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Name_______________________________________________ Date___/___/___ Grade ________ - SSP Parents Signature_______________________________________________ Grammar Test - 3rd Quarter 1.

Put the verbs into the correct tense (Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive). (2,0 0,2 each) A: (you / take) _____________________ the dog for a walk yet? B: I (work) _____________________ all day. I (come / just) _____________________ home from work and I (have / not) _____________________ the time yet to walk the dog. A: How long (the dog / be) _____________________ home alone? B: For about 6 hours. You (walk / not) _____________________ the dog for a long time. Don't you want to go? A: Well, I (laze / not) _____________________ about all day either, you know. I have a very important meeting tomorrow and I still (finish / not) _____________________ my presentation. B: Okay, I will go then. Where (you / put) _____________________ collar and leash? A: They are in the kitchen. By the way, (you / eat) _____________________ anything yet? If not, could you get us something from the supermarket? 2. Write the correct verb tense: Past Perfect or Past Perfect Progressive? (2,0 0,2 each) Julie _____________________ (walk) for hours when she suddenly noticed that the sun was sinking in the sky. She _____________________ (lose) track of time because she _____________________ (think) about the most important decision she'd ever had to make in her life. Things _____________________ (not be) the same between Julie and her fiance, David, since he accepted a job in Paris. They _____________________ (know) each other for almost five years, and in that time, they had never argued much. Lately, though, their relationship _____________________ (become) stormy. They seemed to be finding fault with each other and disagreeing about everything. For the first time, she was starting to wonder if she was ready for marriage. And with the wedding only twenty days away, she needed to make up her mind soon. Everything in Julie's life _____________________ (go) well until her world fell apart just a month before. A large company _____________________ (offer) David an important position that would require him to move to France. As his wife, Julie would have to go, too. Why hadn't he discussed his decision with her? Although Julie _____________________ (always want) to live abroad she felt very confused. Was she ready to move halfway across the world, leaving behind her friends and family and the only home she had ever known? If the answer was no, was she ready to say goodbye to the only man she _____________________ (ever love)? 3. Rewrite the sentences in passive voice. (2,0 0,2 each) a) John collects money. ___________________________________________________________________________________ b) Anna opened the window.

___________________________________________________________________________________ c) We have done our homework. ___________________________________________________________________________________ d) I will ask a question. ___________________________________________________________________________________ e) He can cut out the picture. ___________________________________________________________________________________ f) The sheep ate a lot. ___________________________________________________________________________________ g) We do not clean our rooms. ___________________________________________________________________________________ h) William will not repair the car. ___________________________________________________________________________________ i) Did Sue draw this circle? ___________________________________________________________________________________ j) Could you feed the dog? ___________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Choose the best alternative to complete the dialogues. (2,0 0,2 each) a) What would you like to drink? ( ) I'll have a gin and tonic, please. ( ) I'll open a window, if you like. ( ) I'll give you a hand. What do you want me to do first? ( ) In that case, I won't go. I hate crowds. ( ) I don't think I'll play golf this afternoon after all. b) I don't have any change for the coffee machine. ( ) I'll lend you some. You can pay me back when you have some. ( ) I'll open a window, if you like. ( ) I'll give you a hand. What do you want me to do first? ( ) In that case, I won't go. I hate crowds. ( ) I don't think I'll play golf this afternoon after all. c) There's someone at the door. ( ) I'll go. ( ) I'll make you a sandwich, if you like. ( ) I'll give you a hand. What do you want me to do first? ( ) In that case, I won't go. I hate crowds. ( ) I don't think I'll play golf this afternoon after all. d) This hotel bed's not very comfortable, is it? ( ) I'll lend you some. You can pay me back when you have some. ( ) I'll go to the shops and get some. ( ) I'll bring it back this evening. ( ) Well, I won't wait. I'll come back later. ( ) No. I don't think we'll stay a second night, do you? e) You should really let Anne know. ( ) I'll help you with it. ( ) It's a bit late. I'll phone her in the morning. ( ) I'll have some coffee, please. ( ) I don't think I'll go after all. ( ) I think I'll have an early night.

f) There are going to be lots of people at the match tonight. ( ) I'll help you with it. ( ) It's a bit late. I'll phone her in the morning. ( ) I'll take a look at it as soon as I've finished what I'm doing. ( ) In that case, I won't go. I hate crowds. ( ) No. I don't think we'll stay a second night, do you? g) Mr. Smith is busy at the moment. ( ) I'll go. ( ) I'll make you a sandwich, if you like. ( ) I'll bring it back this evening. ( ) Well, I won't wait. I'll come back later. ( ) I think I'll walk. It's a nice evening. h) Would you like a lift home? ( ) I'll have a gin and tonic, please. ( ) I'll go to the shops and get some. ( ) I'll bring it back this evening. ( ) Well, I won't wait. I'll come back later. ( ) I think I'll walk. It's a nice evening. i) Please keep this to yourself. ( ) I'll lend you some. You can pay me back when you have some. ( ) I'll go to the shops and get some. ( ) I'll take a look at it as soon as I've finished what I'm doing. ( ) I won't say a word to anyone. ( ) I think I'll walk. It's a nice evening. j) I feel really tired. ( ) I'll have a gin and tonic, please. ( ) I'll go to the shops and get some. ( ) I'll bring it back this evening. ( ) I can see you're busy so I won't stop long. ( ) I think I'll have an early night. 5. Use the words in brackets to put the following into the correct tense the future simple (will) or going to future. (1,0 0,2 each)

a) John: Did you remember to bring that book I lent you? Paul: Oh, sorry, I forgot again. I (bring) it tomorrow. b) Martina: Do you know what to buy your sister for her birthday? Tom: Yes. I (buy) her a book on gardening. c) I don't feel like going out this evening. I (stay) at home and watch TV. d) Elizabeth: There's someone at the door. Mark: I (go) and see who it is. e) David: Do you know that Mark (open) a shop in the centre of town? Jana: Really? What type of shop? 6. Choose the best answer. (1,0 0,1 each) a) Nid has a piece of cake. ............. is on the table. They He She


It The water is dirty. You must not ............. it. eat have drink speak My mother ............. buying carrots. has have is are There ............. men in the taxi. is an the are Somchai plays ............. football. an the a Those are ............. .





childen childs children childes g) I want ............. orange. a the two an h) Father ............. black coffee. eat sits likes plays i) I'm hungry. I want two ............. of chicken. bowls glasses pieces plates j) Which is a plural noun? dress bus feet tooth

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