Parish Pump October 2013

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October 2013

The Parish Pump was started in 1979 to provide a free community magazine in the parish. It began as, and still is, a joint venture, combining the church magazine and village magazine. The Parish Pump is sponsored by the Parochial Church Council and Debden Parish Council. Both bodies contribute financially to the cost of running the magazine by means of a donation, received annually. It is intended that the magazine reflects all aspects of village life within the parish and provides an opportunity for community matters to be raised. In addition to the information recorded in the magazine, our sister publication, the Debden Directory provides a host of useful contact numbers for services ranging from bus times, local plumbers, doctors and restaurants. If you do not have a copy, please contact a member of the committee. The magazine has editors but no official reporters. Consequently, an interesting magazine depends on articles, news, etc. coming from people in the village. The th closing date for submitting material is: the 12 of each month. The editors job is to edit. This means fitting the material into the space available and trying to ensure there is a reasonable balance of views on controversial subjects etc. Consequently, it is not always possible to publish everything submitted and sometimes changes have to be made to the length of a contribution. Non topical articles cannot always be published in the next issue but will appear later unless you are told otherwise. Contributions of up to 400 words have a better chance of being published in full than longer ones. Please note that the present and past editions of the Parish Pump are now available on line on the new website and that any material submitted will be automatically featured on the website. If you wish to have your name and/or contact details (which must normally accompany any contributions) withheld from the printed edition and/or not to appear on the website, this must be stated at the time of submission. Copy for inclusion in the next edition should be emailed by the 12th of the month to;

There is also a folder in the shop for submission of written or typed copy. The current editors of the Parish Pump, who have the sole prerogative of the editorial policy (so dont blame anyone else) are; Mike Fairchild Ursula Lyons Advertising rates per issue are; full page 10.00; half page 8.00; quarter page or less 6.00. Full payment in advance and an electronic copy of the ad should be sent to the Editors or Treasurer by email. Cheques should be made payable to The Parish Pump The other Committee members include Chairman: Judith Forster Treasurer: Alastair Donald Secretary: Marion Bamfield Distribution: Caroline Burchall 2

E DITORIAL Opportunity knocks

Those of us of us of a certain age tend to be critical of the younger generation, making sweeping generalisations about lack of purpose, respect or ambition - and forgetting how we were at the same age. So its rewarding to report in this months Pump two stories of determination and initiative that present the other side of the picture. The story of brothers George and Jack Peasgood (page 22) would be uplifting if it were merely an account of two young athletes achieving success at an international level. But its a lot more than that. George is a para-athlete and brother Jack - no mean athlete in his own right is his assistant, helping him to change his sporting gear as he transitions between swimming, cycling and running. If George achieves his ambition of qualifying for the 2016 Paralympic Games it will owe much to the remarkable devotion of two brothers to a cause in this instance sport - and to each other. And if Integrity Community Partnership (page 6) - an idea born out of collaboration between a Debden youngster and a local businessman with a vision - takes off, youngsters no longer in full time education and not yet in work will acquire skills and a work ethic to give them a better opportunity in life. Just as important, theyll discover the satisfaction of helping older people in their own community - the very generation who, otherwise, might be the first to despair of modern youth. There will be other stories of enterprise and undiscovered talent in our community. Some are instances that occur spontaneously - like the unexpected appearance of two brilliant young guitarists who joined in a recent music night in The Plough - others need a little stimulus. It just needs a worthwhile cause, a willingness to get stuck in, and determination to succeed despite difficulties and setbacks. Our local champions have set a great example. Which set me thinking. There is another local project already under way that would offer our younger generation new practical skills and the satisfaction of working alongside their seniors; a project that would benefit the whole community as well as future generations. If its not obvious where Im going with this, the next page might help! Mike Fairchild


First steps completed towards new hall

Village meeting will show plans
Good progress is being made with plans for Debdens new village hall. A full update on the project will be given at a village meeting on Tuesday November 5 at 8pm in the village hall.
Since the village meeting in July, reported in the September Pump, a formal application has been made to Debdens Searle Trust for 10,000 towards architect fees to design the hall, an important first step towards seeking planning approval for the new building and supporting bids to other thirdparty funders. Uttlesford Council has also invited an application for funding towards preliminary start-up costs. A design brief has been sent to four architectural practices, mostly local companies, inviting them to tender for the main part of the project involving construction of the shell of the building. The internal fit-out will be undertaken by local contractors and volunteers. Drawings will be on show at the village meeting where an update will be provided on funding the project, timescale and an outline of the help forthcoming from the village. In addition to more than 40 responses collected at the July village meeting from people willing to help with the fit-out, further copies of the leaflet asking for volunteers have been deposited at the shop following the article and leaflet insertion in last months edition of the Pump. One of the next steps is to compile a list of local contractors wanting to take part in the project and to begin planning how best to use the services of volunteers before building work starts early next year. Pavilion to stay separate The New Village Hall Group will be recommending that the pavilion remains separate from the new hall but that it should be refurbished internally and re-designed externally to complement the appearance of the new building. Work on the pavilion, which is owned by the parish council and therefore will need to be funded separately, will be regarded as a separate phase in the total project. The pavilion will be discussed at the parish council on October 2 (8pm village hall) when the issue of how to promote greater use of the pavilion to sports-related village groups will be discussed along with plans to bid for grants from sports and community funders. Every household in Debden is warmly invited to the meeting on Tuesday November 5 to hear about progress and have your say. If you cannot attend, please send any comments or questions to: Stewart Luck (, 01799 540866. 4

ve! i s clu Ex Tour de France is coming our way

The 2014 Tour de France will pass through Debden. The third stage of one of the biggest sporting events in the world and the biggest event in the international cycling calendar will, according to an investigation by the Pump, come through the village on Saturday July 7.
Final route details have yet to be announced but maps on Tour-related websites show that riders will set off in Cambridge on this 160-mile stage, pass through Saffron Walden and on to Debden. The route appears to by-pass Thaxted and, most likely, swings right at Debden Green, passing through Hamperden End and Henham, then Takeley and on to Epping Forest, the Olympic stadium then a sprint finish down The Mall. The third stage is officially described as flat, which might surprise some of the racers if, as seems likely, Ivy Todd Hill is on the route . This will be the 101st Tour de France and the fourth time that stages have been held in the UK en route to France. With only 10 months to go, local authorities in Essex can provide little information yet the opportunities and the problems that such a massive event will present are endless. For example, road closures will be inevitable as 200 riders take part with hundreds of support vehicles and a media entourage. Meanwhile, here are some thoughts to mull over: The Tour will put Debden on the international map how should we respond to the opportunity? Can we exploit the fact that hundreds of cyclists will want to live the route prior to the Tour? The route passes the village hall car park and the site of our new hall If Bradley Wiggins takes part (hes just won the Tour of Britain) should the shop stock up on stickon Wiggo sideburns? Mike Fairchild

Also this month

Youngsters work partnership 6 Sixties Night SSE legal win History Group Village Shop Parish Church School news 7 7 8 9 12 18

Annual Debden bike ride? 19 Letters: 19, 20, 35

Obituaries: 20 Bobby Ritchie Tim Ward-Booth Paralympic hopeful Poppy Appeal Swan Lake ? Pentecostal Church Countryfile Newcomers British Legion Events Information Services

22 23 23

26 32 34 41 42 43 44

N EWS Youngsters offered workplace skills in the community

A new initiative to provide 16-24 year olds with employment and workplace skills in their own community has been launched in Debden. The scheme, Integrity Community Partnership, is the brainchild of James Sayell, a project management specialist who heads up Integrity Building Solutions in Hamperden End, and Mike Pearce, 18, who undertook part-time work with the company.
Theres a lack of opportunity for youngsters who have left full time education but not yet found work, especially in rural communities such as those around Saffron Walden, said James (pictured, right, with Mike). I could see that Mike could make a valuable contribution to my business and he was benefiting by working in a team and learning business skills. At the same time, there were many people in the community, especially the elderly, who needed work done and preferred to offer it to local people, particularly willing youngsters. So its also a way to build bridges between the generations. Put those ingredients together and youve got the makings of a win-win business idea. Broadening horizons There are already eight youngsters in the partnership offering to do gardening and DIY jobs, dog walking, odd jobs and computer assistance. They earn a basic hourly rate with a small percentage of the charge going back into the business and into a workforce pool. Broadening horizons, learning the work ethic and the value of community service is as important as being paid for the job, adds James, who is a volunteer with Age UK (Essex). The team is supervised by experienced trainers, usually specialists in relevant trade skills. Mike, who lives with his parents, Jane and Andy Pearce and brother Chris, in Debden, has just left Newport Free Grammar School after completing his A Levels. Having played rugby for several years, he now plays football for Debden FC. He has worked within the village for a few years now and has undertaken, around his studies, jobs such as assisting in barn renovation, landscaping and general gardening. The partnership offers a no obligation free quote and can be contacted at: Integrity Community Partnership, 01279 850 459, mobile: 07710066776, Email: 6

Another Sixties night at The Plough


They say that if you can remember the Sixties, you werent there! Well, heres an evening you definitely wont forget. By popular demand, The Plough is staging another Sixties Night on Friday October 25. Just the Two of Us are back with an evening of hits of the 60s and 70s, tunes as familiar today as when they first hit the music scene. Local farmer John Hare takes up the keyboard again with singer Nick Bennett for another evening of great entertainment following the rave reviews of their last gig in The Plough back in May. John and Nick were formerly members of The Raveons who played John (keyboard) and Nick alongside groups such as The Swinging Blue Jeans, the Baron Knights and the group that went on to become Pink Floyd. The Raveons played in the Saffron Walden area and at US airforce bases in the region for some 45 years. Now performing as Just the Two of Us, John and Nick are still very much in demand the next evening theyll be the star turn at a local Young Farmers black-tie ball. Good beer, basket meals and some great Sixties music is at The Plough on Friday October 25, 7.30 for 8pm.

Airports Commission may have been compromised, says SSE

Stop Stansted Expansion (SSE) has forced the resignation from the Airports Commission of Geoff Muirhead, former chief executive of Stansteds new owner, Manchester Airports Group, over a potential conflict of interest. The commission is due to publish a shortlist of options for airport expansion. SSE threatened legal action if Mr Muirhead did not resign. SSE now wants to know to what extent the commissions work may have been compromised by Mr Muirheads presence and therefore how much of it may need revisiting. A claim by Ryanair boss Michael O'Leary that an extra 7,000 jobs will be created by its latest deal with Stansted Airports owners has been described by SSE as wild exaggeration of the worst kind because it could raise false hopes and be seized upon by developers in attempts to justify the need for more local housebuilding. The reality is that this Ryanair deal for the next ten years will do little more than return Stansted to its 2007/08 peak, at which time the airport employed about 2,000 more people than today, says SSE. The 2014 edition of Stop Stansted Expansion's popular Community Calendar is now on sale across the region.

Debden Local History Recorders Group

Scholar, Statesman and Son of Saffron Walden


On this illustrious 16th century figure who rose to become Secretary of State to two Tudor monarchs

Wednesday 30th October 2013 8.00 pm Debden Village Hall <>

Tickets 2.00 for Members Non Members 3.00 available on the door or can be booked in advance by contacting the Committee Members below

All Welcome
contact Elisabeth Blackie Tel 540528 or Ursula Lyons 543164

News from the Shop

I hope everyone has been able to enjoy our beautiful summer. Thanks to our many customers, and the lovely sunshine, the shop has fared better than it usually does during the summer holidays. This has been mostly due to excellent sales of ice creams and cold drinks. To welcome in the colder months ahead, we will be changing our stock items to reflect the weather. So when you look to having soup, sausages or stews for supper, please make the shop your first port of call! We've reviewed our Saturday opening hours, in consultation with Daniel, our loyal Saturday assistant. As very few customers seem to use the shop in the afternoon, we have decided to open from 9.30 am until 2.00 pm only. This means that when you want that vital ingredient for lunch, Daniel will be there to supply it! This change will become effective from Saturday 5th October. If you have ordered a Saturday newspaper, please make sure you collect it before 2.00 pm. Sunday opening hours are remaining unchanged.

Nina Manser

Shop Opening Times Monday to Friday ** Saturday Sunday 08.30 13.30 09.30 14.00 09.30 12.00 14.00 16.30 Closed Closed

** The Post Office opens from 09.00 13.00 Mondays & Thursdays

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Dear Friends, As I write, I am looking forward to seeing many of you at our Harvest Supper and Harvest Festival, which for me always marks the end of summer and true beginning of autumn; time to look ahead to the year to come. Farmers will be preparing the fields for next years crops ploughing and sowing. Arthur and I will be doing battle with our garden tackling the plants and shrubs which have grown to jungle proportions thanks to the hot and humid summer weather. There will be plenty of cutting back, lifting and dividing of perennials which have strayed too far, as well as judicious pruning where paths have become impassable. This should make our garden not only more manageable, but also a lot nicer to look at too! I wonder if this may also be a good time to do a bit of spiritual pruning! Life can become so cluttered with so many, often unrelated, pressures on our time; so many conflicting interests that could easily take up every minute of every day if we let them. October may be just the time to take a good hard look at these, to cut a few out, to prune some back a bit, to make a little more time. What can we do with this new found time? Well we could spend a little of it with God; sit quietly in his presence; thank him for his goodness; pray. Sunday used to be the day of rest, of freedom from the daily grind. Sadly this is no longer so there is such a lot that now happens on a Sunday sport, shopping, entertaining, that the precious time to rest, relax and honour God is whittled down to a mere hour in church and then the business takes over again. The Sabbath was made for a purpose and we were the better for observing it. We all need rest and if we cant fit it in on Sunday, then perhaps we can find another time in the week to rest and spend time with God. Try it and see. Trust me, you will feel much better for it and live life better too! God bless you all, Hilary

I am always happy to visit, whether at home or in hospital. If you, or someone you know, would appreciate a visit please dont hesitate to ring me on 01799 522616 12

From the Registers Our congratulations and sincere good wishes to: Antony & Bernice Bezer who were married on 7th September Our deepest sympathy to Jane, Robert & Kirsty Ward-Booth and family following the death of Tim, a much loved member of this community.
Debden Church Youth Group

will next meet on Wednesday October 16th All of secondary school age, are very welcome
Please contact Hilary on 01799 522616 if you would like to come and for more details

The Church Mice . are meeting a wise man who built his house on a rock On Monday 7th October at 10.30am

Come and join them in Debden Church New Room For children 0 4 years old with a parent

Date for your Diary: Saturday 7th December DEBDEN CHURCH CHRISTMAS FAIR Competition: Create a Nativity Scene 5 entry Prizes for the winners!
Its not too late to join a short course for those who would like to explore the Christian faith and who may be thinking about confirmation. Interested? Please ring me on 01799 522616


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Dear Pump Reader, At the time of writing we are at the end of our second week back after the summer holidays. Reception class children have settled in really well and are taking full part in all aspects of school life. We are also pleased to welcome several other new children and their families to our school. We are looking forward to a very busy Autumn Term. The run up to Christmas sees many special events which include Key Stage 2s production, the younger classes Nativity Play, Christmas lunch, parties and culminating on the last day of term with our Christmas Carol Service which is held in Church. We have a full range of after school clubs which we are offering this term which include football, hockey, netball, tennis, dance, P.E. multiskills, flamenco dancing, gardening, needlecraft and recorder club. More news on these in the next edition. Our new School Council has been elected. They are now in the process of electing a Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Treasurer and Secretary. School Councils first formal task will be to set their priorities for the year. School Council Representatives:


The whole school is currently preparing for the Harvest Service that they will be leading in Church on Friday 27th September. More news on this in the next edition. For those of you who have children who are due to start in Reception Class next September 2014, applications to Essex County Council for a place can be made either by paper application or online at: http:// Applications.aspx Reception admissions open on the 11th November and close on 15th January 2014. We are always happy to show new families around the school or to answer any questions you may have. Please make an appointment through the school office. More news from the children and school in the next issue. With all good wishes Julie Gibbons (Headteacher)

An annual Debden bike event?


Hannah Lindsell (13) and her Dad Brian would like to say a big thank you to everyone who gave kind words of encouragement and donations for our 350 mile cycle to Cornwall in August. We cycled without any backup and camped over six days and nights to Perranporth. We met some amazing people, travelled through beautiful countryside, got soaked and cooked in the sun. We had to dig deep into our reserves of energy but most amazingly of all, we didn't have a single argument! It was a gruelling but fantastic six days and I would recommend others to take on a trip like ours. On the 7th of September a hardy group of cyclists, mainly from Debden, took part in our follow up fundraising ride. Much to Hannah's dismay she had to miss this due to an injury earlier in the week. The 35 mile Three Counties Ride was supposed to be a one off but most who took part said, "We'll definitely do it again next year". I may have accidently started a new annual Debden event! You have plenty of time to get fit for next year's ride. A girl from the village aged nine on a mountain bike that had seen better days managed it so you have no excuses. The Three Counties Ride raised 85, well done to you all. At the moment we're Ebaying off items donated and it's looking like our fundraising will eventually raise around 1,300/ 1,400. If you haven't already seen our website then please go to to see what we've been up to during the summer. Thank you again to everyone who has helped us with our efforts. Brian and Hannah Lindsell


Bobby Ritchie - a love of music, dance and teaching

Bobby Ritchie was well known in Debden and Saffron Walden through teaching but more widely known through her involvement in country dancing and music. Bobby was head teacher of St Marys School, Saffron Walden, before coming to Debden where she taught part-time for a period of four years prior to going on to teach at R A Butler School, Saffron Walden. Her other love was music and country dancing. From the 1980s Bobby ran Thaxted Country Dance Club, founded in 1922. She taught dancing while husband Simon, Bagman of Thaxted Morris Men, and a group of local musicians, often provided the music. Bobby organised the famous Boxing Day party for the Morris Men. She had many other local interests, among them tower captain of Thaxted bell-ringers, chair of Thaxteds Christmas tree fund and even found time to manage The Swan Hotel in Thaxted for a while. Simon told the Pump that while Bobby was well known locally, she was famous in the wider world of country dancing. She played and sang at country dance, folk and rock festivals across the country and was especially well known in London, Devon and the North East. Bobby, whose funeral filled Thaxted Church on Sep 6, died on August 21, at the age of just 59. Tim Ward-Booth Robert Timothy Ward-Booth was born in Hampton on Thames in 1938. The family moved to Bishop's Stortford and Tim joined G.E.Sworder and Sons as a student in 1961. He was a Chartered Surveyor and Chairman of Sworders when he died this August 52 years later. Tim moved to Rectory Gate Cottage in Debden with his wife, Jane, and children, Robbie and Kirsty, in 1972 and the recent support of friends and family here has been much appreciated. Jane, Kirsty and Robbie Ward-Booth _____________________________________________________________ Thaxted Centre for the Disabled has repaired cane chairs for a number of years at very reasonable prices but now in its 50th anniversary year finds itself short of work. If you have a chair that needs repairing or would like to purchase goods please contact Audrey on 01371 830752. We also have a Friends of The Centre which you can join for a nominal annual fee. Members are brought to the Centre in Dunmow Road from surrounding villages twice a week. The cost of transport is the major expense. Because council grants have stopped or diminished, the Centre has had to become self financing. The Management Committee have had to think of various ways to raise funds, in addition to the sale of the products made by members. Janet A Pearson 20




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Georges Paralympic Games ambition

Searle Trust aids brothers teamwork
George Peasgood came a little closer to his ambition to compete in the 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro after an outstanding performance at the European Para-Triathlon Championships in Turkey. Thanks to a grant from Debdens Searle Trust, Georges brother Jack was able to accompany him to act as his handler, assisting George to transition between the three disciplines. George, 17, lives with his parents, Teresa and David Peasgood at Debden Green. Brother Jack, 23, has just graduated from Birmingham University. The brothers, both of whom attended Debden School before going on to local secondary schools, are members of Saffron Walden Triathlon Club where George is a qualified level 1 coach. As members of the Great Britain Squad, George took part in the recent ParaTri World Championships in London where, against expectations given the competition, he won a bronze medal in his category. Jack assisted George and came an excellent 15th out of 84 competitors when he represented GB in the AgeGroup World Championships. I would like to thank the Searle Trust for their generosity in supporting my recent journey to George in action Turkey in support of my brother when he competed in the European Para-Triathlon Championships, writes Jack. Practice runs We travelled with the Great Britain Para-triathlete Team to Alanya where the competition was held. Before the event we were able to practise triathlon specific race skills such as open water sighting and bike handling as well as allowing us to acclimatize to the warmer temperature. Training sessions allowed George and me to progress our partnership as a handler and athlete in order to optimise the transition sections of the race. George was also asked to take part in an analysis of the level of his disability as part of an ongoing attempt by the triathlon governing body to gather data on how different disabilities impact athletic performance. On race day George was very calm and focused on the final details of his preparation. He had a very good swim, exiting the water in the top ten from his wave. I was able to assist him successfully through the first transition, helping him remove his wetsuit and put on his bike helmet, socks and bike shoes. Despite crashing twice on a tough and technical bike course, George 22

came back in to transition in a strong position. I again helped him with his helmet and running shoes and giving him a cold running hat. He then worked hard on the run in the mid day heat to finish 5th and the first British athlete home in his category. This was a very strong performance for his first international competition, setting a standard that he was able to build on in the lead up to the ParaTri World Championships in London. In preparation for this event, George attended a six-week training camp at Loughborough University along with other para-triathletes. Continual access to world-class facilities and coaching will hopefully help George to put in more strong performances. The increasing standard of competition is a useful stepping stone for future years, with Georges ultimate aim being to represent Great Britain in the para-triathlon in the 2016 Paralympic games in Rio de Janeiro.

Poppy Appeal gets boost from Gift Aid

Plans for the Poppy Appeal this year include distributing Royal British Legion Gift Aid envelopes inside the November Pump. Donations can be put inside envelopes ready for collection. Gift Aid does not involve donating any more money but it does mean RBL can claim back an extra contribution from the Government - win, win! Debden Poppy Appeal organiser, Stewart Luck, will ask permission to put collection cans at The Plough, Yuva Restaurant, the Shop Stewart (right) with (l to r): Mica Brown, Pat Fairchild and Debden Antiques. Last and Roger Burgess, Debden RBL chairman year, Debden raised the grand sum of 1,298, an increase of 41 over the previous year. Stewart hopes to increase the amount yet again. RBL has asked everyone to be generous when their local Legion representatives call.

Debdens Wild Life Thanks to

Rikki, Kiwi friend of Jane and Andy Pearce for this striking shot taken on Debden lake. More pea soup than Swan Lake but what causes this algae? asks Jane. If you know, write to the Pump. Watch out, theres a fox about - see page 41.


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60s Night!
at The Plough
Friday 25 October 7.30 for 8pm
Just the Two of Us are back! Join John Hare (keyboard) and Nick Bennett (vocals) for another great night of foot-tappin music from the Sixties and Seventies.

*Dig out that Sixties gear!

* Basket meals 6

And for more music, the 1st Wednesday of every month is Music Night!


News from Debden Pentecostal Church

Dear Friends, During the break from the normal coffee mornings in August, the regulars and some guests had a special morning out at the Elder Street caf. In all about 15 people joined in and had a most enjoyable time together. With the harvest gathered in we can be reminded of one of Jesus great proclamations when he said I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst (John Ch 6 v35). Jesus said this not long after he had miraculously fed a multitude of people who were following him, thinking they would have another free meal! Bread was the staple part of their diet. So it is with Jesus, the bread of life, he alone can satisfy the spiritual needs of our souls. Other things may attract and fascinate, but eventually leave us empty. Only Jesus fills the soul with real food, with his grace that gives us peace, life with God and the hope of eternal life. Dont forget the harvest tea and service on Sunday 6th October. The speaker will be Tony Mason, a retired Baptist superintendent who has recently moved to the area. Tony is an excellent speaker so please do come along, you will be warmly welcomed.

God bless, Simon Gale


Debden Pentecostal Church

Thaxted Road, Debden

Weekly Programme
Sunday 11.00 am Morning Worship 6.30 pm Sunday Evening services will be held on 6th and 20th October Wednesday Special note Coffee Mornings each Wednesday at 10.30 to 12 noon, everyone welcome!
Please contact Paul Baker on 01440 710416 if you need information about the church.

Special Dates Coming Up

Sunday 6th October - Harvest Thanksgiving
With a dryer and warmer summer than last year we will again be giving thanks to God for his faithful provision of another harvest. So please come and join with us on 6th October for a tea at 5.30pm followed by the Harvest service at 6.30pm.

Debden Pentecostal Church


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The Barn, Cole End Farm, Wimbish, Saffron Walden, CB10 2LJ



Highs and lows on our local farms

Average better than we expected. That pretty much sums up the verdict from local farmers on the spring and summer of 2013. The cold spring and wet summer threatened the harvest but a spell of dry weather arrived just in time. At Rook End Farm, Neil and Ray Francis enjoyed a dry harvest and for the first time for several years didnt have to resort to the corn drier. However, the wet summer affected the yield of the grade 1 wheat (used for bread making) so Neil will revert to sowing feed wheat (animal feed and general use) this winter where its quantity that matters. The science of farming is illustrated by soil tests carried out on Peter Graves land at Smiths Green Farm. Samples are taken at various points in each field, especially to measure the PH (acidity) level. Some sampling is done on the spot and some at Cambridge laboratories. Peter was provided with a soil-sampling map to make comparisons with maps from past years. The Post Office field and parts of other fields received a dressing of chalk from nearby Newport to combat acidity. Peter will be lifting the rest of his beet crop between now and Christmas, helped by his newly acquired beet harvester that can carry a massive 17 tonnes, reducing trailer journeys. The hard work ahead for Peter will be made a bit tougher in the next two years as son Samuel is off to agricultural college. And talking of hard work, Will Bunting at Broctons Farm says he will be doing battle as usual with pigeons and slugs, which take a fancy to freshly sown crops, and spraying to keep down weeds like our local bete noir, blackgrass. Will, top farmer in the recent village potato growing competition, was also pretty pleased with his performance in the wheat stakes with a yield of 4 tonnes per acre this year compared with an average of about 3 tonnes. Will has been watching with interest the BBC 2 series Harvest 2013, looking at modern farming where mechanisation, high technology and sheer scale is 32

revolutionising traditional methods. The difference around here is that we have smaller, family-run farms, says Will with, I think, a touch of pride in his voice. But its difficult to forget some of the footage in the BBC series, like the massive combine harvester steered by satellite that feeds to the driver a constant stream of data about the crop its devouring. New techniques are at work on Freemans Farm where Celia Hare reports a move away from the traditional plough, which is time consuming, expensive and needs further operations to prepare the seed bed. Like most farmers now we have a minimum tillage machine (min-till), a sub-soiler, disc and press all in one, she writes. The sub-soiler [an example is pictured, left] gets deep into the ground below the old plough level to improve drainage, especially important this year after all the wet of last year which made the land slump. With the disc and press, the ground is left for the weeds to grow which will then be sprayed off before the drilling. Sadly, John and Celias barn owls have not reared any young this year. However, in line with their nature-friendly farming approach, some fields will be left as over-wintered stubble to benefit wildlife and some hedges will not be cut until spring. Spring, now theres a thought. Mike Fairchild

VacancyDebden Primary School Governor

We currently have a vacancy available on the Schools Board of Governors. Working in partnership with the Head teacher and staff, the Governors help guide the direction of Debden School and your involvement will enable us to continue to build on this success. The Governing Body has a strategic role in the development of the school but does not become involved in day to day management issues. There is the opportunity to get involved in a wide variety of areas from finance, curriculum or personnel through to science, music and literacy. The Board of Governors currently includes:
Andrew Armour (Vice-Chair) Julie Gibbons Martin Bird Melissa Challinor Sally Dale Judith Forster Hayley Green Ursula Lyons (Chair) Fred Thornberg Tim Wise

If you have any questions, or would like to know more , please do not hesitate to get in touch with any of the Governors via the school. Alternatively, you can contact us via governor mail at:


Welcome to new residents Chris, Adam and Lhotte moved into The Close a couple of months ago and your intrepid ex-editor, as usual, interviewed them in The Plough just after 10:30. And as many of you know, the lights are dim in the Plough, my eyesight is not that of a 21 year old, my hearing has deteriorated and my handwriting is appalling, so in the classic Brad tradition I will try and interpret my notes. You can look forward to the corrections next month. The trio of house sharers have arrived in Debden from Ugley and Newport and confirm that Debden is the best village (well of course). Chris is a painter, Adam is an engineer and I cant decipher what Lhotte does, (I thought this was a better option than getting it wrong as I have in the past). They are all great drag racing fans and Adam rebuilds drag racing engines. They told me little known facts: that we used to have drag racing at Debden airfield and in 1963 we hosted the 4th ever UK drag race after the format came over from the States. I am pleased to extend the village welcome and hope you will all be very happy in Debden. Brad Bamfield Chris, Adam and Lhotte, if you want to fill in the gaps, thats fine with us - Ed

The Mobile Library in your Community

Mobile - Week 1 Wednesday Shop and Pre-school Arrives: 9.30 am Highfields Arrives: 10.00am Dates of Visits 2013/2014Fortnightly Dec 13 Mar 14 Jun 14 11 5,19 11, 25 Jan 14 Apr 14 Jul 14 8,22 2,16, 30 9, 23 Feb 14 May 14 Aug 14 5, 19 14, 28 6, 20 Departs 9.55am Departs: 10.15am


Debden Memorial stone I accidentally stumbled upon a site that gave a brief history of all of the men named on the stone who died in both World Wars. It was really interesting to read about them but unfortunately I cannot find the article again. There is, however, an error. It says that the stone was taken from the Chapel and placed on the Hall in 1966, which is not true. The stone was actually removed from the Chapel, either prior to, or when, Pat Overall and his sons, Ray and Roy (from Hempstead) converted the Chapel in the late 60s. When Geoffrey Bray was building the Memorial Hall extension and Shop in the 80s several senior residents said how nice it would be if the stone could be located and put on the Hall. I spoke to a number of people, including Fred and Ella Drayton, Bill and Stan Fakes, Alf Chrystal, to name but a few, but no-one knew its whereabouts. After much searching I eventually discovered it in Dorothy Browns garden (Debden Hall Gardens) . Geoffrey, who was happy to incorporate it into the extension, and I arranged with Dorothy for my husband and son, John and Tim Pearson, to recover and deliver it to the Hall, where it now stands. I hope that this puts the record straight. Janet A Pearson

Diw ali (Hindu festival of lights) Quiz Night

Food, Music and Dance Display

Saturday 26th October 2013

7.00 pm for prompt 7.30 pm start 11.00 pm Cash bar Teams of 8-10 (bring friends or join a team on the night) Tickets from Tang Ting Twinning Association 01799 540881

at Sibbards Barn*, Debden Green, CB11 3LY Ticket Price 15.00 includes:- Nepalese Food or Fish/Chicken/ Veg & Chips with dessert *By kind permission of Mr & Mrs White Sibbards Barn is a beautiful venue in
a delightful setting and now available for private functions. Please contact Caroline White on 07970 676610 or see for further details.


Pond House, Pamphillions Farm, Debden, Saffron Walden. Essex CB11 3JT




Contact Toby Abrey or George Chapman for further details Tel: 01799 543208 e: 36




WED 30th OCTOBER 2013 10.30-12.OO 10.00 PER CHILD



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Recently retired Maths teacher offering extra tuition for GCSE and A levels Contact: Lucy Chapman Sharon, Thaxted Road, Debden Tel:01799 543864 Hearing Help Uttlesford Problems with you NHS Hearing Aid?
Obtain FREE help and advice at:SAFFRON WALDEN at the Day Centre in Hill Street on the Last Saturday of each month from 9.45 til 11.30 am or at THAXTED at The Surgery, Margaret Street on the Last Thursday of each month from 10.00 am til Noon
For more information call 01799 599790 (9am 4pm) Regd. Charity No. 289280 38


2 Adjoining cottages in the village of Burnham Market one sleeping 6 and the other 4. To let separately or together. 2 miles from Holkham, 11/2 miles from coast, enclosed south-facing garden, off-street parking. Lovely beaches, golf courses, bird watching etc! Please ring Christine Rhodes on 07831 627678


Environ Construction Sharon Thaxted Road Debden Saffron Walden

Contact: Ron Chapman

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Pl_[s_ ]ont[]t: John L__son Thistl_y Cott[g_ Wi^^ington T_l:: 01799 541265 Mo\il_: 07851 197942

For [ll ^_liv_ri_s


Progressive Supper
The 2014 Progressive Supper will be held on Saturday st 1 February, 2014. Details in November

SATURDAY & SUNDAY 12 & 13 OCTOBER 10am - 4pm at


Debden British Legion attend Sworders fund-raiser

Some 28 members of Debden Branch RBL, many of them new members, attended a fundraising event at Sworders Auction Rooms near Stansted Mountfichet on Thursday 5th September, where they were offered wine and canaps and entertained by the Carver Barracks Military Wives Choir. Lots for the forthcoming Autumn Decorative Art and Designs Auction were on show for a preview inspection and those invited were offered a complimentary catalogue listing the items for sale. This successful event raised funds for the Carver Barracks Injured Soldiers Fund and The Soldiers, Sailors and Air Force Association (SSAFA).

Award for 20 years Poppy Appeal service

Malcolm Linscott was recently presented with a Royal British Legion award for being closely involved with the Annual RBL Poppy Appeal for over 20 years. Malcolm, who moved to Debden in 2006, first started collecting for the Poppy Appeal when he worked at Enfield, Middlesex. He collected there for over 15 years and has just clocked up another five years in Debden. The award, a smart RBL badge, was presented to Malcolm at The Plough, Debden by Branch President Michael Barton. He was also given retrospective awards of a certificate for 10 years involvement and a RBL tie clip for 15 years service. Branch Chairman Roger Burgess praised the work carried out by volunteer Poppy Appeal collectors. He reminded everyone that Remembrance Day and the Poppy Appeal was not far off and asked everyone to give generously. The band of 56 (Woolwich) Squadron Air Training Corps will once again lead the Remembrance Day march through Debden on Sunday November 10.

Look out, theres a fox about

A resident of Deynes Road reports the nocturnal habits of another less-welcome resident, a fox seen meandering between Victoria Cottage and the footpath opposite Granlund. Its a young one but it could still have quite an appetite for chickens and small pets, he warns. An E-fit of the fox


Friday Oct 25 Sixties Night with Just the Two of Us The Plough 7.30pm for 8pm p7

Saturday Oct 26

TTTA Diwali festival of light & quiz night

Sibbards Barn, Debden Green 7pm for 7.30pm


Wednesday Oct 30

History Group talk: Jeremy Collingwood on Sir Tomas Smith Village Meeting to hear new village hall latest

Village Hall 8pm


Tuesday Nov 5

Village Hall 8pm


Sat 1st February 2014

Progressive Supper Plough/Village Hall


The Parish Pump is printed by Copycats

"Providing Vocational Opportunities to

Adults with Learning Difficulties" For printing needs call Owen Bryant Call 01799 522145 to obtain a quote.
Thursdays: Mothers and Toddlers 1012 noon Memorial Hall 2nd Friday of each month: 2nd Friday Club for newcomers to the village to meet and greet 8pm onwards at The Plough If you planning to hold an event in the village in 2013/2014, please check against dates above to avoid clashes and give your dates (even provisional) to the editors who will post on the website calendar. 42

In response to readers requests for more information, here is a list of telephone numbers that may be useful. Please inform the editors if any are out of date or incorrect.


Essex Police 101 NEW non emergency (15p per call) Neighbourhood Police 07779 037084 Hospitals Addenbrookes, Cambridge ...... 01223 245151 Princess Alexandra, Harlow ...... 01279 444455 Doctors Newport.... 01799 540696 Thaxted .... 01371 830213 Saffron Walden: Borough Lane ......... 01799 524224 Gold Street.. ........... 01799 525325 Rectory Practice .01799 522327 TEDS (out of hours)....... 01371877410 Dentists (Saffron Walden) Church Street.. ....... 01799 528555 High Street.. ........ 01799 521357 Hill Street... ......... 01799 528209 London Road... 01799 523194 New Road........ 01799 521265 NHS Radwinter Road Hospital ... 0800 7833396 Churches St Mary the Virgin & All Saints Rev Hilary Davey ........... 01799 522616 Pentecostal Church Paul Baker 01440 710416 Debden Shop 01799 541348 Karen Roper (manager) 01799 541634 Footpaths Nicola McCahill 01799 541411 Village Hall Hire Tony Hudson . 01799 541577 pref. email;. Schools Debden Primary 01799 540302 Pre school .. 07845 101809 Newport Free Grammar.. 01799 540237 SW County High .. 01799 513030

Friends 01799 525351 Transport Train times .. 08457 484950 Ticket booking 0800 566566 Stansted Airport01279 680500 Noise Complaints.0800 243788 Village link buses 5 & 3...08457 000333 Debden Clubs Football (Eddie Minet). 07766 970296 Tennis (Roger Forster) ... 01799 541409 Table tennis (Jim Watson) 540721 Badminton (Roger Forster) 541409 Karen Howarth School of Dancing ........................................ 01279 651535 Building Services Watson and Woolner ...... 01799 541846 RA Gunn 07708 493432 Plumber G MacSwan 07877 193292 Plumber C Wolff.............. 01799 543679 Chimney Sweep (Jessica Hayes) 01799 540232 Neighbour Watch ..01376 556232 County Councillor Simon Walsh District Councillor Tina Knight .. 01799 540881 Parish Council Members Andrew Tetlow .01799 541502 (Chairman) Roger Forster .. 01799 541409 (Open Spaces) April Gardner 01799 542288 (Play Area and Parish Pump) Stephen Jasper ...01799 543141 (Localism Bill) Stephanie Watson 01799 540721 Stewart Luck . 01799 540866 Richard Simmonds .. 01799 541084
Debden Shop and Post Office opening hours, p9



6th October : Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity

9.30am Holy Communion

11am Family Service

13th October : Twentieth Sunday after Trinity 9.30am Family Communion Service 20th October : Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity 9.30am Family Communion 11am Matins 11am Holy Communion

27th October : Last Sunday after Trinity

9.30am Matins

11am Holy Communion

3rd November : All Saints/All Souls 3pm SERVICE OF REMEMBRANCE FOR ALL SOULS


PRIEST-IN-CHARGE : Rev. Hilary Davey (01799) 522616 CHURCHWARDENS : Micka Brown (01799) 540395 Nina Manser (01799) 541863 PCC SECRETARY : Tony Vernon (01371) 830801 website :


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