcoming Test there is generally a Dates holistic review done of applications for admission. This means that in addition to test scores, reviewers are taking note of an applicants inschool records (GPA, rigor of coursework, Registration disciplinary history, Site etc.), application essays, recommendations, extracurricular activities and accomplishments, and demonstrated interest in the college. There are also some colleges that are test-optional and do not require SAT or ACT scores from most applicants (check out for a list of these schools). The truth, however, is that because students should ideally have their first go at these exams no later than Spring of their junior year of high school, most may not have solidified their list of colleges and thus, may not know if they would be required to submit exams or not. A simple rule of thumb: take the exams, see how you do, and then decide how youll proceed. Looking at the following comparison box examining the make-up of the two exams, there are a few key differences to be aware of while preparing for the tests: Students who need SAT ACT additional time to process 3 Hours 45 Minutes 3 Hours 25 Minutes questions may find the 140 215 ACT more difficult as there are more questions 3 Critical Reading Sections 1 English Section presented in less time. 3 Mathematics Sections 1 Mathematics Section The SAT does not 3 Writing Sections (Mandatory) 1 Science Section include a Science section 1 Section of Experimental 1 Writing Section (Optional) so students who do not Questions for Future Exams excel in this arena may 600-2400 Composite 1-36 Composite prefer this exam. Mix of Multiple Choice and All Multiple Choice (Except The Writing section is a Student Fill-In Writing) required piece of the SAT 1/4 Point Deduction for Each No Point Deduction for Wrong exam, while it is optional Wrong Answer Answers on the ACT. A tip: several Arithmetic, Algebra I & II, Pre-Algebra, Algebra I & II, colleges, including many Geometry Geometry, Trigonometry Ivies, will allow students Formulas Provided Formulas NOT Provided to submit their ACT with November 2, 2013 (Registration October 26, 2013 (Registration Writing scores in lieu of Deadline: October 3) Deadline: September 27) SAT Subject Testsan December 7, 2013 (Registration December 14, 2013 (Registration incentive to complete the Deadline: November 8) Deadline: November 8) optional Writing section! January 25, 2014 (Registration April 12, 2014 (Registration Students taking the Deadline: December 27) Deadline: March 7) SAT should exercise May 3, 2014 (Registration caution when guessing Deadline: April 4) at answers, as there is June 7, 2014 (Registration point deduction for each Deadline: May 9) incorrect response. On the ACT, however, students should attempt to answer every question since there is no point deduction for wrong answers. (see comparison box) and; Though 1/3 of the SAT exam is Colleges will use the highest equivalent test score for admission Math-focused, the questions DO NOT purposes (i.e. if you submit scores from cover any trigonometry and, as a bonus, both the SAT and ACT, theyll use formulas are provided within the exam whichever exam the student performed booklet. better on). Kristina L. Dooley is the founder A common misperception is that the SAT is the exam preferred by most of Estrela Consulting, an Independent colleges and universities and that the Educational Consulting firm helping ACT is not universally accepted. The families navigate the college, boarding truth is that all colleges and universities school, and summer program search within the U.S. accept both exams. In processes. Kristina is a former AmSoc fact, for the first time in the history member now living in Ohio and can of the exams, the number of high be reached via email at Kristina@ school seniors taking the ACT in 2013 or online at surpassed the number taking the SAT! Many students wonder why they should take both the SAT and the ACT. Two main reasons are: The tests are completely different



Blogging Brazil
by Kristin Barbieri My inspiration muse is my deadline. Luis Fernando Verissimo This past May while I was hanging out at a roadside fruit and vegetable stand, in Piracaia, a motorcyclist drove up, opened up his trunk and offered my husband and I some cheese that he was selling. After buying some, I said to my (Brazilian) husband something like only in Brazil! and he said tell me about it. And I laughed. And he said seriously, why dont you write about your experiences in Brazil? I have toyed with writing for many years. When I was first here in 1998-2001, I wrote short stories more for my own pleasure that for others. I had read Luis Fernando Verissimos Comdias da Vida Privada, which more than any other short stories showed the humor and fun in reporting every day life. But I am no short story writerthat is much harder than it looks! In April of this year I participated in NaNoWriMo or National Novel Writing Month where I committed to writing 30,000 words in 30 days. It was tough but fun, and encouraging to see that I actually could do it. Given the discipline of having to write almost every day, I realized that only through giving myself a daily goal would I actually be able to complete what I wanted to do. On Mothers Day, I began my blog called Brazil in My Eyes, one expats view of life in So Paulo. And since then I have kept up daily postssome with just a photo and caption and some others appearing as long essays on what I have seen or heard here. Some days are easier to write than othersthe words and the humor flow. Other days I stare and stare at the blank screen. The best part of keeping a blog is seeing Brazil anew. Once you have lived here for eight years, as I have, some of the daily life fails to be amusing. But when you look with a writer-observers eyes, you find the motoboy phenomenon funny, or some laws amusing or just the everyday of life here worth examining and enjoying probably cause me to delete comments. And as another blogger told me, these disagreements and feedback all add up to a more interesting blog. One of the best comments on my site recently was from someone who took issue with how I had presented my take on daily political events (in this case the appointment of a felon as ambassador from Brazil to a foreign country). As I disclaimed that I was hardly a real newspaper and this was all my opinion, he came back and said to me that blogs are now real news sources and many people get their news and opinions from blogs. While I hardly want this responsibility (nor can I believe that I could possibly be taken seriously as more than an expat stumbling through my life here), he had a point. Blogging is powerful. It is not just tossing out thoughts--someone will fact-check you. Besides my husband, several people encouraged my blogging, including sister blogger Born Again Brazilian, Megan Farrell. With her guidance and some conversations with others, we now have a Facebook group with information-trading and post reviewing with other Brazil bloggers. It is a diverse group with some Brazilians living in foreign countries and telling about their culture shock, and then the expatriates of Curitiba, Rio de Janeiro and rural Minas Gerais. We laugh as we inadvertently post the same complaints or joys, or debate when we disagree. I have truly enjoyed the interactions with the people who read and comment on my blogI have learned many new things from these readers. I wish more would post their comments. Surely some folks find their way onto my page accidentallysearching on a label I

in writing. I highly recommend blogging, even if it is only to show family and friends, as a way of observing. Things have caught my eye that never would have before: phrases and slang, the way people greet each other, the food we eatall of it has become part of my observations. The hardest thing of keeping the blog for me has been negative comments and constructive feedback. While the blog is really more for me than anyone else, I cant help feeling hurt when someone is not as amused by something as I am, or is offended by me suggesting that So Paulo is dangerous, or complains about the way I have translated words. I have never had someone be verbally offensive to me or to another reader, which would



The American Society of So Paulo

have used to describe a post. While I dont expect to ever make money from my blog, I know there are some people who successfully do so through advertising or add-on sales. As of right now, I am just enjoying myself. Im a third of the way through my year of bloggingand theres no end in sight to my commentary. Maybe just to the number of people who read it! In the end, I concentrate on making myself happy with the blog. As I write this article, I am 137 posts into my 365 day year. So far, I have been able to keep up with daily posts, scheduling some for automatic postings when I am out of town with no access to internet. While I use googles Blogger product and am far too technically-incompetent and lazy to move it, I have heard that the Wordpress created blogs are much more unfriendly. So choose wisely as inertia is a rather strong force. Kristin Barbieris blog can be found at br

Board bio - Eileen Tasso

My family arrived in Brazil in 2007 from Saline, Michigan. My husband, two sons and myself. Our initial three year assignment has quickly turned into more than six years and in the meantime our boys have grown and graduated from Graded School. They are currently in college in the US. So what do I do? I am a registered nurse by trade, but due to licensing and language barriers this is not an option for me here in Brazil. So I chose volunteer work. I chair the American Society Community Action Committee (CAC) of which I have been a member of for the last five years, three and a half of those as the chairperson. I began as a volunteer at Vila Acalanto, playing with small children, reading to them, holding and feeding babies. I soon became the liaison for Vila Acalanto, as the current liaison was returning to the US. Now I am chairing this awesome committee. I have the pleasure to work with ten different and wonderful organizations doing their best to help the underprivileged children in So Paulo. Each of these entities is unique and it is amazing how they serve their local communities. I also have the pleasure to work with the smart and dedicated people that make up the CAC. I have learned so much about orphanages, community centers, vocational programs, and laws in Brazil that affect the lives of the poor children in So Paulo. It has been a truly amazing and humbling experience. In my spare time, I enjoy reading and movies. I have also had the opportunity to see some fabulous places on this southern continent. I look forward to exploring it a little more before our time in Brazil is up.

Some of Kristins favorite blogs about Brazil are here: Born Again Brazilian: Not religion, just Brazilian. Wonderful daily thoughts and views on the news or everyday life. http://bornagainbrazilian.wordpress. com Head of the Heard: A father posting from Curitiba, with subjects from superheroes to football Rachels Rantings in Rio: a mix of humor and rants from a mother about daily life in Rio The Book is on the Table: a collection of fun observations of daily life in So Paulo A Taste of Brazil: A newcomer to the blogging world with recipes and views of Brazilian cuisine.

CAC News
Lar Tia Edna - Congratulations to Felipe. He was granted a scholarship to study music at a university in Pensacola. - The Big Brother-Big Sister Program with the US Consulate is going well. All the children at LTE have a big brother/big sister. Yeah! Vivenda 50 young adults now have an internship through their Jovem Apprendiz Program. They are hoping to add 50 more this upcoming year. Please contact AmSoc for your Jovem Apprendiz. Vivenda toy drive We are accepting donations of new and gently used toys. Please contact Maria Stiehm Taking bookings now for Xmas card and album sessions



The Brazil Protests An Overview

By Ernest White II, Staff Writer college students, called the Movimento Passe Livre (Free Fare Movement) planned to protest the fare increase. The organization had long participated in small-scale protests over price increases, most notably in Salvador da Bahia back in 2004 and as recently as May of this year in Goinia, but the movement hadnt gained much traction in the national mainstream, as most people consider public transportation that costs nothing to the user to be unrealistic. This time, the group threatened to use social media and shut the city down if the fare increase wasnt rescinded, recruiting participants through Facebook and Twitter. On June 11th, the protests reached the tipping point, with streets blocked off by protesters, and buses and and masked youths running through the streets, but also of heavily armored police officers pepper-spraying women in the eyes and knocking down young couples with billy clubs. Opinions were mixed about the events, with notable columnists even going on record as supporting draconian police measures similar to those implemented during Brazils military dictatorship, from 1964 to 1985. Many others, however, agreed with the spirit of the transit protests, despite thinking protesters went too far in their tactics, because of an overall dissatisfaction with lengthy commute times, unconscionable traffic jams, and relatively expensive public transportation costs when considered against the countrys minimum wage (R$755 a month). Two days later, the bus fare was reduced back to an even R$3, but outrage at the police response and general discontent about many other aspects of Brazilian society fueled the protests in So Paulo and later that week in Rio de Janeiro, where crowds swelled to an estimated 2 5 0 , 0 0 0 people. By the third week of June, protests were happening in over 100 Brazilian cities and involving up to 2 million p e o p l e , according to official estimates. President Dilma Rousseff met with leaders of the Free Fare Movement and finally addressed the nation on June 24th with a 5-point reform package tackling the issues of education, health care, transportation, fiscal responsibility, and political corruption.

Historically a country where political protests play second fiddle to more sociable popular movements such as Carnival, Brazil made worldwide headlines for several weeks during 2013s winter of discontent with street protests in virtually all of the countrys major cities. Initially sparked by a student group protesting a 30-centavo increase in bus fares in So Paulo and calling for free public transportation, the protests spread nationwide, quickly and without warning, encompassing groups and individuals of all political stripes and tapping into innumerable founts of outrage among the population. In fact, despite how they may be portrayed to the outside world, the protests are not uniform in character, intent, location, or participants. They have morphed and transmogrified with the passing weeks and months, capturing the attentions of various segments of Brazilian society and speaking to every civic concern imaginable, from, as they say in Portuguese, Oiapoque to Chu. And even though the protests have shifted throughout the country, they began and continue to flare up in So Paulo, forever a nexus of social movements in Brazil. The Beginning At the beginning of June, bus fares in So Paulo rose from R$3 per trip to R$3.20. In response, a fringe group of activists, mostly comprised of

trash torched in many parts of Centro. The police response with the encouragement of So Paulos two largest newspapers, which characterized the protesters as vandals and miscreants was a swift and intense crackdown. The international media picked up the stories and reproduced images of burning trash



The American Society of So Paulo

The Issues As protests roiled throughout Brazil, it became clear to the nation that anger over a 20-centavo fare increase belied a larger, greatly varied, and more profound sense of dissatisfaction. Speaking to national and international press organizations, citizens on the streets who may or may not have been participating in the protests weighed in on the abysmal state of public education and health care, especially when viewed against the estimated $1 trillion in expenditures slated in anticipation of next years World Cup and the Olympic Games two years after that. The major, recurring theme, however, had been the lack of focus by protesters, which included disparate groups representing the Free Fare Movement, PT supporters (PT is the Workers Party, of which President Dilma Rousseff belongs), PT haters, college students, Communists, anarchists, and other innumerable permutations. The majority of the protests have an antiWorld Cup slant. Infighting among specific interest groups, including the Free Fare Movement, as well as clashes between organizations at cross-purposes with others kept the crowds from uniting behind a single set of issues and therefore consolidating their demands from the government. Barely a week after the initial protests in So Paulo, In fact, as the weeks passed, other issues came to the forefront, especially as high-profile events happened in Brazil. At the end of June, the Confederations Cup considered a dry run for next years World Cup matches kicked off as protests continued to flare up throughout the country, frequently outside stadiums while matches were being played inside. When Pope Francis visited Rio de Janeiro on July 27th, thousands of Catholic pilgrims in town to see the Pope were confronted by a few thousand protesters mostly women, many topless participating in the Slut March for an end to misogyny, violence against women, and the nationwide ban on abortion. The vast majority of the protests were peaceful, but in several instances, members of the crowd got out of hand, engaging in vandalism and other acts of violence. Meanwhile, the litany of causes continues to grow, encompassing landless rights, indigenous rights, AfroBrazilian rights, womens rights, gay rights, workers rights, and those of any other heretofore disadvantaged group, including animals. Still, the most significant calls for reform by the majority of protesters continue to be about eduction, health care, transportation, corruption, and police repression. protesters that have garnered much press attention recently, from the police as well as the press. Masked Men As members of the various police forces patrol the city in riot gear black helmets, breastplates, and shields a very active contingent of protesters have taken to rioting, crashing through bank windows and stealing ATMs, destroying bus shelters and other public property, setting trash and vehicles on fire and hurling rocks at police. Most of these rioters are young men, clad in black, masks and bandanas hiding their faces. Known collectively but unofficially as the Black Bloc, after an international anarchist movement which appears to be the inspiration for many of the rioters actions and attire. In addition, a masked messenger representing Anonymous Brazil put together a YouTube video that went viral, demanding the resignation of Renan Calheiros, president of the National Congress in Braslia, along with a call for immediate investigations into political and World Cup-related corruption, and lending an element of a B-horror film to the situation. The same style mask used by Anonymous Brazil has been used by many of the rioters engaging in street violence. Really, the Beginning Thanks to social media, information has spread faster than ever before, enabling like-minded citizens to assemble and have grievances heard, while holding stake holders accountable for excesses. Observers and the press all note that, almost 30 years after the end of Brazils military dictatorship, a new generation of voices is calling for change in what is still one of worlds most unequal societies, unfettered by memories of the regimes repression and not yet so cynical to just shrug off the ills of Brazilian society. Those same observers note, however, that unless there is focus and some semblance of order among the various factions now protesting and counter-protesting, the giant [that] has awoken might just be having a bad dream.

Police State? Even before this winters protests started in June, the heavy-handed police response had been indicative of typical police actions in Brazil, according to various press sources. Civil rights groups and activists in the country have long complained about police brutality against the poor and marginalized, as well as widespread corruption within the various state, local, and federal police forces. But the severity of police actions against protesters involving tear gas and rubber bullets fired at close range, beatings with clubs, and massive shows of force , and the fact that these tactics were being used on Avenida Paulista and not the low-income edges of town, resulted in greatly increased awareness about the criminalization of social movements in Brazil. Many observers even argued that police violence incited more violence among certain groups of protesters, escalating a situation they were sent in to control. More recent protests have lacked the overwhelming public response and participation of the initial demonstrations, which many believe is because of fear that many wouldbe protesters have of clashing with police or with the more violence-prone

2010 2013


ART CORNER: What Does Brazil Look Like?

By Claire Rigby sun beats down, on the beach, favelas pacified to the people smile. sound of batido funk, and glimpses The way of aestheticised misery dominate Brazil is seen recent essays by foreign photographers from abroad attempting to document the country in or to be times of euphoria. more precise, He singles out a handful of photos: a the way the man gazing out over the shanty-town, country and wings tattooed on his back; funk-lovers its people drinking beer; boys playing football are depicted outside favela-chic shacks. Brazilby foreign watchers, like Brazilians, will have seen photographers hundreds of such images they form an was the inescapable part of the visual discourse subject of purporting to explain what the country a polemic is all about. But as an attempt to try and p u b l i s h e d decipher Brazil for the outside world, last week in the Noor images are arguably both as Folhas Illustrada supplement by the successful and as flawed as any other arts writer Silas Mart. Focusing on a attempt to sum up the unencompassable major series of images, The New Brazil complexity of the country whether in by Noor, a photography agency based images or in text. Its a problem that not in Amsterdam, Marts think-piece was only photographers but also journalists entitled Para ingls ver literally, for writing about Brazil, or indeed about the English to see, but better translated anything else, face every day of the as for appearances sake. In it, Mart week: that of filtering and distilling criticised Noors images the result complex subjects, and absorbing and of a set of interlinked assignments deciphering signs to present them to by the collectives photographers, readers in a digestible, palatable form. arranged into themes including So A guest post by Mauricio Savarese Paulo rising, The power of women, [...] on From Brazil this week, Why Brazils new middle class, and Salvador da Bahia for what he saw as their typically clichd, onedimensional take on Brazil. Including images by a number of other foreign photographers alongside Noor in his critique, Mart writes, B e a u t i f u l Populares sobre cobertura do palcio do Congresso (1960) by Thomaz bodies glowing Farkas, courtesy Luciana Brito Galeria.

Claire Rigby discusses, with Folha arts writer Silas Mart, the difficulty of cutting through visual stereotypes in Brazil, a country which is often too photogenic for its own good. Above, Descansando na Canoa (1984) by Luiz Braga, courtesy Galeria da Gvea. Throughout the post and below, other selections from the SP-Arte/Foto fair. What do you see when you picture Brazil? Football, favelas and goddesslike samba queens? Acres of skyscrapers in shades of white and grey, helicopters flitting about them? Or dense green jungle encroaching on stretches of sand? Visual clichs like these are there for a reason because theyre part of the truth; but do we need to be a little more choosy about what we let into our minds eyes? Too photogenic for its own good, Brazil is all too often objectified, exoticised and even eroticised in photographic images. Take Mario de Janeiro Testino, the Peruvian photographers lush book for Taschen, in which lithe, slightly dressed young beauties drape themselves all over Ipanema and each other; or every football-on-the-beach image youve ever seen, where muscular youths run, play, sweat in the sand. Skin glows, the




The American Society of So Paulo

portraying Brazil. Its tricky, he wrote back: I dont feel up to speed with the work of all the photojournalists working at the moment. And although there are lots of photographers whose work I love doing interesting things, theyre not necessarily focused on looking at Brazil in particular. Some of my favourites, though, are Joo Castilho, Rodrigo Braga and Luiz Braga, and I like some of the things Cia. de Photo does. But youd have to be careful not to classify these works as journalistic, since their pretensions are more artistic, and not always documentary. Even so, Id say that these photographers, using some of fictions strategies, are registering a Brazil thats more real in some aspects. Leaving him to have the last word and taking up his implied suggestion of looking to art for the kind of insight that encapsulates complexity without flattening it out [see] more works from [this years] SP-Arte/Foto fair, including some of the Brazil-focused works that seem to slip between the artistic and the documentary.

Vaqueiro Marajoara (1984) by Luiz Braga, courtesy Galeria da Gvea.

is Brazil important?, touches on some and professor at the University of So of the same problems: Brazils image Paulo (USP). Its an opportunistic abroad, the interest Brazil awakens in point of view, or a colonised repetition those curious to understand more about of what people want to see abroad. Its it, and the level of detail, complexity exotic content for the consumption of Republished with permission. Visit and attention they are prepared to idiots. invest in doing so. I emailed Silas to ask whether for more articles. For Mart, even the Mexican there were Brazilian photographers You can also Follow Claire Rigby on photographer Carlos Cazaliss cold- he thought were doing a better job of Twitter: @claire_rigby toned images of So Paulo dont pass muster: Even when the scenario is different, and the softness of Rio gives way to paulistano chaos, exaggerations prevail that disturb the more critical eye. As one of Folhas leading art critics, its fair to say that Mart has a better and a more critical eye than most. He allows, in the words of one of his interviewees, for the fact that visual clichs of the kinds he discerns in the Noor images are also reproduced internalised, perhaps by Brazilian photographers: Certain clichs are connected to our inner vision of the country, says Boris Kossoy, a photographer Vaqueiro Marajoara (1984) by Luiz Braga, courtesy Galeria da Gvea.







The American Society of So Paulo

AmSoc Sports
October 12 At CT Yakult Park, in Ibuina (near Cotia) (home park of Brazils national baseball & softball teams) Games 8:30am - 5pm Deadline to Reserve your Team or Person is Oct. 4 R$ 25/AmSoc member R$ 40/non-AmSoc member For more info contact the AmSoc Office or John Kennedy (


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American Society member Tania Nomura passed away on May 27th, due to heart problems. ----------Former American Society Member Bob Faricy passed away the morning of September 16th. He will be greatly missed by his family, friends and world wide business associates.




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October 2013
05 Saturday

The American Society of So Paulo

Important Dates: 14 October Columbus Day (US), 31 October Halloween (US), 12 October Nsa. Sra. Aparecida (BR), 15 October - Teachers Day (BR)

Learn more about this months AmSoc events (highlighted) at

St. Andrew Society Caledonian Ball

Saturday, 5th October 2013 - 8pm at Rosa Rosarum - Rua Francisco Leito, 416, Pinheiros. Dress - Kilts / Black Tie. R$270 / R$200 under 30s, over 70s & teachers. All Profits donated to childrens charities. Reservations - Time: 10h00 - 14h00. Location: Espao Escandinavo See page 13

09 12 & 13 16

Wednesday Saturday & Sunday

INC Monthly Coffee & Bazaar AmSoc Softball Championship


Happy Hour at BOS BBQ

Happy Hour at Bos Barbecue. Rua Pedroso Alvarenga, 559 Itaim. 7:00 pm This years Challenge Golf Cup . At Itu Terras de So Jos. 12:00 Noon shotgun start At Ginsio Ibirapuera. For more information: At U.S. Marine House. From 3 to 6pm. See front page At Credicard Hall 9:30pm. For more Information: Save the date for the most exciting Halloween Happy Hour at PJ Clarkes! At rua Dr. Mrio Ferraz, 568 Itaim Bibi



Munro Cup - 8th Annual Golf Challenge



Elvis Presley in Concert!

26 29 31

Saturday Tuesday Thursday

Halloween Party for Kids Ringo Starr And His All Starr Band Halloween Happy Hour at PJ Clarkes

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Angel Party
We cant wait for November 9th, when the fourteenth annual American Society Angel Party will take place at Chapel School. We have lots of good news to share and could really use your help in a few ways. Most exciting, we were able to invite 220 children to the party and all but 15 have been sponsored. Thank you all! These few extra kids still need sponsors and we need people to sponsor these kids or give us R$400 per child to do it. We also need other donations which we will spend covering the costs of buses for the children, the show, extra refreshments and prizes for the games. Please consider helping in this way. To do so, write Sue Banman Sileci at If you have sponsored a child, please dont forget that all the bags need to be delivered at the drop-off points by October 8 or at the final destination, outlined in emails to the sponsors, by October 9. The Angel Party also needs volunteers for an organizing day before and color code them by orphanage or daycare center with ribbons and printed labels. This requires half a day of hard work with 20 volunteers (or several days work for one person if no one signs up to help). Please do! Its fun. Sign up by writing Lauren Negro at lauren_milton@ Finally, we usually have 120 volunteers on the day of the party, and lots of others without specific jobs helping where needed or just enjoying the fun. Please consider signing up to help. There are two shifts: 12:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. To volunteer, send an email with your shift preference to Lauren Negro. We and 220 struggling children need your financial help, your energy and your support. Join us for some real fun.

the party. We will have received all the bags by October 9. Two weeks after that we do a quick check that all gift bags have all the items they need. We also put all the gifts in uniform white bags

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