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Indian Journal of


VOL. IX No. 1 March 2009


From the Editor’s Desk

A Report from the Secretary
Instructions for Authors for Submission of Manuscripts
Contributed Papers
1. Town Planning Strategies to Reduce Air Pollution: European Guidelines,
Approaches, Experiences and Experiments
Prof. Arch. Tullis Cigni
2. Contribution of Vehicular Activity to Air Pollution in Hyderabad, India:
Measurements, Chemistry and analysis
Sarath K. GuttiKunda and rakesh Aggarwal
3. Performance Evaluation of AERMOD and ADMS Urban Models in a Tropical
Urban Environment
Manju Mohan, Shweta Bhati and Pallavi Marrapu
4. Role of IAAPC for Better Air Quality
S.P. Singal
5. Isopleths of SO2 in the Neighbourhood of T.P.S. II at Neyveli
S. Palanivelraja and M.P. Choikalingam
6. Optimization of Injection Timing and Pressure of Stationary C.I. Engine
Operated on Pre-Heated Karanj-Diesel Blend
Satish Kumar sharma, Dilip Sharma and S.L. Soni
7. Monitoring Noise Levels at Selected Cities in Northern India
D. Saha, K. Kumar, F. Rahman, D. Gautam, K.P. Rathi, A. Kumar and S.D. Makhijani
8. Meteorological Considerations in Environmental protection of Large Building
Construction Projects
B. Padmanabhamurty
9. Oily Droplets in Ambient Air of Shillong
S.C. Katiyar and G.D. Agrawal
10. Defining Aerosols by Physical and chemical Characteristics
Shandilya Kaushik K., and Khare Mukesh
1. Report on the Proceedings of the Workshop “Air Pollution and Human
Health”, held on 23.09. 2008.
2. Report and Recommendations of the Workshop “Evolving Strategies for
Improving Air Quality in Indian Cities”, held on 01.10. 2008.

Published by
Indian Association for Air Pollution Control
(Delhi Chapter)
A- 271, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase - I, New Delhi – 110020
E-mail: Web site:
Indian Journal of
VOL. IX No. 1 March 2009
From the Editor’s Desk
A Report from the Secretary
Instructions for Authors for Submission of Manuscripts
Contributed Papers
1 Town Planning Strategies to Reduce Air Pollution: European Guidelines,
Approaches, Experiences and Experiments 1
Prof. Arch. Tullis Cigni
2 Contribution of Vehicular Activity to Air Pollution in Hyderabad, India: 37
Measurements, Chemistry and analysis
Sarath K. GuttiKunda and rakesh Aggarwal
3 Performance Evaluation of AERMOD and ADMS Urban Models in a 47
Tropical Urban Environment
Manju Mohan, Shweta Bhati and Pallavi Marrapu
4 Role of IAAPC for Better Air Quality 63
S.P. Singal
5 Isopleths of SO2 in the Neighbourhood of T.P.S. II at Neyveli 71
S. Palanivelraja and M.P. Choikalingam
6. Optimization of Injection Timing and Pressure of Stationary C.I. Engine 79
Operated on Pre-Heated Karanj-Diesel Blend
Satish Kumar sharma, Dilip Sharma and S.L. Soni
7. Monitoring Noise Levels at Selected Cities in Northern India 90
D. Saha, K. Kumar, F. Rahman, D. Gautam, K.P. Rathi, A. Kumar and S.D. Makhijani
8. Meteorological Considerations in Environmental protection of Large 99
Building Construction Projects
B. Padmanabhamurty
9. Oily Droplets in Ambient Air of Shillong 103
S.C. Katiyar and G.D. Agrawal
10 Defining Aerosols by Physical and chemical Characteristics 107
Shandilya Kaushik K., and Khare Mukesh
1. Report on the Proceedings of the Workshop “Air Pollution and 127
Human Health”, held on 23.09. 2008.
2. Report and Recommendations of the Workshop “Evolving Strategies for
Improving Air Quality in Indian Cities”, held on 01.10. 2008.

Published by:
Indian Association for Air Pollution Control
(Delhi Chapter)
A-271, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-I,
– 110020; FOR AIRWeb
(Delhi Chapter)
Indian Association for Air Pollution Control
(Delhi Chapter)


President Prof Dilip K. Biswas

National Vice-President Dr B. Sengupta
Vice-Presidents (4) Dr H.K. Parwana
Dr B. Padmanabhamurthy
Dr T.K. Joshi
Dr Malti Goel
Secretary General Shri S.K. Gupta
Treasurer Dr Rajendra Prasad
Editor-in-Chief Dr S.P. Singal
Editors (2) Dr Nasim Akhtar
Dr S.K. Tyagi
Managing Committee Members
Dr Pramila Goel
Dr Mukesh Khare
Dr Keyur Shah
Dr Sanchita Jindal
Dr Kafil Ahmad
Dr Krishan Pal
Dr Manju Mohan
Dr Prashant Gargava
Dr Chandra Prakash
Dr Manju Raina
Dr A.K. Bhattacharya (Special Invitee)
Dr P.C. Jha (Special Invitee)
Regional Invited Members
Lucknow Dr M.M. Lal
Patiala Dr Charanjit Singh
Chandigarh Dr Rajesh Kumar
Meerut Dr A.K. Shukla
Kanpur Dr Mukesh Sharma

 Views expressed in the journal are those of the authors and Indian Association of Air Pollution
Control may not necessarily subscribe to them
 Any part of the articles published in the journal can be reproduced by proper
acknowledgement to IJAPC. A copy should be sent to IJAPC.
 The journal is for restricted circulation to the members of the association.
From the Editor’s Desk
The March 2009 issue of Volume IX of the Journal of the Indian Association of Air Pollution Control, Delhi
Chapter is now in your hands. This issue is constituted of 10 papers. Two of these papers were presented in
the workshop “Evolving Strategies for Improving Air Quality in Indian Cities”, organized at CRRI,
Delhi by IAAPC on 01.10. 2008. The first paper presented by Prof. Cigni discussed town planning strategies
to reduce air pollution in European cities. The guidelines followed in Europe, approaches, experiences and
experiments carried out by the author are described in the article with a view that suitable ones may be
adopted in India. In the paper presented by Dr GuttiKunda entitled Contribution of Vehicular Activity to Air
Pollution Problem in Hyderabad City is discussed. In the article on modeling in a tropical urban
environment, Prof. Manju Mohan has discussed performance evaluation of AERMOD and ADMS urban
models. The article “Role of IAAPC for better air quality” was presented by Dr Singal in the Better Air
Quality Conference held at Bangkok during 10 – 14 November 2008. He, Dr Parwana and Dr S.K. Tyagi had
participated in this conference. In another paper Dr Padmanabhamurty has discussed meteorological
considerations in environmental protection in the construction of large buildings. The paper on defining
aerosols describes in detail their physical and chemical characteristics while listing the problems encountered
in aerosol studies. The rest of the papers describe their respective research experiences in various areas
related to air pollution problems.
Apart from the workshop organized on 01.10 2008, the Association had also organized another half
day workshop on “Air Pollution and Human Health” on the Annual Day of the Association on 23.09. 2008.
The reports of these workshops are a part of this issue of the journal. Many papers dealing with the various
aspects of the subjects were presented during these workshops. All the papers projected a high standard of
research being carried out in our country. A memorial lecture in the memory of Prof. Nilay Choudhary was
an important part of the Annual Day. This is also a day of the foundation of Central Pollution Control Board
and thus the memorial lecture is organized every year in association with CPCB. Prof. Nilay Choudhary was
the founder chairman of CPCB. This year the memorial lecture was delivered by Padam Shree Sushri Sunita
Narain, Director, Centre for Science & Environment. The topic of her talk was “Second Generation Reform
in India’s Environmental Movement – Moving Beyond the Easy and the Ordinary”.
We thank our contributors for their patronization of our journal and request to all our scientific
workers very earnestly to keep sending their original manuscripts related to the various aspects of the subject
of air pollution for publication in the journal. The manuscript may be sent either to the Chief Editor or to the
Secretary of the Association at the earliest possible so that it may be processed (reviewed, resubmitted, and
finally edited) well in time for publication.

S. P. Singal
Tel: 011-26857837; 9868167837 (M)
Instructions for Authors

The Indian Journal of Air Pollution Control aims to focus attention on all problems and their
solutions related to the subject of air pollution. Authors wishing to have their papers published in
the journal are requested to send their manuscripts to the Chief Editor c/o Envirotech Instruments
(P) Ltd., A–271, Okhla Industrial Area – Phase I, New Delhi – 110020 (e-mail address: Three copies (original plus two copies) of the paper must be submitted. Two
reviewers will review the manuscripts. All correspondence regarding the manuscript will be made
with the first author unless specified. Articles reporting current R & D and in-depth studies on
subjects of current interest are welcomed. Submission of the manuscript for publication in the
journal will imply that it has not been previously published and is not under consideration for
publication elsewhere; and further that, if accepted, it will not be published elsewhere. We shall
particularly wish to encourage papers that are likely to be of interest to more than one professional
group, either because the work is fundamental or because it reflects the best in current technology
or it offers extensive critical reviews, especially of subjects of interest in the country. Papers on
developments in Indian technology must pay special attention to the problems peculiar to the
country. The editors assume no responsibility for the statements and opinions expressed by
individual authors.
All parts of the script must be typed single-spaced on one side of the white bond paper
of A-4 size. A 4 cm margin must be provided for insertion of printer’s instructions. Title page
must contain the title of the paper, the initials and names of the authors and the name and address of
the institution where the work was done and a brief running title of not more than 50 letter spaces.
The title should be as concise as possible, generally no more than two lines. If necessary for clarity,
a glossary of mathematical symbols may be included under an unnumbered heading ‘Notation’ after
the acknowledgements. Abstract must be informative and not just indicative, and must contain the
significant results reported in the paper. Keywords, not more than six in number, may be provided
for indexing and information retrieval. The text must be divided into sections, generally starting
with ‘Introduction’ and ending with ‘Conclusions’. The main text should be followed by a list of
references. Tables with legends must be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals in the order of
occurrence in the text. They should be self-contained and have a descriptive title. Figures, in black
and white, with suitable captions, should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals in the
order of occurrence in the text. Equations must be written clearly, each on its own line, well away
from the text but punctuated to read with it. Units and associated symbols must invariably follow SI
practice. Footnotes must be avoided. Appendices if any should be labeled A, B etc., in order of
appearance. A copy of the original tables and figures must be sent separately.
References should be cited in the text by author’s name and year, not by number. If there are
more than two authors, references should be made in the name of the first author followed by et al
in the text. References at the end of the paper should be listed alphabetically by author’s names,
followed by initials, year of publication, title of the paper, name of the journal, volume number and
page numbers. Reference to books should include name(s) of author(s), initials, year of publication,
title of the book, edition if not the first, initials and name(s) of editor(s) if any, place of publication,
publisher, and chapter or pages referred to. Reference to thesis, must include the year, the title of the
thesis, the degree for which submitted and the University.
The reviewed manuscript (hard copy) along with its copy on the floppy disc/CD (alternately
e–mail copy) in the prescribed format must be resubmitted for consideration of publication within
three months of the receipt of the referee’s comments. In the final copy, A4 (297X 210mm) size,
margin should be as follows: top 25 mm; bottom 30 mm; sides 20mm. Paper title should be in
14 pt. Arial font, (Title case) and centered. Author’s names should be in 12 pt. Times New
Roman, sentence case, spaced 2.5 mm (or 7 pt.) beneath the title, with Author’s affiliations
and addresses in 10 pt. Times New Roman spaced 1 mm (or 3 pt) below the authors name.
Please include e-mail addresses in brackets. Abstract heading should be in 12 pt. Arial, sentence
case with 10 mm (28 pt.) space above and 1 mm (3 pt.) below, followed by the text in 10 pt. Times
New Roman justified (single spaced). Main section headings should be in 12 pt. Arial bold,
numbered (with hanging indent), sentence case, left justified and 14 pt. space above and 3 pt. space
below. First level sub-headings should be in 11 pt. Arial, numbered (with hanging indent), sentence
case, left justified with 10 pt. space above and 3 pt. space below, and second level sub-headings
should be in 10 pt. Arial italic, numbered (with hanging indent), sentence case, left justified, with 7
pt. space above and 2 pt. space below. Body text should be in 11 pt. Times New Roman justified
(single spaced), first line indented 10 mm except for the paragraph following a heading. Fully
justify each line, hyphenating if necessary. Insert only a single space after a sentence. Avoid
hyphens at ends of two or more consecutive lines. Do not number the pages except by pencil on
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word or in printed form strictly as per instructions above. In the floppy disc, manuscript must be
composed in MS word with single spacing, tables and figures to be attached separately with
the text i.e. they must not be inserted as a part of the text. Tables and figures must be properly
formatted. The titles and/or figure numbers must not be made part of the tables and figures
when inserting scanned copies. Printed copies of original diagrams/figures and tables used in
the text be sent separately also along with the final version.

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